Chapter 8: The Demon's Word

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ • ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Hinata's P.O.V

I was quickly transported back to Naruto's house with one sweep, my eyes staring up at it in horror.

Oh no...

Why did I agree to do this again?

He snickered at the sight of my facial expression and walked along, still carrying me, like I was some sort of baby.

"Now, you wanted to get to know my kind, right? Or do you want to get to know me.. A different way?" He asked and wiggled his eyebrows at me, his eyes back blue now.

I blushed deeply at his words and shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest, my bag now held in his hand.

"No. I don't, want to do that anymore. I want some answers. Real answers, Naruto.." I spat out honestly, pouting while saying so.

He sent a devious grin my way but shrugged, the doors to his home coming into view.

"Alright.. We'll see how long you hold that answer, Hinata." He purred darkly and with that, the bead started to go crazy inside me again making me jerk forward, my eyes widening and through action totally unexpected.

The bead felt so big inside of me, bouncing up and down against my damp and tight walls causing an ache to erupt in the pit of my stomach.

But it wasn't painful..

It was a pleasurable ache.

One that was about to make me climax.

Naruto sat there and stared at me, no longer making a move forward.

He grinned as he caught the pleasure in ny face, my eyes rolling and my body trembling in his hold. "Do you want me to stop.. playing with you, Hinata?" He asked in a teasing way, his head coming close to me until his hot breath was felt by my cheek, my face a dark red..

I moaned breathlessly to myself, my eyes teary and red.

The torture was so unbearable, my legs were shaking wildly. I didn't want to give in to him which will no doubt end badly, but the feeling was too much..

I nodded wildly as the bead increased its speed, my eyes shooting wide open at the sudden action.

I turned to a red-eyed Naruto and pouted, silently pleading for him to stop this madness..

I couldn't even talk.

It, was just so.. intense.

He chuckled and raised his lips to my ear, his tongue coming out to lick along the sides, my eyes rolling at that.

"Cum.. Just do it."

He whispered out and my body did just that, my screams echoing far and wide.

I squirted my essence harshly out of my panties, my clothing soon growing damp..

"O-Oh my goodness." I sobbed out in disbelief, the feeling overwhelming me.

I didn't know what to do.

I shuddered violently as he stared at me hungrily, an aggressive growl escaping his lips.

He then, turned and placed his lips back, by my ear, licking it tauntingly "Mmm.. What a show, you put on. But I think it's time to get more serious.. hmm?" He whispered by my ear, his voice actually serious for once.

No other emotion was found or heard in his voice but.. seriousness making me gulp.

I nodded slowly and swallowed, turning my head back to the mansion in front of me. "Y-Y-Yes..." I stuttered out breathlessly on which he grinned, his feet picking back up and soon, pacing towards the front door of his huge, home..


Once we entered, I immediately noticed a couple of things.

The house, was very, very, surprisingly, clean.

There was no traces of it ever being a house party, a few days back, no where.

It was just, sparkly clean.

I gawked at that, my lavender eyes taking it all in.

Also, the mansion, was huge.. How could he clean it all up like that?

At that thought, I mentally face palmed myself.

Well duh.. He's a demon.

God, why do I keep forgetting about that piece of detail? I really need to keep up.

Naruto grinned and walked forward, more and more of his house being revealed to me. Well of course.. I seen the main hall and his living room..

But what about the rest of this ridcously big house...

What about his room?

I looked around as he led me further and further in, farther away from the front door.

Goodness. Is he trying to get me lost?

This place will surely do the trick seeing how massive it is.

Old pictures was placed up with all sorts of people Dall the hallways.. People manly with either red or blonde hair.

I guess.. That was his family.

I bit my lip in fear at that.

Oh no.. If he.. Is a demon.. That means.. All of his family is too.

What if, their still walking the earth today? Creating havoc just like how Naruto's been doing?

That, would be not only scary.. But a disaster.

With all of my thinking, I hadn't even noticed that, Naruto finally stepped into his room, his blue eyes straying, down to me.

He grinned but then stopped, still holding me tightly "Well.. Darling. This, is my room. Of course.. I don't sleep all the time but.. This is just in case of humans. Can't have them finding out I'm not normal, now can we?" He purred out while looking down at me, breaking me from my trance.

I stared up at him and giggled sheepishly at his words, my eyes now trailing around the massive room.

Because of course.. I wanted to see it.

I looked around cautiously and gasped, Naruto staring down at my face the whole time.

Wow.. Surely, the room was huge but.. it was very dark too.

There were two huge windows to my left which would no problem shine light in but..

Black curtains covered them, a huge bookshelf placed in front of them.

God.. Naruto must loves to read. There's books all over this place.

I kept looking around and almost immediately noticed that the walls weren't white.. But they were a black.

Ah.. No wonder it was so dark in here.

This surely demon loves the dark..

I kept looking around while the demon's eyes stayed rooted on me, soaking in my reaction to the abnormal place.

My lavender eyes scanned all around, they noticing a black chair to my far left behind me and a chimney beside it.

Wow.. I never seen such a room like this.

But.. last but not least.. His bed.. which was massive.

It covered the whole right side of the room.

Of course he had black sheets with black pillows on it but.. something, on it..

Caught, my eye...

Something with red eyes sat staring at us on Naruto's bed, my eyes widening in fear at the sight of it..

I scrambled back when the creature made a noise "N-N-Naruto.. Wh-what, is that?" I screeched out while fearfully pointing at it, Naruto turning to eye it on the bed.

It kinda looked.. like an animal but its eyes were red with black slits.

Which looked.. so.. scary.

Naruto let out a booming laugh at my fear, my body jumping in his arms.

God.. Why did he have to go and do that?

This isn't funny at all.

That thing, is staring at us.. Staring at me.. Like it wants to eat me.

I kept my eyes on the creature as it laid peacefully on the bed, its little arms lying in front of itself while the rest of its body was covered by the pillows.

I bit my lip and grabbed onto Naruto's shirt, he still laughing his head off at my fear...

I didn't know who was more scary at the moment..


Or that, that.. Thing.

It looks so.. weird.

Its fur was a bright orange color, his eyes still rooted on us..

It actually looks.. now that I'm really taking its features all in..

It looks.. majestic.

Like it can talk..

Oh no..

What if it can?

After a while, Naruto calmed down, only chuckles made. "Oh shit. That was hilarious, little girl. But I thought you liked animals." He commented amusingly and turned to stare at me deeply, my eyes straying off of the animal on the bed.

I stared up at him and bit my lip, turning away "I-I-I do but.. That.." I stated and pointed directly at it, it seeming to narrow its eyes at that.. "Isn't, a animal, Naruto. What it is?"

I screeched out in fear, clearly scared shitless, my body trembling against the demon's body...

Naruto snickered once more before sighing, turning to the creature.

He nodded to it which made the creature let off a deep sigh, its body suddenly rising up from its position.

I stared at it as it slowly made itself known, my eyes catching the many tails it had in the back of itself.

No.. that's not normal..

Not normal at all.

It kinda looked like a fox now..

The fox kept walking up along the soft bed sheets until he sat on the edge, his body sprung up now.

Naruto grinned and took me by surprise when he started to walk closer to that thing, making me gasp, my hand gripping his shirt harder.

My eyes shot wide open and my legs curled in.. "Naruto.. What are you doing? Don't!" I screamed out as he took me in front of the red eyed creature, Naruto chuckling at my outburst.

"Come on Hinata. He's not that bad." He teased once more making me pout and whimper, but something interested me in that sentence.

He said.. he..

So the fox creature is a male..

And he has..

I turned towards it and slowly counted his tails which was swishing back and forth, his eyes trained on Naruto now.

He tilted his head on which Naruto shook his, the fox's red eyes turning back to me who gasped..

After my counting.. I found out he has.. 9, tails.

Wow.. That's kinda.. cool.

Naruto sighed and suddenly placed me down, my eyes coming on the creatures level as I bend down.

"Alright.. Hinata. This, is Kurama. Say hi, Kurama." He said which the creature licked his lips, slowly inching up towards me making me gasp.

"Hi.. Little one. Naruto's told me a lot about you.."

He spoke out in a purr making my whole body freeze up, my eyes widening.

His voice.. was so deep.

So, deep..

He's not supposed to be talking!

God.. I knew something was off with this thing.

I groaned and placed a hand on my mouth, the creature chuckling at that..

He turned up to Naruto and gave off a small smirk, his dark lips twisting upward..

"She's Cute. Can I please eat her?"

He asked darkly making Naruto growl, his eyes flashing red as well.. "Kurama.. I've told you many times before.. We're not, eating her. I'm not.. You're not. I decided differently." He finally said which was music to my ears, a relieved sigh passing my mouth.

Thank god..

Thank everything above.

I turned back to "Kurama" and sent a shaky smile.. "U-U-Uh, Hi.." I whispered out nervously making both of the creatures snicker.

Naruto shook his head and pulled his hand down, rubbing my hair softly "Come on, sweetheart. Get to know him. He's my partner after all." He informed teasingly and with his other hand, he suddenly scooped him up off of the bed making him let out a loud growl, his red eyes switching up to him..

"Put me down, brat!"

He yelled out deeply but Naruto did the complete opposite, continuing to hold him like a child.

I guess.. He doesn't like that kinda treatment.

Who would've thought.

Naruto then turned to me, still with the average sized fox in his hands, his eyes back blue. "Here.. You hold him. That'll make me so happy if you would hold him, Hinata.." He whispered out through a purr making Kurama silent, his red eyes turning on me.

Well.. At least Kurama didn't protest.

I gulped before nodding, taking my arms from my side and pulling them up hesitantly. "Okay. B-But please, don't bite me." I whispered out to the now smirking fox, his body extended as Naruto slowly gave him.

Kurama nodded and I nodded, reaching out and finally, taking his soft body in my hands.

I gasped at how light he was, his tails slowly wrapping around my arm but that.. went unnoticed.

I stared down at him as I held him cradle style, Naruto eyeing the fox intently. "He might not look like much but.. He.. is my source of power. Of course there's no reason to use it since.. there's no potential threat around. So, he mostly, just, lies around. He isn't that bad.. Once you get to know him." Naruto explained with a smirk, as I smiled down at the fox, my hand rubbing his cozy fur.

Wow.. Now getting use to him.. He looks a little cute.

His voice isn't all that pleasant but.. His appearance is though.

I smiled down at him as I stroked his skin, his tails continuing to wrap around my arm, Naruto's eyes narrowing at that.

"Kurama.. What did I say about that, huh? No getting personal with the human girl." He snapped making me gasp, my eyes staring down to his soft tails that were partially hugging my arm, the fox smirking at me.

"Sorry kit.. I just like her.. We're keeping her, right?"

He asked, his voice booming in my arms.

I bit my lip at that and looked up at Naruto to see him smirking, his eyes taking in my uncertain expression..

He grinned but then looked down at the fox in my hands, he portraying the same expression..

"Yes.. Kurama.. We're, gonna keep her..."

A Few Minutes Later

I sat quietly on Naruto's bed with Kurama lying on my lap, his body growing a bit hot.

Naruto, on the other hand was placing up a fire in the chimney, slowly warming and lighting up the room.

"So.. darling. You wanted to know about me? Well now.. us, right?" He said while eyeing Kurama who nodded, sitting up to stare at me.

I nodded at the both of them, and patted Kurama softly, his head lying back down on my legs. "Y-Yes.. please. A-A-And when you said.. You'll, keep me. Does that mean you'll keep me.. here?" I asked curiously, that thought nagging at me.

No.. He can't keep me here forever can he?

I want to get back to my friends.. Even though this.. wasn't all that bad.. Well, not like this other times, especially when me and Naruto met up with each other at that party...

I wonder what happened to him making my life hell..


Naruto frowned at my question, he stepping away from the chimney "Are you telling me, you still, want to go back to your, so called friends? I have everything you could ever want here!" He yelled, his eyebrows furrowing.

My, eyebrows, on the other hand rose up.

So, he was, going to keep me here. He basically kidnapped me.

I gasped at that and stopped rubbing Kurama, his eyes switching up to me at that.

I lowered my head and whimpered, the fox below me taking in my negative emotions. "I just.. want to have a little freedom, at least, Naruto. Please. Can I still see my friends, once in a while?" I pleaded while staring up at him, my long midnight blue hair lying over my right shoulder.

Naruto stared at me with narrowed eyes, they instantly sprouting a red. "How do I know you won't run away? How can I trust you?" He asked protectively, his body tensed up.

God, I hate getting on this topic. He just goes so berserk when I try to leave him.

It's crazy!

Kurama sighed and sat up, turning to Naruto..

"Kit.. Calm down.. I, can go with her when she's out with her friends.. I, can keep an eye on her."

Kurama suggested deviously making me gasp, my lavender eyes switching down to him.

Naruto's eyebrows rose at that and he tilted his head.

I, stared at the fox as he turned to look up at me, sending me another one of his sly smirks. "K-Kurama.. H-How would you, come with me? My friends would no doubt see you.' I warned slowly but Naruto shook his head, butting in instantly.

"Hinata.. He's a special, kind of fox. He can turn into anything he wants.. He can even phase into you. Like a little demon." He spat making Kurama narrow his eyes, but he soon switched them on me.. My eyes still showing signs of confusion..

The fox lowered his head and sighed at that..

"Listen lovely.. My powers reach beyond your humanly brain so don't stress out if it confuses you. I, can turn into many shapes, and sizes. I, could become human. I could become an object or.. I can just phase into you. And by doing that. You'll be able to see me.. hear me.. And I, would be able to do the same..."

He explained underneath me as I listened in awe, my eyes glowing in amazement.

Woah.. A little fox thing... Can do... All of that?

That's super amazing.

I smiled down at him and rubbed his back again, a pleasant purr escaping his mouth.

Naruto grimaced at the sight but turned to me, blowing deeply. "Listen.. There's a few things you need to know about Kurama before you go anywhere with him. If you phase with him.. He won't look so cute and cuddly anymore. He's actually a fucking monster. I don't want you phasing with him just yet. You're not ready." He said with a sigh, concern held in his voice making me look up at him, lavender eyes meeting blue.

Uh oh.. What is this I hear?

Does he actually.. care, about me now?

He's surely showing signs of it.

Kurama growled in my arms making me jump, my eyes widening down on him..

"Whatever kit.. You should let the girl, decide what she should do. I think phasing will be the perfect idea."

Kurama snapped back, eyeing him with narrowed eyes.

I looked between both creatures and sighed..

Why do I, have to always be brought in the middle of things? I don't even fully understand how all of this is even possible.

How can a demon, be here on earth, let alone a demon fox?

And how can this demon thing even talk?

It's all just crazy.. I just, want to get away for awhile.

Get some time of relief..

But knowing Naruto.. That, will be definitely, a no..

I turned up to Naruto and shrugged, shaking my head "Naruto... It doesn't matter what we do. I'll follow whatever you say, in the end." I said honestly which made not only Naruto gasp but Kurama too, they both soon purring loudly...

What.. the hell?

I blinked rapidly at the two of them as they eyed each other, they looking as though they were.. communicating...

If that wasn't weird enough, they both were narrowing their eyes.. very darkly...

God.. Why am I surrounded by such weirdness?

Naruto purred once more and licked his lips, his blue eyes switching between a red sometimes. "Mmm, darling. You really mean that? You'll do anything, anything.. I say?" He cooed out and started to walk up to me, my cheeks flushing a deep red immediately.

Kurama snickered at that and suddenly jumped off of me, making his way to the door..

"Alright you two.. I'm gonna give you some alone time. I'm gonna get us some dinner."

Kurama declared and exited the room, vanishing away, leaving black smoke behind making me gasp.

But the male in front of me immediately brought me back, a clawed hand gripping my chin.

I looked hesitantly up at him and bit my lip, his face completely feral like.

He smirked at me and slowly pulled his thumb upward, rubbing my lips gently..

"Heh.. Now that I think about it.. I never got to feel those pretty lips of yours.. on mine." He whispered out making me gasp, my mouth parting a bit.

The thought of him kissing me made me hot all over, my chest heaving and my breathing escalating..

"N-Naruto.. Th-This, isn't the right time to.. d-do this now." I whispered out shyly making him raise one blonde eyebrow, his body bending over, towards me.

He chuckled and lowered his other hand down to my lower area making me gasp, his fingers rubbing me.

"And why not, Hinata? Kurama's gone and I've finally got you all alone, in my.. bedroom.. I think it's the perfect time." He whispered out and suddenly pushed me back making me yelp, the hand by my lower area slowly starting to pull my dress upward, a gasp soon slipping out of my lips.

God.. Everything's moving so fast. One moment we're talking and the next.. this..

His warm hand pulled my dress up so my lavender underwear could be revealed, my eyes hooded.

"N-N-Naruto.. Please." I whispered out in want, my body suddenly becoming filled with lust.

He smirked at that and bend down and finally took my lips, my eyes widening.

He groaned and watched in satisfaction as my eyes closed, his other hand still rubbing my area, his thumb teasing my sensitive clit.

His lips felt so warm, his body super hot on mines.

He groaned once more and continued to dominate my lips, our saliva becoming one.

The kiss felt.. really new..

Of course this, wasn't my first kiss because.. Kiba.. Took it but..

This, was so... different.

I felt like I was, floating..

I moaned inside of the kiss and slowly pulled my hands up and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him in.

He groaned by the action and stuck his tongue out a bit, running it along the bottom of my lip, secretly asking.. for permission which was very.. odd.

I opened my eyes slightly at that, peeking and staring back at red glowing eyes.

God, did they look more horrifying up close.

So.. I closed my eyes back shut, allowing him to slip his tongue inside.

I parted my mouth slightly and he immediately shot his tongue inside, he immediately lapping at my moist tongue, making me spasm.

But that seemed to double the pleasure, with his hand fondling my little area through my panties still.

I trembled and parted my legs even more, allowing him access down there.. too.

He growled and finally broke the kiss, noticing my air supply slowing draining.

I breathed heavily and laid back flat on the bed, watching him as he moved in front of me, where my parted legs were.

Not once, did his chest heave..

Not once did he have to stop and sulk for air.


He just.. proceeded on like normal.

God.. I envy him for that...

I swallowed deeply, sitting up to stare at him as he got in between my legs, a sexy smirk on his face.

"I see, you're accepting me now. I wonder what changed your mind? Was it Kurama? Or something else entirely?" He whispered out and slowly lowered himself, his thumb still flicking at my covered clit making me moan, my head tilting as the pleasure grew stronger.

I stayed silent at his question, my whole face completely red.

No, it wasn't Kurama, it's just.. My body, is doing its own thing.

My body, is used to his touches and wants it..

Desires it..

Craves it even.

I just, can't get enough.

He smirked at my silence and suddenly placed his nose on the front of my panties, making me jolt upward, my embarrassment crashing through the roof.


What is he doing?

I literally just came back from cheer practice some time ago.

I probably smell horrible.

He placed a hand on my thigh and added just enough pressure to it to push me back down, he lightly shushing me, which made me shudder. "Mmm.. What's the matter? Embarrassed? Don't be, little one. You smell delightful." He purred out in a hush whisper and departed from me, soon after grabbing the base of my panties, a small purple bow on the front of it.

He chuckled at the sight of it and slowly pulled the fabric off, releasing me from my underwear.

I shuddered once more as his sharp nails lighty scraped me during the orocess, his eyes revealing his lust for me.

I moved my legs weakly along the way, helping him grestly to remove them off of my body.

Once he got them off, he threw them across the room, turning back to me.

He purred at the sight of my naked body and rose up, slowly bending over to peck both of my cheeks, giving me damp kisses.

"Fuck.. You're so divine. I just wanna.." He trailed off making my eyebrows furrow, my hand coming up to cup his cheek, taking him by surprise.

I smiled at him making him narrow his eyes, his head tilting. "What is it.. Hinata?" He whispered out and took my lips again but I pulled away, shaking my head.

He furrowed his brows at that, his eyes straying down my body.

I sighed and looked back up at him, a sudden thought coming to mind.

I know I probably want ready for the answer but..

I really want to know.. Its been on my mind every since he.. claimed me..

"Naruto.. What, do you.. really feel for me? I know you can't love.. anyone. So, what am I, in all of this?" I asked curiously making him sigh, his head lowering at my question..

"Are you serious Hinata? In a time like this? Things were just getting good." He groaned out and went back to his touching, his hand moving to grope my left breast.

I let out a breathless moan at that but shook my head, pulling my hand up over his "I-I'm serious. Please tell me, Naruto. I, wanna know." I pleaded making him freeze up again, he detecting the seriousness in my voice.

He sighed lowly and lifted up his head, showing me his red, black slitted eyes.

He stared at me long and hard before leaning forward, his lips planting themselves by my ear.

My breath caught at that but what he said.. made me feel hot.. all over..

"You're right, about one thing. I don't, love anyone. But you.. mortal, have just broken that. Now do you understand why I can't let you out of my sight?

My eyes slowly widen at that, his voice growing husky and deep, sending shivers and shudders down my body.

I felt so.. hot at his response.

My body felt so.. stiff.

He.. loves me?

A demon.. loves me?

Why, me?

And why does that make me, so happy?

He made my life miserable, all the way up until now.. This, shouldn't make me happy.

But, it did..

It made me feel very warm inside.

Naruto licked his lips and backed away from my ear, his eyes fixating on me. "Now.. I've said it. Can we get back to the action, please?" He pleaded with a sly smirk and a dirty glint in his eyes.

I smiled and nodded, finally accepting him. "Y-Yes. Naruto, you can.. take, me..."

Ino's P.O.V

I went through the whole day with this guilt hanging over my shoulders, my concern through the roof.

Indeed, Hinata has left.. I haven't seen her at all. Which is why I'm a little worried.

I shook my head and stepped away from my locker, the last bell just about to ring to dismiss us.

I, was busy waiting for the girls to meet up with me.

I clicked my tongue and looked around, growing more and more bored.

And.. curious.

I wonder, how Hinata even met the guy?

Damn.. Now that I think about it.

This would've never happened if I didn't ask her to go to that stupid party..

She wouldn't have been in this mess to begin with.

I feel so stupid.

I whimpered and lowered my head but I was interrupted when a loud bell was ranged, dismissing all the kids in the school.

I stood still and waited for my friends while eyeing the crowd.. Not exactly seeing the new kid anywhere which worried me again.

Oh no, oh no!

Don't tell me..

But that thought interrupted me when I heard my name called to my right, my head turning towards it.


"Ino girl!!"


I heard which brought a smile to my face my eyes turning to identify my fellow friends.

Sakura, Temari and even TenTen was making their way towards me, my blue eyes glowing in disbelief.

"Wow.. TenTen's here. Who would've thought, huh?" I giggled out making her roll her brown eyes at me, the other two girls giggling but.. They frowned as they eyed just only me.. standing here.

Sakura ran up quickly and hyperventilated "H-Hinata? Where's Hinata, Ino?" She asked in a panic making Temari gasp, her also brown eyes widening.

TenTen squinted her eyes at us but proceed forward, crossing her arms.

I sighed at the two worried girls and shook my head "Don't worry girls. She's just gone to some.. business trip with her Father." I said with a roll of my eyes but Sakura grimaced, looking around cautiously.

"Are you sure? Did you text her?" She asked and Temari bit her lip, TenTen secretly eavesdropping which went unnoticed by us.

I cursed on that one.

Damn it..

I completely forgot.

I shook my head making Temari sigh, she moving to pull out her phone.

"Figures. I'll just text her real fast." She said and did just that, her fingers typing away fast.

I smiled but turned to Sakura, eyeing TenTen behind her. "Um.. Have either one of you seen that new kid? Naruto, Uzumaki around any, today? I haven't and he was actually supposed to been in my last class so.." I trialed off in concern making Sakura sigh, she shaking her head, causing her short pink hair to follow the movement.

"No I haven't. You don't think?" She trailed off which made Temari turn to her, her mouth dropping open as

"Go on. What's on your mind?" She urged making me gulp, my whole body running cold.

No, this can't be happening.

Not, what I, had in mind anyway.

Sakura swallowed nervously, trying to calm her nerves "You don't think... Hinata lied to you about where she was actually going, do you? We usually would see the new kid around, ya know. He makes himself known. And we haven't seen him nor Hinata.. Which doesn't add up. And another thing that's been bothering me. Doesn't her Father go out for business trips every Wednesday. It's.. Th-Thursday." Sakura explained in a panicked wreck, my mind getting down to match her panic thought.

My whole world shattered and I started to pant.

That makes, completely sense.

Hinata lied!

She lied to me.

It's not like she hadn't done it before..

But.. She did it to my face.

I even warned her about that demon boy.

God.. She's really in trouble.

This is, way worse than we thought.

I turned back to the two stunned girls and gulped, breathing heavily now "So.. what now? Hinata's with the new kid which means.." I started and threw my hands up in frustration, the two girl's shoulders slumping.

This whole situation isn't adding up at all.

Why does he want her so bad?

Where do he even come from?

The underworld maybe?

But that's fairy tales isn't it?

So.. how is he.. here?

This doesn't seem real at all.

Temari blew out a deep breath before shrugging "We have to.. get help, Ino. This, is beyond us now." She said with determined eyes, TenTen sighing.

She walked around Temari and patted her hand on my shoulder, my eyes turning to her in a fright.

God.. I completely forgot she was even here.

Which means she heard our whole conversation.

She eyed the worry in my eyes and patted me lightly, once more "I see you girls are going through something really bad. But the only way to kill a demon, is to get an expert." She said and with that, she walked away.. leaving us speechless.

I gawked at her as she walked along the now growing, empty hallway, Sakura and Temari showing signs of the same look.

Sakura closed her mouth and cleared her throat "Well.. You heard her. We have, to get an expert. Asap!" She declared with a stomp of her foot, to put emphasis into her point.

I nodded slowly and turned back around, gulping once more.

It seems like that's the only way..


How.. In the world, are we going to find.. a demon.. expert?

Hinata's P.O.V

I moaned breathlessly as I sat on top of Naruto as he pumped his hips up into my core, my body facing him.

He groaned loudly and licked his lips, my eyes closed shut before him.

We've been going on for awhile now and all he's been doing.... was making me cum...

Over and over again.

I've never felt anything like it before.

I've yearned for it.. But now that I've gotten it.

It's a very, very.. different story..

He eyed me deeply with his red, horrifying eyes, his shaft practically pounding my insides. "Mmm.. You like that, little one? Should I go faster?" He asked with a tilt of his head making my eyes snap open, my hands coming out to grab his shoulders.

I so badly wanted to say no... That the speed he was going was already enough but... It just didn't come out.

"N-Naruto.." I whined making him chuckle, he speeding up anyway making me scream loudly.

Sweat poured all down my pale body, my breasts bouncing greatly from his wild thrusts.

He cursed over and over again and pulled his hands up and grabbed both of my mounds, roughly massaging them, doubling the pleasure.

I sobbed my heart out as the pleasure rose and rose in, intensity.

My eyes rolled and my body started to shake tremoundsly.

No, no no!

I'm gonna lose it!

I screamed to the top of my lungs as he drilled me harder, faster.. wanting to see my reaction. And he drunk the one I made, up in amusement..

He chuckled but slowed down for my sake, my body falling over helplessly.

I laid on him and sighed shakily, my body twitching on top of him...

God.. That was so intense...

He hummed by my ear and bend down, sending a slow lick on the revealing skin "Aww.. You didn't get to cum, sweetheart. Don't you want to?" He whispered by my ear, my eyes switching back up to him.

I nodded slowly and opened my mouth to explain but he completely cut me off.

He smirked and pushed me over onto the bed, my ass coming up and out for him. "W-W-Wait Naruto. I-I need a break first.. Please." I squeaked out quickly, but he ignored me, deciding to take me from behind this time.

He placed his clawed hands on my hips and sat up close to my bottom, his hot member felt by my butthole..

God.. He felt so hot.

I whimpered as he simply chuckled at my pleads, he lowering his hand so he could guide himself back inside of me.

"Hinata, darling. Breaks, are no fun. Let me take advantage of you. Let me give you the sex you deserve." He growled out deeply before plunging back into me, my body falling down on the bed.

I groaned in pleasure at the feel of him, his dick filling me up with ease.

I felt so.. full with him inside of me like this.. Which only doubles the pleasure.

He groaned as well but reached down and grabbed my right arm, pulling me upward again. "Ahh.. Don't quit on me yet. Let's have some more fun." He purred out and soon after started to pound me again, my eyes widening at the speed and force he used, my body jerking.

I moaned after every thrust, my hair covering my pleasured filled face which annoyed Naruto also.

He growled at that and used his other hand to grab a handful of my hair, my breath catching.

I whined as I was forced back to his shaft entirely, my chest flushed a deep red. "O-O-Oh, my god!" I shouted out, his other hand still holding me up by my arm.

I had no choice but to stay rooted upward, my hips jerking back and forth, away from him.

He chuckled once more as he sexually tore me apart, my eyes rolling harshly. "O-Oh no.. I-I'm gonna cum." I whispered out, my neck tilted back a bit from his hold on my long hair.

He cursed at that but smirked down at me darkly, the bed practically crashing against the wall.

It was banging so loud!

I'm so glad he lives alone.

The sheets were ruined under us and our clothes were laid torn all across the room.

My body was trembling so bad, it was messing with how I talked.

I stuttered over every word and I couldn't seem to think about anything..

Nothing but the mind blowing pleasure the demon behind me was producing to my body.

But suddenly, he stopped, letting go of my arm and hair.

I fell over immediately and groaned, his shaft still buried inside of my tight pussy.

He smirked down at me but placed a hand on my hair, moving it away from my face "Hmm.. I've changed my mind, Hinata. I wanna see you do a little more.. I want you.. to work.. To make both, of us cum. That, would make me extremely happy." He announced with a dirty grin, my hooded, blurry eyes staring at his manly form hovering over me.

God now, what is he talking about?

I could hardly see or talk straight, let alone carry out a task.

I tried to open my mouth but it just came out as a jumbled mess..

"Wh-Wh-What.. d-do.. I, have to.. do?" I stuttered out, several twitches in between which interrupted me.

At thr sound of my cracking, trembling voice, Naruto laughed making me whimper, my eyes closing ahut.

He found amusment in it because he knew.. He.. Was the one that made me this way.

My hands came up slowly and clutched at the dark bed sheets in front of me, my breathing coming out in rags.

I was trying so desperately to become a little normal but.. Ever time I tried to think...

I just brought myself closer and closer to passing out.

Naruto continued to hoop and holler behind me, raising my embarrassment even more. "Damn, sweetheart. You're just so cute. But enough of that. You wanna know what I need for you to do?" He asked making me nod slowly, desperately wishing this would end.

I would do anything he says if only it would bring me to finishing this faster. "Y-Yes N-N-Naruto.. Pl-Please hurry." I whimpered out on which he grinned, he taking one of his hands and slapping at my ass, catching me by surprise.

I whined and jolted upward from the sudden quick pain, he bringing his hand into a claw form.

He then began to rub his nails across my asscheeks making me shudder, my body slowly inching away from him.

"Fine.. I want you to thrust your body back and forth on my dick until you burst. And don't stop until you do. Because if, you so happen to stop.. I'll.." He trailed off and grabbed my neck quicker than I can respond and pulled me up, his dick touching my G-spot now from the weird angle.

I whimpered at that but gasped when his hand tightened around my throat, his lips by my ear "I'll fuck you, all day today, Hinata. I'll make it so it'll be impossible for you to walk.. or even talk. So that way, you won't be able to go to your friends. Now you don't want that, do you?" He threatened by my ear making my body run cold, it starting to tremble against him.

I opened my mouth to plead but a whimper fell out instead, my head shaking wildly. "N-N-No... Please. I-I-I'll do it." I forced myself to say which brought a grin to his lips, he soon throwing me back down onto the bed, his dick surprisingly staying inside of me.

He positioned himself so he could be comfortable and placed his hands back on my hips.

"Alright. Show me. Show me you can do it." He taunted once more on which I nodded, starting right away.

I moved my hips back on him, going all out of my way and doing so till my ass touched his strong, define V line, moans spilling out of my lips. "O-Oh my goodness." I moaned but continued to move on him, the pleasure growing a bit too much.

With every thrust I made aganst him, I felt his tip smash aganst my womb, making me feel extra full inside.

But, I have to keep going.. Or I won't be able to see my friends..

I want to let them know that I'm alright..

I have to stick with my lie.. Because if I don't..

I suddenly gasped at that, the male's groans from behind stopping because of it..

That's when it hit me, my pace slowing down making him raise an eyebrow.

My eyes widen when I thought back to my lie.

I told Ino.. that I was going with my Father on a business trip.

But I completely forgot it was Thursday.

His business trip was yesterday.. And the girls knows about it.

What if Ino saw through my lie?

What if they knew all along I was with Naruto?

Oh no.. It's just one thing after the next.

I can't take this..

I stopped moving and sobbed in my hands, my head rested on the bed in front of me.

Naruto stared down at me in confusion, his eyes slowly shifting to his shaft which was still, inside of me, by the way.

"What's the matter, little one?" He whispered out while tilting his head, my body trembling.

I turned towards him and shook my head, tears covering my pale face "N-No more. I don't want anymore of this." I cried out, his eyebrow raising once more.

He leaned over and took my hair in his hold again, my lips pouty "I don't think that's a option for you, Hinata. Don't you wanna see your most precious friends? We made a deal.." He warned making me cry louder, my chest heaving.

No.. I just broke the deal.

I was so wrapped up in my feelings I forgot about it so quickly.

I'm so stupid..

I'm such, a mess.

He smirked darkly down at me, his inhuman body twitching, and taking in my misery.

I shook my head and clutched the bed sheets when he started to move again, pounding my ass making me scream.

"Oh God! Stop!" I screamed out, my climax crashing down on me.

My toes curled and I released wildly, my eyes closing shut.

My stomach felt so sore and achy from that one, my vision blurry.

Naruto, on the other hand was having the time of his life, his eyes closed and loud moans escaping him. "Damn, damn, damn.." He hissed out and soon, squirted his essence inside of me making me gasp, my toes curling once more.

I screamed loudly and arched my back, my pussy releasing again..

The bed under us was soaking wet from my cum, my body falling helplessly down on the soft, plushy bed..

This, was way.. too, much..

Just, too, much...



Whoops.. Kinda extreme there but hey.. When you have a demon under your belt.. What else can you expect..

Love and Happiness?


But anyway (Lol) I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and be extra ready for the next one.. Whenever that may be..

Don't forget to Comment and Vote!! 💙🖤💙


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