👵🏻 Love The Life You Live 🏥

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So, this is obviously an update/authors note on whats going on - I'm sad to say...
And, it's taking quite some time for me to pull together my thoughts.
That picture, is my grandma at age 96. 2018. At my wedding.

My now 97 year old grandma Alice, has been in the hospital for over 10 days. And when I update people...they give me comments that sound like we're at a funeral. Or that she has weeks to live. That's not the case if you've talked or seen her.

Now, the hospital she's in, is horrible they do not take care of their patients. They are in it for the money. And thats it. So gram has been in pain constantly except for the few days that she was transferred to the wonderful hospital 3 hrs away. They got rid of her pain. Made her happy. When she's happy, its clear to see that she has years left. This hospital shes in now... is draining her life. Now, we have no choice but to do hospice care. Because shes in so much pain she Can't Talk. What the f*ck is wrong with these doctors!? They're sedating her tomorrow. I'm SO pissed i might track the doctor down and tear him a new a**hole.

So, with all this (plus more) going on...this is why I'm in-active. I'm sorry...

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