Chapter 9

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Detective Elsa drove up the long driveway to Professor Malovorian's mansion. She thought she made an unfavorable impression the first time they met when Marius interrogated her in her green house. She was embarrassed at her colleague's behavior. She parked her car in front. The Butler she saw earlier today opened the door and briskly walked up to her car. She stood on the graveled pathway.

She said, "My name is ..."

The Butler said smoothly, "Detective Elsa. My mistress already informed me of your appointment. Follow me."

As they walked toward the front door, she noticed the plants and trees were lighted in tasteful intervals with white lights. She walked inside moving behind the Butler. The door closed by itself and they kept on walking into a living room.

"Wait here."

The Butler closed the sliding wood doors. Elsa touched the teak table and stared at the oak library. The books were mostly leather bound textbooks with names of "Engineering and Inventions," and other text books. Most of the subjects Elsa known from her own hobbies into tech gadgets. Elsa even built a small time-piece called a watch. She wore it on her right hand.

The door opened and standing there was Dr. Malovorian next to a tall skinny man. They both walked inside.

"Hello Detective," Dr. Malovorain said, "I like to introduce you to my friend, Dr. Villard. He is a psychologist."

Elsa said, "Nice to meet you." She shook his hand. His palm was warm. He had the darkest eyes and she felt like she was falling inside them. She sensed a wild animal behind the countenance. Elsa flinched.

He said in low tones. "It is nice to meet a member of the police force. If you need any help, you can contact me."

He gave her his business card. He bowed to her and turned to Dr. Malovorian. He said, "Terry, I will see you at our next session on the same day and hour."


The Butler came forward and showed Dr. Villard out of the room.

"Have you dined?" Dr. Malovorian said.

"Yes." Elsa lied. She barely had time to have a small pastry at work before she drove her hansom to Dr. Malovorian's mansion.

Elsa said, "Does Dr. Villard help you?"

"We are business associates and he helps me on my problems." Dr. Malovorian looked a trifle embarrassed, but she covered her emotion by turning away from her and touched a small button on the wall.

A woman servant dressed in a white and black uniform walked into the room carrying a tray of sandwiches, a silver pot and two cups. She placed the tray on a small oak tabled in the corner.

Dr. Malovorian said, "Do you want coffee?"

"Yes with some sugar and milk."

The servant was a young beautiful woman, who moved in an efficient way while she poured two cups of coffee from the pot and placed sugar and then milk and mixed the beverage. The servant was gorgeous in a subservient way. She came forward and handed her the cup. Elsa drank her coffee. It tasted sweet and exotic.

"I hope you like it."


The servant placed a few sandwiches on a plate and gave it to her. Elsa took it. She felt nervous for some reason. She placed the food and coffee on the table and took out her leather notebook and said, "So, you have more information?"

"I have a confession. I called you here because I want to get to know you more."

Elsa face flushed. She felt elated, but weary of the Dr. Malovorian's actions.

Elsa said, "Sorry, I am busy and I cannot be friends."

"With a potential suspect," Dr. Malovorian said, "I understand. I know that you're a student of technology. I have asked around. You are registered to receive our monthly newsletter."

"Yes that is true. I was excited that I met you when I first came. I just wish I did not come here for police business."

"I understand. It is your job." Dr. Malovorian came closer to her and placed her hand on her shoulder. Elsa smelled her perfume. She was a little light-headed.

Dr. Malovorian said, "Please call me Terry."

"Ok, Terry," Elsa said in a hesitant manner. "What do you want to discuss?"

"Whatever you want to discuss. Go ahead and eat."

Elsa took a sandwich and ate it. It tasted of a pork with a hint of smoke flavor.

Terry said, "Are you a progressive woman?"

"What? I don't understand you."

Terry started to move her hand up to her neck and lightly touch her cheek. Elsa was stunned at first and then step backwards.

"You have the wrong idea about me, Dr. Malovorian. I don't like women that way."

"Have you ever kissed a woman?"

"No." Elsa kept moving away from her. She stammered, "I have to go."

Terry said, "If you want to discuss anything else, you can call me."

Detective Elsa quickly walked out of the room.

Dr. Malovorian did not follow. Elsa reached the front door and rushed to her car. The light of the room was suddenly too bright. Elsa saw the Butler staring at her from the foyer. She started her car and drove away.

She shuddered. Her body felt as if Dr. Malovorain touched her inner soul and into a place where she kept secret. Part of her liked the touch but another part of her felt Dr. Malovorain was toying with her like a cat over a mouse.

• • •

Elsa drove her car haphazardly down the street. Her breathing was shallow. She eased her foot off the accelerator. She slowed and stopped her car on the side of the curb. Traffic was sparse in this rich part of the city. She stared at a large mansion sitting behind a high brick wall with wicked spikes on top. The noise of crickets came from the dark shrubbery. She started to calm down. Her body tensed for a second and then relaxed.

Elsa looked ahead from her seat and saw her automobile's head lights pierce the darkness. She was not sure what transpired. She did know that Dr. Malovorian likes women. It was not unheard of a woman loving another woman. Yet, not in that way. Her head hurt. She placed her fingers on her temples and rubbed them.

Elsa needed to stay away from Dr. Malovorian for now and will only question her only with Detective Marius present. She wondered where he was right now. She should have asked him more questions before she left. She thought this meeting tonight would have given them clues that are more important. She moved her car back into the street and noticed a car behind her.

She took a quick turn down a small path. The car behind her did not follow. Yet, her feeling still persisted that somebody was watching and following her. She had to remember to talk to Marius about tonight.

Elsa drove to a small bistro, which would be still opened during this time of the night. The car's radio squawked.

"Detective Elsa, you are wanted on a crime scene. 10–4."

She sighed. She grabbed the received and touched a button. "Copy. Dispatch. Give me the address."

She already knew the address as soon as the dispatched gave her the first few numbers. It was the Dartmore College, the Arcane Academy.

"Dispatch, "she said, "have you contacted detective Marius?"

"No, he is out of range."

Elsa though that was odd. Marius cannot be out of range, unless he was not in the city.

"Keep trying to contact him. 10–4"

"Copy. 10–4."

Elsa made a U-turn on the deserted lane.

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