Chapter 42: Bring On The Fight

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • ɢᴏʀᴇ •ᴀɴᴛʜʀᴏᴘᴏᴘʜᴀɢʏ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ • ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ ᴜsᴇ • ɪɴᴛᴇɴsᴇ • ᴅᴀʀᴋ/sᴀᴅ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ •𝟷𝟾+)

Naruto's P.O.V

I put up a smile as I eyed my beautiful lover through the rear view mirror as I drove, one of my eyes closing to send her back a playful wink.

In response, the young girl giggled, her entire face lit up in happiness and, in glee which brought me the same feeling inside.

I just couldn't get enough of her. Hinata just makes me feel so damn happy.

I just, love her, so much...

I hummed but looked out into the road again, refocusing a bit. Traffic during this time of day is known to be extremely outrageous, so, to keep everyone in the car safe, I have to leave my little one alone for a while, to drive. But...

I gritted my teeth, my hands clenching the steering wheel tightly...

Fuck.. It's so hard ignoring her...

There was a constant itch to just look at her, talk to her, entertain her...

What the fuck is wrong with me...

I know for Hinata just being here, is helping me out tons, but the love I feel for her is beyond this roof. It's nothing I have ever felt before and it's driving me insane...

I licked my lips in response, ignoring the eyes that were staring me down from the passenger.

Kurama shook his head, soon moving his attention out of his window. "Wow.. You have major issues, kit." He suddenly spat out which granted my attention immediately, one of my eyebrows rising by his rather blunt statement.

I smirked. "Heh, and what does that supposed to mean, huh?" I chuckled out and even moved to nudge his shoulder playfully. "Care to elaborate a little, ole pal?" I added while switching my eyes back and forth from the road to the orange haired male in the passenger, his eyes steady staring outside.

But I noticed almost immediately, how quiet he had grown, his body a little stiff in his seat.

I frowned at that, moving to spare Hinata a glance who looked to be secretly engaged in our conversation, her eyes also staring back at the fox man questionably.

I silently nodded my head towards Kurama's direction and blinked at her in which she instantly shrugged, revealing she knew nothing of why Kurama was acting so strangely.

I hummed, switching my gaze back over towards him who looked even stiffer than before, his eyes set on something.

What the hell?


But as soon as I spoke his name, he shook his head, one of his fingers shooting out to point forward, signaling for me to keep going.

"Drive faster, Naruto. I think we're being followed." He stated in all seriousness, his voice ridiculously low which made my body heat up instantly...

I narrowed my eyes, moving to spare a glance in the mirror on the outside of my car, just studying it a bit. While steady keeping my eyes on the road, I managed to simultaneously pinpoint the problem... And, I couldn't help but smirk...

Ahh... Kurama's totally right...

We have company...

And this company was acting plain foolish because I could clearly see a large black truck trailing behind my car slowly as I quickly made my way out of the city. The unknown person must want, me to know that they're onto me.

I chuckled at that, a large grin slowly creeping onto my face...

Mmm.. How exciting...

But my thoughts were interrupted by Hinata who whimpered, her body springing up from Kurama's previous statement.

"W-Wait.. We're being followed?" She shrieked out in fear, the emotion filling up the car like air, fueling both, Kurama as well as my body with a mouth watering sensation. But, I kept it at bay.

This, was serious after all..

I let out a quick sigh and sent Hinata a look in the rear view mirror once more. But my look wasn't playful anymore...


It was completely serious now, my blue eyes flashing to a red occasionally. I growled. "Unfortunately so, little one. But don't worry. Me and Kurama will take care of it. Just sit back and try not to be seen. I don't want you spotted." I ordered while staring back at her fear filled face, her beautiful lavender eyes widened largely.

She nodded almost immediately and practically slammed her back against the seat, even sliding her body down so she was away from prying eyes.

I nodded at that and turned back to the road in front of me, my mind referring back to what Kurama previously said. I smirked...

Speed up, huh...

No fucking problem..

I don't know who's the idiots, following us but they're gonna have to do a bit of work to catch me, first.

I grinned, soon turning to Kurama. He nodded at me in which I did the same, amusement filling my orbs.

"Brace yourselves.." I warned before doing the unthinkable. Something quite dangerous.

I floored it..

While keeping my hands clenching at the steering wheel, I pushed down my foot on the gas with all of my might, quickly zooming forward. And with that speed, I was able to get out of dodge, zipping through the crowd of cars with lightning speed.

Hinata yelped by my sudden action and gripped the seatbelt that bound her, her eyes closing shut.

"Ahh! Naruto!" She screamed out fearfully as the car sped on down the highway in full speed, my eyes narrowed in deep concentration.

Kurama continued to stare deeply into the mirror on his side, just checking out the truck that was quickly vanishing away due to the speed I was going, my car easily losing them.

The orange haired male chuckled, nodding his head in approval. "Heh, seems like that did the trick. We lost them. Good job, kit." He cheered as I slowed down the car on the now quiet road, hardly any cars in sight.

I grinned at my accomplishment, quickly moving over to check my mirrors once more, indeed spotting that we were in the clear..

No truck in sight...


I hummed and then nodded my head, satisfied. "Ahh, safe and sound, once again. Are you alright, Hinata?" I spoke softly while turning towards my mirror again, just getting a glance of how Hinata took the whole crazy ordeal.

But I couldn't help but snicker at what I saw.

Hinata was now snuggled on the entire backseat, her body lying sideways on it, just like you would a bed. One hand was gripping the seatbelt that was wrapped around her body still, her eyes staring intently back at me.

She bit her bottom lip but soon nodded frantically, still a little shaken up at what happened. "Y-Yes.. I'm fine." She stuttered out, following with a whimper which made me pout.

I cooed, but soon turned back to face the road, just now focused on getting back to my place. But I couldn't help but think for a moment...

Was that, them?

That's never happened to me before. I've always gone out into the city alone and came back just fine, without any trouble. But this time was different.

And it isn't a coincidence either..

This, was the only time that I brought Hinata with me and, the one time I did, I'm followed. I growled lowly, clenching the steering wheel once more...

It's them...

Which means..

Those hunter bastards have always been keeping a close watch on me and for once, I hadn't even noticed. I've just been so caught up with Hinata.

Fuck.. I'm letting my guard down..

I sighed at that, not knowing what I should do...

Going out like this is a major risk...

But staying inside is damaging Hinata's fragile mind.


What, to do?

I sighed once more but suddenly my peripheral's caught sight of Kurama who suddenly jumped up frantically in his seat, his eyes widening.

"No way. No fucking way! Naruto you gotta see this!" He practically shouted, my eyes switching over to him who was staring directly into the same mirror he's been looking in from the beginning, my eyebrows furrowing. I gritted my teeth at his sudden mood change.

Dammit... What now..

I rolled my eyes and simply turned back to my mirrors to look at what's making Kurama so rowdy, my face holding a rather nonchalant expression.

But what I saw, shocked even me, changing my look instantly.

I let out a curse, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "Shit." I whispered out in the quiet car, Kurama's panicked words regaining Hinata's attention again.

She shook her head, whimpering. "Wh-What is it this time?" She screeched on which I sighed, the situation now growing out of hand.

Yeah, it's definitely them..

I blew out a deep breath, checking my mirror again. I then raised an eyebrow. "Well Hinata. Just know, we're definitely not, in the clear." I only spoke as I stared intently into the mirror which showed me a line of black trucks trailing closely behind us, steady on our tail.

I scowled, turning towards Kurama who's eyes were a bloodshot red, his features tight and angry.

He growled loudly, just like the beast he was. "It's those foolish hunters again, Naruto. They must have spotted us in the mall." He acknowledged with a snarl, clearly bothered by this whole situation...

As I was...

I know those hunters aren't going down without a fight so... I smirked darkly, loosening up my grip on the wheel...

Heh, why not give them one?

I chuckled and looked back towards the mirror to see the cars working into a vertical line now, across the road, a few of the cars honking their horns at us...

"Stop now, demon!"

"There's no use in running!"

My ears picked up several orders which screamed at us from a few vehicles that trailed behind me... But not once, did I stop and obey those orders..

Hell no...

My foot was still pressed on the gas pedal which worked me along, away from the trucks. But they just kept being persistent, their constant screams filling up my ears.

I growled at that, my mind trying desperately to come up with a plan. But nothing came to mind. Only one particular thing did, and that was to...


I would need to face those annoying bastards directly...

And destroy, them...

That, would not only get them off of my tail but will give Hinata and Kurama time to get the hell, out of here.

I could be, a distraction...

That's the only plan I have right now and I'm, going to take it.

I blew out a deep breath before turning and rolling a window down. But, it wasn't mine, nor Kurama's. I rolled the window down which was located in the backseat where Hinata laid, my eyes glancing back at it... I smirked..


Kurama stared at me the entire time, already knowing what I was about to do.
He nodded, moving over to unlock his seatbelt. "Good thinking, kit. I'll take over and drive in your place while you're gone. Just don't.." He paused, moving to clench my arm tightly, but with care, his eyes squinted a bit.

I frowned upon him, still trying to keep my eyes on the road, to navigate the car.

He frowned. "Just, be careful. Don't do anything reckless. Just kill them, and be done with it. I'll take care of Hinata." He spoke quietly while the young girl listened in to everything, her eyes widening at the fox man's words.

Concern filled Hinata's lavender orbs and she shook her head, suddenly moving to launch forward to creep closer to me.

She pouted pleadingly. "N-Naruto, no.. Please don't leave." She whimpered out which caused me to sigh, my heart breaking at the sound of the hurt and the concern in Hinata's voice. I frowned once more but turned to Kurama, ignoring Hinata's presence for now.

I'll deal with her later..

Now staring at the determined fox male, I gave him a nod on which he nodded back as well, his hand soon launching out to grab at the steering wheel to keep it steady.

I plan on leaving this car entirely..

That would mean, Kurama would have to take my spot..

I blew out a deep breath, pumping up my body and soul for the upcoming fight that was awaiting me...

It only took me a couple of inhales and exhales before I was fully ready, my eyes glowing a deep, dark red. I smirked, nodding..

It's showtime..

I chuckled darkly and now in my, ready to go state, I reached down and unbuckled my seat belt, soon turning to face Hinata in the backseat.

My eyes met hers and I took in all the hurt that rested within those beautiful lavender orbs she had, her body now lying upright in her seat.

I pouted at such a heartbreaking sight but soon grabbed the back of the two front seats and pushed myself forward, launching myself into the backseat.

But at the same time I left my seat, Kurama went about doing his part, of the plan.

With a small growl, he launched his inhuman body over the armrest and fell directly into the driver's seat, his hands moving to grip the steering wheel tightly.

The car jerked a bit on the road, swerving from the whole ordeal but now in the hands of Kurama, the ride onward was calm again. But those pesky hunters were still on our trail, shouting at us.

With a grunt, I made my way from the front of the car to the very back of it, dropping down into a crouch before Hinata, my eyes dark and scary.

I looked up at her with narrowed eyes, her seatbelt wrapped around her body protectively. She stared down at me the entire time while keeping the same worried look.

She frowned, shaking her head. "Naruto.." She whimpered out but I shushed her and soon moved my body up slowly to match her level, our eyes meeting.

But, the young girl didn't flinch once at my intimidating look, her hands moving up to cup my hardened face.

I tilted my head at her, soon shaking it. "Now, now, Hinata. You and I both know, what needs to be done. Those hunters aren't going to stop until I'm dead or sealed away again. And I know, that you, don't want that. So, I have to spill a little blood to keep the both of us safe. I told you that before, didn't I?" I whispered out soothingly to her, trying to reassure her.

But her frown remained, her head lowering away from me. "I know.. I remember. I just don't want you hurt. I-" But before she spoke another word, I launched out and captured her lips in a deep kiss, making sure to move my head to quickly deepen it.

Moans from both of us were instantly heard as our lips sucked on the other ones longingly, just holding each other tight.

Hinata's cheeks turned a rosy red as I showered her lips in a majestic kiss, our lips plopping once it all ended.

I smiled at her, soon moving my hands up to caress her own, just pouring my love out to her. "Oh don't you worry your pretty little head, darling. Those hunters can't do a thing to me. I promise, I will be back before you know it. And only then, we can go home and I can make this day better for you, Hinata." I whispered out also which made the midnight haired girl smile brightly, her eyes watering from my heartfelt words.

She sniffed back her happy tears and nodded, soon moving her arms over to wrap them around my neck, pushing me into her body.

I chuckled by her affection and moved to wrap my arms around her as well, returning the hug.

I hummed and buried my head into her neck, even sneaking in a kiss or two making her giggle.

Kurama giggled as well but he kept his eye on the hunters behind us who were gaining fast, my ears constantly taking in their shouts and screams...

"Show your face, now!"

I rolled my eyes and on that note, I broke the hug and just settled on smiling at Hinata, one last time before leaving.

"I love you, my little one." I whispered out on which she nodded, returning the love.

"I love you too, Naruto." She said with a hum which gave me the strength I needed to go on, my smile growing.

I chuckled but then turned to Kurama, my face slowly morphing into a more serious one.. "Alright Kurama. I'll keep these bastards distracted while you settle on getting out of here. Protect Hinata with your life. Got that?" I shouted out with narrowed eyes, the young girl mentioned now quiet as she just took in everything.

I stared at the orange haired male who now sat in the seat I previously was, his head nodding without hesitation. "You got it, Naruto. You don't have to worry. Just.." He paused once again to move his eyes from the road to the rear view for a moment, his eyes remaining a deep dark red, the color glowing in the light.

He chuckled, darkly. "Give them hell." He snarled out which made every part of my being hot to the touch, my eyes growing more and more scarier.

I could only nod at him, for I was now ready to kill and torture. At this moment, there was no one stopping me from making those hunters back there into my little play things, my body slowly creeping towards the open window to my right.

Hinata stared at me in concern the entire time, but I ignored her.

Slowly, I crawled my way over to the open window which blew wind inside harshly, the loud shouts from the many men behind us flooding in also. But I chose to ignore that, as well...

I'll make sure, those words, are the last thing, those men say..

I grinned darkly, showing off every razor sharp teeth I had, one of my clawed hands soon reaching out of the window to scoop and grab a hold of the top of the car, my body preparing to slip out.

But I didn't go without sparing the two people I love, a glance, my head nodding at the both of them.

Hinata smiled faintly while Kurama just settled on nodding back at me, the wind filling my ears constantly. I smirked at their friendly gestures but soon returned back to my task...

Heh, here I come...

With my hand on the top of the roof, I used my nails to dig inside the material, holding my body up.

And with great force, I launched myself out of the car and out of the window, moving my legs a certain way to have my body plunging into the outside world, leaving the inside of the car all together.

The wind, hit me first, an attempt to throw me off of the position I had against my car, my blonde hair blowing wildly. But that, didn't hold me back.

Now dangling against the open window, I grunted, my red eyes taking a glance at my opponents, my body facing them.

But I growled to see a whole line of the same identical trucks, at least twenty of them set there for me. I cursed, keeping my nails burrowed inside the car.

Alright.. To, can play that game.

With a devilish grin, I gave my legs a kick which gave my body the strength I needed to plunge myself up into the air, my body soon diving on top of the car with a loud thud.

I growled once I was where I wanted to be, at last, facing my enemy who was still screaming like hysterical roosters.

"We got you now!"

"Surrender yourself!"

They're words only made me want to vomit, my face slowly showing signs of pure disgust and malice.


Give up?

No way in hell...

Surrendering was never in my book and it sure as hell, won't start now.

So with darkened eyes, I pulled myself up along the top of the car, working against the strong force of the wind which actually felt quite pleasant to my steaming hot body, my dark power bubbling within me, ready to be used.

I smirked, soon pressing my hands back onto the hood of the car to push my body up, working myself into a standing position.

Now, I was just where I wanted to be, front and centered with all the trucks, my eyes taking in how large they were.

I tilted my head, giving it a crack, soon pulling up my hands to also, give them a few cracks.

I licked my lips, narrowing my eyes at the many trucks in front of me, the car underneath me riding down the road, regardless that I was standing on top of it.

I let out a chuckle, pulling my arms out wide before the many trucks in my vision.

"Hah! I'm sorry to bust your bubbles, sweethearts! But I won't be surrendering today. So you all are in for a treat!" l started off while the hunters all listened, all of them snarling at me through their tinted windows.

But with my keen eyes, I saw each one just fine, their rage and hate only fueling my body, making me stronger. I hummed...

Yes, hate me...

Fear me, you fools...

I only grow stronger, working you all to your doom..

I licked my lips, soon chuckling once more. "So, because I'm not backing down.. I'll ask you this.. You all can just surrender and keep your useless, self absorbed, puny little lives. Or, you all, can die a slow, agonizing death where you'll be screaming, straight down to hell. Your fucking choice." I spat out into the air which blew at my face without mercy, my blonde hair moving along with it.

I stared long and hard at the many humans before me who no longer was shouting nonsense, a dead silence creeping in the air from them.

No other cars were on the road which made me think that this, was they're, doing..

Heh, no matter...

I tilted my head, just waiting for an answer. But, the answer I got was something I wasn't expecting.

Suddenly, my eyes caught sight of more than a hundred guns point, themselves out of the windows to the many trucks, soon setting off rounds in my direction.

I smirked and quickly jumped off of the car to glide high up into the sky, my body turning and twisting to dodge all the bullets that the hunters were aggressively shooting. But each one, I dodged with ease.

The wind blew against my body constantly as I went about my dodging, soon turning my attention on the first vehicle in the line of trucks. I grinned darkly, their answer quite clear..

They all, want to die...

Then so be it...

With my feet, I applied fire to them which caused me to shoot from my spot in the air and straight towards my target with high speeds, the bullets constantly missing.

The car grew closer and closer until it was right in front of me. But I didn't stop my speed, I kept going which caused me to crash right into it, making the entire vehicle explode, taking out the people inside.

Quickly, I went about tearing apart every person on the highway, laughs filling the air.

I crashed into another vehicle, kicking down the windows and grabbing the first human I saw, my nails moving to sink into the male's face.

Screams flooded all around me as I went about tearing every single person apart, moving all across the vehicle to maim and maul the hunters.

I tore off legs, clawed apart arms, ripped into throats, shoved out hearts. I did all I wanted to the humans. And I did it, while laughing.

The shooting was constant but my body worked around so fast, none made contact.

I was growing stronger, soon dipping out of the second vehicle to launch myself into the third, throwing myself off of the large truck.

I flew across the air and landed with a roll on the hood of the third truck, quickly going about and reaching through the glass to grab out the driver.

He screamed but quickly tried to throw a few punches to my face which I easily dodged, his eyes hardened. "Go back to hell, you unholy bastard." He screeched, his mouth opened so many insults could fly my way. But all they did, was excite me more, guffaws escaping my mouth.

With my hand wrapped around his throat, I pushed him straight into the broken glass window, many bullets now available to pierce my body. But oddly enough, I didn't feel a thing. And these bullets, were made for my kind. I hummed at that.

Well well, I've gotten stronger than I've thought.


The male squirmed beneath me as I held him still against the moving car which was quickly working off the road, the other humans on the inside quickly taking the wheel.

But my eyes were rooted on the male before me who had officially run out of things to say, his eyes widening as he just stared back at me. But, he didn't plead for his life like I had hoped..

He kinda just, laid there.

I raised an eyebrow, moving to hover over him menacingly. "You puny humans are no match for me. You're wasting, your time." I snarled out and with that, I opened my mouth wide so all of my sharp teeth were visible, my red eyes glowing darker.

And before the male knew it, I plugged them straight into his neck which I gobbled, blood splattering everywhere.

The gun shots grew more rapid but I only kept my position, the bullets piercing my body over and over again.

But every time they did, my skin would only heal up quickly, pushing the bullet out of my body and onto the moving car making several click sounds.

Many eyes shot wide as they stared at me, take, in all of the bullets nonchalantly, my teeth continuing to chomp down on the male who was no longer screaming and kicking, his body completely stiff underneath me.

I groaned in delight at such deliciousness but soon moved my eyes onto the woman that chose to take the wheel, blood dripping from my mouth and chin which gave me a horrifying look.

But she stared back at me with little fear, which only brought a grin to my bloody lips, my head tilting in a very creepy manner.

I snickered, darkly. "You're next." I whispered before launching inside the car with high speeds, nothing but screams made the entire time..

Hinata's P.O.V


"Fuck, no!!!"

"He's inside the car!"

"Shoot him damn it!!"

Many screams of terror ran amuck outside as I sat snuggled in the back of Naruto's car, tears streaming down my face.

The window Naruto jumped through was still left open which allowed me to hear all the ruckus that Naruto was causing, scaring me like no other.

I sobbed, my body lying stiffly against the seats, completely petrified. I couldn't move my body at all. I felt as though I was frozen against the leather seats.

It all just felt like last time, back at my competition when Naruto showed off his gruesome ways and hurt many people.

Each time he shows his demon side, I can't seem to hold it together. It just all, scares me..

I cried, moving my hands up to cover my ears, trying to block out the horrifying screams and chokes that were going on, on the road behind me.

Many crashes happened as trucks ran off of the road, flipping and just plain exploding as Naruto went about his rampage, his body moving with speeds I couldn't quite keep up with.

I know his speed was much faster than the cars themselves which worked as a great sneak attack for the hunters who all eventually fell by his hands.

Blood from the fallen people leaked in the air, the putrid stench sneaking into the car itself making me sick to my stomach.

Also, the intense feeling of fear was practically soaring through the air which made my heart race, my body trembling harshly against the seat, sobs escaping from my lips still.

Kurama frowned as he drove far away from the scene, his eyes shooting towards the rear view mirror which showed my crying, frightened form.

He sighed, lowering his head. "I know this is all going very bad right now, Hinata. But it has, to be done. Here, just let me help." He insisted and went about closing my window, shutting out the many screams of pain which roared in the wind, overwhelming me.

But by Kurama's actions, I could no longer hear anything, his hands soon moving to turn on the radio to distract me.

I bit my lip as I just listened to the smooth hip hop on the radio which slowly relaxed my body, my tears eventually drying up.

But my trembling never left, my body remaining in it's spot against the seats.

The kind fox man spared me another glance in the mirror before turning to look at the constant road before him altogether, a sigh spilling from his lips.

"That's it, Hinata. Just relax. It'll be over soon. And then we can all, put this behind us." He sighed out soothingly, calming me further.

The ride onward was now peaceful as I laid silently on the comfy seats, my mind remaining on the music.

I listened closely to every word being said, every instrument being played to keep myself from worrying about the chaos that was happening right, behind me.

No.. I shouldn't worry about that...

All I need to do is follow Kurama's orders...

I need to just, relax...

I smiled and did just that, lying still against the seats. But I couldn't help but move my hand up to grab ahold of the flower necklace which was dangling near my neck.

I wrapped my fingers around it and held it tight, my mind shifting towards Naruto for a tiny bit..

Oh Naruto...


Riding up a different path, an orange haired male gripped the wheel to his vehicle with both hands, his eyes set on his window which showed off a grey dodge challenger riding up closely, towards him.

A silver haired male cackled as he rode in the passenger, his eyes watching the vehicle ride closer and closer to them.

"Come boss. Do it. Do it." He screeched, begging Yahiko to go through with their plan.

But his boss only growled in irritation, silencing him. "Be silent, Hidan. I will do it, when the time, is right." He stated lowly as he just kept his eyes on the car from where he was parked on the side of the road, his eyes darkening a bit..

He smirked, tilting his head to give it a loud pop.

I got you now, little girl...

Kurama's P.O.V

I sighed tirelessly as I steadily drove down the empty road of the highway, my body calm despite what was going on.

The music from the radio was really helping in soothing the both of us, Hinata as well as myself, the chaos involving Naruto, long gone now.

My mind was only on getting Hinata home and nothing more. She needs to be sheltered and protected now, away from all of this mess.

Naruto, can protect himself.

I have faith that he'll settle this without any trouble. And only then, we can go back to old times where there was peace.

I allowed myself to smile at that thought, the music distracting me. It was distracting me so much I didn't even spot the black armored truck that sat still on the side of the road which was approaching fast, thanks to my speed.

Hinata hummed softly along with the music, her body free of fear and worry now.

She was safe..

She was content...

She was...

But my thoughts ran short when things grew quite terrible again, surprising the both of us.


The impact was intense, the large truck now rammed into the side of the vehicle I drove.

I let out a small gasp as I just took everything in, my eyes slowly looking around at my surroundings.

What the...

It was like time had slowed down for me and all I saw, was..


The truck was rammed deep into the side of Naruto's car, smashing everything in.

The windows burst, the airbags revealed themselves, and the car rattled like it was gonna pop.

My head whipped around slowly to see Hinata but as soon as I saw her, I instantly came back to reality, everything speeding up again.

Holy fuck!

My eyes widened and with lightning speed I launched out of my seat to grab a screaming Hinata tightly, soon turning to shoot out of my window to exit the badly wrecked car, my body quickly morphing into something else to escape.

Hinata screamed in pure terror as she spotted the wreckage that went on down below, Naruto's car quickly flipping away from the road and landing on the side of it, following with a blaring crash.

Everything was going incredibly fast but I made sure to work faster, my body now flying high into the air, away from the scene.

Now transformed into a large, squawking bird, I used my sharp talons to clamp onto the front of Hinata's shirt, using that to keep her close to my body.

I looked down at her, eyeing the fear that ran through her eyes. My eyes saddened.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" I shouted down at her against the harsh wind, my eyes trained on the young girl who was just dangling in the sky in my hold.

But she managed to look up at me, giving me a quick nod, her long hair flying wildly in the harsh wind. "Y-Yes.. I-I'm fine. B-But Kurama.. Who, was that?" She shouted back, her question immediately catching my attention.

I let out a low growl before moving my gaze onto the large vehicle below, my eyes picking up four individuals now standing outside their car, just staring up at us.

I narrowed my eyes, keeping my wings flapping along...

That's a good question...

Who are you, people...

Yahiko's P.O.V

The wind ran through my orange hair and clothing as I stood in front of my vehicle which took a bit of damage from my previous actions. I smirked...

But no matter...

The plan Hidan and I made up was working flawlessly. Naruto's little friend saved the girl from the wreck and now has transformed himself into a bird..

How clever...

But it really doesn't matter. Because nothing, will stand in my way in getting the girl.
So, I turned towards my other hunters who stood patiently waiting behind me for their next orders, my eyes holding a dark glint in them.

I nodded my head at the flapping bird in the sky, a small image of a person dangling below the sky animal which I knew was only the girl.

The two hunters perked up at my gaze and quickly turned to face me, their eyes serious. I narrowed mine, my mouth opening to give them an order.

"Shoot the demon down. But only, the demon."

But as soon as the order left my lips, the two pulled out their guns from their pockets and aimed it at the orange bird in the sky, making him their target.

I smirked and moved to cross my arms across my chest, Hidan watching the scene as well with a wide grin.

I turned to them again and gave them a nod which eventually gave them permission to do so.

At the sight of the gesture, both hunters officially pulled the trigger to their guns multiple times, revealing bullets which could severely injure a demon, even possibly kill them.

The bullets soared through the air with quick speeds and straight into the target in the air, piercing the demon multiple times.

We watched as the demon immediately screamed in pain, his voice filling up the fields and making it back to our ears who hummed in delight. I chuckled, nodding in approval...


Hinata's P.O.V

It all happened, so suddenly.

One moment I was happily hanging along Kurama as he flew along the sky in his bird transformation...

And then the next, I was falling, down, down and down towards the ground which brought all the worry back, all the fear back and even, the tears back..

I could only scream as I fell through the air alongside Kurama, his body no longer a bird but a human, his body covered fully in blood and gunshot wounds.

His eyes were closed, his body stiff as he fell towards the ground as well, his clothes and hair flapping wildly.

I sobbed loudly at that, my eyes widening upon his unconscious form. "Kurama! Kurama! Wake up, please!" I sobbed out, croaks escaping my mouth as I tried to get his attention, to wake him.

But he laid unresponsive, his arms left spread apart as he fell.

My eyes widened at that, my body falling constantly. There wasn't anything stopping it..

Tears shed down my face, my heart pumping fast within my chest, a pace I have never felt it go before.

I'm, going to die...

Kurama's unconscious.. Naruto's completely, distracted...

My thoughts stopped and I sobbed even louder, my body trembling..

Oh my gosh.. Naruto!

If I die, right here from this fall, he'll die too. He'll experience every bone in his body break and I..

I can't..

I can't die here..

I shook my head, looking around desperately... But there was nothing for me... Only the loud sound of the wind rushing in my ears, my doom inching closer and closer.

I whimpered and decided to close my eyes, tensing up my body...

This is it...

I love you, Naruto..

At the moment, I felt like a burden to him. I know he's lived a very long time, fought so hard and so much to be where he is today, and now...

He's going to die because of me...

I'm so sorry..

Darkness engulfed me as I just kept my eyes closed, just accepting my fate. There was nothing left for me to do. So I just have to..

Give up...

But just as I thought all hope was lost, I heard a manly gasp to my right, a sudden warmth engulfing my entire body.

I popped my eyes open at such a feeling and looked down to see three furry tails wrapped around my entire body, my head switching over towards Kurama who was holding me tight.

I gasped to find him conscious again, more tears falling out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

He stared over at me with hooded eyes, his breathing extremely unsteady.. But he held me, tightly, quickly reeling me in to wrap his arms around my body.

He smiled down at me, despite the excruciating pain he felt. "I got you, Hinata. Don't worry." I heard him whisper before we landed into something that felt very soft, almost like a pillow, my eyes switching down to see more tails lying on the fresh green grass underneath the both of us.

I smiled at him, moving to lay my head onto his chest, just embracing him.

He nearly scared me half to death there..

I sobbed, moving my hands up to hug him deeply, something I've never done before in my life. "Oh Kurama. Thank god you're alright. I was so worried. I thought you were-" But I was interrupted by him who chuckled, shaking his head.

"Dead? Oh no, Hinata. Naruto has instructed me to protect you with my life. I wouldn't dare die on you. I'll never hear the end of it." He whispered against my body, my ears picking it up no problem which brought more tears to my eyes. But they were happy tears.

I whimpered, holding him close as we continued to lie safely on his tails which looked identical to the ones Naruto once had.

It all just felt nice as I laid within Kurama's arms, loving that he was talking, breathing rather...

Oh thank god...

But just as we thought we were safe, I suddenly felt hands grab both of mine and force me out of Kurama's hold, my body now forced down harshly onto the ground.

I whined but was silenced by a cloth which was forced into my mouth, keeping me from screaming out, my eyes widening.

The hunters from before who wrecked our car stood surrounding us, mean expressions rooted on their faces.

A silver haired male held me pinned down to the ground, his body held rooted on mine which made it difficult to move, to do anything. I especially couldn't talk since I was being gagged harshly by the cloth, only small croaks heard from me. All I could do was look.

And what I saw, devastated me.

Two other hunters were free to do what they wanted to Kurama who was already injured badly, one only standing off to watch.

My eyes teared up completely at Kurama's predicament, his tails nowhere in sight.

Loud pain filled screams came from the fox man as one of the hunters shoved a lighting rod into his side, shocking his body over and over.

He roared, screamed and whimpered as they went about torturing him, riding him of the last energy that he had left.

I shook my head, wiggling my body against the male above me. "Stop! Stop it!" I shouted out which was no use. My voice was completely muffled.

The hunter that held me down chuckled, his knee moving to push my body further into the dirt, causing me pain.

I whimpered but he only laughed. "Ah yes, finally, we have you. It took lots of time and lots of sacrifices for you to land in our clutches. But it was totally worth it." He moaned out, licking his lips when he was finished. I shook my head, not at all knowing what to do.

I was trapped, once again...

I can't do anything but.. I paused, my eyes widening...

Yes, I can, do something!

I have a way to alert Naruto!

I only have to press against my mark with my fingers and then that, would notify him immediately. He'll be able to see my predicament.. Then..

He'll be able to help us.

I nodded and with that, moved my fingers down, an attempt to seep the five digits into my jeans and panties, regardless of the people around for my mark, small whimpers made from my lips.

Ugh.. Come on..

My eyes lit up once I managed to slip my fingers inside of my panties, quickly working towards the glowing mark imprinted onto my right ass cheek. I bit my lip, trying to hold back my excitement..


I'm almost there!

But just as I had my fingers hovered over the black swirl mark, I was suddenly forced up to sit on my bottom, the male yanking my arms back so they could be tied, my body sitting on my stretched legs. I whimpered at that, my plan now blown out of the window..

Oh no!

I let out a quiet whimper against the cloth in my mouth and looked over at Kurama who now looked to be stuck in some claw contraption, his chest heaving greatly as he laid helplessly on the ground, an orange haired male staring down at him with little emotion.

He clicked his tongue, his eyes darkening on the male. "You, and Naruto, have been a major thorn in my side. But no matter. Getting rid of the girl, will get rid of you... Have your final look at her, for she won't have long to live. And only then, it'll send you and Naruto, crawling back into the fiery pit you both, belong." He spat over Kurama's bloody body, the claws to the hunter's device wrapped around him to only plunge deep into his chest, his hands gripping the bars of the contraption tightly.

He coughed blood, shaking his head. "I'll rip you into shreds." He whispered out weakly which only caused the hunter to chuckle, my eyes saddening on the whole situation.

My heart felt heavy in my chest as I just stared back at how helpless Kurama looked, nonstop tears falling down my cheeks.

The orange haired hunter clicked his tongue once again, his hands held tightly behind his back.

He remained quiet and only stepped away from the orange haired demon who whimpered in pain, his eyes slowly turning towards me who was bound completely, a tear falling from one of his eyes which officially broke my heart, for I have never seen Kurama express so much emotion, before...

Oh gosh, no..

He sobbed, shaking his head desperately. "I'm sorry, Hinata. I'm so, so sorry." He whimpered out while doing as the hunter had said...

Taking a good, look at me..

I cried, just hopeless at the moment. Yet again, there was nothing I could do.

Naruto, is gonna be devastated. Kurama may just die. And these people are going to kill me. The people that were supposed to be the good guys...

What kind of sick world is this...

But, it was no use in struggling or begging or even crying.. Because once the silver haired male placed a blindfold over my eyes, the world around me was cut off, as well as my connection with Naruto, breaking my heart deeply...


Please help me...


Woah.. That was intense, sad.. and dark..

Things took a dark turn fast... 🥺😥

How did you feel about this chapter?

The Demon hunters won this round, they have Hinata and will go on with their plan to kill her...

How do you think everything will play out? 😣😕

Keep reading to find out!

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