Alfirin Nier (Plan B)

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"What about the other female?"
"She is my daughter." Dwalin stated as he put his arm around me.
"My wife died several years ago, thus she travels with me."
I was shocked, but went along with it, smiling.
"What's your daughters name, then might I ask?"
"Neslen your highness." I replied. (Nes-Len)
"Hm, and do you know where you're going, Neslen?"
I looked to Dwalin.
"My daughter does not know for her safety."
"Very well, if they will not talk, we will make them squawk! Bring up the mangler. Bring up the bonebreaker. Start with the Elemental. They're always fun to play with."

"Wait!" Adad shouted.
"Well, well, well...Look who it is. Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. King Under the Mountain. Oh, but I'm forgetting. You don't have a mountain. And your not a King. Which, makes you nobody, really. I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just a head. Nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak? An old enemy of yours. A Pale Orc, astride a White Warg."
"Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago." Thorin spat.

"So you think his defiling days are done, do you? Send word to the pale Orc. Tell him I have found his prize."


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'sorry I haven't been on...'
* italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: Fight, fight!
* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Adad." *Father/Dad.*


My eyes widened I was afraid. Azog was alive. That meant that Adad, Kili, Fili, Mom, and I were in danger. Thinking about this, I shrunk into Dwalin hoping for some comfort. His arm tightened around my shoulder. Whispering in my ear 'it'll be alright, lass.'
I nodded slightly, breath shallow from fear.
The Goblin King started to sing horribly as torture devices were brung out, the goblins forcing us to hold still. We all struggled.

"Bones will be shattered necks will be wrung you'll be beaten and battered from racks you'll be hung. You'll die down here and never be found down in the deep of Goblin-town.~"
Just seconds after he finished his horrible song, a goblin picked up Orcrist and examined it, shrieking as he pulled it from the scabbard and dropping it as if he were burnt.
The Goblin King scurried up to his throne, scared. "I know that sword! It is the Goblin-cleaver! The Biter! The blade that sliced a 1000 necks! Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off his head!"
They forced Adad to the wooden floor, a rusty knife going straight for his head.
"No!" I yelled, struggling to get to him through the Goblins.

I looked at my mother, she was terrified yet angry. I could see it both on her face, and through her eyes.

When elementals are emotional, especially angry... Its one thing to watch out for.
The weather started to turn. A storm cloud formed. Lightning clear to see in the cloud.
Looking at my mom, I saw her face become dark, clouded, with grey/black smoke coming from her hands. She was staring up, hands once again twisting in a circle. Mom was furious. She had just gotten her One back, and they dare take him away from her?
I saw Lightning strike any Goblin that dare touch her One, my Adad.
Thorin could now get up, get his sword.
Mom continued to target the Goblins who held us down. We were free to get our weapons and fight the remaining ones off.

Just as Gandalf came with a burst of light knocking us and the pests down, some off the Goblins fell into the abyss.
Some stared at him, shocked to see the wizard.
"Take up arms. Fight, fight!" He yelled.
Getting up, we did as told. Tossing weapons to each other.
"He wields the Foehammer! The Beater! Bright as daylight!" The Goblin King yelled.
"Thorin!" Nori yelled, warning him of the Goblin King coming to attack.
Adad swung his sword, knocking the ugly Goblin off into the abyss.
It was a battle. An ugly battle.
"Follow me. Quick!" Gandalf ordered.
And so, we did. He knew how to get out, after all.

"Run!" He yelled.
I sighed, following the others just behind Balin.
'Will he stop saying "run" already?' I thought.
Mom would use her Elemental magic and push them off the cliff with a wave of her hand. She had much more strength then I did.
Her bow wouldn't work in here. I'd have to find her a sword.

We kept running and fighting our way out, while it be cutting ropes, posts, or using ladders to get Goblins out of our way, or swinging on bridges to escape them. We did what we had to.

Gandalf struck a boulder with his staff, sending it rolling downhill and squashing many goblins for us.

Nearing the entrance, the Goblin King burst up through the wooden plank bridge stopping us.
"You thought you could escape me." He spoke, swiping at Gandalf which made him stumble backwards.
"What are you going to do now, Wizard?" He questioned.
Gandalf poked him in the eye with his staff, and cut his stomach with Glamdring. 
"That'll do it." The Goblin stated.
Then, finally Gandalf sliced his neck.
I smiled. 'Nice. No more prisoners for Goblin Town.'

Only problem? His dead weight caused our part of the bridge to collapse. We hung onto each other as we fell into the chasm. Mom, running out of energy needed my help for slowing us down. Thinking the same thing, we held hands and my hand started to glow a light blue.

Light blue thick Magical Mist started to form underneath us, slowing us down. It held the weight of us. Mom and I were controlling the speed at which we fell at. By the time we reached the ground, I was exhausted.

"I must thank you for slowing us down, Theia, Amara. Otherwise our fall might have been...unpleasant." Gandalf spoke.
"You're very welcome, Gandalf." Mom replied "But I'm afraid we will need time to recover, at least a few minutes."
"Well, that could have been worse." Bofur stated.
And then.... The Goblin King fell on us.
"You've got to be joking!" Dwalin said.
We struggled to climb out. Kili gave us a hand as did Dwalin.
"Gandalf!" Kili yelled, looking at the massive horde of pissed off Goblins.
"There's too many. We can't fight them." Dwalin spoke.
"Aye, plus our Elementals have to regain their magic." Oin agreed.
"Only one thing will save us, daylight!"
"Come on, here! On your feet." Gandalf hurried to help the others up.
As we ran, he kept encouraging us.

We ran for what felt like forever. But I could slowly feel my elemental energy returning.
As we came to a stop, I heard counting. Gandalf was counting heads. Seeing if everyone was here. 'Oh no...'
"Where's Bilbo?" He questioned.
"Where is our Hobbit?" He questioned further.
"Where is our Hobbit!?"
They looked around.
"Curse that Halfling! Now he's lost?" Dwalin spoke.
"I thought he was with Dori!" Gloin exclaimed.
"Don't blame me!" Dori yelled.
"Well, where did you last see him?" Gandalf asked.
I stepped forward. "Gandalf, I saw him slip away when we fell into Goblin Town."
"And what happened, exactly? Tell me!" He asked.
"I'll tell you what happened." Adad spoke, mad.
"Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it. He has thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door. We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone." Adad ranted.
Mom rolled her eyes.
"No. He isn't." A voice spoke.
My head snapped to the voice. 'Bilbo?'
"Bilbo Baggins." Gandalf laughed, relieved.
"I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life." He stated.
"Bilbo. We'd given you up." Kili said.
"How on earth did you get past the Goblins?" Fili wondered.
"How, indeed." Dwalin agreed.
Bilbo chuckled nervously.
"Well, what does it matter? He's back." Gandalf said.
"It matters. I want to know." Thorin stated.
"Thorin, enough already." Mom spoke.
"No, Amara, I want to know why he came back." Adad said.
"So tell me, Master Baggins, why did you?"
"Look, I know you doubt me. I know you always have. And you're right, I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair and my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. And that's why I came back. don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back. If I can." Bilbo spoke.

Silence greeted the air. His words meant a lot. To us all. Thorin wrapped an arm around mom's waist.

"Thank you, Bilbo." I said, breaking the silence.

Seconds later, growling and Wargs howling...

"Out of the frying pan..." Adad said, grimly.
"...And into the fire. Run. Run!" Gandalf finished.
'More running.' I nearly groaned.
And so, we ran like a bat out of h*ll.
"Go!" Thorin yelled, giving me a push.
We came to a cliff's edge.
"Great, now what?" I asked.
"Up into the trees! All of you! Come on, climb!" Gandalf responded.
I grabbed Bilbo's arm as I ran passed. "Come on, Bilbo."
"They're coming! Theia, Bilbo hurry!" Thorin yelled.
I kept climbing until I was close to my family. My mother was on the other side of the tree from Adad.
I was diagonal from my father. I heard him gasp out "Azog."
Looking sharply to adad, I only saw fear. My heart ached. My father didn't deserve such pain.
Azog's Mace pointed to Adad. In that moment, Amad took in a deep breath. She knew what he meant, so did I. He wanted his head. Tonight.

The trees started falling, causing us to jump from tree to tree. Until we landed in the one closest to the cliff's edge.
He laughed. Azog laughed. This was a game to him.

Seeing a pinecone fly past me, gave me ideas. 'Of course!'
Gandalf lit the pine cones from above, while I lit the ones next to me and passed them to the others.
Looking up, Adad's face was now pure fury. And if possible, it got even worse when Dori and Ori nearly fell to their deaths.
Adad was able to stand up on the tree and run down it's trunk to meet Azog. With all those Wargs with him I knew he needed help. I looked to mom desperately. Fighting to get up on the tree's trunk like Adad did, mom doing the same.

Before Adad could strike, Azog knocked him down. I barely held back a cry. I couldn't let Azog know we were related that would put more danger over our heads.
"Thorin, no!" Balin yelled.
"Thorin!" Dwalin yelled, following his brother.

Mom was barely able to get on the trunk and she made her way down it. Followed by Bilbo.
Being less strong, it took me twice as long but I followed.
Hearing Adad scream in pain I began to run. My temper getting the best of me.

He continued to fight, before getting tossed onto a rock.
Bilbo stood in front of Thorin, protecting him.
My mother once again angry was pulling the Wargs under ground with the trees roots.
"Don't. Mess with my One!" She snarled.
Azog's eyes lit up, looking between the three of us.
An Orc with a knife advanced.
I was kneeling next to Adad, his eyes looked glassy. Which was not a good sign. He must have a concussion.
Standing up, I looked over the enemy that was getting ready to take my father's life. My eyes narrowed into slits.
"You will not take my family away from me, filth!" I stated.
I could hear Adad trying to reach for his sword.
Bilbo tackled the Orc, while I was getting ready to set it on fire.
Hearing Adad release a breath, I quickly stepped to his side once more. Bilbo and mom behind me.
'He's alive, good...'

Behind me, I heard the pained howls of Wargs being pulled into the earth continue, Bilbo grunting, his sword swinging around. And more Black Speech.
Soon, however yelling of Dwarves joined in.
knowing that Adad was relatively fine for now, I began setting Orcs and Wargs on fire.

The Great Eagles joined the "party" not long after. Taking us away from harm and killing or maiming the enemy. Before being picked up, I noticed mom grab Adad's fallen shield.

Throughout the journey on our Eagles, the company called out for Thorin. He remained unresponsive. Which worried us. We soon arrived at the Carrock, the eagles setting us down and Gandalf healing Thorin as soon as he landed.
"The Halfling?" Thorin asked.
"It's alright. Bilbo is here. He's quite safe." Gandalf reassured Thorin.
Dwalin and Kili helped him up.
We were all relieved that he was alive.
"You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the Wild? That you had no place amongst us? ..... I have never been so wrong in all my life. I am sorry I doubted you." Thorin spoke to Bilbo, then suddenly hugged the Hobbit, shocking him.
"No, I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior. Not even a burglar." Bilbo replied.

Thorin turned to mom and I, "and you, my daughter and my One. May have the gift of the Elements on your side - but please be more careful. Azog now knows we're related. He will be after us all." He spoke, looking to Fili and Kili.
I looked down. "I'm sorry, Adad. I couldn't risk you dying when I could've done something."
"Thorin, she's right. It's not in our nature to sit back and simply watch. Nor did I teach her to do so. I trained Theia to use her powers to help others, to defend herself. As for myself, you need not worry my love. I know my limits. But you also know what the bond of a One does. I'll do what's necessary to protect this family. This Company."
Thorin smiled and pulled us into a hug.

Looking over our shoulders, he stared.
"Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo asked.
Hope shown in the eyes of the Dwarves.
"Erebor, the Lonely Mountain the last of the great Dwarf kingdoms of Middle Earth." Gandalf spoke, explaining.
"Our home." Adad stated. Looking at his family.
"A raven!" Oin exclaimed.
"That, Oin is actually a Thrush." I smiled.
"The birds are returning to The Mountain."
"We'll take it as a sign. A good omen." Thorin said.
"You're right. I do believe the worst is behind us." Bilbo spoke, positively.

Little did they know, that, that Little Thrush woke the Dragon, Smaug...

Hey guys! So I completely lost track on how many words this is (it wont tell me.) So I just kept going and going...
Also~ I apologize for being absent for so long! We're expecting puppies any day now 😳
My grandma...has passed. She lived until the age of 97, and died in her sleep at home ❤️ we were really close so as you can imagine, I've been grieving. Especially when things come up that I'd tell her only. I've been having a lot more seizures because of the stress. Honestly, I need a Seizure Helmet but we can't afford one.
Other helmets don't take the impact that Seizure Helmets do.

Basically: I may be on and off... I apologize once more! (Oh, and I uhm.. forgot to put "Amralime (My Love)" as "Complete" 🙄) - It's been completed for months now. -facepalms-

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