Namárië (Be Well)

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Thorin sat and sagged in his chair, looking decades older. Had he made a mistake? Letting quite literally every Heir to Erebor go on this scouting mission? Amara hadn't thought so. Which, kept him somewhat sane. He knew he would have nightmares. But something must be done.

"Come, love. Lets get some rest. You look tired yourself." Amara spoke, prying her One from the chair.

Tomorrow, would prove to be another day.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'can I do this?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: Theia!

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages'.

Example: "amad." *mother.*


Thorin had talked to each one who had volunteered to scout Middle Earth later on, discussing a route they would take.

Each of them would leave the safe confines of Erebor in four weeks time.

The said four weeks soon flew by, supplies gathered, and routes memorized everyone gathered at the entrance of Erebor to say their farewell's, and good wishes.

Thorin, Amara, Dís, Thráin and The Company, stood before those about to head into the wilderness.
Theia and Legolas, Kili and Tauriel, Fili and Elara.

Having reclaimed Erebor, it was now part of their mission to make sure it stayed claimed.

The other? To see what, if any trouble might be stirring in Middle Earth.

Each said their farewell's somewhat solemnly. For, it was these six young ones who often wrecked havoc upon Erebor. Excluding Tauriel. She attempted to keep things in order. - For the most part.

Thorin stepped forward, touching his forehead to each and every one of his bloodline. "Come home safely." He ordered. Before pulling his nephews and daughter into a hug.

Amara stepped close to Theia, and gave her a ring. "Keep this safe for me."
"What happens if I lose it, mom?"
"You won't. And it'll enhance your magic as if I'm with you like in the Goblin Tunnels. Be careful, Theia. We love you."

Amara in turn hugged her daughter, than everyone else in the group.

Soon, Dís joined the farewell company.
Stepping up front, catching eyes of all six of them, she ordered "you are all stronger together. Remember that. Stay as one for as long as possible. Have each other's backs. As you already know, The Wild is dangerous. I don't wish to see any of you returning different than you look now. You are, and always will be my kin. Yes, that goes for you too Tauriel, Legolas and Elara."

"Aye, I agree with my son, and daughters. And I ban you all from going to that cursed place named Dol Gûl Dûr! It's far too dangerous."

Theia POV
After farewells were said, and tears shed we headed to Dale to borrow two small boats. We would row until we reached Mirkwood and from their, borrow or buy ponies and three horses with both elves leading the way out.
Once exiting Mirkwood, we would go our separate ways.

We reached Mirkwood, and greeted the guards. Legolas led us inside towards his ada *father*. Thranduil's greeting wasn't warm nor cold, but neutral. He welcomed us into the Woodland Realm for the night or however long we may need.

"Thank you my Lord Thranduil." Tauriel replied.
He nodded.

Theia POV
Rooms had been assigned to us for the night, I followed my companions to our destination when I felt a slender, male hand on my shoulder.
Pausing mid-step and turning my head around, I saw King Thranduil.

"Theia, may I have a minute?" Thranduil spoke.
Legolas stopped in his tracks, looking back. Remembering what his ada *father* tried to do near Erebor. Kidnap me.
"She will be fine, Legolas. I shall have your bonded returned to you within the hour."
He reluctantly nodded and continued onward with our group. Fili and Kili were hesitant to leave as well.
"It's okay, I'll be fine." I encouraged, faking strength. Confidence.
They, too, followed the others.

Thranduil led me to a separate room, where we could talk.
"I know not of what you have all discovered, but keep my son safe. He is the only thing I have left in this world." Thranduil spoke, looking at me.
"I will, King Thranduil. With my life. What we discovered are possibly the beginnings of a new darkness for Middle Earth."
"And what do you intend to do?" He asked.
"We're scouting, seeing if it truly is as dangerous as we believe. All of us have different paths - in pairs." I replied.
He nodded. "I see. I shall send you off with some supplies, and lambas bread."
He then led me to the room Legolas was in.
"Thank you, King Thranduil." I curtsied.
He nodded, and left.

The next day, we were on our way out of the forest. With Tauriel and Legolas leading the way.
It was just as gloomy, dark, miserable and mysterious as I remember it being. But, at least this time we didn't have to worry about getting lost.
Kili mumbled about spiders here and their. And how dreadful they were.
I couldn't agree more. Anything with eight legs is just unnatural.

Three days, and we were out of the forest. 'Thank the Valar.'
The sun burned our eyes, we hadn't seen it for what seemed like ages.

Now that we were free of the gloomy, enchanted, evil forest it was time for us to go separate ways.

Were any of us ready to be separated from another? The brothers separated from each other? No. But, we had our Ones, our Bonded with us. We would each travel together with them.

Getting off our steeds, we hugged each other. Not knowing when we would see one other again.

"Be careful." I told them all.
"Tauriel, look after Kili."
"And Kili, you look after Tauriel."

"Aye, I won't leave her alone for a minute. Don't worry Theia." Kili reassured me.
Tauriel rolled her eyes. "It's you that needs watching. Not me, even in this state."

"Legolas, don't let any harm come to my cousin." Kili threatened.
"And Fee, be safe. Elara, look after him." Kili spoke, already missing his brother.

"He'll be in good hands Kili, no worries." Elara replied.

"Stay safe Legolas, keep a sharp eye out." Tauriel spoke.
"You, too, Tauriel."

Hugs, and temporary farewells said we got on our steeds and began riding in our separate directions. Looking back at one another.

Would we all survive?


Hey everyone 👋
I'm here!
So, I'm typing without a keyboard 😵‍💫.
And saving up for a computer. - I should get it relatively soon. No promises.
Twitch at the moment, is put on pause because of several things.
My dad, and his brother died recently. And I'm also seeing a therapist soon.
(I'm dealing with a narcissist. Amongst other issues.)
I also have another story eating at me to be written, including an Elemental.
But, as promised this will be my main priority!
And ~ Still No End In Sight!
Are we going into Lord of the Rings?
Uhm... Possibly?
I'm scratching my head on what to do honestly 😂
Thank you everyone who's stayed here to read, react, comment, follow...etc 💓💜
As for the next chapter, I know where their going, and with no keyboard, it's being slow as f*ck (if you can't tell).
But, we're getting their!
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait!

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