Ulo, Anar, Ye Olog-Hai Á Nya! (Rain, Sun, and Trolls Oh My!) Part 1

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Hey guys, I'm back! (For a short amount of time 😞)
soon I'll be leaving for more testing. But, Happy -early- 4th of July!

"And the Pale Orc? What happened to him?" Bilbo asked.
"He slunk back into the hole whence he came. That filth died of his wounds long ago."
I noticed Balin look to Gandalf, who then looked to me. 'Mom was right, he'd be back.'
Sighing, I sat down by Gandalf and laid my mat down to sleep. I trusted him, the others I had yet to trust.
As I was getting ready to lay down, I heard faint growling. Looking towards the sound... Wargs. On the other cliff.
'Great. We're being followed.'
I'd warn Gandalf when everyone was asleep.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'Hello everyone!'
* italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: Run. Run!
* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Mae Govannen." *Well met.*


The next morning started out fine. It was grey over-head, quiet, not too warm but not too cold, either.
However once we were all packed and on the road did things change. It began to rain. A light rain, then it began to downpour with thunder, of course. I put my hood up hoping to not get sick.

Dori called out "Here, Mr.Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?"
"It is raining, Master Dwarf and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another Wizard, or simply ask Theia." Gandalf replied.
"Are there any?" Bilbo asked.
"What?" Gandalf questioned, confused.
"Other Wizards."
"There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman the White. Then there are the two Blue Wizards. Do you know, I've quite forgotten their names." Gandalf explained to Bilbo.
"And who is the fifth?" The Hobbit asked.
"Well, that would be Radagast the Brown."
"Is he a great Wizard? Or is he more like you?"
"Bilbo! That was rude." I scolded.
"I think he's a very great Wizard, in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the East. And a good thing, too. For always evil will look to find a foothold in this world." Gandalf explained once more.

"Now, Theia. How about a little sun, hm?" The wizard asked me.
I nodded, "sun, coming right up."
Closing my eyes, I steered my horse, Nyx with my knees and raised my hands to the sky. I willed the clouds to move, to part from our path giving sunlight.
"Eh-hey! Sun-light lads!" Gloin yelled.
"Great job, Theia."
"Thank you, Gandalf."
Thorin looked in my direction and sent a thankful look.
I smiled, I'd be useful and knowing that was nice.

Within the hour we entered a field that held an abandoned farmhouse. Thorin announced that we would camp their for the night.
"A farmer and his family use to live here..." Gandalf and I both were against the idea of staying the night in this place. It held a bad aura.

"Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them."
"Oin, Gloin. Get a fire going."
"Aye. Right you are." Was Oin's response.
"I think it would be wiser to move on." Gandalf shouted.
"I agree with Gandalf, Thorin. This place...does not feel right."
"We could make for the Hidden Valley." Gandalf tried to reason.
"I have told you already...I will not go near that place."
"Why not? The Elves could help us. We could get food, rest, advice."
'Not to mention you could see your One again...Adad.' I thought
"I do not need their advice."
"We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us." Gandalf argued back.
"Help? A dragon attacks Erebor. What help came from the Elves?" Thorin spoke. "Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls. The Elves looked on and did nothing. You ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather who betrayed my father." Thorin said, determined.
"You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past." Gandalf stated.
"I didn't know that they were yours to keep!" Thorin yelled back.

Gandalf began to storm off.

"Everything alright? Gandalf, where are you going?" Bilbo questioned as he walked out of sight.
"To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense."
"And who's that?" Bilbo asked further.
"Myself, Mr. Baggins! I've had enough of Dwarves for one day."

"Come on, Bombur, we're hungry. Theia, go to Fili and Kili." Thorin ordered.
"Is he coming back?" Bilbo whispered to Balin.
"He'll be back, Bilbo don't worry." I spoke aloud before leaving.
"Here, Bilbo do us a favor and take these to the lads and lass." Bofur handed Bilbo three bowls of stew.

- With Fili, Kili, Theia, and Bilbo -

Fili, and Kili had somehow managed to lose the ponies while I was with Gandalf and Thorin. I was trying to decide what to do. - If anything was possible.
"What's the matter?" Bilbo asked Fili.
"We're suppose to be looking after the ponies." Kili informed him.
"Only... we've encountered a slight problem." Fili replied.
"We had 16." Kili stated.
"Now there's 14." Fili said.
"Daisy and Bungo are missing." Kili informed Fili, Bilbo, and I.
"Well thats not good, And that is not good at all. Shouldn't we tell Thorin?" Bilbo spoke, pointing to a huge "fallen" tree.
"Considering the fight that just happened between him and Gandalf... I'd say not if we can avoid it." I spoke.
"Ugh, no. Lets not worry him." Fili agreed.
"As our official burglar, we thought you might like to look into it." Fili spoke.
"Well, uh..." Bilbo was at a loss for words. "L-looks, like something big uprooted these trees."
"That was our thinking." Kili agreed. "It's something very big and possibly quite dangerous."
"Hey, theres a light." Fili pointed out. "Over here." All of us crept closer, "stay down." Kili whispered.
"What is it?" Bilbo whispered.
"Trolls." Kili answered.
I groaned. 'Great.' 
Minutes later, the brothers take off running towards danger!

I caught up with Bilbo behind a tree on the left, and Fili and Kili a tree on the right. The Troll has two ponies in its arms. Myrtle And Minty. Bilbo opens his mouth and says, "I think they're going to eat them; we have to do something!"
"Yes, you should. Mountain trolls are slow are stupid, and you're so small, that they'll never see you. It's perfectly safe. We'll be right behind you. If you run into trouble hoot twice like a barn owl once like a brown owl."

"I'm going with Bilbo, you go get the others. Now." I ordered Fili and Kili.

Slowly creeping closer to Bilbo, I signaled for him to work on the ropes to free the ponies and horses, while I went for the knife that was on the whiny Troll to help Bilbo.
"Well, I hope you're gonna gut these nags. I don't like the stinky parts." He spoke.
The 'cook' whacked him with a large metal spoon, making him go "ow!"
"I said sit down!" The cook told him.
"I'm starving. Now are we having 'orse tonight or what?" The third spoke.
"Shut your cakehole. You'll eat what I give you." The cook replied once again.
I looked over at Bilbo quickly as I made my way towards the knife.
"How come he's the cook?" The Third Troll questioned. "Everything tastes the same. Everything tastes like chicken."
"Except the chicken." The winey one piped up.
"Which tastes like fish!" Again, the third one.
I rolled my eyes as I crawled on the ground.
"I'm just saying, a little appreciation would be nice." The cook spoke. "Thank you very much, Bert. Lovely stew, Bert."
'Ah, so the cook is named Bert.' I thought.
"How hard is that?" He asked the other two.
"Hm. Just needs a sprinkle of squirrel dung."
I froze as Bert reached for it, and his hand was directly above me.
"Here, thats my grog." Said the third.
High-pitched, Winy one whimpered. "Sorry."
"Ooh. That is beautifully balanced, that is." Spoke Bert.
They tasted it, which gave me an opportunity to stand and reach for the knife.
"That's why I'm the cook." Bert explained.
Suddenly, the Troll with the knife stood to scratch his behind, I wrinkled my nose in disgust and squatted down.
I stood, hesitantly once again to attempt getting the large knife. I knew the chances were slim.
Minutes later he grabbed me by my back and blew like I was a handkerchief.

He stood up, wide-eyed and screamed into my face.
'Ugh. Nasty breath.'
"Blimey! Bert. Bert! Look what's come out of me 'ooter! It's got arms and legs and everything."
"What is it?" Bert asked.
"I don't know, but I don't like the way it wriggles around." The middle Troll spoke.
Bilbo was now hiding, having freed the ponies.
I had been tossed to the ground, and was putting as much distance between the Trolls and I as possible.

"What are you, then? An oversized squirrel?" The largest one spoke.
"I'm a Element-uh, half-breed." I said, panicked.
"A Element half-breed?" The middle one questioned, confused.
I nodded frantically, backing up.
"Can we cook 'er?" The cook wondered.
"We can try."
They all advanced. I had no time for my powers. All I could do is dodge, run, roll.
So, I did.
"She wouldn't make more than a mouthful. Not when she's skinned and boned." Bert stated.
They were now attempting to hit me with their utensils.
"Perhaps there's more Element Half-breed's around these parts? Might be enough for a pie." The largest one asked.
"Sorry to disappoint you, but no." I spoke, hurriedly.
"Grab her!" Bert ordered.
"She's too quick." The one who sneezed on me whined. As I rolled through his legs.
"Right, come here, you little...Gotcha!" The Troll on the far left suddenly grabbed me, by the legs.
I struggled.
"For the last time. Are there and more of you little ones hiding where you shouldn't?"
"Like I said before, no."
"She's lying." Winey stated.
"I'm honestly not."
"Hold her arms over the fire! Make her squeal!"

A grunt and slashing sound came out of nowhere. I looked around, and spotted Kili - upside down.
Bilbo's eyes were in the bushes.
What seemed like the youngest Troll, squealed. Kili slashed his leg.
"Drop her!" Kili demanded.
"You whot?" Asked the largest Troll.
"I said... Drop her." Kili repeated.
And so, the Troll holding me tossed me at Kili. Luckily, he dropped his sword.
I got up with a "sorry..."
The others ran into battle not long after. Seconds after I got off of Kili.
However, they made sure I was always with some one. Since I was nearly weapon less.
At one point, I filled the area with fog. Just the right height for the Trolls eyes. No lower.
However, it didn't last long.

They were demanding to stick us in the sacks and put us on the spit.
Panic started to rise.

Mid-battle I was abandoned. No dwarf around. They were all busy fighting and thus, I was defenseless. My strength takes some time to regenerate before I can use my powers again. The trolls were able to once again, grab ahold of me. All limbs except my head were grabbed. I was tilting at an angle towards the fire.

"Theia!" Kili cried out.
"Don't!" Thorin spoke, holding him back.

I realized that my necklace, the one that Adad gave my mother was showing for the first time during this journey.
And many, many eyes were on it. But one pair specifically were boring holes into both my eyes and the necklace.
Tears were brimming my eyes.
He looked angry, sad, confused, and in the eyes happy.

"Lay down your arms...Or we'll rip hers off." Bert told the company.

I was afraid. I honestly was.

"Adad...." I whispered, tears streaking my face.
Kili looked between us two, confused. He knew from Balin's story that he had a One but a child? No one knew that.
Thorin, Adad after some thinking threw down his sword. Eyes boring into mine.
Balin, studied me. I could tell that he was putting the pieces together as his eyes watered also.
Dwalin looked confused, as did Fili.
Ori was angry at the Trolls.
Gloin didn't know what to make of the situation, nor Dori.
There were so many reactions that I didn't know what to think if we got out of this.

One thing was certain... Adad was confused, if not uncertain that I was his. And I had to prove that I was indeed his daughter. But how?


Hey guys! This might be the last chapter (updated) for awhile! - I'll most likely have some in the "drafts" since I'll be on a "road trip" for 7 days. Aka, being tested for Brain Surgery. Without wifi where I'm staying. And i'm hoping I'll have a DVD player!

Also, please let me know what you think! Thank you! 🥰

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