Part 3

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The team had made their way back to India dejected. It was 1.2 billion dreams to bring that precious World Cup home and here they were, returning empty handed.

They braced themselves for all sorts of accusations, taunts and accusing glares that would be thrown at them.

Yes, it was a 1.2 billion dreams lost but for the Indian Cricket Team, it was their last chance to win something for their guide, mentor and most importantly their older brother.

Once they reached their respective cities, most of them chose to stay away from cricket for a while and stay occupied with their families - though that didn't seem to help much at all.

The ones with children seemed to have cope much easier. Children really do have that magic and the presence of his best gift- his daughter- was making the whole guilt trip a lot easier for Jadeja.

Mahi Bhai did tell him that he shouldn't over think it too much before they left back to India, but with everyone still mourning the loss it was quite difficult to do so.

He did try move on, and to a certain extent he did but it wasn't like he was going to forget that dreaded day any time soon.

But on the other hand, MS Dhoni made up his mind and took a very big decision.

The West Indies series crept upon the team much sooner than one would've expected and the loss was still lurking about at the back of their heads most of the time.

The reunion they had was one filled with love, sorrow, guilt and excitement all at once. Virat realised that he wouldn't have MSD around and had taken it up on himself to console the team.

Surprising himself, he managed to bring them all back into spirits much quicker than he expected.

But who was he kidding. This was a team ready to bounce back from all sorts of failures, and they weren't going to give that up any time soon.

It was around this time that MS Dhoni took the world by storm, announcing that he was going to spend time serving in the Indian army.

The country was filled with pride and their respect for their beloved player had increased greatly.

The Indian team on the other hand was trembling in fear at the news. Not that they weren't proud of their brother for taking up such a role, but the worry that he might potentially be in danger was definitely eating them alive.

Ravindra Jadeja was not usually an overthinker. On the contrary, he was the exact opposite - not thinking about much of his actions at all. But hearing the news of his Mahi Bhai going to serve in the Indian Forces had pulled a trigger to his overthinking brain.

A bunch of what ifs floated through his mind.
"What if Mahi Bhai gets hurt?"
"What if I was the one who made Mahi Bhai join the forces? After all, he's probably angry at me for throwing away my wicket like that!"
"What if he doesn't talk to me anymore?"
"What if he never comes back to cricket?"
And so many others.

This too much thinking was making his brain hurt and he needed someone to dump out all his thoughts too. And who better than his fellow overthinkers.

The senior squad as they like to call themselves had received this message from Jaddu and left them all bewildered.

Jaddu : everyone assemble in Virat's room in 5 minutes

Manish : already there, but why?

Jaddu : You'll find out soon enough dear Manisha.

Manish : don't please! 😖

Bhuvi : urm ok then

Virat : Huuuhhh!!! Why my room! What's going on! Jad!!!

Shikhar : I'm eating pancakes, do we need to meet now?

Jaddu : Shikh what's more important me or the pancakes?

Shikhar : obviously the pancakes!

Bhuvi : seriously Shikh 🤦‍♂️

Jinks : I've given up with you lunatics

Rohit : Virat's room is too far away! I cba to get up from my bed.

Jaddu : Jinksy stop ruining the fun 😁

Jinks : 🙄

Ash : why are we meeting there anyways?

Bhuvi : at this point it's better we don't question it

Jinks : honestly couldn't agree more 🤦‍♂️

Jaddu : what's it with you spoil sports ruining all our fun. We're meeting in Virat's room end of!

Virat : but whyyyy myyyy roooom!!!!!???

Virat: And Ro, your room is literally the room next to mine and you're in my room rn anyways. Stop complaining 🤦‍♂️

Rohit: oops 😒 oh and Shikhar bring pancakes when you come.

Virat : you food loving , lazy log!

Jad : can you both stop and Virat your room because it's the biggest 😁

Virat : urgh fine 🙄

And so the "seniors gang" as they call themselves gathered in Virat's room.

Jinks, Ash and Bhuvi met in the corridor and gave each other the "let's hope they're not planning something crazy look" and sighed.

The three of them entered the room only to find Ro sprawled out over Virat's king sized bed, Virat kicking him over, shikhar munching on his pancakes ignoring the glare Virat was throwing him, Jaddu videoing the whole situation and Manish looking absolutely fed up.

It was such a normal sight

Ash let out a cough to let the "busy" people know their presence. Jaddu who noticed them, waved his arm vigorously, beckoning them over.

Shaking their heads they made their way to the bed and Ro finally moved over to make space for them causing Virat to throw him a betrayed look.

"Finally we're all here!" Jaddu exclaimed.

"Yes we're all here, now tell us what you want," Rohit groaned looking at Shikhar happily munching on his pancakes.

"Can you please stop eating that," Virat bellowed

"NoPe!" Shikhar replied popping the p and giving him his classic grin.

"Just a warning I'm not joining in on any of your pranks," Bhuvi said before his devilish friend conjures up some new idea.

"What do you mean by calling this ridiculous meeting," Jinks half yelled.

"Can you all let me speak!" Jaddu yelled back

"Go on then!" Numerous voices exclaimed in unison.

"Well, you saw the news right?" Jaddu blurted out

"Don't talk like Ro now and elaborate which news," Ash replied in his usual sarcastic tone while Ro looked half offended.

"Mahi Bhai's one," Jaddu drawled out

"Which person in India didn't see that news Jad?" Virat replied, his voice laced with both pride and worry.

"Then you should know very well why I called for this meeting," Jaddu said in a much softer tone.

It was silent for a good few minutes but the unspoken words were heard loud and clear.

"Bhai will be fine right?" Jinks asked to no-one in particular

"He has to be! He's our superhero!" Virat answered back.

"But I can't stop thinking about it, he could get injured and none of us can see him in pain," Bhuvi said gloomily and everyone hummed in response.

"If this is our situation, imagine Sakshi Bhabhi and Mahi Bhai's parents," Ash spoke.

"Should we call them? Give them support maybe?" Ro suggested eagerly.

"No bad idea, we don't want to stress them out more,"Jinks replied.

"Jaddu, you've been awfully silent? You ok?" Virat asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm ok but why does Bhai need to be so stubborn! Yes I'm proud of him, we all are, but does he need to put his life on risk like that! We should've sent someone to stop him from going. I won't talk to him if he doesn't come back without a single scratch," Jaddu ranted out much unlike himself surprising everyone there.

"Honestly! I should've pressured him into playing this tour with us, maybe then he wouldn't have made such a hasty decision like this!" Virat exclaimed back.

"He didn't even tell any of us that he was leaving," Bhuvi pointed out making them all groan.

"The thing is he wouldn't have listened and backed off even if he did tell us earlier," Jinks stated and they all unwillingly had to agree to that.

"I guess we can't do anything now except hope he's ok," Virat said unusually sensibly and everyone nodded in response.

"Listen nobody let the kids stress about this, we'll just tell them he's fine if they ask. No need to tell them and let them sit and worry," Rohit pointed out and they all unanimously agreed.

They shared a comforting hug and dispersed slowly until it was just Virat and Jaddu in the room.

"Oy Cheeku, you sure you're ok? You looked horribly distressed," Jaddu stated concern clearly noticeable in his voice.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, you're just seeing things now," Virat retorted back.

"Oyy Cheeku, don't make up stupid excuses I know none of that is true anyways. Tell me what's wrong!" Jaddu said in an attempt to be comforting.

"Why should I tell you?" Virat attempted to say like his typical humour self.

"Shut up immediately and spill," Jaddu said taking up Virat's 'captain tone'.

Knowing that Jaddu isn't going to let him off any time soon, Virat sighed and said "Mahi Bhai will be ok right?"

"He will! He has to be! Or else he has to face all of us and don't forget Sakshi Bhabhi. Don't stress yourself too much," Jaddu said trying to be cheerful like always.

"Says you, look you stressed you've been after the - you know - urm - semis. You've been to harsh on yourself. Stop doing that too yourself please," Virat cried back.

"Ok ok fine, I'll stop being so harsh on myself. Now let's go down to dinner?" Jaddu said quickly changing the topic.

"Yes, let's go."

The two set off for dinner. Jaddu was still worried, but as he assumed talking to his brothers surely helped. But nothing was going to stop the overthinking voices other than the great MSD himself.

After months of procrastination I finally finished writing this draft. In my defense I had no plot for this chapter but somehow managed to get it this far. I promise the next chapter will be more interesting.

Also this chapter is for thecricketgirl because she's bugged me for ages for this. So di this is for you!

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