Vi Ovanta Ata (We Meet Again)

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Now, to tell the others. And worse... His Amad, brother and Thorin. Which was worse?


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'can I do this?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: "Theia!"

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages'.

Example: "amad." *mother.*
(Slight A/N Note 📝 : I am currently having seizures off and on while typing. (Just muscle twitch type ones. Myoclonic's.) They're harmless, but annoying af. Making me hit the wrong keys 🙄
I'm pushin through it cause~
I'm much to in a creative mood to stop when I've been trying to type this for weeks!


Fili POV
I awoke with a nervous energy. I knew I must tell my family about my One.
And today, seemed like a good day to do so. No meetings, nothing special planned other then the news I had for them. Which was, well, nerve wracking.

After waking up, getting dressed and eating a fulfilling meal, I took a deep breath and headed towards my uncle's study where he could normally be found if not with Amara.

I knocked three times before Thorin's voice rang out, "enter."
And so, I did.

His head lifted from piles upon piles of parchment.
"Am I bothering you, uncle?" I asked, concerned.
He pushed the piles aside.
"No, Fili. Family is far more important. You look troubled, what ails you?"
I sighed deeply. "I'd like to discuss this with Amad and Kili also."
Thorin nodded, calling for them.

Minutes later, they hurried in both concerned and studying me.
"It's nothing to worry over." I reassured them all.
"However you may want to take a seat." I added.

Amad and my brother did so, where as Thorin stayed standing, arms folded, studying me.

"Over the past few weeks, Elara and I have grown close and we have realized that we're each others half. She's my One. And I'm her Mate. Elara is a shapeshifter." I explained.

Amad stood and hugged me tightly, eyes watering. "Oh, my sweet, sweet, boy. You have no idea how happy I am for you. As you're well aware, finding your other half is quite rare. I'm blessed that both of my sons have found theirs. And my brother." Dis spoke emotionally, looking to a smiling Thorin.

Kili also pulled me into a hug smiling, and patted me on the back. "She better treat you well, brother."

Uncle Thorin came forward, tears in his eyes as well, "I was beginning to worry that you would never find your soulmate, Fili. Though you may be young, many a Dwarrowdam *female dwarf* have roamed Erebor and have met you. You're one lucky Dwarf. Never let her go. There will be times where you wish you had, trust me. But remember the good times during the bad."

"Thank you, all of you." I spoke, nearly beyond words.

"When may we meet Elara, properly. I mean? Get to know her?" Amad asked.
Silence rang throughout the room, honestly I hadn't thought this far.
"How about dinner? Tomorrow evening?" Amad suggested.
I nodded, "I'll ask her, if that's okay."
"Of course it is." Thorin replied.
"Better warn her to be hammered with questions, brother." Kili joked as we walked out the door.
"Don't worry, I will."

Leaving my uncles study, I immediately made my way to Elara's chambers.
Knocking, a few moments later she opened the door.
"Fili, please come in."
Smiling, I gladly did as asked.
"Elara, I spoke with my family, and they would like to meet you."
Her eyes widened slightly.
"When?" She asked nervously.
"Tomorrow night, they've asked us to dinner."
At this, she began to panic.

"Fili, I don't have anything nice enough to dine with royals!"
I took her hands, "Elara, it's just a family dinner. My brother's One, my uncle's One and daughter might be their too. Including my grandfather. Nothing to fret over."
She calmed down slightly.
"Just a plain, family dinner?" She confirmed.
I nodded. "Aye."
"Just dress normally." I reassured her once more.
She took deep breaths, "That, I can do."

The next day rolled around, and I once more I could be found at Elara's chambers.
She was already mostly dressed for the family dinner. Turning around at the sound of my all to familiar knock, she said "come in!"
And looked back at her mirror.
"Elara, you look stunning." I spoke, at a loss for words.
"Thank you, Fili."
"Would you mind helping with this rose crown?" I crossed the room and helped her.

"I can nearly guarantee that my family will be stunned by you."
"But may I ask why the rose crown?"
She looked at me through the mirror, "it's a custom amongst my people you might say." Elara explained.
I nodded and gently secured the rose crown on her head.
Helping her stand, we headed towards the private dining chambers of the Royals.
Elara grasped my hand, it was obvious that she was nervous.
I am, too.

Entering the dining chambers, Elara stood behind me slightly.
My Amad walked forward to hug myself, and met eyes with Elara.
"Hello Elara, it's wonderful to meet you officially. As you might know, I'm Fili and Kili's mother, Dís." She spoke, walking towards her, smiling.
"Good evening, Lady Dís. It's an honor to meet you in person, away from others." Elara said truthfully.
Dís, smiled. "I must agree with you. Come, speak to the others, fill your stomach."

Elara POV
That night, was definitely something...Different.
I had met mostly everyone at some point, though not for long. Not long enough to know them well.
By now, I knew the other's Ones' also. Along with King Thorin's daughter, Theia.
I also had the chance to meet Fili, Kili, and Theia's grandfather, Thráin.
I had never had the privilege to meet Elementals. Now, I've met two.
By the end of the night, I no longer felt uncomfortable. They were beginning to feel like family.

I apologize for the very long wait!
But, if you've read the last A/N you will have read that I've never had to be in shoes like this.
I'm married, yes. However I've known my husband since 3rd grade...
So things are a -bit- different 🤣
This chapter just didn't want to be written!

- Update: October 22nd: Hey guys, there's a couple of "A/N's" after this chapter, I'm here to give a brief summary of them.
They're to inform you that I haven't given up, I'm still around and a draft is in the works.
Also, as of October 9th, 2023 I'm healing from gallbladder surgery. And quite frankly, it sucks ass.
I've kept my promise, and haven't worked on any other stories!
I'll hopefully see you all soon, wish me a swift recovery 💓
-Ashley, Lithôniel, Element-Of-Dreams

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