Chapter 1: The Popular Girl

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Hinata's P.O.V

In a cheerleading formation, I was tossed up in the air by my team who was waiting for me to pull the final stunt, the amazing stunt we needed for the upcoming competition.

I smiled and twisted my body gracefully, turning into a side flip in the air and fell down into the awaiting girls hands below me with a gasp.

They cheered all around me at my accomplishment, my lavender eyes staring up at the white ceiling in the gym in amazement..

I did it...

I finally, did it...

All of my hard work is finally, paying off.

Soon the group of girls below me, moved to set me down to stand again, my feet landing softly onto the blue mat below.

I smiled brightly and extended my hands up from my body and squatted my legs in a bit bowing as the final act.

"Thank you. Thank you." I said enthusiastically, my long midnight blue hair tied up into two pigtails which hung over my cheerleading uniform flatly.

Our colors consisting of yellow and purple.

Everyone on the cheerleading squad wore a yellow and purple shirt that led down into our purple tipped yellow skirt.

And we also wore white, light tennis shoes to match.

I smiled and lifted my head back up, eyeing our captain that clapped at our performance, absolutely loving it.

"Good, job girls. Marvelous work." She said happily making us all laugh.

My friend, Ino nodded, walking up beside me for support.. "Thank you, Captain Tsunade." She spoke and then turned and gave me a huge hug, my arms moving to embrace her back.

"Oh my god.. I'm so proud of you Hinata. We should totally celebrate." She yelped out making me giggle, my hands coming up to lightly push her back so I can breathe, a nervous laugh eecpaing from her lips by my action.

But I nodded, humming. "I'll think about that." I giggled out which made her roll her eyes.

Soon the other girls around me also came up and greeted me, telling me how awesome I was today which I gladly accepted with a bright thanks..

Hmm... I really think this year, will be, amazing..

-A Few Minutes Later-

I opened my locker slowly and began changing quickly, my lavender eyes connecting with the girls locker room clock which read..


I have to be getting on to class soon.

I'll be late.

I grabbed my top and pulled it up over my head revealing my double D breasts which was covered in a womanly, purple lace bra.

I looked around to see the other girls talking and also changing just as I was, Ino a little further down, also changing at her locker in silence.

I sighed and turned back, moving to grab my duffle bag and pulling it open to look through it.

When I did, however, I wit iced my school clothes were still, in there, snuggled up safely.

I sighed in relief at that.

You can never be too careful..

People nowadays, are quick to steal..

Or worse...

I sighed away my worried thoughts and grabbed my white colored blouse and my black jacket and quickly placed it over my bra, untying my hair causing it to fall down my back, revealing its full length.

I smiled at that but a sudden tap to my shoulder stopped me, making me gasp.

I turned around quickly but smiled when I saw my other friends standing there to greet me as well.

Temari, my older friend had blonde hair which was pulled into four ponytails, her eyes a dark green.

Today, she wore blue jeans with a blue blouse that was tied at the end, blue flip flips to match.

My other friend whose name was Sakura, had short pink hair which dropped down to her mid shoulders.

Her eyes were a emerald green which shined brightly in the day. And she wore a pink and white polka dot dress with a leather jacket, pink flats accompanying her feet.

They both smiled at me while I resumed my changing, pulling down my skirt and quickly covering myself with my duffle bag, keeping in mind of the time.

"H-Hi girls. How were classes today?" I asked as a starter conversation, meanwhile digging through my bag for my shorts.

They both giggled at my nervousness, a blush on my cheeks at their sudden appearance.

Temari clicked her tongue and folded her arms over her chest, a sly smirk on her face now.

"Boring as usual. But girl, everyone's talking about you. And the competition last week. You really did good."

She complimented making me smile brightly, my eyed lightening up "Really?" I squeaked out, soon sliding into my shorts, bringing them up passed my ass, covering myself up now.

Sakura nodded too and leaned forward, lowering her voice. "You're the life of the party Hinata. Everyone, wants some of you." She teased making my blush deepen, my embarrassment taking on a whole new level.

But I soon resigned myself in, taking the time to think.

Oh, I always forgot...

Before I joined the cheerleading squad, everyone use to think I was only the shy girl.. The girl who couldn't stand up for herself when need be.

The girl who sits back and keeps her mouth shut when being wronged.

But when I did enter, I grew to love it.

It brought me to love myself and to become more confident.

And.. I have grown to become great at the sport. I've even grown friends because of it.

Ino, was the first to open me up which I was thankful for.

But every since then, I'm always talked about..

Good and Bad.

It really doesn't matter to me either way.

I sighed but smiled at those happy memories, moving my hand up to run it through my slightly tangled hair a bit. "Well that's not the first. I'm just so glad everything went well last week. I was a little nervous." I admitted and turned and grabbed my purple flowery backpack and white purse, shoving my duffle bag back into my locker.

My friends behind me laughed and shook their heads, Temari stepping up, her yellow bookbag placed on her back while Sakura wore a huge pink purse which carried all of her school supplies in it just like a book bag would.

She's fancy like that..

Temari gently placed her hand down on my shoulder and smiled reassuringly at me. "You did great, Hinata. You're good at what you do. There's no need to be nervous, girl." She said happily making me smile brightly, her words inspiring me.

I felt my self esteem boost majorly, just from her words.

I nodded at her in response, agreeing. "Aww.. Thank you so much, Temari." I said softly while shoving my belongings into my back.

Temari smiled but then looked up at Ino who scurried over where we were, her eyes scanning us intently " Oh, I see we have us a little girls get together going on over here." She said amusingly, a black skirt now covrring her legs with a black off the shoulder blouse.

Her long blonde hair was placed up in a high ponytail, framing her light blue eyes.

I smiled but blushed. "No, we were only discussing about the competition last week." I said and closed my locked, turning around to fully face the three girls in front of me.

Ino gasped, noddingn"Ooh yeah! The competition! It was pretty sweet, wasn't it? She joked which made Sakura and me laugh, Temari rolling her eyes.

She then let out a soft sigh and turned around, waving her hand back at us.

"Well, I guess I see you girls later. The bell's about to ring and my class is far from here. I need to get going." She said and with that she left, exiting the girls locker room in the gym.

I watched her go silently and then looked back at Sakura and Ino who were looking as well, Sakura's eyes glancing at the clock that now read...


I gritted my teeth at that, Sakura nodding. "Yeah. We have to get going as well." She said and grabbed my hand, pulling me along making me gasp in surprise.

"Fine." I muttered and followed behind them both, Sakura pushing open the door to greet us to some of the girls rolling up the mat we practiced on in the gym.

We kept walking ahead until a loud ding ranged out throughout the whole high school building.

We all groaned and quickly made our way to our next class, exiting the gym to split ways.

I waved at them as they turned down different hallways, separate from me. They both waved back and then disappeared with the rest of the incoming crowd, leaving me all alone.

I sighed and held my book bag and purse tightly to my body and walked down the hall that was filled with all groups of kids.

I smiled as I passed them, some of them glancing my way with heart warming smiles or waves...

While other people flashed jealous looks or mean comments.

Regardless, I waved and smiled, not letting the negative inputs affect me.

I always tell myself that people are gonna hate.. No matter what you do so...

Why bother?

So quickly, I made my way to my last class for the day, which was science. I groaned at that though..


I kept my eyes straight ahead until a special someone cut me off, his eyes staring down at me intently.

"Hi, Hinata." He purred out, his brown hair covering his brown eyes wildly.

I groaned and passed him fron where he blocked me, slipping passed him without hesitation, my eyes narrowed in pure annoyance. "Oh my god.. Not, in the mood, Kiba." I groaned out and walked further up ahead to the room in front of me, the halls now growing scarce.

Kiba growled by my actions and ran in front of me again, his hands gripping my hips, stopping me.

He stared down at me and smiled, flashing me one of his seductive looks.

The seductive look that gets me every single time, waking up my inner lust.

He grinned. "Come on.. I'll make it worth your while this time. I promise." He whispered out by my ear making me bite my lip in regret, my mind once again rolling..

And another thing..

Kiba, just kinda, snuck up on me.

He's had a major crush on me like, forever it seems. And when people started growing a liking to me, he became more confident into asking me out which I said, yes too, by the way..

But I only did to keep from being so lonely..

But lately now, all he ever wants is, my body.

And that is a major turn off..

I stared up at him as he pleaded for me to skip class and have sex with him, his mouth pouting tremendously at me.

I lowered my head and gritted my teeth, battling with myself.

My heart was telling me no..

But my head..

I looked back up at him and nodded, giving in, a uncertain look on my face. "I-I guess. But only one round." I whispered out making him grin, his hands clenching mines tightly.

"Of course, Hinata..."

-In The Bathroom-

My bare back was slammed harshly on one of the bathroom stalls in the girl's bathroom, my legs wrapped around Kiba's waist as his dick plunged deeply inside of me, the pleasure taking me over completely.

I groaned and bit my lip from the intense feeling, my arms holding onto him tightly as he kept slamming his hips into mines, his dick thrusting into me with rigor.

I growled at that, slightly glaring at him. "If you.. Ooh, don't slow down, I won't be able, to hold, my voice back, you i-idiot." I whispered harshly into his ear making him smirk, he receiving my request.

"Fine. Anything for you." He grunted and slowed down his pace, his hips grinding into me making my eyes roll.

I whimpered, my toes curling. "Oh no.. It's coming. Ahh!" I whined out quietly as my high rose further and further, my lower area tightening up making him groan in pleasure.

"Yeah. That's it, Hinata." Kiba whispered huskily in my ear making me blush, his dick slowly thrusting into my inner, most sensitive walls that were desperate to burst open...

But something, felt missing...

I bit my lip when he thrusted a bit faster, his climax rising. "Damn, I'm cumming." He moaned and soon came into his condom, deep inside of me with a loud grunt, my disappointed eyes falling onto his pleasure filled ones.

Just like I thought...

I sighed in defeat and hopped down from him, my high interrupted. "That, was a waste of time, Kiba. I-I didn't even finish." I whispered out as I felt my pussy tingling, begging for more but..

He never let's me finish...

His experience is little wonky anyway. It's always have been.

So during sex or foreplay.. He never gets me to cum and it's so frustrating.

Kiba panted harshly and stared at me as I went to grab my clothes off of the toilet seat, my eyes teary.

He shook his head at me and bend down and grabbed his shirt and shorts as well, staying rooted in the same spot I left him in.

"Stop the complaining Hinata. You said one round and I gave it to you. If you're not satisfied, how about you talk with those other guys that ogle at you all the time. Maybe, they'll give you what you want." He spat out angrily making me gasp, my cheeks burning up from anger.

I grabbed my clothes and pointed a finger up at him, giving him a piece of my mind. "You, have no right to say that to me. You did this only for yourself!" I shouted with tears in my eyes, my hands scrambling to pull on my shirt over my bra.

I shook my head, extremely hurt. "I will never, let you do this to me again." I whispered out and slid on my denim shorts over my panties as well and grabbed my bookbag, watching him as he snarled at me, clearly pissed.

"Whatever Hinata. All you ever do is fucking whine. I don't need this shit." He spat out and pulled on his shirt carelessly, an angry expression on his face.

I whimpered and turned around and threw open the stall door and walked out of the bathroom, tears slowly falling down my face.

I can't believe I wasted my time and virginity on the likes of him.

I should've known from the start.

He's no good for me.. And never will be.

I kept walking down the hall, my head lowered as tears fell, my heart completely broken.

I then, all of a sudden bumped into someone, head first, making my backpack fly open, my books falling out of it

I gasped and fell down from the harsh impact, my eyes connecting with a tall blonde and blue eyed man who caught my books with ease, his eyes widen in surprise.

"Woah there, sweetheart. I didn't see ya there." He commented as he bend down to me, his hands clenching my books tightly to his chest. I stared into his eyes in awe, his muscles completely bulging against his black T-shirt, revealing how ripped he was.

Oh my god...

No way does he go here...

I gasped when I caught myself staring a bit too long, his eyes rooted on me still.

Slowly rising back up, I laughed nervously. "Ah, I'm sorry. I-It was all my fault." I quickly apologized and gently grabbed my books out of his hands, a smile now etching his handsome features.

He then bend over and grabbed my bag and held it out for me, helping me. "Oh it's fine, darling." He spoke but then double taked me, his eyes taking me on fully.

He smirked. "You're, Hinata Hyuga right? The popular flyer on the cheerleading team here? You're pretty good.. I watched you perform once." He said amusingly making me blush, my teeth clamping down on my bottom lip from being complimented by such a fun specimen like he was. It was so incredible.

I smiled. "Aww, thank you. You're so kind." I squeaked out happily while placing my notebooks back into my bag, his hands holding it open for me to easily have access to it.

He stared at me intently as I did making me a little nervous but I soon placed the last one in and smiled, my hands free of books.

"There." I breathed out but then looked up into his eyes, a confused look passing on my features at his appearance, also remembering his previous question.

"I'm sorry. But h-have we met? I never saw you, around here before." I asked honestly, my voice quiet, to not defend him.

But surprisingly he laughed, his voice a little deep, and, it held major bass to it causing shivers to go up and down my spine.

Wow... So handsome..

I looked up at him through my hair who stared down at me with interest. "Well, you can say.. I'm new. A transfer student per say. I'm just looking for my last class." He explained and helped me up to a standing position, but then bent down to fetch my purse.

He then stood up again, his height threatening my much shorter height, intimidating me a little.

I looked up at him hesitantly but smiled, politely taking my things back from him.

"Well, if you need any help. I'm always there... Uh.. What's your name?" I asked as I zipped my backpack up, my eyes downcasted.

But just after I spoke my last words, my ears picked up a quiet 'whoosh' making me look up, my eyes widening.

The man I once saw in front of me, was gone..

Just like that.

My eyes grew wide and I looked around frantically in search for him, my heart pumping wildly.

What, just happened?

Am I.. seeing things..

And as on cue, the bell rung, signaling for me to go home for the day.

Yet again, skipping 4th period...

Yay.. me...


So.. How was the first chapter of The Unknown..

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