Chapter 5: Lunch Break- Literally

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Lunch Break

In retrospect, Sabrina probably shouldn't have stopped at McDonald's.

It was kinda a stupid idea, even at the time.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Always_Loves_Books yelled at her. She dodged to the front of the line startling the cashier to much extent.

"I'm going to need a diet coke and some go." Sabrina said.

Some kids from the group were straining to hold the doors closed as monkeys piled up against them. The customers barely looked up, like this was an everyday occurrence.

"Um, sorry I've got orders never to sell to a girl with brown hair and green eyes." The cashier said boredly.


Everyone stopped to look at her and shrugged. "Yeah pretty much."

Always_Loves_Books slammed some money down on the counter, "Add in a milkshake, too."

"And a chicken nugget meal!" IZEnderson shouted.

The cashier sighed, and typed in the order, "Can I get a name?"

"Twila!" Always_Loves_Books shouted. Sabrina raised an eyebrow at her, surprised. Which you didn't get very often.

"Twila?" She said, "huh. Haven't used that name in a while."

"It'll be a couple minutes." The cashier said getting a cup from the stack of cups.

"We should've gone to Little Caesar's!" IZEnderson complained, "We could've had it hot and ready!"

All of a sudden all the lights went out. Everyone looked around in the inky darkness. The monkey things kept pounding on the doors, and they were sure to give out soon. "WASN'T ME!" Sabrina yelled almost immediately. In the darkness her keys shone extra bright.

"I'm going to have to cancel your order." The cashier said, "Powers out."

"I want my money back!" Twila said, "if I'm going to die it better be surrounded by money!"

"You only gave me a two dollars!" The cashier said.

"Guys the doors are breaking!!" One of the kids for the group yelled.

"We're gonna die!" Another on screamed.

"My Watermelon!"

"I'm never gonna see what was in Harry Potter's Vault!"

Sabrina made a face, even in the darkness, "really? We saw that in the first movie! Harry Freaking Potter is a rich orphan!"

Cracks appeared in the glass doors and the horrible screeching got louder. Sabrina stumbled backwards, staring at the inhuman shapes in the shadows.

Cold sweat broke out on her neck. Together as a while everyone was backing away from the doors. Someone broke out in sobbing. A mother hugged her child whispering comforting things in his ear.

Sabrina could feel the fear. Something she hadn't felt in a long time. She felt alone. And cold. And scared. Not even a joke came to get mind. How could all of this....every wonderful world...Her was going to kill her?


"I'm sorry." She whispered, "I'm sorry!" She was shaking, with sudden burst of emotion, "I'm so sorry. I didn't want- I didn't mean...for all of you..." Tears spilled out of her eyes, splashing on the floor. Raw sobs tore at her throat, making it impossible for her to continue talking. But she had to get the words out, "I didn't want you guys to die!"

Sabrina cried, her knees going weak. She was going to die. In the darkness. Then something warm took her hand.

"Don't cry, Green, it doesn't suit you," Twila swallowed hard, tears falling down her cheek. She squeezed Sabrina's hand, "if we're going to go, let's go laughing."

Sabrina looked into Twila's eyes. That comforting grey, felt safe. No matter how mad she got, Twila would keep Sabrina safe.

"Twila, I-"

"Sabrila!" Someone hissed.

Twila smiled like she wasn't crying, "And we've always laughed more when we're together."

Sabrina squeezed her hand back, "together." She repeated. They didn't let go.

Not even when the doors burst open and the flood of killer monkeys rushed towards them in lethal waves.

"Oh this is just like you!" IZEnderson huffed at the Green eyed your guide. She crossed her arms, "To prolong the suspense until we're all about to die, and then make some stupid, sucky romantic scene about us dying!"

"Hey!" Sabrina protested, "I worked very hard on this!"

And that was when the Dragon reappeared.


The entire front wall of the restaurant collapsed inwards on the monkeys. Fists clashed ininto the air and if they'd been able to see before now they really couldn't. The Dragon roared, shaking the very air itself.

The lights came back on for some random reason that didn't make sense, but don't dwell on that.

The remaining monkeys that weren't dead were quickly killed with whatever assortment of weapons people had. Sabrina watched some middle-aged man use a bag pipe.


Everyone covered their ears at the sound of more horrendous screeching.

"WHY DIDN'T MY PERCY COME TO SAVE ME!?" Anastasia sobbed, like a dying cat. She was ruining her clown face.

"I got this." Twila said, rolling up her sleeves and letting go of Sabrina hand. She picked up a broken chair and dragged it to where the idiot was sobbing.

Twila smiled brightly at her, "I think you need a high five!" Then all of a the smile turned evil, "in the face, with a chair!"

Twila slammed the McDonald's chair into her face.

Meanwhile, the Dragon sat down on the remains of the front entrance. And a small figure slid off, touching the ground and burst off running.

"Princess! I have saved you!"

Sabrina screamed as she got tackled in a hug. "HELP, HELP!" She screamed, struggling to get away.

Her attacker was well built, and strangely familiar. Plus there was that lingering smell on Dragon vomit.

"Weird guy!" Sabrina said, snapping her fingers like it would help her remember his actual name, "Harrison! Now get off of me."

He grinned hugging her tighter.

"I thought you were dead!" Sabrina said with a forced smile,

"I hoped you were dead." Twila clarified. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"He was only a little bit dead." Another voice said. Everyone stopped turning towards the watched them with intelligent eyes.

"No you guys, over here!"

They all swiveled again to see a girl standing on a giant piece of the wall slurping a milkshake. "Awww! Brain freeze!" She complained putting a hand to her temple.

"Not you too!" Sabrina said.

Twila frowned, "Jaz, I thought you were off on a quest for Lady Artemis!"

jungle321jungle, aka Jaz, smirked, "I should've let the monkeys get you two."

"Uh, what do you mean he was only a little bit dead?" Someone asked nervously from.

Jaz laughed, "We've got bigger things to worry about than me raising the dead." She waved him off. She jumped off the wall piece.

"Raising the dead? Isn't that like one of the three things you should never do?" Someone else said.

"Wait, what do you mean bigger things?" IZEnderson asked.

Jaz looked straight at Sabrina, "I need your help."


Hehehe....long time so see?


Happy Holidays! Sorry I haven't updated sooner. This was more of an inside joke than I thought it would be. I thought you guys should have a wonderful early gift though so TADA!

Valete amici!


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