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   In a world not of your own, lies a peaceful kingdom.

      The kingdom of Orelon.

       In which Dwarves, Unicorns, and Centaurs are real, and gallop through fields of bright green grass.

        Streams of fresh, crystal clear water run throughout the land, filled with an abundance of peculiar aquatic life.

         A Tree Nymph may suddenly morph from a giant oak as if it were the most normal thing to do.

       Gnomes and Leprechauns work together to dig through the land in a relentless search for gems, jewels, gold, and anything else precious enough to catch their greedy eyes.

       Mermaids stretch out across rocks near the shores, tanning in the rays of the red sun as they perfuse the air with their beautiful voices.

      Shape-shifters are seen far off in the forests, practicing their unique art of shifting.

     Fairies and Pixies playfully zoom through the air, the noise of their joyous laughter echoing throughout the valleys.

      Villages and towns are shared between the elves and the humans, living amongst each other peacefully.

      But everyone knows....

      All good things must come to an end.


     It all starts on the day of a great celebration: the fourth birthday of the king and queens' only son.

      A great feast is prepared, the whole kingdom being invited to join in.

      The city of Orelon is filled to the brim with all sorts of mythical and human creatures. Children of all breeds, running through the streets together, their loud giggles mixing with the jabber of the excited town folk as they await the arrival of the royal family.

      The red sun shines warmly down on the city, the sound of musical instruments filling the air, games of all kinds being played.

       Then, a sudden hush falls over the crowd as a majestic white carriage pulled by two proud black unicorns makes its way down the cobble road. Children's eyes fill with awes and wonder as they gaze upon the escort of twenty armed guards marching behind them.

      Humans and creatures alike whisper to each other, excitement clearly shining in their eyes.

      They make a pathway as the carriage stops near the banquet table.

       The carriage door opens.

       The last pure-blooded Dark Elf, King Thanguron - the ruler of Orelon, just like his father before him and his father before that, steps out from the shelter of the carriage.

      A smile lights up the handsome king's face as he gazes across his people, acknowledging each of them. Then, he reaches a hand back inside the carriage.

     Queen Zitkalasa - The first human queen in the history of Orelon, steps down, hand lightly grasping onto her husbands as he helps her down the few steps.

      The queen turns to the crowd, a full blown smile on her face.

      The king reaches back in one more time, bringing out the last member of the royal family, the four-year-old Prince Callon - half Dark Elf, half human, is lifted out of the carriage, his father setting him proudly down in front of all the people.

        All stays quiet for a moment, everyone's eyes fixed on the handsome little boy in front of them - most not having seen him since his last birthday celebration.

        More whispers spread throughout the crowd, everyone exclaiming how alike he is to his parents.

        Then, suddenly, they all begin to cheer, hands raising as they celebrate, the music resuming its happy melody.

       The feast begins, lasting all day and into the darkness of the evening.

       Then, disaster strikes.

        The shriek of a lone horse cuts through the city, musicians putting their instruments down in confusion, the dancing stopping to stillness.

       The guards immediately make a ring around the royal family, swords drawn.

         A scream rings out from the crowd as the horse comes around the corner, revealing the horror.

         The bloody body of a soldier sits limp on-top of the battered horse. His upper body slouches down, two broken arrows protruding from his back like a pair of horns.

         The rider falls to the ground, landing with a solid smack.


        Cries erupt, everyone's faces filled with distress.

         The queen tightens her hold on the sleeping child in her arms, eyes wide with worry as they flicker between her husband and the dead soldier.

          King Thanguron stands steady, his attention focused solely on the scene. He leans over, whispering something to his queen before giving both her and his son a quick kiss.

         Then he gives a command, his once relaxed face now drawn with determination and worry.

          He swiftly mounts his steed, giving his wife and child one last look before riding off, an escort of guards following.

         The few guards that are left quickly help the queen into the carriage, her child now awake in her arms.

        They disappear, heading towards the castle.

         A High Elf: The Dark Elves' enemy - Lord Gurthon from the kingdom of Lithuiben that lays across the Agarwaen sea, brings forth an army of unimaginable creatures.

         A dark cloud descends before Orelon.

         Women and children hide in their homes, all capable men taking up arms to assist king Thanguron in the kingdom's time of need.

         A terrible war breaks out.

         Orcs, Goblins, Giants, Trolls, Banshees, Griffins, Manticore, Yeti, High Elves, and many more creatures create a dust storm as they march up towards the castle.

         For three months, the king and his army keep the nightmarish creatures at bay.

        But soon enough, the walls begin to crumble.

        As the gates of the city are being torn down and the ever-dwindling army fights to their last breath, King Thanguron quickly returns to the castle, insisting for queen Zitkalasa to save herself and their child, wanting her to return back to her homeland.


       Queen Zitkalasa pleads for her husband to return with them. Yet she pleads in vain, for in her heart, she knows: his duty remains with his people, through death.

       Quickly, the king leads the love of his life and his son into the castle courtyard....

        To the portal.

        With tears filling the king's eyes, he takes his trembling blood stained hands and reaches up, slipping a necklace off from around his neck.

          The black stone fragment glints in the moonlight, looking ordinary for something which holds so much power.

        Then, as he places it on the closed portal, a grey light emits from within. The once still portal now begins swirling with every color known to man.

          In the light of the portal, the king and queen stand in front of the storm of colors, their son safely in Zitkalasa's arms.

         They stare lovingly into each other's eyes, neither wanting to be the first to say goodbye.

         With silent tears falling continuously down the queen's face, the king's cracked and bleeding lips form a small, encouraging smile as he gazes down at her. Then he slowly reaches up, wiping her tears carefully off. Cherishing his last few minutes with the one he loves, his soulmate.

       For everyone knows; You only find your one true soulmate once.

       He bends down, gently capturing her lips with his.

       Taking the fragment preciously in his hands, Thanguron places it around the small neck of his pride and joy.

        The king's head whips over towards the doors as a loud racket starts up, little Callon holding tighter to his mother.

       They've come.

         He whispers a few quick Elven words to his son, placing a kiss on his forehead as his eyes fill with a deep sadness, for he shall never be able to watch his son grow-up.

         With one more lingering kiss to his wife, he watches her and his only heir walk through the portal and disappear.

        King Thanguron draws his sword, turning to face the evil that's arrived, the gentle sound of the portal sealing shut behind him.

       The royal Seer - a fairy, and Thanguron's dearest friend, steps out of the shadows, his own young son next to him.

       The seer tells his son to go hide in the secret chambers, not to come out.

       No matter what.

       Together, they stand side by side.

       A Giant breaks down the heavy doors, a flood of High Elf soldiers racing in and surrounding them.

      The two friends stand strategically back to back, waiting for the first move to be made.

       Two elves break the circle, and in walks Lord Gurthon himself.

      Thanguron demands he fights him one on one.

     Elf to Elf.

      All Gurthon does is laugh, shaking his head in petty amusement.

       Anger flares in the Dark Elf, eyes glowing, a powerful spark igniting throughout the air, a red haze starting to surround the king.

       Everyone takes a step back from the powerful energy emitting from him, hesitation showing in their features.

       Then suddenly. It stops.

       Thanguron falls to his knees, an iron dagger protruding out from the back of his heart.

       Iron: One of the few weaknesses to the Elves.

        He sits there, arms hanging limply by his side, gasping for air that won't come, eyes staring down in disbelief at the blood-soaked dagger sticking out from his chest.

        The seer walks over beside Lord Gurthon, face aimed down to the floor in shame.

        A traitor.

        Thanguron coughs up dark blood, his energy depleted.

        His raspy breaths fill the quiet room.

        The Seer suddenly grabs his head, eyes going wide in fright. He gasps, grasping his head harder as blood begins to leak from his eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth.

         Then, his head explodes.

         His body falls to the cold ground with a sickening thump.

         Gurthon steps forward, placing his once outstretched hand back down at his side. A satisfied smile on his lips.

         Everyone looks over as there's a sudden gasp at the end of the room, small quick footsteps heading closer.

        A small boy, of about three, running uncaringly between the high Elves falling over his dead father's body.

        Thanguron coughs up more blood, watching as the child whimpers for his dead father, shoulders shaking.

        Grief tears through Thanguron's fading body.

        He watches paralyzed as Gurthon raises his sword up, ready to stab the child. Not even a hint of sympathy in his eyes.

      The sword stabs down.

       Suddenly, the child's head snaps up and the sword stops mid-air. Trembling as two forces fight with each other over dominance.

       The sword freezes completely, Gurthon's face twisting to one of pure confusion.

       Thanguron falls the rest of the way to the floor, his bleeding and battered body having no strength left.

        The child's eyes glaze over, his tear-stained face suddenly turning impassive - like he didn't just witness the gruesome death of his traitorous father.

         He blinks, eyes transforming into a bright crystal purple, illuminating his face.

         His lips move, no noise coming out. Then, his back arches and his mouth opens in a silent scream as his eyes light up the room, a foreign power filling the air.

        The High Elves break formation, falling back in untamed fear.

        But Gurthon remains in his spot, examining the Fairy child with a sudden interest.

        The child's lips move once again, this time words flow from them. A cold voice that should belong to no child, filling the room.

        "The day the truth is revealed, a man of gold shall bring forth terror and an age of hunger. Then as myth becomes truth, the lost heir shall return, marking the destruction of evil and the rise of the poor. But heed this warning; As soon as steel turns to rust, the lost one shall cause an age of fury."

        The child arches his back once again, everyone shielding their faces as an overpowering gust of wind explodes throughout the room. Then, the child falls forward over the dead body, his small form going limp.

        The new Seer has been made known.

       Gurthon gazes down at the boy, watching as his back rises up and down gently with each breath.

       Then his attention snaps back to the now almost dead king.

       Raising his sword up above his head, he prepares to deliver the killing blow, Thanguron staring numbly up at him, already at death's door.

       Suddenly, as the sword streaks straight down, colorful light fills the room. And in that instant, Gurthon changes the direction of the sword, impaling queen Zitkalasa as she falls through the portal.

      Zitkalasa stares Gurthon bravely in the eye, no fear present. Then he pulls the sword out of her stomach, eyes focusing on a small dagger that's now sticking out of his right shoulder.

      A parting gift from the queen.

      She lands beside her husband, staying with him through death.

      As they both lay dying, they stare into each other's eyes, their hands finding one another.

      When the life drains from both the king and queen, the whole kingdom of Orelon feels it.

     The castle immediately darkens, the sky turning a shade darker, the grass in the meadows, curling up into tufts of yellow, the trees in the great forest, bending down low to honor the death of the royal family. Dozens of the once abundant rivers that flowed through the lands drying up until there's nothing left but dust. The great volcano that stayed dormant for eons upon eons suddenly rumbling to life.

      The whole kingdom mourns the death of their king and queen. And now the kingdom begins its new life, the life with king Gurthon.

       Dread settles over the land, its once joyous ways only distant memories now. No more does laughter ring out across the hills, music is nonexistent, the people facing famine, forced into labor work and growing ever more reclusive.

      But one thing reminds them, that all hope is not yet lost.

      The prophecy.

      They wait, keeping just enough hope buried secretly deep within themselves.

     They await the return of their Prince.


Ahhhhh!!!! The prologue is up! (So proud of myself lol😜) Just hope it wasn't too boring, I had to have some short intro before I actually get to the main part.

So, what'd you think??

Hopefully I'll have chapter 1 up within a week. Keep an eye out!! And don't forget to recommend this to anyone you think might like it!😎


Edited by the awesome marchpebbles!!


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