Astar yë Hartha (Faith and Trust)

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Re-written Sunday, October 3rd

Mom looked alarmed. "You're not handing my daughter over to that monster! By order of the Queen Under the Mountain, you will give King Thranduil his Gems! Or so help me Thorin Oakenshield..." Mom began to yell.
He turned to look at her.
"I would never harm my child on purpose, Amara." He spoke, lovingly. "Do not worry."
"Balin, Gloin, please follow me to collect Thranduil's Gems."

"Thorin, if my father tries anything... I'll handle it." Legolas stated.
Adad turned around, inclining his head as a "thank you".


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'what has he done!?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: "You! What are you doing here!?"

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Adad." *Father.*
"Let your faith be bigger then your fears."

Adad, Balin, and Gloin returned with The Gems of Lasgalen for Thranduil. They were tied up in a sack to be lowered down by a rope. The said sack had two holes. One on either side to keep it from falling. The rope would go through the two holes, and slowly be lowered down.

Looking over the balcony, three men were at the gate. Thranduil on his Elk, Bard on a white horse, and Gandalf.
My mother held a bow, threatening for the wretched King to pull anything else.
"So what have you chosen, King Under the Mountain? My Gems, or Your Daughter?" Thranduil smirked.

"Speak once more, and this arrow will go between your eyes!" My mother yelled.
"I would never give you my daughter, filth. Take your precious gems. They will be lowered down to you." Adad spoke.

Legolas looked to the East, "we are not alone." He spoke lowly.
"Dáin Ironfoot has joined us." Adad replied.
"Dáin? Cousin Dáin?" I asked.
"I sent word for him. There is to be a war. Lady Galadriel told your mother so." Adad spoke quietly.

"What are they whispering about?" Bard asked.
"Who knows the ways of the Dwarves." Thranduil replied, glaring suspiciously.
"Calm down, King Thranduil. All will be well." Gandalf advised.

The marching came closer, and soon Dáin Ironfoot was to be seen.

"Lower the gems." I ordered.
"We need that treaty."
Bofur along with Legolas slowly lowered them.

"If it isn't the pointy eared sprite..." Dáin spoke.
Thranduil ignored him - for now.
"How you doing up their Thorin? Everything and everyone alright?" He yelled.
Thorin smiled. "We're more then alright!"
Thrain came into view, shocking the clan of Ironfoot.
"By my beard..." Dáin spoke shocked.

"Thranduil, you have what you wanted, the treaty is now in place, yes?" I questioned.
"Indeed it is." He spoke coolly.

With Thranduil's gems now with him and safe, they now turned to face Dáin and his Army.

As did Gandalf and slowly, Bard.

The Dwarves, mom and I quickly went inside to ready ourselves for battle.

Adad took me aside, to talk to me.

"Theia, I apologize for everything. I was weak. You should not have had to deal with Thranduil, nor my threats against your bonded. For what is to come, I wish to give you something that belonged to our forebears.

It's name, Mithril.

I looked between Adad and the shirt stunned. "Adad, you don't have to, really."
"Yes, Theia. I do. You are my daughter and it's my duty to protect you. So please let me."
I nodded. "I'll try to stay by you on the battlefield. Or near mom. I promise."
Putting the mithril shirt over my clothing, I noticed how lightweight it was.
"No weapon can pierce it." Adad stated.
"I'll keep my defenses up all the same." I promised, hugging him.
"Thank you."
"You're very welcome, child of mine."
"Let's find your mother and the others." Adad smiled.

Finding the others, we once again gathered on the balcony overlooking what Dáin was saying to Thranduil.

"Good morning. How are we all?" He asked from his War Pig?
"I have a wee proposition...If you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time."
"Would you consider, just sodding off!?" He yelled.
"All of you! Right now!"

The men backed up, afraid or intimidated.

I looked at Dáin shocked. I've never personally met him.
But now, I was between amused, and unsure if I'd like the Dwarf.
"Adad? Is Dáin usually like this?" I asked, hesitant.
He laughed. "Depends on the situation I suppose."

Gandalf then tried to talk sense into Dáin.
'Gandalf, it isn't going to work...' I thought.

"Come now, Lord Dáin..." He said cautiously.
"Gandalf the Grey." Dáin greeted.
Gandalf bowed his head.
"Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!"
"There is no need for war between Dwarves, Men, Elves and Elementals."
"A treaty has been struck. Between the Dwarves and Elves." Gandalf explained calmly but sternly.
"Elementals you say?" Dáin questioned.
"Yes, yes. Two are within the mountain." Gandalf informed.
"A legion of Orcs march on the Mountain as we speak!" Gandalf continued.
"Stand down." He tried to reason.

"I will not stand down before any Elf. Least this faithless Woodland pointy eared sprite! He wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin I'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then." Dáin yelled once more.
"You will if you wish the treaty to continue on!" Gandalf shouted.
"Who was so mad as to start a treaty with this faithless woodland sprite?" Dáin asked.
"That, would be the Princess of Erebor. Quite frankly, she and the Dwarves of Erebor have put the past behind them. And so should you." Gandalf advised.
Dáin went to speak,
But all hell broke lose.

Were-worms. Three of them tunneled out of the mountain side.

"Oh, come on." Dáin complained.

"I don't suppose you ladies can do anything about them?" Bofur asked.
"Not from this distance, no."
I stared onward.
"I-is battle always like this? Bizarre creatures?" I asked.
"It gets worse." Balin informed me.
"Good to know." I stated.

Soon, Black Speech.

I turned to mom sharply.
Adad would go after him. This, I knew. And I had to find out a plan, quick.
Going to Legolas's side I whispered so low only he heard.
"My father will go after Azog."
Legolas nodded, eyebrows furrowed.

Adad gave the most unlikely of order when Fili stated that he was going over the wall.
"Stand down!"
"What?" Dori asked.
"Are we to do nothing?" Nori questioned.
"They'll get slaughtered, Thorin." Mom tried to reason with him.
"I said, Stand down." He spoke, firmly.

Looking over the wall, and to everyone else including Legolas... Something had to be done.

"No." I spoke, backing up towards the rope.
"I refuse to let our kin get slaughtered when I can do something."
"Theia, I have a plan. Stay. Please." Adad pleaded fear in his eyes.

"I have a plan as well. See you on the other side."
"No!" He yelled.

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