Á Quenta Ana Nyar (A Tale To Tell)

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Well, Christmas came early 🤣
Elara POV
That night, was definitely something...Different.
I had met mostly everyone at some point, though not for long. Not long enough to know them well.
By now, I knew the other's Ones' also. Along with King Thorin's daughter, Theia.
I also had the chance to meet Fili, Kili, and Theia's grandfather, Thráin.
I had never had the privilege to meet Elementals. Now, I've met two.
By the end of the night, I no longer felt uncomfortable. They were beginning to feel like family.

I'm so, so sorry for this highly delayed chapter!
This will most likely sound like an excuse, but its a summarized update. - Before the chapter.
I've been recovering from gallbladder surgery since October 9th, 2023 - it's now December 5th, 2023.
The seizures have gotten worse.
Plus my husband has decided to cheat on me after 6 years of being married.
(Good riddance.)

And the new OC, Elara doesn't seem to want to be included.
Which, is well, complicated.
I've tried to write this chapter that I had somewhat planned, multiple times, but it just wouldn't fit... 😵‍💫

Side Note📝 : I apologize if this chapter is shorter then most.

I dedicate this chapter to all of you readers,
And my mother who has pulled me out of the annoying rut I was absolutely stuck in! - For months
(Saved all our asses! So a big thanks to my mom please ❤️)
Published: 3:06am, December 5th, 2023

*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'can I do this?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: Theia!

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages'.

Example: "amad." *mother.*


The feast was over,
However, the women pulled me aside, and the men pulled Fili aside.
Each wanting their separate time alone, I had assumed.

Dís had sat me down seeming eager to know more. Amara and Theia soon joined. Tauriel stood a little ways away looking towards Kili though no doubt still listening.

Was I nervous? A little bit. They didn't know my full story, nor I theirs and I had a feeling it would take time.

It always did.

Theia spoke up first, gently. "Elara, would you by chance be willing to tell us more about yourself?" She asked. I looked at everyone. It seemed rude to deny.
I nodded.

"I will, but please be open-minded. And listen carefully." I requested.

The women agreed, curious to know more.

I took a breath, gathering my thoughts.

The best place to start, is at the beginning. - Or near beginning should I say.

"My story starts when I was a young fledging. It hadn't been long since I had left my home. My family. Most shapeshifters go their separate way in the end.

After leaving I had decided to take flight North-East. I hadn't known why yet, but I felt a calling. I flew for days, weeks. Wondering what was ahead.

A sense of evil started to surround my being as I entered a forest, but the call I felt persisted.

I should have listened to the feeling of evil. For it would be my near downfall.

Flying high in the branches, a spider managed to get me within its grasp and sting me. I was near instantly unconscious, knowing death awaited me.

By chance, a sleigh pulled by rhosgobel rabbits was heading in my direction and the mysterious, slightly mad-looking figure saved my hawk-form from the beasts deciding to devour me or not on the spot.

I hadn't discovered any of this until he brought me to his home, Rhosgobel.

There this Istari, Radagast taught me all I needed to know about shapeshifting, and shapeshifters. He taught me how to control my form unlike others.

I lived with Radagast for several years, helping when I could. Until I caught wind of his friends the two Blue Wizards, Alatar and Pallando fighting evil in the East, I offered to be a spy when needed. Alatar was more hesitant. Whereas Pallando took moments to debate on my offer, and accepted talking his friend into accepting my offer also.

Being a spy was the most dangerous thing I had ever done. It terrified me, and often gave me nightmares from the things I saw.

I quickly escaped or rather left unnoticed by the two Blue Wizards in the cover of night, once again flying back towards Rhosgobel. Only to accidentally fly over The Great East Road, and hear Trolls of all things. Along with a band of Dwarves arguing about parasites.

I sat perched, ever watchful on a branch as a Hobbit, talked the group out of trouble. I remained ready to fly in and help if needed.

Though, Dawn was on the horizon. And so was a familiar friend of Radagast's. Gandalf.

I knew this group of Dwarves, a Hobbit and seemingly now Wizard would be alright.

Taking flight after they turned to stone, I met up once again with Radagast after he was done playing his version of cat and mouse.

He was surprised, and disappointed at what I had to say about my adventures to the East.

After a few weeks, once more I left feeling the need to have the wind through my feathers.

This, is where I was saved by a fellow Shapeshifter that you apparently know. Beorn.

He saved my ability to fly after taking an arrow to the wing and I lived with him for a few years until I heard of Smaug. That's when I took flight to Erebor and befriended the Ravens. It wasn't easy at first. But after a few weeks they accepted me along with some other hawks. It was the first time since Radagast's that I had friends with feathers.

It wasn't long before I saw Fili in the forest taking down a deer and soon after being attacked by a Warg. The beasts of the forest along with myself made sure Fili didn't come to harm. I attacked the Wargs eye, blinding it, and stayed here at Erebor keeping a watchful eye upon everyone who would enter the forest or come close.

You know how we met at Theia's wedding of course. I'm sorry to cause such an uproar. That wasn't intended."

I looked at everyone, if not a bit nervous.

"And that, is my story for the most part."

Dís spoke, smiling and hugging me once more "My son is lucky to have you, Elara. Welcome to the house of Durin."

"I agree with Dís, you seem like a strong woman. One that has been through much. We will share our own stories later, come it is late. Get some rest."

-Short A/N-

And this chapter is finally written! - Seriously, my mom gave me 90% of the ideas... So please thank her.
From here, it should be easier 😂
On a more serious note, I know the Holidays are 50/50 for some, but try to find the Positive.
I know its hard, trust me. I do.
However, I cant thank you readers enough 💕 you've kept my hope up with each add, vote, comment...etc
That's what I'll be thankful for this year 🥰 (and that my creativity is coming back!....slowly)

As i've said multiple times, I'm not giving up on this story! It WILL be finished!
When.... I'm unsure. I see no end in sight and I'm not sure if thats good or bad.
Let's leave that a mystery.

🎄 Happy Holidays! 🕎
-Ashley, Lithôniel, Element-Of-Dreams

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