chapter 5

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Edd's Pov

After Matt opend his package he got Edd was already back in his working state, animating a small video he was planning to publish. It was about his dream

About the girl and place, he even did some background check if there were any mansions on the outskirt of England, non were ever found

After about an hour later, Tom got Edd's attention by saying "Yeah, they're gonna perform today. Wanna come along?" Wich was a question to Matt, But the brunet had diffrent plans

"Can I come with?" Edd asked smiling widely, and getting a nod back from Tom

"Come on, they're gonna perform in a bit", Tom said motioning Edd to get up, wich the brown eyed male did (In this Tord has Silver and red eyes, Edd brown, Matt a dark blue and Tom.. Well Tom)

"Okie dokie macaroni!" Edd exclaimed quickly putting his shoes on and jacket, and getting iteams he needed, like his phone

The other two were already ready to go, so they just walked to their car, Matt literly bouncing with exitement

They got in the car (After Edd checked that everything was locked) And headed off to the concert or concert thing, dunno

When they got there, they saw a parking lot full of cars, they didn't know if it was for the, suprisingly, free show

"Welp, here we are" Tom said as the car got parked, and the three got out

Locking the car Tom dragged the other two with an exited look on his face to were the show will be taking place.

Lets hope it'll be good

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