Chapter 11: Understanding

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴛ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Sasori's P.O.V

Over the passed day, after I received that strange phone call from that young woman, I have been doing a lot of research.

And what I've found.. has scared the hell, out of me.

Not only is this woman.. in grave danger..

She also.. needs help.. fast.

I sat in my own office this time which was a small room with nothing more than a desk and computer, a few pictures up which to a stranger, wouldn't mean any thing.

I held some of this, demon's files all over my table...

And they were a whole load of bad.

Naruto Uzumaki... Is a powerful.. ancient demon.

Who knows why he's spending his time with a measly human. He hasn't killed her.. which is good.

I can work with that.

Naruto, Uzumaki is a 2,000 year old demon.

His life span, is huge.

He's been around ever since humans, first, been walking, on this earth.

But.. Here's the trick.

He's been sealed away for some time.. until.. now.

He's broken out of his seal and now.. stronger than ever.

He's known for brutally killing off his victims like any other than demon but..

His power level, is immense.

No human.. has ever seen it.. and made it out alive.

We have, to catch him.. Immediately.

I groaned as I looked through numerous papers and papers, blowing my hair up in frustration.

The only thing that can bring him down is sealing him again...

Which would takes hours...

But I don't think that would work a second time..

I blew out another deep breath and threw the files back on my desk, my mind swirling with thoughts.

I haven't told the others yet.. Which I think is best.

They'll want to find him immediately.. and end him.. Which will no doubt get them all killed.

I have to figure out a way, to bring him.. down.. and I think I have just the way.

I smirked slyly and grabbed my phone, turning in my chair and pulling the drawer to my desk out, which revealed, my notes...

Also, the number that female call me from.

I think I have just the plan... to draw this demon out...

Temari's P.O.V

Sakura, Ino and me entered into Hinata's home, behind her worried sister..


Her Father was sitting on the couch at the sound of us outaide, his eyes stern.

"I hope you girls are here to tell me where Hinata's been all this while. It's not like her to just run away without telling anyone." He spat quite angrily Hanabi walking in first.

She smiled sheepishly at us but granted us a seat on the sofa. "Come, sit." She offered politely, putting a hold of her Fathers questions for now.

We all just nodded and quickly scurried over to not upset Hinata's Father even more.

Now my plan.. doesn't sound that great.

He's too, mad..

If I tell him about a boy.. He'll probably fly off the handle.

But.. It's worth a try, right?

It's for, Hinata.

We all sat on a sofa facing Hanabi and her Father, Sakura on the edge, Ino im the middle and me.. n the other edge.

Hiashi cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow, a simple black robe on his body.

"Well? Anyone want to explain?" He asked once more and Hanabi nodded this time, agreeing with him.

I turned to the girls as they turned to me, their heads nodding for me to explain.. first.

Of course...

I rolled my eyes but looked up towards the worried family members in front of me and sighed.

"Well.. For starters.. Hinata isn't a rebel. She won't do anything as far as run away.. I can tell ya. She's actually.. been.. with her new.."

I stopped myself as I eyed the disappointment flash across Hiashi's eyes, Hanabi secretly smiling.

Ino and Sakura turned to me at my silence and tilted their heads "Come on.. Temari." Ino hissed out, encouraging me to continue.

Well.. I better do it.

It's not like its true.

His reaction to the real truth would be totally different.

It would be much worse..

So.. That's, reassuring.

I blew out a quick breath before just blurting the lie out.

"Hinata's with her new boyfriend!"

I said in one big breath causing Hiashi to gasp, his eyes narrowing tremoundsly.

Hanabi gasped as well but for different reasons of course, her body falling back against the chair.

Her Father was leaned up a bit so he couldn't see her expression.

I turned to her and saw her mouthing something..

Something very sneaky...

You have to seriously.. tell me about this!

That made me giggle but I stopped when I caught movement in the cover of my eye, Sakura and Ino's eyes on Hinata's father.

He stared down at us while shaking his head, his black hair pinned down to his mid back, to keep it away from his piercing eyes.

"So.. Hinata.. is with, a boy.. At the age, of 16! Ridiculous. I've taught her better." He sneered which made us all sigh, my eyes falling on Ino.

I gave her the look and shrugged, leaning in towards her ear "So.. What do we do now? What do we say to him?" I asked quietly, a little stuck now.

I so wanted to stop talking so one of them.. could take over.

It's hard talking to parents about these kind of things.

Ino nodded slowly, for she had caught on.

She turned to Hinata's father and sighed "Well.. We've met her.. "Boyfriend" and he's really nice. He treats her well. They're taking a little trip right now that's why.. She was away. I'm sorry she hadn't told you. She's been very busy lately. With school, and cheer." Ino lied which seemed to work much better.

Hiashi sighed in relief, his back meeting with the plushy, blue sofa "Oh thank god. I was so worried. Thank you girls for telling me." He said happily which made us all smile, relief flooding in.

Thank god... He bought it.

Hanabi smiled and turned to her Father, reaching out and grabbing ahold of his sleeve which made him turn to her.

He smiled down at her and nodded "Yes? What is it daughter?" He asked politely which made her grin, her body leaning more towards him.

"Um.. Can they stay.. for lunch? We could cook them something since Hinata's not here. It's the least we can do." She offered which sounds like heaven to me.

I'm starving. I haven't ate anything all day.

Ino cheered while Sakura smiled at Hanabi's offer, our bodies lied comfortably on the long sofa.

I held my hands in my lap as I stated back at our best friend's family, Hiashi nodding to Hanabi's request.

"Sure Hanabi. We can do that. What would you ladies like?" He asked, turning towards us from Hanabi.

I smiled and turned towards my friends, their eyes sparkling in joy, meaning different options running through our mind. "Ooh how about a chicken salad? That's nice." Ino offered but Sakura wrinkled her nose, waving her hand at that.

"No. That's way too much. Let's just go with chicken alfredo. Or.. Shrimp." She offered as well which actually sounded quite good.

I could go for Shrimp/Chicken Alfredo.

Ino shrugged and turned towards me, eyeing my face "Well.. What do you think, Temari?" She asked me, all eyes on me now.

Hiashi and Hanabi sat off to the side listening, smiles on their faces as well thought up different choices.

I hummed softly to myself, my stomach growling loudly at the thought of food.

I was just about to answer Ino, when my phone rang loudly in my pocket, my eyes straying down towards it.

The girls raised an eyebrow but I shook my head, quickly grabbing it and eyeing the caller ID..

Which read.. Private call.

Who could this be?

I turned to everyone and quickly stood up from the sofa "Sorry.. But I have to take this." I simply whispered and walked towards the front door, opening it and closing it behind me.

The strong spring wind hit me immediately, my finger tapping my phone to enter the it.

I brought the device to my right ear and I raised an eyebrow...

🌼Me- Hello?

Just after I said the word, a male came up on the other end.

A male that sounded, so familiar.

👿Demon hunter- Hello miss. It's me again. I would like to ask some more questions about.. your problem..

My eyes lit up at that and I clutched my phone tighter, a relieved smile found on my face.

🌼Me- Yes of course. Ask away.

He let off a chuckle at my enthusiasm and hummed, a sound of a pen tapping on the other end...

👿Demon hunter- So.. Last call you told me that your best friend was in danger. That Naruto, Uzumaki.. A disguised demon was hurting her. Well.. raping her. Correct?

I nodded right away, wishing he's taking notes right now.

He sounds like he can help me. He doesn't sound like he's trying to scam me so.. I kept going..

🌼Me- Yes sir. That's correct.

👿Demon Hunter- Okay.. Just making sure. So.. Question 1.. What's your best friend's name?

I listened to his question and immediately seeked out to answer it.

I plan on answering all his questions.

Just like a police case..

He has to know everything about the problem before finding a way to put an end to it.

So I would gladly help.

🌼Me- Okay.. Her name is Hinata Hyuga. She's 16 years old and she goes to Leaf Academy High school. She's the captain of the cheer team, as well..

I told him all he needed to know about Hinata, my mind thinking of anything else.

Silence was heard on his end, scribbling of paper only heard.

👿Demon hunter- Uh huh.. Uh huh.. Great information there... Uh?

🌼Me- Temari.. My name is Temari.

I heard him hum to the sound of my name, he writing down more info on his side.

👿Demon hunter- Temari huh? So, let's go back to your friend. What does she look like?

His question was almost predictable, my breathing coming out in rags.

My stomach felt quincy and I felt a faint feeling coming over me.

It wasn't because of fear or anything.. It was mostly because of.. relief. I finally can help Hinata.

I've found the source.

I sniffed softly and looked down towards my heels, myright hand holding the phone up to my ear tightly.

🌼Me- Well.. She had dark blue hair. Her eyes are lavender and she's a petite girl.. I mean.. Not when it comes.. to her chest though...

He laughed at my last comment, my eyes rolling.

I didn't mean for it come out like that.

I really want to shape her description as real possible.

The more information I give.. The faster he can find Hinata.. and that demon.

I heard him hum again before going completely silent, meaning he was probably writing my description of Hinata down.

Only when he cleared his throat, I zoned back into reality.

👿Demon Hunter- Thank you for this information. It would truly help... But for now.. I need you to lay low. The demon boy hasn't killed your friend and probably won't ever, in this case. But, if he sense anything out of the ordinary.. He'll sniff it out. Don't.. do anything foolish. I'll contact you when it's time for me to intervene. You got it?

I huffed in annoyance at his order.

I know he's professional but damn.. I really want to see my friend.. Or least call her.

But.. I'll do, what he says.

He knows more about demons then I do.

🌼Me- Okay. Fine. But.. Thank you.. so much for this..

👿Demon Hunter- You're welcome child. I'll save your friend. I promise.

And with that, he hung up which caused the line to die out, a loud beeping sound erupting through the phone now.

I sighed at that and quickly shut my phone off, my brown eyes staring down at the sidewalk.

I should really.. get back to the others.

They're probably worried.

I nodded and with that, I turned around and entered back into the modern sized house...

Naruto's P.O.V

I stood silently behind a wall as my eyes stayed rooted on the girl that now sat in the chairs of my dining room table, her eyes down casted.

I granted her better clothing after our session, her body a bit sore.

But hell..

What do I suppose to feel?



Fuck, no.

She liked it..

I could tell by how her little body writhed under mines.

She just can't face the truth.

I felt a little generous and offered her a table full of food, because I know.. She's hungry.

She hasn't ate in hours and I know.. humans grow awfully weak when their.. famished.

As demons.. do.

But right now.. She wasn't eating.. anything.

She sat still in her chair and stared at a lone piece of chicken in her plate, her eyes teary...

You fool! You really think she'll eat, after what you did. You're nothing more than a brainless kid. Show the teen girl some respect.

And of course.. How could I forget the monster that's now in my brain.

Kurama was yelling at me constantly, the whole damn time..

Because.. I took advantage of the girl.

But like I said before, I do whatever I want. I've been doing it, every since I was born. I got nothing but wants and needs..

Why stop now?

I want the girl.. and I have her.

Nothing, will ever get in my way.

Not even Kurama.

I smirked darkly to myself and in that moment..

I zoned into my mind.

Completely zoning out of reality and entering into my mind space.. Where Kurama stayed.

I stepped into a sewer like room which held dark, murky walls, my eyes sparkling a deep dark red.. To see better.

There lied in front of me, in a pit full of water.. was Kurama.

A huge fox, the size of a whole building was staring back at me with a raging death glare, head lowered as his hands lay propped underneath.

In a hunting position.

He snarled angrily at me, revealing his threateningly massive teeth.

But.. His behavior... didn't bother me a bit..

It only amused me.

I stood before the huge fox demon as he grumbled and growled at me, his red eyes baring deeply into mines.

"You have guts.. showing your smug, face to me in here. You're lucky I need you."

He snarled in a pissed fit which made me only chuckle, my feet shifting underneath my weight.

Man.. Kurama is one funny creature.

He knows he couldn't kill me if he tried.

I looked back up at him and rolled my devilish eyes, they soon focusing back on the creature before me.

"Aww... Kurama. You know you love me. The girl shouldn't interfere with what we have." I purred deviously which made the creature gag, his eyes rolling.

I'm not friends.. with the likes of you. I only.. tolerate you. You're nothing but a bother. Now get out!

He roared with a scowl making me snorted, his behavior ruining my fun.

Damn.. I'm not wanted anymore huh?

Oh well.

A chuckle slipped my lips and I sighed, turning on my heels and leaving as he whined so much about.

"Whatever. I was just about to apologize and let you out. But since.. We're not friends... You'll stay.. here. I'm not letting you out." I scoffed out while walking away, the water splashing under my heels.

The beast behind me made a slight whine at my comment, indicating he wanted out..

Fine! Fine brat. Whatever it is that you want. I'll do it.

He yelled which brought a satisfied smirk on my lips, my feet coming to a stop in the shallow water.

At his plead, I vanished from where I stood and decided to land on the top of the fox's head, my body much more smaller in comparison to his.

See.. What I mean by big scary beast?

Looks can be awfully deceiving, as they say.

Hinata will freak out if she sees him like this, and he knows it.

Just to tease him a bit more, I stepped up and sat down on the top of his forehead, his ears sprouted out beside me.

I turned my body around so my body was lying down, my feet facing the wall behind him.

My hands then came down on the top of his head and I slid myself forward, my head coming down into contact with two, scary red eyes.

He narrowed them as he focused on my small, extra close figure in front of him, my lips carving up into another amused smirk.

"Fine, Kurama. But what I want is something you probably can't give me. You're willing to do that, in order to get out of here?" I explained with one blonde eyebrow raised, his mouth pulling up onto a scowl.

Kit... You and I both know I would do anything to get out of here. What is it you want me to do. I'm tired of the foolish games.

He snarled out once more making me sigh, my blonde hair moving to the accord of my head shakes.

Tsk.. Tsk.. What to do?

If he stayed here.. I'll have to listen to his whining all the time..

But.. he'll be out of the way.

Then again.. If I let him out and he goes back to being my loyal companion.. He could try to get touchy with my Hinata.


I stared into his eyes with a very, calm expression on my face, the splashing of the water hitting the walls the only thing heard in the massive room.

The fox raised an eyebrow at my silence which moved me upward.. slightly.

I sighed and vanished away, landing on the moving water which made me stumble a bit.

But I quickly caught myself..


Kurama growled out pleadingly which made me sigh, my eyes rolling at his behavior.

"Fine.. You can come out. Unphase..."

Real world
Hinata's P.O.V

I sat in a huge white room located in the front of Naruto's mansion, in one lone chair.

And yes.. I was all alone.

It felt absolutely amazing.

I actually could hear myself think.

I could relax..

I could.. figure things out.

But with all of this thinking.. I didn't have any appetite.

I couldn't bring myself to eat.. any of this delicious food Naruto cooked up for me.

The whole table was littered with all kinds of food.

Honestly.. It's probably because he doesn't know what I actually want.

He could've just asked.

God.. That demon is so full of himself.

An off the shoulder, black dress was draped on my pale, scarred body.

My body was still sore from the sex, which only occured a few minutes ago.

The ropes were simply too tight.

God.. I never want to do that, ever again.

I frowned down upon my food, my lavender eyes taking it all in. The food ranged from breakfast to dessert, my mouth watering up at the sight.

But.. I just couldn't bring myself to eat.

I bit my lip and shakily pulled my hand up above the steaming food, eyeing the deliciousness in want.

I have to force myself..

Even though Naruto can't be trusted.. At least he's catering to my needs.. right?

I have to take full advantage of them.

I grabbed my fork that was rested on my glass plate and started to dig in, grabbing a piece of ham and biting into it, immediately tasting the delicious juices from it.

Wow.. That was actually really good.

I quickly fetched for something else and tried the bowl of potatoes next, shoving them in my mouth with my fork.

My eyes shot wide open as a bunch of flavors touched my taste buds, my mouth salivating.

"Oh my god. So good." I muttered under my breath as I went about tasting everything.

I used my fork and soon ate away at the different pie that was there. Also I ate away at the chicken and roast beef, my eyes rolling in delight.

All you could hear from my end, was delightful hums and loud smacks of happiness, my jaws chewing up the well made food..

Is it bad.. That I kinda like Naruto now?

All of the anger and shame felt from him was dismissed, just from the taste of the food he made.

It really told a story.

It told that he put everything.. And I mean.. Everything, into making it for me.

I never ate anything so good in my whole life.

My own cooking wasn't even this good. Nor my Father's.

Red eyes twinkled in delight from afar as I ate away, another set of red eyes staring as well.

I was so into the food.. I didn't even sense the need to look around at my surroundings, knowing.. demons.. were watching, my every move..

Naruto's P.O.V

I smiled in satisfaction as I watched the woman a few feet away finally chow down on the food I specially made for her.

It took me approximately 20 minutes to make all of that.

I'm not the type to cook but that doesn't mean I can't.

I've been on this earth long enough to learn what not to do and what to do in the kitchen.

Also.. What to use.. And what not to use.. To help accommodate flavors.

I'm an expert.

Kurama stood silently beside me as he observed Hinata from afar, his red eyes checking her intently.. for any bruises.

He spotted several and I could hear low growling coming from him, which was just.. amusing to me.

He can't do anything though..

I ordered him to stay out of my way when it comes to Hinata.

So.. He has no choice in the matter now.. Unless, he wants to phase again.

I'm cruel.. aren't I?

I smirked to myself but then turned towards Kurama, clearing my throat, getting his attention.

He turned to me slowly and gave me a slight glare "What is it kit? Are you through with the games yet?" He asked through a deep sigh, a sigh I heard too many times when he grew too bored of my shenanigans.

I sighed as well and looked back at the girl, she now sipping at a cup of lemonade I made for her as well.

"Well.. I've decided.. To let her go to school." I announced with a roll of my eyes making him gasp, his eyes revealing great confusion.

"But kit.. Why now? I thought you didn't like her attending." He said with narrowed eyes, his head tilted as in a way to get me to explain.

Which I will.

I turned towards him and crossed my arms over my broad chest. A black tight shirt clung to my torso as for my bottom, I wore blue jeans, a black denim jacket wrapped around my waist.

I didn't wear shoes because I'm inside, only black solid colored socks, which made my feet feel comfortable as ever.

I felt like I was walking on fluffy clouds or something.

Whoever invented them.. Kudos to them.


I chuckled at myself for creating that thought but Kurama, on the other hand growled, grabbing my shoulder and tightening his grip.

"Explain, brat." He gritted out in irritation, his red eyes locked on mines.

I stared back into them and instantly dropped my smile, the emotions he letting off, almost hostile like.

Damn.. I must've pushed him too much.

I furrowed my brows and blew a deep breath, nodding my head to encourage him to do the same. "Kurama buddy.. You and I both know that behavior isn't good around a human. I'll explain, don't worry." I acknowledged and then cleared my throat, fixating my eyes back on Hinata who was now sitting back in her chair, running her perfectly created hands through her violent hair, a content look on her face.

Good.. She enjoyed it.

"I feel, for the human, Kurama. I want her to be happy and I think.. keeping her here is too much of a big step for her. She's young.. Too young. And to keep her family from getting any funny ideas.. I'll, take her to school in the morning." I announced with a dreadful sigh.

It sounds like I'm softening up but.. It's not all the case. I'm just putting myself in her shoes for once.

Of course I care for her.

But... seeing her crying and weeping about her family all the time..

It, drives me insane.

Kurama nodded in approval and looked back at Hinata, her body erect and now looking around the place, biting her precious bottom lip..

"Naruto... Wh-Where are you? I'm finished.."

She sounded like a little kid calling out for its mother, my eyes turning back to a blue at the sound of it.

Kurama turned to me and eyed the satisfaction in my eyes, a sly smirk pulling at his lips. "I'm glad.. you're coming around kit. The girl has surely rubbed off on you. You had me, for a second there though." He announced with a deep cackle which made me glare at him but I couldn't help but think...

Is this girl.. rubbing off on me?

Is she turning me.. Naruto, Uzumaki into a.. softy?

If so..

Why do I.. Like, it?



Hoped you enjoyed!

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