The Shire (Ni Trann)

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_ Theia POV _

"Gandalf, my friend what seems to be the problem?" Amara asked.
"Come with me, quickly, both of you." He spoke. I looked back at my mother confused.
She shrugged.
He led us to my room and shut the door.
"They're planning to take back Erebor." Gandalf spoke, getting straight to the point.
I stared at him. 'Who's planning on taking back Erebor? No one would be that crazy.' I thought, hearing the tales.
"Amara!" He yelled.
She must've been deep in thought.
She blinked. "Yes, Gandalf?"
"Thorin Oakenshield is taking back his homeland." He stated.
"Wait, Thorin... You mean my father?" I asked.
My mother nodded.
"I never got to tell him I was pregnant with you, as you well know..."
"Why did he change his last name?" I asked Gandalf.

"An oaken branch saved his life at the battle of Moria, he used it as a shield. He was weaponless." Gandalf explained.
"So my name is now Theia Lyra Oakenshield?" I questioned him.
"I suppose so." He answered. "But we have more pressing matters at hand. Will you, or won't you be joining Thorin on his quest?"
I looked to my mother with pleading eyes.
"Will you be going Gandalf?" She asked.
"Yes, I will be joining along with 13 Dwarves and a Hobbit."

"Then take care of Theia, and tell Thorin I love him. This quest isn't for me, Gandalf. I can feel it. I will remain here. We've taught her all she needs to know. However, Thorin doesn't know she exists. I give you full permission to beat him with that staff of yours if he mistreats my little girl!"
Gandalf nodded. "I will look after her, I promise no harm shall befall upon your child, Amara."
I looked to my mom. "Your not coming?"
She shook her head. "No, but I'll be here when you return. Be strong. Thorin can be stubborn and pig-headed. Don't let him get to you." She spoke.
I nodded. "I won't, plus he's apart of me. Whether he likes it or not." I smirked.
"We'll leave at dawn. Pack your things." Gandalf ordered me.

"Theia, I want you to take this with you, it may knock some sense into his head if needed. But until then, keep it hidden under your shirt." Mom handed me her most prized possession, besides me.
"The ring he gave you? Are you certain?" I asked.
"Yes. I'm positive Theia. It will convince him that your his child. Or it should, at least." She spoke.
Mom helped me pack, as I had no clue what to do.
And by morning, farewells were said and we were soon past the gates of Imladris.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
- Example: 'Hello everyone!'
* italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
- Example: Run. Run!
* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
- Example: "Mae Govannen." *Well met.*


Gandalf and I stopped at Bree's stables to house our horses their for the night. I insisted on paying to have my own horse spend the night, but Gandalf wouldn't have it.

From there on we walked on foot to The Shire. However, we ran into a group of rowdy Dwarves along the way. I looked at Gandalf curiously. He looked smug 'he must've planned this...' I laughed quietly.
He coughed to gain their attention. "Gentlemen, May I introduce you to Theia daughter of Amara." Suddenly, there was gossip, whispering. I held in an eye roll. "Enough!" Gandalf barked.
"Theia, this is Bofur, Bifur, Bombur, Oin, Gloin, Ori, Nori, And Dori." He said pointing to each dwarf. They bowed as they were pointed to, and some said "at your service."
"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I've learned a lot about Dwarves from my mother." I spoke.

"Well then, let's be on our way shall we? The others will be expecting us." Gandalf said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

It was nightfall when we arrived at our destination. Bag End, Gandalf called it.
I knocked on the small, green door before stepping beside Gandalf. I was a little taller then these Dwarves, being Dwarf, Elven, and also part Elemental had its advantages. I was light on foot, my hearing wasn't the best, nor the worst. I inherited my mothers gifts of her being an Elemental and elven. And my fathers stubbornness and weaponry skills so I was told.

As the inhabitant of this home came closer, I could hear him yelling.
"Go away and bother somebody else! There's far too many Dwarves in my dining room as it is. I-If this is some clot-head's idea of a joke... haha, I can only say It is in very poor taste." He yelled then wrenched open the door making the Dwarves fall on one another.
"Get off, you big lump!" Gloin complained.
I smiled in amusement, as did Gandalf.
The Hobbit sighed "Gandalf..."

When the Dwarves cleared, he brought me over to the Hobbit. "Bilbo, may I introduce miss. Theia."
"Hello, Bilbo. You have a lovely home." I spoke, marveling at the woodwork.
"Thank you, miss Theia. You don't look to be Dwarvish... Pardon my asking, but what are you?"
I smiled. "Actually, Bilbo I am part Dwarf, the other parts are Elemental and Elven."
He gawked at me. "I thought Elementals were extinct?"
"No, we're just extremely hard to find, like Wizards. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to sneak some food before it's all gone..." I spoke.
"Yes, well it was a pleasure meeting you Theia."
"You too Bilbo."

I walked into the dining room to see utter chaos. A dwarf was walking on the table for crying out loud. Had they no respect for their host's house and furniture!? My temper started to rise, and when it does sometimes my Elemental side acts out.
It started to grow dark and stormy within the room, and thunder. No rain had formed, luckily.
All eyes were on me - standing in the doorway. Gandalf was talking to Bilbo still.

"Have you no respect for your host!?" I yelled. "Look at you. You're walking on the table, eating all of his food! - Without asking! What do you have to say for yourselves!?" I yelled at each and every dwarf in the room.

When Bilbo was alone, I saw them go apologize, much to my delight.

And before I knew it, plates, silverware, and mugs were flying throughout the hobbit hole while they were singing - started by the brothers, Fili and Kili. I could tell right away that those two were going to be trouble makers... I had to hold my tongue to resist singing along, like the others. It was very hard.

By the end of the song, Bilbo and I were shocked to discover that not one of his prized dishes had broken.
"How did you guys do that?" I asked, confused.
"Practice, Theia. Years of practice." Bofur responded.

Just then, three loud, sharp knocks echoed throughout Bilbo's home.
"He is here..." Gandalf spoke almost gravely.
I turned to him, confused.
'Who is here?'

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