Chapter 1||Monster

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      Branch awoke to a knock on his door. It sent his eyes opening in a flash and his reflexes coming into play. He fell off his bed creating a loud noise in response. It made the knocking stop for a few seconds.

The boy blinked a few times trying to wear off the sleep they held. It didn't work. He only wanted to return to his dream without any interruptions, but sadly, that wasn't the case. His dream was something different than reality. It was something with color, life......happiness. Oh how he longed for happiness. But how was he supposed to get it back? How could his life brighten at an instant?

His dark brown bangs fell above his eyes partially covering them. He sat up, brushed away his bangs, and gave out a yawn. 'Another day' he told himself not feeling an sense of thrill. His feet made their way to balance and then towards his closet across the room. Grabbing his usual attire, he slipped on his dark green sweatshirt and jeans before opening the door he had forgotten about. "Time for school!!" Aunt Marie exclaimed going in for a hug. Branch pushed away promptly. "Well someone's grumpy this am!" Rolling his eyes, he entered the bathroom to continue his daily routine.

Marie simply shrugged it off and continued to ready breakfast. Before much time could pass, a sharp sound of shattering glass filled Branch's ears. His imagination immediately went to his aunt. Marie wasn't truly Branch's He simply wasn't too fond of her just because he was forced to live with her after the passing of his grandma almost a year ago. He was 17 years of age now and certain he could care for himself but there was no alternative. He was stuck.

As his heart started to pump at a fast rate and his mind focused back to reality, he ran into the kitchen to see Marie's figure in shock. She had a dumbfounded expression upon her features which only made Branch's fear double.

"Everything okay?" he asked with a fearful tone and trembling in his voice. She turned revealing her wide eyes. "I totally forgot." "Forgot what?" The teen was more confused now than worried. Who drops a plate when they forget something?! "My job interview!" she shouted startling him once again. The woman rushed past him and into her bedroom to throw on some more formal clothes. It left Branch with a sense of confusion. What just happened?

Shrugging it off, he returned to his routine. It was usual for his aunt to forget things. After finishing his process, he said goodbye and headed out the door. At school, he was considered an outsider. The outlier. The nobody. He hated parties, didn't have any friends, but managed to hold a high average in every class he took. He also secretly enjoyed writing poems, singing, playing video games, and even going to the gym. No, he didn't like sports or being around the population, but he usually made a visit to the gym every night a party went on so no one would catch a glimpse of him. He didn't like being noticed.

After a long, tiring day Branch entered his apartment to hear music blaring through the walls. "Aunt Marie?" he asked the empty room curiously. When he received no reply he entered her bedroom and discovered the source of sound. "Branch my boy!" Marie pulled him into another hug. 'What is her deal with hugs?' he thought and pushed away. "You'll never believe it!" Raising a brow, he immediately regretted what escaped his mouth. "What?"

"I got the job!" she expressed by a raise of her arms. Branch's eyes widened. "Seriously?" "Yes!!!!"

It took him a moment to take everything in. This would be the second time they've had to move since his grandma. He hung his head and stared at the floor beneath him. Just the faintest memory of her caused his eyes to fill with water. The teen escaped his trance when Marie grasped his shoulders. "Get to packing! And don't be sad! There's a surprise!" "Surprise....?" She had always attempted to surprise him but it has always failed. "Can I know now?" he questioned sounding unamused. "Tomorrow," she replied. "Now pack!"

Branch went through his full, messy closet. Dust was around every corner he turned. It left him sneezing. Finally, he reached the last box sitting on the top shelf and opened it heaving a sigh. 'Finally,' he reminded himself. He reached to grab his last things when something soft met his fingertips. He curiously reached in and pulled out a plush with long midnight blue hair that shot straight into the air and light blue skin. It definitely wasn't human. It wore a leafy green vest and patched brown shorts. As he stared into its sewn eyes, the memories of long ago flooded into his brain. A girl with light blonde hair held a plush very similar to the one he'd held. She seemed to love the plush she possessed by the look on her face. 'Trolls,' Branch confirmed, 'They're Trolls.' As he became even more curious about the young girl, memory by memory crossed his mind. He remembered her. She cared so deeply about him that she gave him the one he now held. Why? Because it reminded her of him. They did everything together. As she grew older, she accidentally dyed her hair a shade of pink that brought of the wonder in her eyes. He...loved her....did he? He was too young and really didn't know what love was...but why did he ever consider it?
He finally remembered her name. 'Poppy' It was a beautiful name to Branch. She was beautiful. He could he ever forget her? How did she ever like him? He was a monster. He pushed everyone away who tried to reason with him. He hurt their feelings.

Ever told you what I was?
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seemed dangerous, would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because, everything I touch isn't dark enough....
That this problem goes in me...
   He began to sing and the tears fell from his eyes and the plush met his chest.
I'm only a man with a candle to guide me
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me
A monster, a monster
I've turned into a monster
A monster, a monster
And it keeps getting stronger.
Geez!!! 1085 words in the first chapter? This is the shortest one!!! Ins prey this one was so boring, I promise it'll be much more interesting. Oh and please check out me and my friends YouTube channel The Snack Pack! I edit!!! Bye now!

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