Alatúlië (Aceptance)

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~*~*~*~*~ With Amara and Thorin ~*~*~*~*~

She was nervous, ringing her hands together.
They were walking back to her room, that was nearly the only place they could talk in private.
Thorin grabbed her hands. "What are you so nervous about, Amrâlimê?" *my love*
Amara looked down, she knew that hiding anything from him was useless. "Seeing you after all these years." Amara spoke softly.
They reached her room and pushed open the door, closing it behind them.
"Why didn't you search me out, Thorin? I knew you could easily find me." She questioned.
"I didn't know where to look, who to ask. The only person who knew was Gandalf. You and I both know how hard he is to find." Thorin explained.
"He told Theia and I about your quest. I hope you realize it's a death wish..."
"Then why did you allow our daughter to come along?" He asked.
"Because you needed some extra help, and to meet her!" Amara explained.
"After I found out about your location, I was going to come here to get you after we reclaimed Erebor." Thorin said.
"And what about now? Do you wish me to come along with you?" Amara rose an eyebrow.
"I have to worry about my company, nephews, and our daughter, Theia. Amara. I don't want to risk losing you too."
Amara sighed.
"You won't lose me."
"Haven't we been apart from each other long enough?" She asked.
Thorin grumbled. Silently agreeing.
"There's the stubborn Dwarf I know..." Amara smiled.
"Face it, I'm joining you. Yes, I originally said that "this quest wasn't for me." But you need extra help, Thorin. You need your One. And I need you."
"I'm not going to win, am I?" He grumbled some more.
"No, your not. So get use to it."

The night was drawing to a close, Thorin for once felt complete. He had a family. Amara was back in his arms.
Little did he know, that his One felt the same.
Yes, things once again escalated like in Bree but not to the point of pregnancy, thank the Valar.

Theia kept herself occupied with the Dwarves, and instead of retiring to her room, she slept with them. They were her family now, too. As she drifted off to sleep, she reminded herself to give her mom the bow she found in the Troll Hoard.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'Hello everyone!'
* italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: Run. Run!
* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Mae Govannen." *Well met.*


I rose bright and early to the sound of birds, snoring Dwarves, and waterfalls. Two noises I missed. Getting up quietly, I looked over the balcony as the sun rose. Soon I felt another join me.
" sorry for not fully believing you, Theia." He spoke apologetically.
"Can you forgive a fool like me?"
I smiled at him. "Of course, Adad. I knew mother would be able to talk sense into you."
His arms were clasped behind his back, like when were camping at the cliff.
"Speaking of your mother... She has decided to join the quest."
My eyes widened. "But she said..."
"I'm well aware, my daughter." Thorin spoke, looking over the landscape with a solemn look.
"You don't wish for her to join, do you?" I questioned.
"It's Not necessarily that. It's the fact that I'm concerned. For you both." Adad replied, looking at me, worried.
"Concerned? That we'll get hurt? Adad, we can take care of ourselves." I reassured him, smiling.
"I hope so... Whatever we run across, I don't wish to lose you like I did my grandfather, father and brother." His voice broke.
"You wont. I can't promise you, but I'll do my best not to die. Or get injured."

By now the rest started to awake, and I took my leave, making sure to tell Adad that I'd tell the kitchen staff about Dwarves and Meat.

As I was leaving, I froze in my tracks. An Elleth stood off to the side, radiating of light, tall and dressed in white. Long wavy golden hair. Lady Galadriel.
My eyes widened. "Mae Govannen, My Lady." Well Met,*
She smiled. "Good morning, Theia daughter of Amara and Thorin Oakenshield."
"May I ask why we've met? Not to sound rude..."
The Lady laughed, and quickly became solemn. "Not at all. I searched you out to warn you, Theia."
"Warn me?" I asked, alarmed.
'Yes, child. Horrible things are to happen.' She spoke in my mind.
'What things?'
'There are several options. The entire Durin line may die, including your mother, it could be your father and your cousins, or none if you and others save them.'

'Your father could also get Dragon Sickness, or your cousins. Possibly yourself.'
'Whats the price of you telling me this?' I asked.

'Nothing dear one. You have gone your whole life without knowing your family, I want you to have a chance at happiness.'

Galadriel then walked away, leaving me overwhelmed and wondering what I was down here for in the first place. It took minutes for it to come to me.
The Kitchens.

Arriving at my destination, I asked the cook, Estariel if she wouldn't mind adding meat into the meal today, 'if they have any...'
She nodded along with a "sure thing, child."
"Thank you, Estariel."

I quickly left and went in search for my mothers new bow and quiver.
With a smile on my face, I grabbed it and now searched for her.
She was no doubt on the bridge, under the willow tree, or just well...with nature.
"Mom?" I called out.
"Over here Theia!" She yelled.
I raced over, bow and quiver in hand.
"I found something for you on our travels, I hope you like it." I said, handing it over to her.
She gently took it from me, eyes wide examining it.
"These are beautiful Theia! Thank you." She stood and hugged me.
"Your welcome, mom."

"I talked to Adad earlier, he apologized for not believing me."
"That's good."
"However....He's concerned for our safety along this quest." I added.
"That stubborn Dwarf." She muttered.
"Though, they are known to be over protective towards females." She stated.
"Yeah, I figured as much. They risked their lives when I got caught by Trolls."
Her head snapped in my direction. "And where was Gandalf?"
"...He kind of got fed up with Thorin and took a break to search ahead."
"And how did you all get out of that mess?"
"Well, I used my powers to set the Trolls butts on fire as a distraction."
Amara smirked, "that's my girl."
"Come, lets join the others. I haven't fully, officially met them yet."

Its so short 😣! But I feel like I should give you something - I'm starting to feel "off" again. And I'm hurting to boot.
Its probably because I did something I wasn't suppose to yesterday.... I got down on the floor searching for things.
Oh well. Too late to change it.
I'm alright though, just bruised.
Now that I'm not sore 90% of the time (minus sleeping and sitting positions.)
I have to remind myself that I Am still recovering/injured. - Being stubborn like Thorin, thats hard af 😆
I'll update again when I can, love yah guys!

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