Chapter 15: Hunt Or Be Hunted

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ •  𝟷𝟾+)


Konan's P.O.V

Fast as we could, we made it quickly to the location the victim was located, my eyes narrowed greatly. We were all ready.

I, was ready.

Three of our trucks entered inside the crowded parking lot of a high school, my eyes searching it closely.

Wow, it's so.. huge.

That demon could be anywhere with the Hyuga girl.

This, is gonna be a very difficult task to fulfill but.. We have to. For Hinata and for the whole world.

These demons, shouldn't be here. It's not safe for the humans.

I blew out a deep breath but was suddenly tapped by someone, my eyes moving upward to identify the culprit.

Itachi sat in the seat in front of me, two sets of long seats rooted in the back of the truck we were sitting in.

He lifted his head a bit, his eyes narrowed. "Konan.. You know what you must do, right?" He asked sternly, his dark eyes rooted on me for an answer.

Hidan side eyed us from where he sat, one of his hands slowly cracking at his long slimy fingers.

I raised and eyebrow but quickly discarded the male across from me for now, my eyes turning back to Itachi.

His long jet black hair laid gently by his face, ending to his shoulders. A bit of it was held in a ponytail in the back, our ordinary red and black jackets strapped to his body.

Hidan, wore the same jacket, his cold purple eyes every once a while peeking in on our conversation.

I cleared my throat, answering Itachi's earlier question. "Yes, I know exactly what I have to do. I'll lure the Hyuga girl away from the demon Naruto and once I do that.. The demon, is all yours. It's gonna be a bit difficult but.. There's no such thing, as impossible." I declared with a nod, my faith held strong for this mission.

I know we can do this.

We battled tons and tons of strong demons before and in the end, we brought them down, no problem.

Our society even brought down Naruto once.. So I know, we can do that again.. We just have to put our minds to it.

Itachi nodded at my answer but Hidan rolled his eyes, scoffing deeply. "Or we can just kill the damn girl. Once she's gone, it's bye-bye to him. Easy as that." He responded sadistically, a dark glint held in his eye which made the both of us scowl.

I growled at him, narrowing my amber colored eyes. "Hidan, you disgusting brute! We can't do such a thing to that poor girl. The only reason we're all fighting demons, is to protect the humans. Not harm them in the process, you idiot!" I screamed in pure irritation, my eyes set on him.

Itachi stayed quiet in his seat, eyeing us in all calmness.

Hidan growled at me, sitting up in his seat. He pointed one of his slimy fingers at me and cursed. "To hell with that. We're fighting, one of the legendary. This, isn't just some neighborhood demon we're talking about. He's dangerous, Konan. I don't even think we can fight him head on. He's powerful.. Who knows how much power he has. Remember, he's secretly feeding off of the human girl. He's probably fucking overflowing with power. So, it's your funeral, Konan." He spat with narrowed eyes, all seriousness found in his tone which worried me.

My eyes shot wide open and my body began to tremble, second thoughts settling in quickly from his words.

Itachi saw this and growled, turning towards Hidan. "Now that's enough, Hidan. It's not like we can change the plan. Yahiko, knows what's best. He, has chosen this and we, have to follow through. There's no need to be so scared, Hidan. Konan knows what she's doing.. right?" He acknowledged with a nod and turned to me with tensed filled eyes, he studying my trembling body closely.

Hidan turned to me and scoffed, shaking his grey head at the sight of the worry present on my face. "Whatever. I tried to warn you fools." He snapped and moved in his seat, so he could be facing away from us. I bit my trembling lip in worry, Hidan's words filling up my head, leaving doubt behind.

Hidan's.. got a serious point.

Naruto is probably beyond, powerful by now. All that energy, he's consuming from the girl every single day is accumulating.

Just, sitting..

Oh god.

My head lowered and I clutched my school dress in comfort, my amber eyes closing a bit.

I wore an all black dress to disguise myself, black heels for my feet to complete my look.

I knew, deep down.. What I was capable of.

But I was worried about that.

Would I, be enough to save, the human girl?

She's needs our help desperately. She's waiting.. for us.

She's.. suffering.

My eyes shot back open and my worry went away in a flash, my face turning serious.

No.. I shouldn't be worried. We're doing this, for Hinata. We shouldn't want to back out or go through the easy way.

No.. If we die..

We die protecting, Hinata.

And with that thought in mind, I looked up, eyeing Itachi right in the eyes.

One eyebrow rose in response which made me smirk.

I soon nodded, answering his earlier question. "You're absolutely right.. Itachi.."

Hinata's P.O.V

Time went by and now I was in cheerleading practice, my palms super sweaty from where I sat.

All girls were all changed in their appropriate attire and was now sitting on a grey colored mat. A mat that was very, comfy.

But I had other things on my mind.

My eyes kept shooting over to a man in blue who was "cleaning" the gym we were in.

He had jet black hair with green eyes, his hands working the mop he held back and forth on the wooden floor.

Every once in a while the male would lift his head and spare me a glance. But that glance would show off his red eyes, letting me know that, was not a regular janitor.

I shuddered at that, already knowing the answer to the trick. I bit my lip.

Ugh.. Why can't that demon just leave me alone already..

He was really starting to be, a pain.

Everywhere I turned, he was there. Everything I said, he would hear. I felt, shackled.

I.. want, my freedom back.

I blew out a deep breath but looked up at my teacher who was now walking in with a clipboard in hand, all of our eyes rooted on her.

She huffed a bit but moved to stand in front of us, her brown eyes staring back at us with the same intensity.

She nodded, strongly. "Alright girls. We have a lot to do today since our competition is only in a few days." She trailed off, the last sentence she said the only thing catching me, my eyes widening.

Wh-What? The competition, is when?

Oh god.. This can't be happening.

I don't know any, of the cheer or stunt performances.

And I'm.. supposed to be, the captain.

Oh no. What am I going to do?

My teeth chattered rapidly against one another in complete nervousness, my eyes shooting at all the other girls who were cheering happily, all excited for the upcoming performance except for me.. and two, other girls.

Sakura and Ino sat huddled around me in their practice outfits, their eyes sparing me a worried glance every now and again.

Sakura frowned, moving in to rub my arm gently. "Don't worry, Hinata. We're not familiar with any of the cheers either. Maybe, we can learn together. We can make this, fun.. Like we used to." She spoke with a small smile on her face, she desperately trying to make the situation lighter which.. kinda did the trick.

I allowed myself to smile at her words, Ino secretly sending a wink towards Sakura for her great idea.

She then, nodded. "Yep. Sakura's got a point. No matter what we're going through.. We have to find the good in it somehow, ya know." She added on positively which opened my heart once more, my smile growing bigger and bigger.

Yes.. They're right.

There's always some good, in every situation..

I just need.. to find it.

Even though a demon is haunting me.. I'm grateful to have my friends by my side along the way.. I'm also grateful to have help, on the way as well.

I smiled at that, my mind growing a bit lighter, my troubled thoughts leaving me.

I giggled, happily, my hands hugging my knees tightly to my body. "Yes.. Thank you girls. I, really needed that." I whispered out thankfully, my head lowered a bit.

They both cooed at my words and went in and gave me a big, friendly hug, both of their arms wrapping themselves around me tightly..

It actually felt, very nice.

I really, really needed this type of love right about now. I actually haven't been, getting any.

I felt so lost.. and scared. I didn't know what to do, but at the feel of such warmth around me.. It made me feel sheltered.It makes me feel safe, and protected.

I like, this kind of feeling.

I hummed at that and moved my arms forward, soon wrapping them up around their arms as well, sighs escaping our mouths.

Coach Tsuande was too busy reviewing our schedule for the week to even notice us completely zoned out.

And we.. were too distracted to even noticed the demon eyeing us with hate in his eyes from afar, jealousy also there too.

He growled while I hummed, in delight.

But we soon parted and just smiled at each other, silently thanking one another for showing such strong love.

It made us all feel good.

I smiled but turned back to Tsunade, not before sparing a glance at Naruto's disguised self but gasped once I saw he was no longer there.

Oh no..

I whimpered at that but looked back at my Coach, blowing in and out shakily...

Maybe.. he has to feed.. Yeah.. That's it..

I was growing a little worried, and anxious.

If anything's scary, it's Naruto not, with me.. I never know what he's doing or even plotting.. It's truly scary.

I bit my trembling lip and just watched my coach, just wishing that things would just stay.. peaceful.. like this.

Konan's P.O.V

Soon enough, I slowly exited the big truck I sat boarded in and just took a long look at the school ahead of me, my amber colored eyes narrowing..

There.. This is where that bastard's hiding.

I had mixed emotions about this mission but they were not to be spoken.

I have to abide by my orders.

So I have, to go along with everything.

I blew out a deep breath, slowly turning and eyeing the open truck behind me.

Hidan shrugged at me while Itchahi waved me on, encouraging me to start the mission. "Let's hurry on, Konan. There's no time to waste." He spoke sternly from where he was seated, he slowly putting together his equipment to spy on me with.

I, on the other hand had one ear piece in my right ear, to contact them with. It'll come in handle for sure.

I nodded at Itachi's previous words and turned to do what he told me.

I sighed, finally making a move forward, my body inching closer towards the front door.

Clicked and clacked went my black ankle strapped high heels as I made my way, away from my vehicle which was now starting to drive off.

To hide itself.

I blew out a deep breath at that, steadying myself.

Well this is it..

I smiled and slowly opened the doors to the school building, entering inside and moving towards the front office, the doors closing and shutting behind me..

My mission, was now, beginning..


Slowly, I entered inside the front office of Hinata's high school, my amber colored eyes eyeing the nice sturdy work place around me..

Mmm.. Looks nice..

I smiled but couldn't help but sniff the air as well, sighing in content at the pleasant smell that hit my nose.

Hm.. And smell nice too.

The place looked nice to be a front office to a huge high school, my eyes searching around.

Many women flashed left and right, passing desks with papers and computers rooted on them, a lot of small talking happening..

I took note of that..

Hmm.. It seems, normal here.. No sign of any unusual activity yet.

Thank god this part of the school is safe.

I thought that vicious demon had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand. But, that's not the case at all..

I looked around slowly, eyeing the peaceful smiles on the office worker's faces, my own lips rising upward.

Everyone, was happy here..

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even hear the woman that addressed me, calling out for my attention.

"Ma'am? Uh, ma'am? May I help you?"

I suddenly heard straight ahead of me, behind one of the front desks.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked up, now taking note of the older blonde haired woman before me, her big blue eyes rooted on me.

She smiled as she saw my attention was now on her. She also, nodded. "Well, Miss?" She encouraged once more with a smile made me smile too, my feet taking me forward.

I cleared my throat, moving a bit. This was a little short notice but, I had to explain why I was here so..

Swiftly, I swooped my hand inside my dress where my breasts were held, my hand grabbing ahold of a packet of paper.

A pack of paper that rightfully stated that I was a student from another district. But of course.. I'm not. I have to do this if I want the plan to run smoothly..

To save, Hinata.

The woman's eyes widen a bit as I scooped out a packet of paper from my bra, my head whipping back at her.

I giggled nervously at the shocked expression on her face, my teeth coming down to bite my lip. "Sorry for that miss. It's been a very busy morning for me." I exclaimed nicely which made her simply nod at me, her head moving up and down slowly.

She tilted her head, eyeing me fully. "R-Right.." She trailed off but went to grab the papers from my clutches, my hands gladly giving them to her.

It took a moment as she held the packet of information in her hand, her eyes scanning over everything that was on the paper.

She gasped, nodding in understanding. "Oh, I see. You're a transfer student. We tend to get a lot of those here." She said with a cheeky smile which made me gasp, my lavender head nodding..

Oh.. Do you now?

I quirked an eyebrow at that, a hum passing my lips.

Maybe that's how that demon was able to disguise himself here..

He's got everyone under the impression that he's simply a student and the human girl is his.. girlfriend?

Who knows. I just want to get to her quickly.

I stood around patiently as different office workers passed by me, a sound of a telephone ringing every now and then from another room over.

There were four leather seats behind me but for this situation.. I'd rather stand up.

I have to be on my peas and cues.


The woman before me was now entering my info into the school's system, enrolling me in on her computer.

But.. I suddenly, had an idea.

I looked upon her concentrated face and cleared my throat, getting her attention.

She turned to me with a small smile, her work put on hold for a moment. "Yes, darling? You need something?" She asked sweetly but I nodded, smiling as well.

"Why yes.. I have, a request. It's really important." I declared pleadingly which made her eyebrows rise up, interest sparking her tan features.

She nodded at me, waving her hand for me to proceed with my train of thought. "Well, go on, sweetie." She spoke once more on which I nodded, doing as she said.

I swallowed softly and stepped up a bit, getting as close to her and her computer as possible.

I looked over her desk towards her, from where she sat in a black rolling chair, her blue eyes squinting at me.

I smiled. "Um.. Just curious. Is there a student here that goes by the name Hinata Hyuga? I'm her older sister and I would really like it if we have matching classes. We both just think, it'll be better for me to get to know the school way faster. With her help, I'm sure this will all be a breeze for me." I declared with a confident huff, trying my best to sell out the lie I came up with.

I really hope it works..

I stood patiently in my spot as the older woman processed my words, her eyes suddenly widening.

She nodded, clicking her tongue. "Oh, Hinata Hyuga eh? The little class skipper. You're, her older sister?" She asked with a tilted head, her eyes squinted.

At that moment, her words brought me in a state of confusion, my lavender head tilting..

What did she mean.. class skipper? Hinata, doesn't go to her classes?

My eyes blinked rapidly back at her, expressing my confusion. But I then gritted my teeth, remembering something.

Ugh.. It's because of that damn demon.

God.. I should've known.

He's completely ruining her life. I have to stop this.

So, to answer her previous question, I just simply nodded, my arms moving to cross themselves over my chest at her, one of my eyebrows raising.

She gasped at the sight of my mood change but instantly received the memo, soon looking back down to her computer and shutting up like I secretly wanted.

I nodded in approval at that, mentally sneering at her.

How dare such people judge others? They have no idea what's going on in the inside.

Humans are such evil creatures..

I sighed at that, looking away..

And so are demons. Who are much, much.. worse.

But I had to admit, there are some humans on this earth that are good.

Like.. Hinata.

From what I've heard from Sasori.. She's an innocent, bright young lady. A young woman who's only did good, in her life.

But unfortunately, she's in the hands of a powerful demon now. Which won't last.. I'll make sure of it.

Minutes and minutes passed as I just stood in silence, the woman typing and filling out things on her computer.

Soon after the woman sighed long and deep, moving over in her rolling chair to grab a pen off of her desk.

She then, rolled back, pulling the cap off of the pen and writing something on the papers I gave her, my eyes peeking over to inspect her.

She wrote something with her all black pen, her eyes concentrated.

Once she was done, she moved back to her computer and clicked something on it which caused the printer beside her to make weird noises, my eyes furrowing..

O... kay...

I was a little confused on what's happening but a bit anxious too.

I wanted to leave and find Hinata, as soon as possible. This, was only wasting my time.

After the loud commotion of the printer, a piece of paper with my name on it slid out, the woman moving to grab it.

She smiled, loving the contents that was on the paper. "Good.. Sweetie, you're all set. I have everything ready for you." She announced happily and moved her arm over her desk to give me, the papers.

I smiled at that, quickly grabbing them and taking a look.

I stared in awe, at what I saw.

It was, my schedule.. The schedule of, Hinata's..

She had Math, then English, then lunch and then.. cheerleading? My eyes widened at that, a groan slipping from my lips.

Oh dear god..

I shook off my astonishment and read the rest of the classes that I had.

After, cheerleading.. I would go to science which is the last period of the day.

I hummed at that, nodding..

What a.. nice schedule.

I smiled which made the office woman to smile as well, her eyes eyeing me closely. "Everything look good?" She asked curiously on which I nodded frantically, joy sprouting before me.

I, felt accomplished. This mission is going well.

I nodded, looking back at the blonde haired woman in front of me. "Yep.. Everything looks great." I acknowledged with a thankful smile, my hands holding onto the papers tightly.

She nodded but then clicked her tongue, her eyes shifting back to her computer.

She eyed it for a quick second before turning back to me. "So its 1:20 right now. Ten minutes, away from class change. It'll be best if you wait here for just a few minutes and then.. Make your way to the classes. A bell, should be ringing shortly." She spoke gently, informing me further on how the school works.

I nodded in understanding, moving back, slowly, towards the leather seats behind me..

I gently took a sit and just flipped through the difference pages in my hand, my eyes eyeing each and every one closely.

One step to this mission was down but I knew, more would soon come...

I just have to, work harder..

I blew out a deep breath, my body calming to the peaceful world place around me, my mind.. spiraling..

Hinata.. I'm gonna, save you.. I, promise..

Hinata's P.O.V

A whole hour had passed which was filled with nothing but fun and happiness. The whole entire class period, I only practiced with my friends, learning all the cheers there was..

There were no distractions.

No worries felt and luckily, there was no.. Naruto.

I was, happy.

I giggled joyously as I opened my cheer locker, quickly fishing for my backpack and putting back, my gym bag which held my cheer outfit in.

Not going to lie.. A little part of me was a little curious on where Naruto ran off to but..

I shouldn't think about it. Everything's fine with just the way it is.

Maybe he's off feeding again.. I never can keep track of when he gets.. hungry. Or how he liked to call it..


It seems like he always is.

I bit my lip, not noticing the silence that erupted around me.

I hummed quietly, to myself and slowly closed the door to my locker, my body and mind, in peace.

I was thankful.. to have this time to myself. I was truly glad.

It felt like old times.

I smiled at my thoughts but suddenly, I felt a clawed hand run itself through my hair, which was still held up in its ponytail from practice, my body stiffening and my joy crashing instantly..

I whimpered in a fright, my smile dropping and a frown replacing it..

Oh no..

My body started to tremble in pure terror as the creature behind me began to purr, he liking the fear my body produced for him.

Naruto hummed in delight, he moving in close.. So close, his chest met my backside which made me cringe, my hands gripping my locker tightly, as if it was my last lifeline.

I bit my lip, closing my eyes from the world around me..

I can't.. believe this is happening.. Just when I thought things were looking brighter..

That little part of me, was right, all along.

I will never, be fully free.. Not unless the help my friends called arrive.

And even then.. Who knows if that would work. I was so stupid to think what I felt just now would last.

I'm.. such an idiot..

The demon behind me purred and moved one of his hands down to place it on my thin waist, his other hand slightly twisting me around, to face him.

I whimpered once more as my body was forced to slowly turn around, the tall form of the beast in front of me revealed.

Two pools of deep red orbs stared back at me in predatory hunger, Naruto's hands tightly rooted to my flesh.

I bit my lip as I caught sight of him, his huge, scary body close and hovering over me.

Slowly, his lips pulled up into a smug smirk, he breathing deeply into my face.

I flinched at that, closing my eyes a bit. "N-Naruto.. You're.. back." I whispered out, not as a question but as a statement. I secretly knew he would come back.

It's just..

Naruto raised one blonde eyebrow at my words but then shrugged, instead moving closer.

He groaned and went to burrow himself into the crook of my neck, taking a whiff which made my body tense up a bit. "Oh Hinata darling. You know I'll always, come back. I will never, ever leave your side. Only if it's highly necessary. I was simply.. cooling off. I wouldn't want to harm the human I adore, hmm?" He whispered against me, his hot breath touching my delicate skin and causing shockwaves to run up and down my entire body.

I shuddered by the strong feel of them, my body pinned completely to my locker.

I nodded slowly to his previous words, not knowing how to respond. I didn't know whether to feel relieved or frightened.

What did he mean by, hurting the human he adored most? What did I do to make him want.. to hurt me?

He's so, confusing.

I blew out multiple breaths to calm my fast beating heart and finally, took notice, of my surroundings.

But what I saw.. made me even more frightened of the creature in front of me. My mouth hung completely opened and my body stiffened even more, my effort to try to calm my heart failing instantly

No one.. was there.People that were once here, wasn't.

The whole entire locker room was empty.

I began to hyperventilate, my head turning back and forth to see.. nothing.

That's.. why it was so quiet.

Where is.. everyone?

Where did they go?

I whimpered loudly in response and turned back to Naruto, his eyes staring deeply down into mines..

Taking in, all, my fear.

He chuckled amusingly at me but went back down into my neck, now adding small pecks to my skin which intensified the tingles.

I moaned quietly and moved about, his hands moving down to grab ahold of my wrists, holding me in place.

The demon's kisses began to grow more and more rough and ravinging which raised my discomfort, my moans growing louder.

He simply chuckled, at me. "You noticed, haven't you? This room is completely empty, leaving only, us. So Hinata, amuse me. Why don't you give a guess about how, I was able to accomplish such a thing, eh?" He murmured against my red, flushed skin, my body growing hotter and hotter.

My body couldn't move at all as it shuddered about under Naruto's gaze and attention, his hold on me too strong to break free from.

I was, trapped.

I was constantly reminded that my freedom, was taken away. And now.. This demon can make people disappear.

I'm afraid to ask what else, he could do.

I turned towards him and sighed shakily, laying my head back against the cold metal of my locker, in exhaustion. "I-I-I really, don't know.. But whatever you did.. Undo it, please. This, this isn't fair." I whimpered out quite honestly, my feelings pouring out a bit.

At the sound of my response to his earlier question, his blonde head snapped up and I was met with two pools of red again, my body inching back more into my locker, from fear.

Naruto growled at me, tightening his hold on my wrists. "What, isn't fair? I think the situation you're in is more than fair, mortal. I could just end you, right now. But, I won't. See, fair.." He whispered out against me, his voice low and deep which made the hair on my arms stand up.

But.. his words didn't at all sway me from my feelings. He doesn't, get it. He's only seeing it his way. Not mines.

So therefore, I shook my head at him, watching as his eyebrows furrowed. He tilted his head at me, clearly showing signs of confusion.

I sighed at that, my hands battling against his hold, struggling greatly. "Naruto.. You say that but.. You can come and go as you please and take, advantage. You order me to do things I, don't wanna do. You restrict my freedom.. You're not being fair at all." I declared with serious lavender eyes, my violent hair pinned up behind me.

I watched as the sexy blonde's eyes widen, his head turning away from me.

His broad shoulders rose and fell to the accord of his breathing, his eyes narrowed greatly as if battling with himself.

I bit my lip at that, secretly debating with myself as well.

What.. could he be thinking? Is he considering my words or.. Is it, something else?

I was a little confused by the scowl on the demon's face, his blonde shaggy hair placed by my chest.

His body was so close to mines it was almost suffocating, my eyes occasionally darting around the, empty, quiet room.

It seemed they expect someone to walk in and see the act we displayed but.. Deep down, I knew, no one would.

Not even my friends.

My eyes widen at that, my mind remembering.

My friends were here too. Does that mean they disappeared as well?

Oh no.

Suddenly, Naruto let my arms go and stepped back, pulling one hand up and gripping his forehead.

He shook his head. "I knew this would happen. You're really, something.." He muttered but then sighed, his hand rubbing his forehead once more.

Soon he pulled his hand away all together and just stared directly at me, rooting my body in my spot even more.

He narrowed his eyes. "I don't know what's changed, little one. I don't know if its the good ass sex I give you or all the passes, but you.. are mines. You have no choice, Hinata. You're never, leaving me. Ever." He spat darkly with the most evilest grin on his face, his sharp razor teeth peeking out of his mouth which added more, to the scary effect he put of.

My heart seemed to drop at that, extreme pools of sweat trailing down my face and body, my legs trembling underneath me.

Oh god..

This, can't be..

There's just no way.

My lips trembled in hopelessness, my heart breaking at his words.

I couldn't help the many tears that fell down my face, my dark blue bangs hiding my sad eyes that longed to be free..

That longed to have a normal life without, demons.

Everything's gone to hell..

My life, my relationship's.. Everything.

I was.. trapped.

Naruto rolled his eyes as I crumbled before him in sorrow, one of his hands rising up.

He sighed. "It seems you've reached your end. Fine.. I'll give you what you want." He groaned out and suddenly snapped his fingers, my eyes widening when I saw.. people.. again.

I gasped and moved away from my locker and eyed everyone chatting and laughing, my head moving towards...

My friends.

Sakura and Ino seemed to be in a conversation with each other, happiness coating their faces.

I smiled at that but looked back at Naruto who was staring back at me, his features soften.

He nodded at me, crossing his arms over his chest.

I smiled, at him, nodding thankfully. "Th-Thank you, N-Naruto." I whispered out shakily which made Naruto nod slightly back at me, the creature in front of me then, giving me a knowing glance.

He scoffed. "Whatever. Just know.. You disobey me, even once. I'll make your life a living hell. Heh.. Didn't I.. say that once to you, before? I did, didn't I? Well.. I could just, remind you. But you and I both know, that's, not what you want." He warned with a devious grin which had me shudder again, my mouth dropping.

God.. His mood, changes like the weather.

But.. I promise myself I wouldn't get on his bad side. And besides.. I don't want that from him. I want to make this unfortunate time at least somewhat positive..

That's all I can do...

So with that, I nodded, giving in once more. "Yes.. I promise. I'll, behave.."

Temari's P.O.V

Honestly, I absolutely hate.. the end of the school day.

I have no classes with any of my friends and I hate it.

I have no classes... with Hinata.

I have no idea what she's going through with that damn demon.

I sighed at that, slowly walking along the crowded hallway with my blonde head lowered.

My feet moved reluctantly along as I made my way to math class, a huff of annoyance coming from my mouth. "This, is so lame." I grumbled out with a frown as I held my yellow backpack to my back, teens of all kinds passing me, chatting loudly.

Everyone seemed to be in their own world as they slowly but surely made their way to their classes.

I sighed and made my way as well, strolling along.

It didn't take me long for me to spot out my last class of the day, a long and tired some sigh escaping my mouth..

Well.. Might as well end the day with a bang.

I groaned at my thoughts but suddenly, I felt a tap to my shoulder from behind which made me stiffen up, my head whipping around quickly.

But the person I saw, was not who I was expecting.

A lavender haired woman in a cute black dress, was walking alongside me, a small smile present on her light pink lips.

She smiled at me, eyeing me fully with her bright eyes. "We'll, well.. I've finally found you." She started off, her voice holding such courage and strength which made me come to a halt, my body turning towards her.

In response, she did the same, we both standing still in the slighty crowded hallway.

More and more students passed us and left, slowly leaving the hall bare but I, didn't care.

My eyes stared wide-eyed back at the smiling woman in front of me, a small book bag placed on her back.

Something told me.. the woman in front of me, was the one..

The one we've all been waiting for.

I gasped loudly and moved my hands up to cover my mouth, her smile widening.

My shoulders rose and fell rapidly as I eyed the woman in front of me, a giggle escaping her. "Yep.. You catch on quick, hun. Help, for your friend, is finally here. I'm so sorry it took so long. This, is a once in a lifetime for us and we can't, mess it up." She informed seriously, her voice low so noone could eavesdrop.

Or worse.. So that demon couldn't hear.

I looked around at that, checking my surroundings. There were only a hand full of kids in the halls now.

So, I turned back to her and blew out thankfully, relief sprouting before me.

I nodded at her, suddenly having the urge to hug her.

She.. was a demon huntress. She, can save the day.

I clasped my together and smiled, happily. "Thank you, so much. Hinata will be truly grateful to have you here. She needs you, badly." I announced with furrowed brows, a frown coming upon the older woman's face.

She sighed and lowered her head, nodding. "I know. And since I'm here.. I will put my life on the line to protect her. I've faced off a lot of demons in my lifetime so this one, shouldn't be any different." She responded brightly, her head lifting backup to give me a huge reassuring smile, a similar smile coming on my face as well.

My heart was overjoyed to hear such great news.

Finally.. Hinata can have the help she deserves. That demon.. will be no more soon.

I couldn't help but sign happily,y chest falling.

Yes.. Today is gonna be life changing for you.. Hinata..

Hinata's P.O.V

I made it in class just in time, alongside Naruto, my body hurriedly sitting down in the back of my Science class, Naruto following along emotionlessly.

As usual, he held a stoic look on his face, his blue orbs staring at the teacher walk in with little emotion.

I couldn't help but sigh at that, a little unsettled about what went on earlier.

Naruto, grew soft on me. He let up his punishment for me.

But, why?

I blushed..

Maybe he's softening. If so, that means I need to stay on his good side. That's, my only way to be truly safe, around him.

He's like, a ticking time bomb. One little thing could set him up and could really infuriate him which is something.. I don't, want to see

After the bathroom incident earlier, I don't want to anger him again.. So I definitely have to watch myself.

I sat quietly at my desk, occasionally sparing a glance at the creature beside me.

And every time, our eyes would meet, my head would dart away out of embarrassment, earning a chuckle from the demon beside me..

He leaned over to me and raised his eyebrows, eyeing me with a huge grin. "You, are one cute human, little one. You amuse me greatly." He announced in a whisper, the teacher now beginning to teach away, the class packed with students.

I blushed deeply at his comment but stayed quiet, my lavender eyes shooting towards the teacher.

I paid close attention to what she was saying, slowly catching on.

Because I haven't been here for a while, I was way behind then everyone else so..

Everything was a little confusing.

But nothing I couldn't handle.

Naruto sat there in his wooden desk with his arms folded across his chest and his eyes closed, clearly bored to death.

I chose to ignore him and instead copied down everything my science teacher said, she writing informing things on the board.

Time passed and we then was handed classwork which Naruto simply tossed, snapping his fingers and completely making it disappear from the visble eye which made me roll my eyes..

Why does he have to be so cocky?

I knew he could make his life easy but to do it blatantly in front of me, literally rubbing it in my face that we were indeed different.. was a cruel thing to do.

But hey, it's Naruto.

Demon, Naruto.

Slowly, I took the time to read the little science passage given to my worksheet and answered the questions thoroughly.

Halfway through the worksheet, a knock was then produced to the door which stopped every individual in the class, even sparking Naruto's attention.

He looked up as well as I, the teacher going to answer it.

"I got it." She announced and opened it slowly, her eyes landing on the unknown person behind it.

But when she saw who it was, she gasped and immediately moved aside so the person could enter.

She turned to us with a huge smile on her pale face, our eyes eyeing her in deep confusion.

She closed her hands and leaped in joy. "Well class. Today, we have a new student which makes me so happy." She declared excitedly which made both, me and Naruto's eyes widen, we moving to look at the other one.

He raised one eyebrow at me but looked back at the front, my head doing the same.

I wonder who could it be.

My lavender eyes stared curiously at the front as the teacher allowed the unkown student in, she waving the person in. "Come, come, young lady. Everything's all set for you. Just tell us your name and we'll be on our way to make your year brilliant." She declared reassuringly which surprisingly gave the young woman some courage and she stepped in from where she stood in the hallway, her appearance now shown to us.

The first thing that stood out to me was her short lavender hair which framed her pretty pale face, her hands holding onto her backpack which hung on her back securely.

She walked in with confidence, despite her being new and all

Her head was held high and she stopped to stand in front of the class, her bright eyes eyeing the class entirely and even me.. And, Naruto.

Her eyebrows furrowed a bit but she sighed deeply, shrugging her shoulders to relax better.

She sighed once more, the teacher slowly closing the door.

The young woman smiled and nodded, her hands held close together in front of her. "Hi, everyone. My name, is Konan. And I, am a new student here. Thank you so much, for having me." She spoke cheerfully and bowed low, my eyes widening upon her.

Just from her voice, I felt something bright come from her, something enchanting

Something, hopeful.

What is this, feeling?

I couldn't help but smile at the new young woman in the front of the room, eyeing her peek over at me.

But at the sight of my smile, she smiled back just as bright which warmed my heart.

Maybe.. She isn't gonna be so bad.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, I didn't see the blue eyes that flashed red, at the sight of the lavender haired woman, in front, of the class...


Well, how was that? 😃😃

Exciting stuff is happening.

Konan is playing now and she is intending on ending Naruto and saving Hinata.

Think she can do it? 😏

Hehe.. Well find out. 😄

I really hope you all enjoyed!! 🧡❤🧡

See you all next time!! 👋👋


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