Esgaroth (Laketown) Part 2

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And suddenly, a scraping next to us was heard.
My heart sped up.
Were we going to be discovered?
"Folk in this town are struggling. Times are hard. Food is scarce." Bard argued.
"That's not my problem." Alfrid stated.
"And when the people hear the Master is dumping fish back in the lake, when the rioting starts will it be your problem then?" Bard asked.
"Stop." Alfrid ordered, grudgingly.
"Ever the people's champion, eh Bard? Protector of the common folk. You might have their favor now, bargeman. But it won't last."
"Raise the gate!" The man named Percy yelled.
"The Master has his eye on you. You'd do well to remember: We know where you live." Alfrid threatened.
"It's a small town, Alfrid. Everyone knows where everyone lives."

Suddenly barrels stared tipping over, making it very obvious that we had made it to our destination.

*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'here's a chapter for you guys!'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: footsteps could be heard.

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Adad." *Father/Dad.*

The next thing I knew, Bard's son was rushing towards us yelling "Da! Our house, it's being watched." Fear crept down my spine. I slowly wondered 'what now?'
I looked at mom, she was wondering the same thing, and Bard was thinking on a plan it seemed.

The most unlikely, and disgusting of plans was made.
The toilet.
We were to swim underwater, and climb up their toilet.
I made sure to hold my breath while swimming, in reality I wanted to scream in disgust. I saw floaters pass my head.

Dwalin was the first one up, clearly mad. Bilbo well... I'm not sure what his reaction was. Mom came up out of the toilet after Bilbo, and I after her. I heard one of Bard's daughters ask "Da... Why are there Dwarves climbing out of our toilet?"
The youngest questioned "will they bring us luck?"

I laughed at her question. "I'm sorry child, but Dwarves and Elementals rarely bring luck." I answered her.
"Elementals? Your an Elemental?" She asked, excited. Bringing me a blanket, her older sister had clothes for mom and I in hand. And a blanket for mom.
"Not a pure-bred, but yes. My mom is, also."
"Do you by chance have a bucket or two?" Mom asked.
"Yes, if you'll wait just a moment I'll fetch them."
"Why do you need a bucket?" The youngest asked.
"To dry ourselves quicker."
"You're going to preform magic!?" She asked excitedly.
Mom nodded, smiling.
"Excuse me a minute." She spoke.

"She has to tell the guys what she's going to do." I explained.
"My name's Theia. My mom is Amara."
"I'm Tilda, my sister is Singrid and Bain is my brother."
"It's nice to meet you, Tilda."
"Thank you for the clothes, also."
"You're welcome."
"I'll change after mom preforms her magic."

Soon, Sigrid arrived with two buckets, and mom took them having every Dwarf, Hobbit and Elemental gather around them.
"Stand still, please. I'm about to take the water that's on your body and put it in these buckets. I will need to do so one at a time."

The Dwarves, Bilbo and I lined up, waiting to be dried off. Mom would take the water in her hand, and place it into the bucket. When both were full, one of the girls would empty it. I was the last, and by now leaning on furniture. This didn't go unnoticed by her keen eyes.

"That blade, it was poisoned." She stated, whispering.
"Yes, it was." I confirmed.
"We can only hope that your other half will follow, as will Kili's. You both bonded. It will hurt you both to be separated."
"I know, mom. However what worries me more is this wound. We don't have the magic to heal poison." I explained.
"But Elves do. Have faith, child. For now, rest."
"I will."
She dried me off the best she could, and helped me to get comfortable.
Looks like I wouldn't be needing the extra pair of clothes after all.

Mom looked exhausted, but headed over to Adad who stood by the window.
"Are you alright, dear?"
Adad sighed.
"It's a Dwarvish Windlance. The one that failed to take down Smaug."
Bilbo appeared with a cup of tea, "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"He has. The last time we saw such a weapon...a city was on fire. It was the day the dragon came." Balin retold the story.

"The day that Smaug destroyed Dale. Girion, the Lord of the City rallied his bowmen to fire upon the beast. But a Dragon's hide is tough. Tougher than the strongest armor. Only a Black Arrow fired from a windlance could have pierced the dragon's hide. And few of those arrows were ever made. The store was running low... When Girion made his last stand."

"Had the aim of Men been true that day... Much would have been different." Thorin spoke, somberly.
Mom put her hand on his arm, rubbing it in comfort.

"You speak as if you were there." Bard stated.
"All Dwarves know the tale." Adad replied.
"Then you would know that Girion hit the dragon. He loosened a scale under the left wing. One more shot and he would have killed the beast." Bain informed.
Dwalin started to laugh.
"That's a fairy story, lad. Nothing more."
I sighed from my spot on their couch.
'How would they know? The Dwarves weren't in Dale...'

"You took our money. Where are the weapons?" Adad questioned Bard.
"Wait here."
"Tomorrow begins the last days of Autumn." Adad whispered.
"Durin's Day falls the morn after next. We must reach the mountain before then." Balin stated.
"And if we do not? If we fail to find the hidden door before that time?" Kili asked.
"Then this quest has been for nothing." Fili told his brother.
"Not completely." Mom insisted.
Adad gave her a confusing look.
"Several of the company have found their other half." She explained.
Adad nodded.
"She's right, it is rare that one finds their soul mate." Balin stated.
The door opened and Bard soon returned with a sack of...Something.

I slowly stood and hobbled over to the table where he placed it.

The package being unwrapped, many Dwarves were...Unpleased. To say the least.
I, was stunned. We both had magic, mom and I. But could use some of these weapons as well.

"What is this?" Adad demanded. Holding up a weapon with..fishhooks?
"Pike hook. Made from an old harpoon."
"And this?" Kili questioned looking at a hammer?
"A crowbill, we call it. Fashioned from a smithy's hammer. It's heavy in hand, I grant. But in defence of your life, these will serve you better than none."
"Why call it a crowbill?" I asked politely out of curiosity.
"I...don't know." Bard replied.

"We paid you for weapons. Iron-forged swords and axes!" Gloin told Bard.
"It's a joke!" Bofur yelled, tossing his weapon on the table.
"You won't find better outside the city armory. All iron-forged weapons are held there. Under lock and key." Bard informed us.
'Why did you have to say that, Bard?'
"Thorin...why not take what's offered and go? I've made do with less. So have you." Balin tried to reason.
"Balin is right, let's take what we have here, and go." Mom told Adad softly, attempting to reason.
"Plus, both Theia and I can defend ourselves." She added, looking at me with pity.
"I say we leave now." Balin insisted.
"You're not going anywhere." Bard stated.
"Why not?" I asked.
"There are spies watching this house and probably every dock and wharf in town, it's not safe. You must wait until nightfall."

I separated myself from the group, the anxiety wasn't helping my situation. Once again, I went to my spot on the couch. My energy slowly draining. Silently I hoped Legolas or any elf for that matter would find us.

I watched Bard exit his house, slightly alarmed.

I could only wonder what made him upset...


Note 📝: I finally got around to editing this, and found so many typos it was embarrassing/laughable on my end. One type was "tooted" instead of "looked at mom."
So, it originally said "tooted at mom." 🤣 😂

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