Aran's Nossë (Durin's Folk)

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First off: thank you so much for sticking with this story.
I know the updates haven't been the best 😔
And I apologize for that!
But, prepare yourself this one is the longest yet!


"We paid you for weapons. Iron-forged swords and axes!" Gloin told Bard.
"It's a joke!" Bofur yelled, tossing his weapon on the table.
"You won't find better outside the city armory. All iron-forged weapons are held there. Under lock and key." Bard informed us.
'Why did you have to say that, Bard?'
"Thorin...why not take what's offered and go? I've made do with less. So have you." Balin tried to reason.
"Balin is right, let's take what we have here, and go." Mom told Adad softly, attempting to reason.
"Plus, both Theia and I can defend ourselves." She added, looking at me with pity.
"I say we leave now." Balin insisted.
"You're not going anywhere." Bard stated.
"Why not?" I asked.
"There are spies watching this house and probably every dock and wharf in town, it's not safe. You must wait until nightfall."

I separated myself from the group, the anxiety wasn't helping my situation. Once again, I went to my spot on the couch. My energy slowly draining. Silently I hoped Legolas or any elf for that matter would find us.

I watched Bard exit his house, slightly alarmed.

I could only wonder what made him upset...


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'Why, just why!?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: silence. Pure silence...

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Adad." *Father/Dad.*


Bard's POV

I hurriedly ran across Lake Town into a shop filled with trinkets, lamps, blankets.
The store owner who was polishing a bowl greeted me, "Hello, Bard. What you after?"
I couldn't be bothered with remembering his name nor greeting him properly. Though I knew it was rude and my mother would scold me if she were alive.
"There was a tapestry! An old one! Where's it gone?" I questioned the man as I looked through the blankets and tapestries.
"What tapestry you talkin about?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed.

I paused, holding the tapestry up. "This one..." I brought it over to a table, unfolding it.
It showed the Durin line. Though no sign of the two girls Amara and Theia.

The women outside began to talk, Hilda the healer was one of them. A fierce woman.
"They were Dwarves, I tell you. Appeared out of nowhere. Full beards. Fierce eyes. Two females accompanied them. One seemed to be an Elemental. What the other was I don't know. I've never seen the like." She spoke.

A man recognized as Torrad spoke up, "What are Dwarves doing in these parts? With an Elemental?"
One of the towns Merchants, Kiaran replied to Torrad "It's the prophecy."
Torrid Questioned, "The prophecy?"
"The Prophecy of Durin's Folk." Kiaran stated. As Bard looked over the Durin's Tapestry.
"Prophecy..." Bard whispered.
"Prophecy." He whispered again, now thinking it over.
'What was the Prophecy Of Durin's Folk?' He thought.
Bard had been a child the last time he heard it.

"The old tales will come true."
"Vast halls of treasure!"
"Can it really be true? Has the lord of Silver Fountains returned?"
He heard people speaking outside.

It then hit him.

"The lord of silver fountains The King of carven stone...
The King beneath the mountain,
Shall come into his own!
And the bell shall ring in gladness
At the Mountain King's return,
But all shall fail in sadness,
And the Lake will shine and burn.
All shall be right with
The Mountain Queen's Powers.
United by races all will be well..."

They had to be stopped or we would all die.

I ran back to my home, hoping to stop the Dwarves, Hobbit and Elementals.

My son Bain, immediately spoke "Da, I tried to stop them."
"How long have they been gone?" I questioned.
It was nightfall, they would either leave or find the armory's weapons.

With The Dwarves And Elementals

"Can you see anything?" Bilbo whispered.
I peaked around a corner. "No, nothing." I whispered back.
"Shh! Keep it down." Oin ordered the others.
"As soon as we have the weapons, we make straight for the mountain." Adad spoke.
We were all whispering.
"Go, go, go." He rushed us.
I could barely run.
Adad held my arm, "are you okay, Theia?"
I nodded. "I'll be fine." It hurt to lie.
Adad looked at me, studying. Not quite believing.
"Be careful." He spoke.
"I will, promise."
We continued to follow the others.
They had made a staircase of sorts by piling on top of one another.
I shook my head, amused.
Nori ran up the pile first and into the armory.
Question was, how were we going to get out?
"Next." Adad ordered.
Bilbo ran up the pile and into the window.
Then mom, I followed.
Eventually most of us were inside.

We took our time examining weapons.
'Finally mom can get a sword.' I thought.
I looked for a decent one for her, and called her over.
"Mom, here's a sword for you." Once again whispering.
Nodding, she thanked me. "Thank you, my dear."

They piled weapons into Kili's arms.
I looked on and they were giving him far too many.
"Kili, give me some of those. It'll lighten the load."
So, we split the weapons each of us carrying some.
My side protested but I sucked it up as much as possible.
Once again, Adad asked if I was alright.
"Ask me once we get out of this place." I huffed, adjusting the heavy weapons.
We started making our way out, and I fell against the wall hitting the injured wound. Which caused a bit of a racket. My pile of weapons dropped.
I inwardly swore knowing I messed up badly. Very badly.
Sighing I apologized.
"It'll be alright Theia, trust me." Mom spoke coming to my side and helping me up.
"I gave us away."
"Everything happens for a reason dear." She replied trying to calm me down.

The Guards were coming, that was clear.
Dori yelled "run!"
'Again?' I couldn't stop the sigh.
And surprise, surprise, guards stopped the ones outside.

Soon they came inside, too.
We held weapons to defend ourselves but they had spears.
And a sword or spear to everyone's throat.
We had no choice but to surrender.
'All because of me.'
Angry tears threatened to fall.

"Get off, get off me!" Dwalin fought.
"Move them along, to the Master." A guard nearby ordered.
"What is the meaning of this?!" He questioned.
"We caught them stealing weapons, sire." A guard informed.
"Ah, enemies of the state, eh?"
'Goblin Town all over again.'
"A desperate bunch of mercenaries if there ever was, sire." A familiar voice, Alfrid spoke.
"Hold your tongue!" Dwalin spat, stepping forward.
"You do not know to whom you speak. This is no common criminal. This is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror!"
"We are the Dwarves of Erebor. We have come to reclaim our homeland."
People started whispering.
The Master looked around.
"And what of the two women?" He asked.
"They are of no concern to you."

"I remember this town in the great days of old. Fleets of boats lay at harbor, filled with silks and fine gems. This was no forsaken town on a lake. This was the center of all trade in the North! I would see those days return. I would relight the great forges of the Dwarves. And send wealth and riches flowing once more from the Halls of Erebor!" Thorin spoke to the people.
They cheered.

Bard yelled from the crowed, walking past us to face Adad. "Death! That is what you will bring upon us! Dragon fire and ruin. If you waken that beast it will destroy us all." He tried to reason with Adad, but failed.
I was concerned. 'Could that really happen?'
I looked to mom, slightly afraid.
She put a hand on my shoulder and smiled. As if to say "we will be fine."
"You can listen to this naysayer but I promise you this, if we succeed all will share in the wealth of the mountain."
Once again, cheering.

"You will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten times over!" Adad exclaimed.
Bard looked around, "All of you! Listen to me! You must listen! Have you forgotten what happened to Dale? Have you forgotten those who died in the firestorm?!" Bard yelled.
"No, we haven't." Some said, others shaking their heads in grief.
"And for what purpose? The blind ambition of a Mountain King. So riven by greed, he could not see beyond his own desire!" Bard exclaimed, trying to turn the crowd.

"Now, now! We must not, any of us be too quick to lay blame. Let us not forget that it was Girion, Lord of Dale your ancestor who failed to kill the beast! Hm!" The Master pointed out.

Thorin stared at Bard in a new light.
All of us did.
Bard held a burden. A heavy one.
"It's true, sire. We all know the story. Arrow after arrow, he shot. Each one missing it's mark." Alfrid stated working up the crowd.

Bard walked towards Thorin. "You have no right. No right to enter that mountain."
"That's where your wrong, Bard. He has the only right." A female voice spoke. My mother.
Adad smirked.

He turned to face the Master, "I speak to the Master of the Men of the Lake. Will you see the prophecy fulfilled? Will you share in the great wealth of our people? What say you?" Thorin questioned.

A greedy look came into his eyes.
"I say unto you, welcome! Welcome! And thrice, welcome! King Under the Mountain!"

Bard left through the crowd, I caught his eyes before he disappeared completely from sight.
I mouthed "I'm sorry."
He nodded, understanding.

It was the following morning and still no sign from the Elves. My hope was slowly dwindling.

"You do know we're one short. Where's Bofur?" Bilbo asked.
"If he's not here, we leave him behind." Adad replied.
"We'll have to." Balin agreed, not liking the idea. "If we're to find the door before nightfall, we can risk no more delays."

The people of Laketown, formally known as Esgaroth had a boat set up for our departure.
Everyone began piling in.
Mom went before Adad, when I went to get in he gently stopped me by the shoulders.
Looking me in the eye, Adad spoke softly "You're injured Theia, stay here and recover. Join us when you're healed."
My eyes watered at I looked to mom, she nodded. "I have to join, honey. You'll be alright." She spoke.
"Stay safe, all of you." I ordered, stepping away.

I was now on my own.
Tears gathered in my eyes.
Fili and Kili looked to each other and stood up.
Thorin looked behind him. "Not you two, you'll be looking upon the halls of our ancestors for the first time."
"We belong with our cousin, uncle. I wont leave her alone." Kili stated, stepping besides me.

"Aye, she needs us." Fili agreed.
"Fili, Kili, get back in the boat. Theia will be fine."
"Thorin Oakenshield, let them be with her. She is our daughter and is clearly scared!" Mom yelled.

"I'll stay with them, my duty is with the wounded." Oin spoke joining us.
"You three don't have to do this, go, look upon the Halls of your Fathers." I insisted.
Kili shook his head. "No, Theia. I'm staying. We're family and you need us."

The Master bid them farewell as they paddled away. I stood and looked onward until they were out of sight.
Fili's head turned as he heard Bofur calling out for them to "Wait, wait for me!"

I gasped as a very sharp pain hit my side. Where my wound lay. Tears sprung to my eyes.
Kili and Oin acted immediately, helping me stand.
"Bard. Goto Bard's house." I groaned out.
Bofur ran ahead while Fili and Kili helped me walk.
We arrived shortly after.
He didn't see me however.
"No. I'm done with Dwarves. Go away."
"How about Elementals?" I asked, looking up.
His eyes widened.
"Where's Amara?"
"Gone with the company, she's needed." Fili spoke hurriedly.
"Bring her in." Bard ordered.

With The Dwarves And Amara
(Amara POV)

We had finally made it to the overlook that Gandalf spoke of.
However, he wasn't here.
"What is this place?" Bilbo asked.
"It was once the great City of Dale. Now it is a ruin." Balin explained.

I looked to Thorin worried. "How do you think Theia's doing?" I asked.
"I'm sure she's fine, Amralime. *my love.*"
Looking down, I asked "You know she was hit with a poisoned blade?"
"A morgul blade?" Thorin asked, suddenly very worried.
"Yes. The very same."
"Aüle what have I done." He whispered.
"Our hope lies with her bonded, Thorin. As well as Kili's." I explained.
"And if they don't reach Lake Town?" He asked.
I didn't reply.
Thorin hugged me. "Let's hope for the best."

We walked over to the company.
"The sun will soon reach midday. We must find the hidden door into the mountain before it sets. This way." He led us towards Erebor.

"Wait, is this the overlook?" Bilbo questioned. "Gandalf said to meet him here on no account were we to..."
"-Do you see him?" Thorin asked.
"We have no time to wait upon the Wizard. We're on our own. Come!"

With Gandalf
(Gandalf POV)

Radagast and I ran through the woods towards Dol Duldur. I had been asked to investigate the area.

"Dol Duldur, the Hill of Sorcery." I spoke.
"It looks completely abandoned." Radagast observed.
"As it is meant to." I replied.

"A spell of concealment lies over this place, which means our Enemy is not yet ready to reveal himself. He has not regained his full strength." I studied the land.

"Radagast, I need you to carry a message to the Lady Galadriel. Tell her we must force his hand."
"What do you mean?" Radagast asked.
"I'm going in alone." I informed my fellow Wizard.

"On no account come after me." I spoke, looking Radagast in the eye.
The Brown Wizard was concerned.
"Do I have your word?" I asked.
"Yes, yes, yes!" He replied walking to his sled, grumbling.

I started walking towards the fortress sword and staff drawn.
"Wait, Gandalf! What if it's a trap?!" Radagast questioned, afraid.
I sighed. "Turn around and do not come back."

"It's undoubtedly a trap." I muttered to myself.
I prepared myself and started speaking a spell, my voice echoing. "The evil that is hidden here I command it come forth! I command it reveal itself!" Hitting my staff upon the stone, it let out a bubble of light and revealed the evil beings.

Was I prepared for what was coming? No. But it was a trap after all.

Hey 👋 So, I've Never done a "Gandalf POV" or "Bard POV"
I'm not sure how it went?
And apologies for the many "I's"
And the reason I haven't updated in awhile - I got stuck. On a draft of 600 something words, in (bloody) Lake Town 🤦‍♀️
But~ this is officially 2,555 words! 🎉

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