Vérë (Bonding)

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Note 📝: So, before I update theres a few important things you should know.
First: I'd like to thank every single one of you that's come, and stayed with us for the ride 💗 your amazing! 🏔
We now have puppies, if you didn't read the A/N titled "New Arrivals"
And they're getting big, mischievous, and ninja-like! There are 5 of them. 1 boy, 4 girls. All cute!
They were born Sept 15th.
On the 6th-7th week, if one "picks me" I need to start puppy training. Why? Well, I'm training it for a Seizure Alert/Assistance dog. Since I have far too many seizures.
We watch them day and night.
(Think of how Thorin puts a person on night watch in the movies, like in the Cave, where Bofur was on watch.)
After dinner, before dinner...24/7.
They're switching over to "gruel."
And are teething (thats fun... 😑)
Point being, I haven't updated because I've been on puppy-ninja watch every night from 10pm-4am its hard work!
Right now, my hours are changing because lack of sleep is causing seizures. So I'm currently doing after dinner (5/6ish pm- 11pm/midnight est) and 8am-11am est.)
Take account that I'm taking care of 5 puppies, the mom & dad. Plus myself.
I'm feeling highly guilty for not updating here 😭!
So, I'm gonna try my best to multitask while the pups are finally settled down.
(Mom put a dog bed in the pen last night, they love it.)
Sat, October 12th, 2019.
...and the lil' "shy girl" is growling at her mom 😂 - she wants to play.


If I had remained looking, I would have noticed Legolas once again studying me.
"Sanomë ná ma mereth corna rya, n lerta appa sa." *There is something special about her, I can feel it.* Legolas spoke, thoughtfully.
"Kav sa ea tanen Rya's ida þúlë má, Mellon Nin?" *Could it be that She's your soul mate, My Friend?* Tauriel questioned.
Legolas had no answer. He had never felt like this. He would have to talk to his father.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'here's a chapter for you guys!'
* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: footsteps could be heard.
* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Adad." *Father/Dad.*
📝: this chapter may or may not take longer then other chapters because the puppies are crying and wanting a lot tonight! (Haven't sat down for more then 5min. Literally.)

-Legolas's POV-

Legolas walked into his Ada's *father's* throne room with some questions on his mind. Evidently it showed on his face, too. Thranduil studied him. "What is it that bothers you, yonya?" *my son?*
"Ada, what does it feel like to meet your soul mate?" Legolas asked, curiously.
Thranduil was shocked. "Why do you ask this?"
"The party that was brought in, with the two Elementals...I feel as if her and I have a connection." He struggled for words.
Thranduil stood, walking to his son. "When your Naneth *Mother* and I met... I felt completed. Not at first, it took a while. - I had to get to know her. If one of us got wounded, the other could feel it. That is why many see me as cold. I lost her, we lost her. I lost my other half. You lost a mother."
"I am sorry, ada. *father* I had to ask." Legolas apologized.
Thranduil put a hand on his son's shoulder. "If they do indeed intend to enter that Mountain, Erebor. It will only bring Dragon Fire and ruin. You know this. I cannot have you pay this price, also."

"Are you telling me to not get to know my Soul Mate? To forget she exists?" Legolas asked.
"Indeed I am, yonya." *my son.*
"No Ada, I will not. I can not."
Legolas walked away swiftly, passing Tauriel.

"Legolas? Is everything alright?"
"The King confirmed your suspicions, Tauriel." Legolas replied as he passed.
His destination? Her cell.

The closer he got, the more he heard...the Dwarves were trying to break out of their cells.
He hid in the shadows, watching. He saw her sitting in her cell, observing the others. She knew it was useless.

"You might as well stop, we're obviously not going to get out of here. And Thorin has been brought back up to Thranduil, again. Who knows whats going on." Theia yelled.
'What does she mean by 'again'?' Legolas wondered.

Soon, when things settled down he made his presence known.
Walking calmly over to her cell, he stood in front of it, with a soft smile.

-Theia POV-

I sat, cross-legged on the cold floor. I only looked up when a pair of boots came into view. 'Boots?' I wondered.
Looking far up, I spotted the Ellon, *male elf*, that threatened my adad, but calmed when I stepped in front of him and put me in this cell... If I remembered, his name was Legolas? 'They don't know that I understand Elvish.'

"Hello, may I help you?" I asked calmly.
He squatted down to my level.
"Possibly. Would you like some company?" He asked, gently.
"Sure? I don't really have much else to do."
Little by little we struck up a conversation, and got to know each other.
I eventually remembered the red-head mentioning the fact that I could be his soul mate.
Was that the reason he didn't threaten me in the forest? Why he was willing to help Kili?

The more we talked, the more drawn I felt to him. 'Maybe he's my One.'
Evidently I spaced out at the thought, stopped talking.
"Theia? Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine."
"Do...you know what a One is?" I suddenly, bravely asked.
"A One? Dwarven customs?" Legolas questioned me.
"Yes. The very same."
"If I'm not mistaken, it's the Dwarves other half, is it not?"
I nodded.
A far-away look appeared in his eyes.
Legolas was putting the puzzle pieces together.

"You're my Soul Mate, I'm your One." He stated.
I nodded.

A guard passed, restraining Adad. He glared daggers at Legolas, then me.
I took in a deep breath.
"He knows." Legolas whispered.
"I've never seen that much hatred in his eyes..." Looking at the way he went.
Soon, I heard mom yelling at him. - They shared a cell.
"Well, your mother isn't pleased with your father to say the least." Legolas said, amused.
"It appears not..."
"Will we get out of here, Legolas?" I asked quietly.
Over his shoulder and down, I saw Kili and the red head.
Laughing quietly to myself "It seems like Kili and the red head have the same situation."
"Tauriel?" He asked.
"Yes, I suppose."
"You do know that if we really wanted to, my mom could break us out of here..." I whispered.
"Yes, I'm aware of that. But she won't."
"Why do you say that?"
He looked at me, smiling.
"Two reasons. You and I. Kili and Tauriel. All of us have to start a bond."

Ah, ok. This chapter was rough to say the least. But like I said, I literally sit down for around 5 minutes and have to get up again 🙄😑. I started this at 6:06pm it's now 8:43pm.
The mother to the pups is being a poop.
Example: we bought the puppies chicken flavored teething bones. The mom, stole and ate half of it.
She refused to drop it.
But~ if any of you have ideas, comment or pm me please 💞
(Even if its for a future story.)

I'll edit this later, when my brain is capable!
At least its something... right? 🤔😕

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