Cú ar Pilin (Bow and Arrow)

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"Now, to catch up with our new friends." He stated.
"Weapons first, perhaps?" Tauriel suggested.
Legolas nodded. "Lets be quick, and silent."

(I'll upload pictures & a video later)
*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'here's a chapter for you guys!'
* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: footsteps could be heard.
* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Adad." *Father/Dad.*

📝: I wish to thank every single one of you for being So Patient with this story! I know my uploading hasn't been the greatest and I apologize for that! 💓

📝 2: my husband is sleeping (10pm) for work but has given me permission to write using the PS4, and Hobbit DVD - headphones! (Yes, I asked permission because I don't wan't him to get lack of sleep for a 12hr shift!)

Now, lets pray I can get back into their minds ... I read a bit before this.

Cold. Thats all my body was registering right now. And the fact that Legolas risked the wrath of his Father, an already ill-tempered elf. I was worried. They'd have to put up an act.
Bilbo soon fell in after us, Nori grabbing him out from beneath the water.
"Well done, Master Baggins." Adad congratulated.
Mom nodded. "It looks like we owe those elves all thanks to you."
"Aye, I agree." Balin spoke.
Our barrels began moving and my head was on the look-out for those two elves.

"Hold on!" Adad screamed.
My eyes widened in fear hearing the rush of water.
I hugged Kili and the side of the barrel.
Everyone was drenched.
Soon however the two Elves we had both come close to, appeared.
....Shortly followed by a small party of warriors.
'The King sent the warriors...' I thought.
Legolas and Tauriel looked relieved to see us.
But, a horn sounded.
Soon making them and us worry.
We looked ahead - the gate was shutting.
"Oh no..." I whispered, pulling hair out of my face.
"No!" Adad yelled.
Mom tried to use her powers to open it, but it didn't work.
"I'm sorry, love." She spoke disappointed.

A elf suddenly fell into the water.
My eyes widened.
"Kili, get down." I ordered.
"Watch out, there's Orcs!" Bofur yelled.
It was Elves versus Orcs.
We kept our eyes pealed.
I noticed Kili looking at the handle for the gate.
"Don't even think about it, Kili."
"Someone has to! Or we'll all die."
"You don't have anything to defend yourself with." I tried to reason with him.
"And you do?" He questioned.
I stared at him. "What do you think?"
Looking around, planing my movement I hopped out of the barrel to many of the company's horror including Legolas's.
I swiftly made it up towards the handle that opened the gate, only to have a dagger thrown into my side.
"Theia!" Mom yelled.
"Theia..." Adad whispered.
"Move, lass - get out of their!" Dwalin yelled.
I saw Kili about ready to come get me, but I shook my head.
Looking up, I saw a Orc with metal covering his face sneering at me.

This was no normal dagger. That, I knew. My body felt the effects almost immediately. 'Poison.' My mind answered.
Determined, I managed to reach for the handle pulling the dagger out, before jumping in the water.
Legolas saw, that much was obvious. Because they started to fall left and right. He was angry.
Hopefully he'd find the dagger.
This, was beyond my healing skill. None in the company could heal this.

The filthy orc stayed on our tail, ordering his comrades "After them!"
We fell down the waterfall, I hung onto a barrel, not caring who it was helping me stay on.
Looking up briefly through blurry eyes I noticed a dark mop of hair.
"Hang in their, Theia." He whispered, sounding concerned.
I nodded.
The Elves were doing their best to stay with us, from what I could hear and sometimes see. Orcs were falling left and right into the water.
I could only hope that there weren't any left to follow us.
Ahead of me, I saw two familiar boots and tights standing on Dwalin and Dori's heads to shoot Orcs. He then used us as stepping stones to get back to shore, all except Mom and I. I watched as Legolas used an Orc to slide down a hill, a smile crossed my face - actually seeing him fight.

Adad saved his life by throwing an ax at the incoming Orc that was about to hit him.
Legolas nodded a thanks in return after he dispatched the one he was fighting.

I watched, stunned and saddened as our barrels continued to carry us onward while he stayed.

Legolas POV
"Tauriel, wait!" Legolas ordered. As she held a dagger to the Orc's throat.
"This one we keep alive."
I watched, worried for my bonded and her kin as the remaining Orcs chased after them.
I could see Tauriel's worry as well.
We'd have to wait to catch up with them, for now.
We need information.

They had reached the Kingdom with the prisoner, and brought him before king Thranduil.
"Such is the nature of evil. Out there in the vast ignorance of the world it festers and spreads. A shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was. So will it always be. In time, all foul things come forth." Thranduil spoke, circling the Orc that his son held prisoner.

"You were tracking a company of 13 Dwarves, a Hobbit and two Elementals. Why?" Legolas questioned.
The Orc laughed. "Not two Elementals. Not anymore. The young one... The dark haired girl, we stuck her with a Morgul Blade. The poison's in her blood. She'll be choking on it soon, if not already."
"Answer the question, filth." Tauriel ordered.
"I do not answer to dogs, she-elf!" It spat.
Tauriel drew a blade.
"I would not antagonise her."
"You like killing things, Orc?" She questioned. "You like death?" ... "Then let me give it to you!"
"Enough!" Legolas ordered.
"Tauriel, leave! Go, now." Thranduil ordered.
The Orc growled as she walked out of the room.
"I do not care about one dead Elemental. Answer the question. You have nothing to fear. Tell us what you know and I will set you free." Thranduil said, emotionless.
Legolas's face hardened.
"You had orders to kill them. Why?" Legolas insisted.
"What is Thorin Oakenshield and his Kin to you?" He asked.
"The Dwarf runt will never be King, his daughter never a princess."
"King?" Legolas questioned. "There is no King Under the Mountain, nor will there ever be. None would dare enter Erebor whilst the dragon lives."
"You know nothing. Your world will burn."
"What are you talking about? Speak!" Legolas ordered.
"Our time has come again. My master serves the One." He said, cryptically
"Do you understand now, Elfling?"
Thranduil was looking, staring ahead.
"Death is upon you. The flames of war... Are upon you."
Thranduil quickly took his head and cut it off.
"Why did you do that?" Legolas asked. "You promised to set him free."
"And I did. I freed his wretched head from his miserable shoulders."
"There was more the Orc could tell us." Legolas argued.
"There was nothing more he could tell me."
"What about my bonded?"
"What about her? She's as good as dead."
"I want the watch doubled at our borders. All roads, all rivers. Nothing moves, but I hear of it. No one enters this Kingdom and no one leaves it." Thranduil ordered.
"Close the gate! Keep it sealed by order of the King." Legolas ordered.
"What about Tauriel, My Lord?" A guard asked.
"...What about her?"
"She went into the forest armed with her bow and blade. She has not returned." He replied.
"Keep the gate closed."

He was going to find her, and Theia. Legolas was sure that Tauriel was on her way to finding Kili.

Ah, okay I can't go any further tonight! 😞 I'm making typos left and right -sigh-
Hopefully this chapter is good enough!
Once again, Thank You for your everlasting patience 😊

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