Chapter 07: The Bomb Goes Off

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   I bolt straight up, my senses on full blast as I tilt my head to the left, eyes focused on spotting anything out of the ordinary.


  I could've sworn I heard something.

  The crunch of snow, the crack of a stick breaking, silent breaths of air.

  I cross my arms, relaxing my tense muscles. Leaning back, I resume my position against the tree trunk.

   I'm just being paranoid.

   I run a hand over my face, skin slick with sweat that's been continuously dripping down my face for the last four hours.

   My eyes latch onto the fire that's no more than three feet away, my desire only to be as far away from it as possible.

   Is it just me, or does it feel way too hot?

   I glance over at Roxie.

   She's curled up in a ball, back against the tree, arms wrapped around herself.

   Her eyes are shut, a peaceful expression on her face. Her steady breathing the only noise besides the night noises and the crackle of the fire.

    Not a drop of sweat evident on her face.

    Must be me then.

    I sigh, trying to position myself so I'm a little further away from the decent size fire I've built up.

   I've never been able to stand fire well, or heat in general for that matter. Much too hot for my already warm body.

   And....bad memories.

    But that's a completely different story.

    It's been around five hours since I've built the fire and we decided to take turns sleeping, leaving one awake at all times for guard-duty.

   After those footprints I found earlier, I'm not leaving ourselves vulnerable.

    I was supposed to wake Roxie up around an hour ago, but I can't seem to make myself do it.

    And no, I'm not afraid to wake her up.

    Even-though I'm sure she'd probably bite my hand off in the process.

    I'm just not tired enough to fall asleep. And I'm actually surprised Roxie fell asleep so fast.

     I mean, once she got comfortable she was out like a light.

     And I still feel as If something's watching me. A tingling running over my back and up my neck, sending shivers through me. Keeping me tense and on-guard.

    No, I'd rather keep watch.

    Plus with the constant pounding from my headache, the pressure and the stinging pain in my right hand.

    I don't think I'd be able to sleep anyways.

    My stomach grumbles, reminding me that we probably haven't eaten in over seventeen hours.

    Well, we haven't exactly been available to find anything.

    I glance around at the snow covered ground, the icicles dangling off the dead branches.

     Not that we'd be able to find anything to eat anyways.

    Like I'd said earlier. You can eat a little snow for water, but it's not good to eat too much snow.

  So we ended up having a little snow earlier to quench our stubborn need for liquid, Roxie complaining the whole time that she might end up with some sickness from the snow because it's not Earth snow.

   Only Roxie.

   So food and water is our top priority as soon as it's daylight.

    I wince, my head giving a sudden pulse of pain, the pressure continuing to build.

   Stupid head.

    I bring my hands up, wincing yet again as a sharp stab runs through the palm of my right hand.

    Stupid hand.

     I tuck my aching right hand back under my armpit, massaging my forehead with my left.

    Would all this just go away already?

    Not that it's ever that simple.

     My hand pauses its movements as I catch the sudden SNAP of a branch breaking. The night noises I'd been getting accustomed to evaporating from the air.

    My heartbeat echoes in my ears, shoulders tensing as I look around, eyes straining as I scan the somewhat dark surroundings.

    Each breath I take in the sudden heavy silence hangs in a grey cloud in front of my face, sweat stinging my eyes.

    I swallow, feeling the uncomfortable scratchiness from my dry throat.

    I swing my eyes to the right as there's a flash of movement.


     I lean forward, staring intently at that one spot.

     My head swings to the left as there's another fast movement flickering between the closely bunched up trees.

     My heart accelerates, left hand slowly coming down to grasp the stick I'd left by my side.

     Without taking my eyes off from the surroundings, I reach over with my right hand, tugging on Roxie.

     She mumbles something, stubbornly pushing my hand off her shoulder.

     I tug harder.

     "Go away." She tiredly mumbles, waving her hand at me as she scoots further away.

      She gives a squeak of surprise as she falls off the root she was sitting on, landing with a quiet SQUISH into the sloshy snow.

     "Oh my go-"

       "Shh!" I urgently say, cutting her off.

       I hear her grumble in annoyance as she examines her now wet backside, mumbling things under her breath-that I'm sure are directed at me.


      Another flicker between the trees.

      I tighten my hold on the stick.

      What do we do?

      "Look what you made me do!" Roxie exclaims, her temper about to explode.

      "I can't belie-" she gets cut off again, only this time it's not me that does the cutting off.

       A lone howl cuts through the silent air like a knife, stabbing fear into both me and Roxie.

      Those footprints, plus the howl we just heard can only confirm one thing.


       I hear Roxie take a quick intake of breath, scampering to sit back down on the root.

      Judging by that howl, it was only about half a mile from us.

       I catch another flash of movement, only closer this time.

      I look around.

      The only protection we have is the tree at our back and the fire at our front.

      And something tells me they don't care about a pathetic fire like ours.

      "Callon." Roxie shakily whispers as she catches one of the movements between the trees.

       It's not going to work to try and hold our own here, that's a guarantee. But maybe we'll have a chance if we try running?

       Despair runs through me, tightening around my throat like a lasso.

      I look over at Roxie and she meets my gaze.

      "We can either run and hope we find somewhere we can lose them, or we stay here." I tell her our options.

      She glances back over her shoulder as there's another howl.

      "I-I don't know." Uncertainty leaks into her trembling voice, eyes repeatedly scanning the trees.

      I wince as my head roars to life with fresh pain, involuntarily letting a gasp out as I bring my head down into the crook of my right arm.

      Trying to make the pain leave.

      Blood pounds in my ears, my stomach twisting with each pulse of pain that's now being repeatedly sliced through my head.

     "Callon." I barely hear Roxie's concerned voice through the pounding, the haze of pain that's taken over me.

      I squeeze my eyes shut, pressing my hands tightly against my skull. Sweat trickles like a river down my face, covering my body, warmth filling me up.

      It's too warm.

     My eyes snap open as another howl slices the air.

    Pushing the pain to the back of my mind, I make a decision.

     Only one thing we can do.

    I stand up, ignoring the sudden assault of dizziness that washes over me.

    I grab Roxie's arm with my injured right hand, silencing her with a look as she opens her mouth to complain.

   Using my foot, I push some snow over our fire, watching as it sizzles out into just a swirl of smoke.

     "Hey!" Roxie whispers at me, glancing frantically over towards the tree line.

      "If we don't go now they'll circle us, cutting off anyway of escaping." I tell her, staring out over towards the now continuous movements throughout the trees.

      Trapping us.

      I tighten my grip on both the stick and Roxie.

      "Follow my lead." I mumble to her.

      And without waiting for any affirmation from her, I turn to the right taking off in a sprint, Roxie trailing behind.

      This probably seems like a bad idea, but what other choice do we have?

       I continue running, keeping my hold on Roxie so I don't lose her.

      "Ahh!" She stumbles on something, and I turn my head, eyes widening as I make out shapes flashing between the trees.

     Heading right towards us.

      I jerk her up, immediately resuming our sprint.

     We run through the forest jumping over fallen logs and rocks that are just randomly sticking out of the snow.

     I hear the light crunch of snow behind us from our pursuers, their breathing.

      And that's when I realize.

     There's definitely more then one chasing us.

     Roxie's breath comes out in gasps, tripping becoming more frequent as exhaustion weighs down on her.

     From the corner of my eye I see a dark shape bounding through the dark, no more than thirty feet away.

     My heart squeezes with fear.

     I glance to the left, seeing another dark shape on that side.

    Are they....corralling us?

      Or either they're just playing with their food.

      I'm not sure which one I'd prefer.

      I breath heavily through my nose, the pressure in my head making me want to stop and puke my brains out.

     Another howl fills the air behind us, and I feel Roxie pick up her pace as fear fuels her nearly empty tank.

     They're no longer trying to be stealthy anymore.

     I can hear breathing from all around us, the sound of running footsteps accompanying it.

     They're toying with us.

      Roxie suddenly screams as something jumps out from the left, a growl following. And without breaking our sprint, I automatically swing my left arm out.

     The split second before the stick in my left hand connects with the dark shape that just jumped out of nowhere, my eyes take in the gigantic form of a wolf.

     Its red beady eyes glare at me with a crazed spark in them, fangs dripping saliva, a pitch black coat shimmering in the dark, blending in.

    My shoulder jams painfully back in its socket as it connects, the force of it running up and down my arm like an electric shock, a CRACK sounding out from the stick splintering, accompanied with another quieter crack-which I'm guessing was a bone. The wolf suddenly giving a high pitched whine as it tumbles backwards out of sight.

     I shake out my sore arm, tugging on Roxie as I speed up even more-her barely keeping up with me now.

     The thought of just ditching her and sprinting away vaguely crosses my mind.

     But I'm not heartless.

     Even if that means I might be torn to bloody ribbons at any given moment.

     I keep my senses on full alert, preparing myself for if another one decides to try jumping us like the last one.

    Although they're acting like they've learned a lesson from that.

    I can tell they're hanging back now, just barely keeping up with us as we navigate ourselves through the thicket of trees.

     I jump over a fallen log, my right arm jerking backwards as Roxie goes over it too slow.

     I glance back, still running, my hand firmly grasping her arm.

    She's sweating, eyes wide with panic, her breathing fast and uneven from all the running.

     "I-I can't keep going." She gasps out between breaths, her running starting to noticeably get slower.

     Well I'm not dying out here.

     I just pull her along, our sprinting now just a fast jog.

    A plan.

    I need a plan.

    I try to focus, try to think about what we could possibly do.

    But my headache is at full blast now, each step I take literally making me wince as what feels like knives slice through my head. The pressure in my skull making me feel like it's about to blow up.

    Sweat runs down my forehead into my eyes, my stomach uncomfortably twisting with nausea.

     What now?!

    I instantly perk up as my ears catch a different sound from what I've been hearing for the last day or so.

    Running water.

    I immediately turn so we're running in that particular direction, still keeping myself prepared for anymore assaults.

     Is there a river?

    I'm not sure how that would help us, but anything has to be better than what we've got.

   A stick, and a fear stricken teenager that's letting small screams out every time she sees something dark pop up out of the shadows-which ninety-nine percent of the time is just a dead stump or log.

    I'll let you be the judge on that one.

    The trees suddenly thin out, the darkness becoming lighter.

    Then we crash out into an opening.

    I stop in surprise, quickly taking in the surroundings.

    The sound of running water is loud and clear, snowy ground bare of any trees goes out about twenty feet, then there's a drop off. Mountains loom far off in the distance, snow dusting the tips of them. The sky bright with stars, the moon hanging low in the sky as it prepares for morning.

    It would be a magnificent view if not for the fact we're being chased by gigantic bloodthirsty wolves.

   I walk forward, dropping Roxie's arm as I jog over to the edge.

   I stop, looking down, the cool breeze playing with my hair that's sticking out from my beanie, blowing over my overheated face.

   Down below is a roaring river.

   We're about fifteen feet up on a ledge that overhangs the river, trees dotting along beside the rivers continuous path as far as I can see.

    "What are we supposed to do?!" Roxie frantically says, eyes glued to the menacing forest wall as she scoots closer to me.

    I lift my right hand up to my pounding head, my knees shaking from the sick feeling that's running throughout my whole body.

    I take a few deep breaths. Trying to calm my twisting stomach, the roaring storm in my head, the sudden fatigue.

     "I-I'm not sure." I tell her, rubbing my forehead.

     I wince as my right hand gives a pulse of pain, a heat building up inside it.

     I see Roxie's eye twitch at my answer. Then she explodes.

     "What the heck do you mean?!" She yells, seeming to not care that we're being stalked by wolves anymore.

     Maybe she'll scare them away?

      When I don't say anything, she steps closer to me.

     She stares up at me, her five-foot-five height just barely reaching my shoulders.

      "Well then why don't you use whatever the hell this is," she roughly pokes my chest right where the stone lays. "and get us back home?" She asks.

      I shake my head, eyes focused on the forest as I begin to see more movement. "I don't know how it works." I mumble out.

      She laughs, clearly getting a little delirious.

      "Of course you don't." She carelessly adds.

      "Why in the world would Callon Bates know?" She rambles, mostly talking to herself.

       "After all, he's just an attention seeking idiot who runs away from every little  problem." She crosses her arms, looking away.

      Attention seeker?

      Runs away?...

     What brought all this on?

       Anger flows through me, my headache building up to where I just want to crumple to the floor and give up.

      How dare she say that about me.

      She doesn't know anything about my life, what I deal with on a daily basis. She's just babbling.

      "Who acts like an imbecile." She continues.

       "Shut up." I grumble at her, wincing at another sharp stab of pain.

       "Can't even stand up for himself."

       My hand tightens around the stick, an odd warm tingling starting up just beneath the skin between my shoulders.

         Okay, that's it.

        "I said be qui-" I cut off as the movements I'd been watching suddenly jump out of the forest.

        My eyes widen, me and Roxie's little dispute disappearing at the sight of what lays in front of us.

        "Oh my god." Roxie whispers, frozen in place.

        Six wolves fan out around us, blocking off any possible escape we might of had.

        Thank you for getting me distracted Roxie.

        Hint the sarcasm.

       Only these aren't any wolves I've ever seen on Animal Planet.

       Their backs reach a height of probably four feet, large pointed ears laid back across their heads in anger, shaggy solid dark coats making them look even larger. Huge sharp fangs showing as they growl at us, red eyes illuminating in the dark.

      I feel a shudder run through me.

       These are truly monsters.

      And if that isn't enough, they each have a color blended into their ruffled coats on their chests and up onto their faces. Giving them a mystical look.

      "What in the world?" Roxie breaths out, staring awestruck at the magnificent beasts.

       I back up as far as possible, hearing the powerful roar of the river at my back.

       I hold the stick up in front of me, feeling more strange tingles run through my back.

      A pitch black wolf with red markings blended into its coat-a tad larger than the rest, stares over at us with an oddly human expression.


      It steps a little closer, the other wolves holding themselves back obediently.

     And that's how I know.

     This is the Alpha.

      He stalks slowly forward-as if relishing this moment.

      I push Roxie behind me, not hearing a peep of disagreement from her.

      Suddenly, one of the other wolves-a brown one with green markings that had been the only one standing impatiently, breaks from position dashing full blast towards us.

     I hear a commanding bark from the Alpha, the smaller wolf ignoring him.

      I grasp the end of the stick with both hands, tightening my grip around it. Sweat dripping into my eyes, heart beating loudly in my ears with adrenaline.

      I move so I'm standing sideways, bringing the stick up like I'm a pro baseball player who's getting ready to bat.

     Then right as the rouge wolf jumps up at me, I swing. Putting all my strength into it.

      There's a sickening CRUNCH and I feel more then I see the stick connect with the wolfs face. Bone caving in, a piercing whine breaking through the roar of the river.

      It falls backwards a couple feet, landing on its side as it shakes its head around. Whines repeatedly come from its muzzle, a noticeable dent on the left side of its face.

     Getting slowly back up, it trots back towards the ring of wolves. Its tail between his legs.

     I position the stick back up, looking over at the alpha.

     He bares his fangs at me before letting a menacing growl out, eyes darkening with anger.

    Does it seem to anyone else that these wolves are just a tad too much like humans?

     My arms fall back to my sides as a blinding flash of pain-much more painful than any so far, runs through my head. The stick falling to the snow covered ground.

    Those tingles that had been of only minor interest suddenly explode into millions of hot pins that run all over my back, spreading up my shoulders to down my arms. Gathering in the palms of my hands. I feel them sizzle up the back of my neck, into my head.

     An unbearable pressure presses down on my brain, my eyes narrowing against the pain.


     My vision turns a crimson red, a gasp leaving my mouth as everything crumbles into a world of pain.

      Roxie's voice echoes in my ears as if I was underwater, everything becoming blurry to my eyes, panic filling my chest.

      What's happening?

      I grunt, falling to my knees as another wave of fresh pain assaults me.

     Leaning over, I gag as I feel vomit make its way up my throat.

     I squeeze my eyes shut as a pressure builds up right behind them, needles seeming to stab directly behind them as dizziness clouds my head.

      I can still hear a voice, a hand gently touching my boiling hot shoulder.


     That's the only word I can use to express what I'm feeling.

      I feel as if someone boiled water then decided to throw it on me. My skin so hot it feels like it's about to melt off-like they poured it down my throat and now it's consuming me from the inside, sizzling my blood.

     So hot.

     Too hot.

     My eyes snap open as my senses catch the sound of a sudden movement. Everything having a weird hazy look to it, outlines of red streaming across my vision.

     They land on the Alpha wolf.

     He's decided to use my sudden vulnerable state to attack, his powerful body stretching as he sprints across the twenty foot distance between us, jaws open in a snarl I can't hear.

     Everything seems to suddenly go into slow motion. My muscles tensing beyond normal as the pressure builds up to its maximum strength, the headache suddenly disappearing. The strange boiling sensation that's running through my veins like hot water, stopping to a stand still.

     My eyes move to behind the slow motion wolf who's about five seconds away from tearing my throat out. And they land on something I hadn't noticed before.

     There lurking in the shadows of the woods, is a seventh wolf.

     Only this one is different.

      As soon as my dark blue eyes connect with its hypnotic glowing red ones there's a flash of warmth that runs through me, making my hair stand on end.

     But this warmth is different from what's now taken over me. It's a soothing warmth that seems to cool me off in some odd way-like a breath of fresh air after being stuffed in a crowded room for hours.

      I see something flash deep within its eyes.


      I take in its ruffled pure white coat. My eyes lingering on the strange aquatic blue marks that start on the front of its chest, running up onto its face.

      It just stands there, watching, observing. Not seeming to be interested in what the other six wolves are doing.

      Then just like that, everything resumes its normal speed. My attention breaking away from the strange white wolf.

      My eyes latch back onto the black wolf that's currently sprinting right at me, eyes full of hate, hunger and madness.

       A haze of red seems to surround me-blinding me, the crushing pain finally becoming too much for me to hold in. The headache returning like a sledgehammer being pounded into me.

      I scream. My hands automatically coming up to grasp at my head, the world suddenly not making any sense as it all crumbles into a world full of pain.

      There's a overwhelming scorch of heat that starts in my head, running thoughout the rest of my body like an exhaust pipe.

      Then, just like that.

      A bomb goes off.

      There's a feeling like a jagged knife being stabbed deep into my brain. Then there's a sound like an explosion, the ground even rumbling from beneath me.

      Through the red tint surrounding my vision, I watch as the impossible happens in less than six seconds.

      The snow around me evaporates as the explosion goes off, making a ten foot ring around me. A shockwave seems to go through the air, the alpha stopping in his tracks as terror fills his eyes, the trees in the forest blowing backwards. The wolves cowering as it blows full force over them, their shaggy coats blowing wildly with it.

     My eyes only see red, a glow seeming to emit from around me.

     Then, the ground blows up.

      Each spot the six wolves are standing suddenly explode into balls of fire, the shaggy coats from the wolves fueling the fire even more.

    High pitched whines and barks fill the air as their fur catches on fire. Skin melting off bones in an instant, bloodshot eyes wide with panic, the rancid odor of burning flesh-a smell I'd sworn never to witness again, running through my nostrils.

    I fall to my hands and knees. My ragged breathing and an odd ringing the only noise in my ears, heart thumping wildly in my chest, arms trembling as they support my weight.

     My brain grows heavy, foggy with confusion.

     What the heck just happened?

     Vomit makes its way up my throat again. Except this time, I can't stop it.

      I bend my warm head down further, my throat burning as whatever food I had left in my stomach empties itself onto the now dirt ground.

      Once I'm reduced to just dry heaves, I bring a shaky hand up to wipe my mouth off.

      I frown at the awful taste in my mouth, also taking in the small amount of red liquid that seems to of somehow gotten on my hand.

     I bring my left hand back up to my face, sniffling as I run it under my nose.

      Bringing my hand back down, I'm surprised when I see blood coating my hand from where I touched my nose.

      Then I suddenly notice something else.

      The pressure is completely gone now. Only a slight headache in the back of my head, the weird sharp tingles slowly becoming less noticeable as they dissolve into my skin. The once overpowering heat now only a small warmth.

      What happened?

      My mind remains in a swirl of confusion, images I don't want to believe flashing before my eyes. That....smell.

     It happened again.

       My body feels achy, like I've recently been sick with a bad cold. My head way too light-like someone just took a pile of bricks off I hadn't noticed were there before.

      I firmly wipe off my nose with my arm, hoping I didn't just smudge blood across my whole face.

      Then I hesitantly look up.

      The breath catches in my throat as I take it all in.

      The trees at the edge of the forest are bent backwards-like they'd just been through a hurricane. The ground fanning a good ten feet out from around me is bare of any snow, the ground dry-like it hasn't rained for weeks.

      Then the worst of it.

       Horror strikes my chest as my eyes land on five mounds of charred flesh. The stench still drifting around, making me want to puke all over again.

       What happened?

       There's a feeling deep within me, because I already know.

        My breathing comes out heavy, fatigue washing over me like I haven't slept in days.

        It can't be.

       I slowly sit up, my head swirling with each movement. I quickly glance over to the right as I hear rapid breathing.

       Roxie's sitting inside the dirt ring-right at the edge of the overhang, her knees up to her chest as she stares out over at the dead wolves with terror filled eyes. Her hair in a total disarray, face smudged with dirt.

       Her gaze snaps over to me as she sees me moving, her face filling with fresh fear as she looks at me.

      Alarm wraps around my throat.

      Is she afraid

       My breathing grows extra ragged, a weight settling on my chest.

       I scoot a little closer to her. Immediately feeling worse as she scoots further away from me.

       I open my mouth, struggling for words. "W-What hap-happened?" I stumble out, my tongue not wanting to work right.

       Her eyes fill with tears, avoiding direct eye contact as her shaky arms tighten around her knees.

       She glances back at the charred flesh, eyes hesitant.

       Then her trembling mouth moves. "You-you killed them." She whispers so quietly I barely hear her.

        Despair rocks me, my head igniting with fresh pain.


       The world grows foggy again, my mind in a complete disarray as I try to comprehend what it means.

       Her eyes land on my bare arms, the fear still in them.

       I slowly bring my trembling hands up to eye level.

       Surprise, horror, confusion, and many more overwhelming emotions come crashing down on me as I gaze down at my own two arms.

       Those strange marks I've had running down my arms for as long as I can remember, are now emitting a dark red glow that run through them as if they were actually veins.

      They swirl down the undersides of both my arms, pooling into the palms of my hands and spreading up to the backs of them. And I'm assuming the ones on my shoulders, back, and neck are doing the same thing.

      They feel weird, almost like they aren't a part of my body.

       "It can't be." The words fall from my mouth as realization crumbles around me.

       I killed them.

       I swallow, making sure to avoid looking over at the sickly sight that's spread out before me.

       Without lifting a single finger. I killed them.

        We just sit there for a minute longer, each of us needing some quiet.

        So what if I did kill them somehow. They were the ones attacking us in the first place.

       The reasoning doesn't help much.


       My mind halts its thoughts.

       Five mounds of charred flesh?

       I glance back over. And sure enough, only five.

      But weren't there six wolves?

       And of course right as I think that, there's a croaky growl from my right.

       My head swings over.

       The Alpha wolf is somehow still alive. Although he didn't come out unscathed.

        The glossy fur he once had is now completely burnt off from the back up along its face and chest. His skin a sickening patchy red and black, one eye covered up with a flap of wax-like skin, blood guzzling from his muzzle as he continuously snarls.

       Vengeance clear in his eyes.

       And he's charging as fast as his wounded self can run, straight at Roxie.

       Without thinking it through, I jump up, dashing the five or so feet to her.

       Then I tackle her.

       Now I don't know what I was thinking, except that I don't have the strength to fight off this bedraggles zombie wolf. So this was the next best option.

      If you want to call it an option.

       Roxie yells as I tackle her, eyes frozen on the charging wolf.

       Then we're free falling fifteen feet down towards the raging river. Roxie disappearing from my view as I lose my grip on her.

       The wind rips at my hair and clothes, eyes tearing up from the cool air hitting them.

      I glance up as we're falling, expecting to see the ragged face of the alpha wolf.

      Only I don't.

     My eyes meet glowing red eyes, a white silky coat whipping in the wind as the mysterious wolf stares down at me from the overhang.

      Then, my body slams into the river at full force-like I just smacked down onto concrete.

       The air leaves my lungs in a gasp of pain, bubbles escaping my mouth as water stings my eyes, throat, and nose.

       A darkness invades my vision, a lightheadedness accompanying it. Which can only mean one thing.

       I'm about to pass-out.

       I try swimming up, trying to get free from the clutches of this roaring river.

       Only I can't.

       It's like something's holding me down, keeping me from moving correctly.

       I see the moon stare down at me from above, shimmering in the gloom of the water-almost like it's mocking me.

      The last few bubbles leave my mouth, my body halting all movements as a strange serene feeling overtakes me.

       Then, my vision goes completely black.


        So hey y'all! *Chuckles nervously* I know it's been way too long since I last updated, and I honestly don't have any good excuses for it.

       I'm sorry!!😭😭

       So anyways, sorry for any mistakes, I'm editing this at 1 o'clock AM right now because I feel I shouldn't leave y'all without an update any longer.

       And....My brother in-law got a puppy about two weeks ago (jeez, it's already been that long 😳)

      Meet......Anselma!! (It's German for Female Protector)

      She's a German Shepherd, (if you couldn't tell from the name) around 14 weeks old, and is sooo sweet and adorable!!😍😍

      So, moving on now that I've got that out of my system lol.


      1. How was this chapter? (I'm still trying to get used to writing these action parts)

      And that's all I can think of right now. (I'm like falling asleep while writing this A/N 😂)

     Goal!- Nine Votes!

    Next Update: After I update my other book. (It's way over due)

P.S. Please point out any spelling/Grammar mistakes if you see any, my sluggish brain would appreciate it. 👍🏻🙏🏻


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