Túma Númen (Moving Forward)

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Short A/N-
I apologize if this chapter is "sloppy", "all over the place..."etc.
our pup of 11 years and mother of 5, died two days ago.
So we're all a bit heartbroken.

And literally as i'm typing, her daughter Miriel is watching the screen, what I'm writing 😂.
- Published Wednesday, December 20th, 2023.


I looked at everyone, if not a bit nervous.

"And that, is my story for the most part."

Dís spoke, smiling and hugging me once more. "My son is lucky to have you, Elara. Welcome to the house of Durin."

"I agree with Dís, you seem like a strong woman. One that has been through much. We will share our own stories later, come it is late. Get some rest."


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'can I do this?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: Theia!

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages'.

Example: "amad." *mother.*


Elara POV
Weeks turned into months and I had slowly been accepted by the Dwarves who once belonged to The Company of Thorin Oakenshield.

I had begun to learn each of their stories slowly. Bofur was definitely the story-teller of the bunch.

Fili and I began courting a few weeks ago. And I truly did see a future for us.

As the months had continued on however, the world grew darker.

I was out for a casual flight amongst Erebor and Dale's region's, when I heard a very faint howl. Greeted by another. And more to come.

Dread filled my being.

Middle Earth was soon to change. This, I somehow knew.

I immediately reported back to King Thorin,

"Are you certain of what you heard?" He urged.
I nodded. "Unfortunately, yes I am my King."
Thorin began to pace. Balin approached Thorin, "My Lord, may I give a suggestion?"
He gave his approval.
"Scouts. Send scouts." Balin spoke.
"And who will I send?" Thorin questioned, frustrated.
"Those who would volunteer, and those whom you trust." Balin replied.
"Wise words, my friend. Thank you." Thorin spoke, patting his shoulder.
"And thank you, Elara for reporting this."
"You're welcome My King."
I left the Throne Room, leaving the two Dwarves to think.

Thorin POV

Arms folded, I once again began pacing.
"I'm uncertain of who to ask, my friend." I spoke to Balin.
"The right people will volunteer. Do not worry, Thorin."
I couldn't help but worry for those who would volunteer to see how far this new evil was beginning to spread, and for Middle Earth herself.

Later that day, I held a council with those whom I knew I could trust.

The curious Dwarves, Elleth, Ellon, Elementals, and Humans sat all ears. Not a single drunk.

"It has come to my attention that a new evil is beginning to spread its way across Middle Earth. I am asking you to help your home, your planet and discover the depths of this evil. By this, I mean to volunteer to scout Middle Earth. However, I fear I may be asking too much of you, for many regions will need scouting.
Who will volunteer?"

Silence rang for minutes.

"Will no one?" I asked.

My daughter and Legolas were the first to stand.
"We will." She spoke, loudly.
"Legolas and I have a goal in mind that will help, Adad."
"Indeed, once we find what we need, who we need. It will help Middle Earth King Thorin." Legolas added.

Kili looked to us, then Tauriel.
A longing in his eyes.
They stood in sync.
"We will join also." Tauriel stated.

"Tauriel, you can't-" Amara began.
"Lady Amara, I will be careful of my condition. Middle Earth needs our help."

Fili took Elara's hand and stood.
"You will have our eyes also, Uncle."
Elara nodded. "You need all the help you can get."

Thorin stood, in shock. He was in awe and yet horrified. His very blood were volunteering. His blood.
"It'll be alright, love. They're grown now." Amara whispered, hand on his arm.
But were they grown? Would it be alright?

Only time would tell, and besides he could always send someone like Dwalin with Kili or the others if the elder Dwarf was alright with it.

Deep down, what Thorin feared most is what horrors they would face, what fate held for them. - His mind repeated the past horrors. 'Can I send my flesh and blood out into the world to face evil alone? Can I live with that?' I thought.

Thorin looked to Amara, torn.
It was written all over his face.
"All will be alright, love. Have faith." Amara, his One spoke, hand on his cheek.
He nodded. And took a deep breath.

"I thank each and everyone of you. It is very, very hard for me to accept you volunteering. I won't forget your kindness. And neither will Middle Earth."

"We will set a date for your departures. In a days time. For now, get some rest."

With those words, the council was dismissed.

Thorin sat and sagged in his chair, looking decades older. Had he made a mistake? Letting quite literally every Heir to Erebor go on this scouting mission? Amara hadn't thought so. Which, kept him somewhat sane. He knew he would have nightmares. But something must be done.

"Come, love. Lets get some rest. You look tired yourself." Amara spoke, prying her One from the chair.

Tomorrow, would prove to be another day.


Happy Holidays!
*A picture I made years ago on picmonkey. Com*
Look for the hidden items 😂

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