Chapter 09: Kingdom of Orelon

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{West Sídphen River}

     Fantasy land?

    Kingdom of Orelon....?

    So what, they got pink sparkly unicorns prancing through fields and magical Tinker Bells flying around here?

     I feel a snort build up in the back of my throat as images of fairies flying around in thigh-length dresses while sprinkling pixy-dust on flowers fill my mind.

     I quickly stifle it with a cough, bringing my elbow up to my mouth to hide the sudden smile that's stretched across my face.

     I know I expected something extravagant, but a fantasy land.


     That's just....that's just not...possible....?

     Although, those wolves were definitely....Not normal.

     Roxie blinks a couple times, still staring over at Old Grim.

     "What?" She asks, still looking like she's a bit bewildered.

      I cross my arms, leaning back against a tree that's behind me.

      Grim looks between the two of us-like he expected more of a reaction than just the stunned silence.

      He sighs, sitting back down. "I said." He repeats. "You're no longer on earth." He slowly says.

       Roxie suddenly stands up. "I got that." She says, face turning slightly red from anger.

       Wow, she gets worked up really fast.

      "But what I want to know, is how the heck is there some unknown world that all our  technology on earth couldn't find? And how am I supposed to get home?" She says in one breath.

       Grim raises a brow, motioning for her to sit back down.

        "Calm down miss Roxie." He dabs his forehead with what looks like an old fashioned handkerchief, his expression making it look like he just bit off more than he can chew.

       She huffs, crossing her own arms as she sits back down.

       "All questions will be answered, no need to be rash."

       "Now, as for the first question." He continues, placing his kerchief back in one of his many pockets inside his cloak.

       "Your world, Earth. Does in fact know about this world."

        Now I raise a brow.

        Then how does no one know about this? How is it not spread across every news channel and magazine article?

        I mean, how long has it been people have been trying to discover life outside of earth?

       Pretty long.

       "Then how does everyone not know about here?" Roxie asks the exact question I was getting ready to ask.

        He fiddles with his pipe again, it obviously being a nervous habit.

       "Well because." He simply says.

        We both stare at him.

        He shakes his head. "How do you think the people of earth would react to something like this?" He says. "Fear of the unknown would spread across every nation, war would break out between both worlds." He grimaces. "It would not be good."


       Point taken.

       "So the government simply kept the discovery of this world a secret from earth." He simply says, shrugging.

      Roxie seems to think about it for a moment. "I suppose I can understand that." She surprisingly says. "But what about my other question? And how exactly have they kept this place secret if they're so determined to not let anyone know about it?"

       "Ah yes, getting back to earth." He glances away. "Now that can be a bit troublesome."

        "How so?" Roxie narrows her eyes, almost like she's daring him to say she can't go home.

        "Well you see." He fiddles with his pipe. "You two came through a portal, one of the few that exist." He says.


       So that's what that was.

       I figured.....sorta.

      Roxie leans forward.

      "There are in fact only two that reside here in this world." He promptly says.

       Roxie's face falls.

       Great, just great.

       "But thankfully, the portals are both here in Orelon. So no need for much traveling." He gives a small smile.

        Because that just helps bunches.

       He stands up, moving over towards a small clearing that's no more than six feet away from the fire.

        He pulls a rolled up sheet of old paper from one of his packs, slowly crouching down until he's on his knees.

       He waves us over, me and Roxie reluctantly moving over towards him.

      We kneel down beside him as he unrolls the paper.

      I gaze across the now revealed map, my mind still trying to comprehend everything that's happened.

      "As I told you before," Grim starts. "we're up here at the edge of the West Sídphen river." He points to a river that branches off into many others.

      I glance over at Roxie, seeing she's staring down at the map with transfixed eyes, taking it all in.

     "The two portals are located over in the North-East region and the East region." He continues.

      "One is in the castle of Orelon." His voice gets noticeably tighter. "Which let's just say, is off limits." He gives a dry chuckle, seeming to be laughing at a inside joke.

       "So your only option," he points to a small island on the upper right corner, the word 'Portal' clearly written there. "Is the portal over on the Uirphen Island." He finishes.

       It goes quiet. Then Roxie leans lower down, eyes squinting as she reads the map.

       "Refugee camp?" She slowly reads, giving a questioning glance up at Grim.

       He waves her off. "I'll get to that later, as I believe I still need to answer that other question." He says.

        Roxie nods in agreement, but her eyes stay glued down at the map.

       My own eyes stare down at it with fascination, a weird feeling starting to build in my gut.


        Only a world in the midst of a war would have refugees......

       I glance around at the scenery, taking in the calming quiet. The only noise being the birds and the river.

         It seems peaceful.

         But what can I say.

        I've only been chased through a creepy forest, almost eaten, then I fell down into a roaring river.

        So what would I know?

       But if there's a war, then there must be people.....


       Grim sits back, wincing as he moves.

       "So how has it been kept secret then?" Roxie repeats, glaring over at Grim.

        "Ah, well." He shifts, running a hand through his beard. "You see, they discovered Orelon back in the seventeenth century I believe. It all ties in with the Salem Witch Trials and involves a rather long and detailed story." He sighs. "So let me just say, the habitants of Orelon were well aware of earth before anyone there knew anything about here."

          Try saying that ten times fast.

           "The king here," He starts.

           So there are people....

           Well, obviously.

          "thought it best to send small undercover search parties to earth so we could learn more about it without being discovered. And so we wouldn't have to involve uh....unnecessary tactics as we already knew that if they discovered us, there would be conflict."

            Roxie frowns. "Conflict?"

            Grim nods. "Well of course, haven't you noticed?" He asks, glancing between us.

            We stay silent.

            He lets a irritated breath out. "I thought you would've picked this up by now, or at least had some kind of inkling towards it." He rubs his forehead.

            What am I missing right now?

            "Fantasy land." He says, sounding like he's talking to a three year old who can't understand simple English.

            He stares at us.

           "Sooooo." Roxie drawls out, obviously not getting what he's saying.

          Not that I do either.

           "Oh my." Grim shuts his eyes, pressing his hand to his temple. "Which would mean the people here are not simply humans, they are fantasy beings; creatures that are assumed to be merely bedtime stories and myths." He elaborates.

           I take a second, my mind slowing down.


          Oh joy.

           "Uh, creatures?" Roxie asks. "You mean like mermaids, satyrs, fairies, nymphs and.....elves?!" She hesitates at the end, eyes flashing over towards me for the briefest moment. Alighting with interest.

            I immediately glance away from her, face growing unexplainably warm.

            Grim nods. "Yes, especially the elves." His eyes lock on me.

             I feel another laugh build up with both disbelief and confusion. Only this time I can't contain it.

            Both Grim and Roxie's face turn puzzled at the sound of my laughter, staring over at me.

             "Nice one." I say. "You really had me going there for a moment." I stand up, walking around as a unexplained tension begins to build up in me, a headache beginning to pound away.

             "This isn't real." I mumble, motioning around to everything. "I must've fallen and hit my head, that's the only explanation. Because I'm really back home, in my bed with a bump the size of a baseball on the back of my head." I ramble off, trying-no, having to come up with some reasonable explanation besides all I've heard so far.


           It can't be.

          He's crazy.

          "Callon." My gaze swings over towards a concerned looking Grim, Roxie's face turning slightly worried also.

           "Calm down, take a breath and relax." He demands, eyes showing nothing but calmness.

            I raise my hands up to grasp my head as a overwhelming pressure begins to build inside. A feeling like an internal oven switching to high, igniting across my skin.

           Images of the charred flesh from those wolves flash across my mind. Panic instantly settling against my chest.

           Stop it.

          I catch a sudden red-ish orange movement from the corner of my eye, the fire suddenly growing twice in size of its original one.

          I take a deep breath, eyes clenching tightly shut.

          You can control it.


           After who-knows how long, I finally pull myself away from the pressure, the scorching heat that'd been starting to build within me. The panic.

          I take a few more shallow breaths, bringing my hands back down to my sides as I open my eyes.

          I see Grim's going through one of his packs, the air around him calm and relaxed.

          Roxie's leaning back against one of the trees, a blanket covering her lap as she looks over at me with cautious eyes.

          I take a seat as a dizziness suddenly assaults me. Bending my head down low, I massage my sore temple with my left hand.

          "He really should learn to control that."

           My head snaps over to Grim. "What?" I ask, my voice sounding hoarse to even my own ears.

           He looks up at me, obviously fainting surprise. "Oh nothing, just an old man talking to himself." He looks back down at the pack on his lap. But not before I see the small smile twitch at the side of his bearded face.

          Roxie looks between us, obviously not understanding what we're talking about seeing as she most likely didn't hear the first part of what Grim said.


         Control what exactly?

         Grim suddenly stands up. "But I do believe I owe you more of an explanation, Callon." He sincerely says.

          His sits back down at his spot beside the fire.

          I cautiously eye him, stomach twisting with unease. "Explain what exactly?" I place my hand back down on my lap, sitting straighter as anger begins to bubble to the surface.

          "Haven't you already explained enough?" I spit out, unexplained anxiety beginning to build inside me. "We're in a world with real creatures that belong in fairytales, and the only way back home is to find a portal all the way over on a island!" I sum up, my voice fading.

           Grim nods, ignoring my sudden outburst.

          I take a few more deep breaths, heart thumping.

           "No, I actually haven't." Grim speaks up, my attention immediately drawing to his dead serious voice.

           "I haven't explained enough." He repeats, looking into my eyes from across the fire. "Because I haven't told you the truth."


           Grim sighs. "I think it best if I start with a little Orelon history." He picks up a stick, stroking the fire.

            I glance over as Roxie stands up, hesitantly sitting herself back down beside the fire. Her attention on Grim as she obviously tries to ignore me.

           I fold my arms across my chest, slivers of despair beginning to coil within me as I await what he has to say.

           "Around twelve years ago," he begins. "there was a grand celebration in the city of Orelon." His eyes alight with joy as he recalls the past event, a wistful expression on his face.

           "The current King and Queen at that time, were celebrating the fourth birthday of their only heir."

           "Unbeknownst to all of Orelon, there was an army advancing from the west-the Hodhon sea. Orelon's very own rival; the Light Elves."

           I keep my face angled to the ground, my body growing numb with each word.

          "They attacked!" His voice picks up. "Orelon was in a disarray-yet they held their ground for three months. Surviving off only what provisions were in the city."

            "But alas, the city walls gave out one fateful night. Streams of gold from the Light elves armor, pouring into the city-like a hoard of ants. Devouring everything in their sights, all heading in one direction."

            Grim's eyes cloud over with a deep sadness. "The Castle."

            I hear Roxie's breath catch, eyes wide with wonder as she clearly tries to imagine it all.

            I stare into the fire. Red, blue and black all reflecting back at me as I suddenly get this unreachable scratch in the back of my head-like a distant memory trying to surface.

           The beat of marching feet-like a constant heartbeat, shakes the walls, echoing through every room.

           Frantic. Everything rushed, hurried hands grabbing me.

          Alarm wafting around like a horrible after smell, coating everyone with a second skin.

          Fire, screams of pain, buildings crumbling to dust.

          The feeling of security, belonging, and love. All suddenly ripped away.

         Darkness. A pure black darkness with solid walls, pulling, grabbing.


        I suck in a breath, heart thundering in my ears as I bring both hands up to grasp my throbbing head, eyes wide as wisps of old, forgotten memories float endlessly around in my brain.


        I can't-won't believe it.

        "The King and Queen as a last effort to preserve their childs life, hold themselves up in the courtyard that the portal resides in." Grim continuous, obviously not noticing my inner-conflict.

         "There, the Queen-with their child, escape through the portal. The King loyally staying behind to fight to his final breath."

          Grim let's another sigh out, this part of the story noticeably getting to him.

          "And to his final breath he fights indeed."

          "The Kings most trusted friend - the royal Seer, Iyearie. Betrays the kingdom, but more importantly: he betrays his friend." A flicker of anger flashes in his old eyes.

          "Iyearie, stabs the King from behind. Allowing the evil to advance."

          "The Queen by that point, had made it through the portal unscathed with her child in her arms. They had arrived on earth, but to be more precise. They had arrived in New York, USA; in her own sisters apartment."

            My heart stops.

            "And as the Queen feels the suffering, the anguish, and the betrayal from her dying soulmate. She knows what she must do."

            "So she makes the hardest decision in her life."

           "She leaves her four year old child in the care of her sister, and somehow - for know one knows how she did it-travels back to Orelon." His voice grows raspy, sadness coating every word.

           "She arrives just as Gurthon - prince of the attacking kingdom of Lithuiben, prepares to deliver the last blow to the King."

            He grows more solemn. "The Queen as fearless as she was brave, was no warrior by any means. She managed to stab Gurthon in his right shoulder, but it sadly wasn't enough to stop him."

            "They both die. Leaving destruction, death, and evil to roam rampant through the streets. Yet not all is lost, for a prophecy had been spoken."

           I slowly look up, my eyes meeting the steady gaze of Grim's weary old ones.

           "The day the truth is revealed, a man of gold shall bring forth terror and an age of hunger. Then as myth becomes truth, the lost heir shall return, marking the destruction of evil and the rise of the poor." He recites, the words flowing smoothly off his tongue.

          The air only seems to grow thicker as a silence stretches all around.

          I feel like there's a vacuum inside me, sucking all feelings from within me. Leaving me bare, numb.

          And as much as I keep telling myself it can't be true.

          I know I'm only lying to myself.

My mind flashes back to when I touched that ancient tree. It's powerful words repeating throughout my head. Telling me one thing.

         "I see it in your eyes Callon." Grim quietly says, eyes softening. "You know it's true."

         Yet I can't make myself admit it.

          "You Callon," He stands up. "son of Zitkalasa of earth, and Thanguron of Orelon. Are the lost heir, the prince, and the rightful ruler of Orelon."

          He suddenly sinks down to one knee, his cape fluttering as he brings one fisted hand up to his chest, head bowing down.

          I just blink, that sinking feeling I had earlier now more of a drowning feeling as emotions I can't even identify wash completely over me.

          Roxie's looking between the still bowing Grim and me, face twisted in bewilderment. Yet a look in her eyes tells me she was expecting something like this - like she solved a puzzle that needed solving.

          Like that makes me feel any better.

          Grim stands up, looking at me with some sort of expectancy.

          I look away from his piercing gaze, poking the fire with my own stick as I try to work the sudden tightness away from my throat.

          "So what?" I ask, monotone.

           Grim seems a bit surprised, probably expecting more of a reaction from me.

          Heck, I was expecting more of a reaction myself.

         "Well, don't you see Callon-"

          I cut him off, quickly standing up as everything boils to the surface.

          "No I don't see! And frankly, I don't care." I harshly say, a stab of guilt unexplainably hitting my chest. "I don't care about creatures, about Orelon, or anything that has to do with here." I hiss at Grim.

          He literally flinches at my words, his shoulders deflating.

          "I just want to get back home, live my simple life and forget about" I keep my eyes on Grim. "And about you."

          "Although that shouldn't be so hard for you, seeing as you've already abandoned me once." I whisper out, just loud enough for him to hear.

           He wobbly sits back down, eyes downcast.

           Everyone stays frozen in their spots.

           Roxie sits there, looking up at me with guarded eyes, posture stiff.

           Grim keeps his head down, defeat coming off him in waves.

           My shoulders rise and fall with each breath, the urge to runaway and never have to face them filling my mind.

           All that might've sounded selfish. Me wanting to forget everything about this land-my homeland, a land that's apparently being ruled by some power hungry Light Elf.

        But what Grim's asking of me, I-I can't. Because no matter what anyone might think.

        I'm not my mother, and I'm most definitely not my father.

        I'm Callon Bates.

       The loner, the freak at every school he goes to, who's no good at anything except messing up.

       So they must be wrong, or it's all just a horrible mess-up.

       I can't be a...Ruler of some world that's full of fantasy creatures.

        A freaking Elf Prince.......

       No, I just want to get back home, apologize to Orenda-who's probably freaking out right no-


        My heart grows heavy with dread. "Does Orenda know?" I quietly ask, wanting-no, needing to know the answer.

          Grim looks up, his face looking older and more ragged than before. "What?" He questions.

          "Does Orenda know about all this," I motion around. "about me?" I clarify, staring him down.

          He waits a moment, then slowly nods.

          All the air gets sucked out of me, betrayal stinging my heart with each beat.

          Now I know how my father must've felt in his last few moments of life.

          "I should've known." I mumble to myself.

           Although I think I already did.

           It all fits. What she said to me that day, even events throughout my whole life point to the one conclusion.

           She knew, and kept It secret.

           I bring my left hand up, feeling the outline of the stone through my shirt, the comfortable heat spreading out from it.

          She's the one who gave me this cursed rock in the first place.

          I reach up to the back of my neck. And in one movement, I grab the leather string that's connected to the stone, quickly yanking it off.

         I hold the stone in the palm of my left hand, taking in the smooth edges, it's oddly colored surface and the strange familiarity it brings me.

         "I don't want anything to do with this world." I state again, tossing the stone to the dirt ground.

         A rush of loneliness hits my chest as it crashes to the ground.

          I turn away from the both of them, running a hand across my face as a lone tear runs down my cheek.

         Contempt, disgust at myself, helplessness, disdain, and guilt all rush over me at once.

        I wouldn't be...worthy anyway.

        I'm just a mistake, disaster always following me wherever I go.

        I'd only mess up.

        I hear Grim draw in a breath, then he stands up, his old bounce seeming to be back in his step.

        "Well, no point in all of us sulking over this." He says, his voice returning to his normal joyous tone.

          But it's fake, all of it.

         "Now that we've gotten that out of the way, and you've made your decision-one I respect, we mustn't dwell on the past." He moves over to where he keeps his bags.

         He begins putting some things away. "We'll rest here tonight, then get a fresh start in the morning for that portal." He tries to sound chipper, but it falls on deaf ears.

          I hear Roxie clear her throat. "So how long would you say that will take?" She questions, obviously trying to help clear the awkward tension in the air.

          "Oh, about a week or so." He answers. "It all depends really."

           I stiffen as I suddenly catch a flash of red from the corner of my eye.

          I turn my head to that particular part of the woods, ears straining to hear anything out of the ordinary, heart beating in my ears.

          I suddenly catch another flash more to the right. Only this time it's not red I see.

          It's a coat of pure white.


         Hello my fries-er, I mean friends!🤗

        So again, sorry for the late update. I literally wrote like half of this chapter a week ago, then I got stuck and it got me all frustrated so I ended up like not picking up my iPad for two or three days because I couldn't figure out what exactly to write.

        Have you ever been like writing something, and you know what you want to happen, yet when you start writing it, you can't figure out what exactly to write?

        It's soooo annoying!😭

        Any-who, things are getting a bit stressed I'd say.

        And yes, Callon sounds kinda like a whiny brat and all that. But give him a chance, he might warm up to the idea. I mean, put yourself in his position. How would you of handled it? (I probably wouldn't of been any better😅)

         Oh, and I know this chapter might've been kinda boring, but it was necessary. I didn't want to heap too much Orelon history onto everyone. I just wanted to give you enough so you'd have ideas and all that. Because don't worry, more will be revealed all throughout the book.😉 Just slowly and when it's imperative.


    1. What do ya think of the history you learned about in this chapter? (And yes, you already know some of it from the prologue.)

    2. Imagine your Callon, or even Roxie at this point. How would you of handled yourself in this chapter?

    3. Who knows what that was at the end if the chapter?!✋🏻(Come on, you should know.)

Next Update: So I've decided that before I update either of the two books I'm currently writing, I'm going to edit all three of my books first. I know, it sucks. But it really needs to be done and I just keep putting it off. So I probably won't have an update for either of my books for another week or two. Sorry. 😅

Goal: 10 votes.

Teaser: They begin their journey across Orelon!

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