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Hola Everyone,

It's Tuesday and I am here with the next update. Please do read the important note at the end of this part.

Thank you for your votes & comments, means a lot.🙂🙂🙂

Without further ado here is the next part.Hope you like it.


Dev was sitting in the balcony staring into the night sky, he had returned in the afternoon to New York and headed straight to his home, he decided to ditch the work that day. He was rewinding his whole life as his thoughts went back to the words of his father "CHALEY JAA YAHAN SE DEV, AUR DOBARA APNA CHEHRA HUMEY MATT DIKHANA" as tears brimmed his eyes once again, in the blink of an eye he had lost everything his self-respect, his father's pride and most importantly his family. Yes, he knew he had made a mistake by hiding the truth but then he had his own reason for that but now because of the misunderstandings he was paying the price of it and it was all because of that one person SONAKSHI SHARMA, suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder

"What are you thinking about Dev?" asked Ranveer as Dev looked at him

"Nothing Ranveer" Dev replied in an emotionless tone

"Dev, See I know what you are going through. But give it sometime I am sure once your father's anger subsides he would talk to you, tell him the truth that time. I am sure he will believe you" said Ranveer trying to provide support to the broken man in front of him.

"Yes Dev, I agree with Ranveer. Everything will be fine in sometime, now please have something. You have not eaten anything from the time you have returned" said Tina handing over the plate of food which Dev took wordlessly and kept it on the table.

"I will have it in sometime Tina. Now if you guys don't mind I want to stay alone for some time" said Dev as Tina and Ranveer sighed sadly, knowing that he needed sometime they left as Dev drifted once again into his thoughts, he was thinking of finding about Sonakshi when something struck his mind.

Taking out his phone and logging on to FACEBOOK he searched for her name which threw up many results as he narrowed down the search only to New York, after a couple of minutes he could narrow it down to the girl he was searching for but her account was private and apart from her profile picture and name he could not find anything else but then suddenly he saw something as a smile formed on his face, because under her name it was written Owner of Asha's Clothing & Florists with the addressed mentioned as he smirked looking at it while a gem of an idea was forming in his mind. Logging out of FACEBOOK he had his food and thought about the ways to meet Sonakshi.


On the other hand Ishwari was restless, it was couple of days since she had talked to Dev and he did not call as well, never had it happened before as fear was gripping her heart. Ever since Rajeev had informed her that the Trivedi's had broken the relationship she was restless. Rajeev had informed her that the Trivedi's had some family issues and had to break the relation, in fact apart from him nobody else knew the real reason for the broken relationship and he had made sure nobody came to know about it as well within his family or relatives. He was lost in his thoughts when the Phone rang as he went ahead and picked the call.

"Hello" he said but there was no response from the other side

"Hello" he repeated but still there was no one speaking from the other side as he continued "Hello, whoever it is if you don't want to speak why did you call in first place?" he said angrily, it was then he heard the person on the other side speak

"Papa" said Dev as anger started building up in Rajeev listening to him

"Didn't I tell you never try to contact us again" Rajeev spat out angrily before Dev could continue

"Papa, please listen to me once" he said but Rajeev would have none of it

"I have already said you not to call me as your father" he said but before he could continue someone interrupted him

"Whose phone is it?" asked Ishwari looking at her husband suspiciously as Rajeev stood quiet, he did not know what to answer. On one hand he did not want Dev to speak to Ishwari while on the other hand he knew if he tried to do that Ishwari would be suspicious and the truth will be in front of her

"What happened? Why are you quiet who is it?" she asked again and added "Is it Dev?" as Rajeev could not do anything but nod in acceptance just as Ishwari darted forward and took the phone.

"Dev, Dev how are you? Why didn't you call for so many days? You know how worried I was about you? What happened, why are you not speaking?" she said hurriedly as Dev eyes moistened listening to her mother's voice

"Maa, Please calm down I am fine? How are you?" he said as Ishwari replied "Now that I have heard you I am fine" she said. The mother-son duo then talked about the broken relation. While Ishwari was angry the way it happened, Dev calmed her down. After some more talks she handed over the phone back to Rajeev.

"Papa" Dev said but before he could continue Rajeev replied "I would be happy if you call less. I cannot stop you from calling your mother as she does not know your truth and I do not want to see her in pain if she knows about it, so it would be better if you talk less with her" he said and cut the call abruptly as once again tears flowed from Dev's eyes, while he cursed his fate for putting him in such a tough situation.


The next morning Sonakshi was just descending from the steps singing to herself when her father stopped her.

"Sonakshi" he called out a bit loudly as Sonakshi was surprised listening to her father's tone, he seldom used that tone with her ever since her mother passed away. The tone indicated that her father was serious about something

"Yes dad" she said and settled on the sofa

"I wanted to speak about something important" he said as Sonakshi gestured him to go ahead

"I have been telling you from many days yet you have not been serious about it, but not anymore I am very serious this time Sonakshi. I want you to think about getting married" he said as Sonakshi got irritated listening to him.

"Dad, I have said so many times. I do not want to get married so soon" she said

"Soon, Are you serious Sona. You are already 25 and you are telling it's soon. Its already Beta" he replied

"Dad, But I..." she said but before she could reply he interrupted "I do not want to hear anything Sona, already I am getting Old, whose there for you after me. It's high time you should start thinking about it." He said in a no-nonsense tone as Sonakshi sighed, she knew her father would emotionally blackmail her which she hated.

"And I have invited the a family today evening, so I expect you to return early from your boutique" he added as Sonakshi looked at him astounded

"But Dad how could you call them without asking me" she said as Bijoy replied "I do not want to hear anything Sonakshi, I expect you to be here on time in the evening" he said as he resumed reading the newspaper as Sonakshi huffed in dismay, picking up her bag she left for the boutique.


Sonakshi huffed and puffed as she entered her boutique, she was cursing her luck the whole way after the conversation with her father this morning. As she entered the boutique she was caught by surprise as she saw Elena who was her friend as well as co-owner the boutique talking to someone. Elena stayed near to the boutique hence she opened it every day before Sonakshi came in. She was also a florist hence controlled that section of boutique.

Sonakshi moved forward, they had no customers so early in the morning. From behind, it seemed like the person was a grown up young man but she was not sure.

"Whom are you talking to Elena?" she asked as she walked in while at the same time the person who was speaking to Elena smirked listening to her, he picked up a bouquet kept on the counter and covering his face with it he turned around.

"Excuse me, Can I know who you are?" she said looking at the person whose face she could not see because of the bouquet while the person stood quietly

Getting irritated she moved forward and moved the Bouquet aside to see the face of the person but the moment she did that she was stunned to silence as the person smirked observing her expressions as the only word which left Sonakshi's mouth was "YOU?"

While the person's smile grew wider while anger was building up in Sonakshi "How dare you come here?" she screamed as the person who was none other than DEV smiled at her, he was expecting a similar reaction from her and he was not disappointed.

"What happened Darling, You surprised to see me here?" Dev said as Sonakshi looked back at him angrily while Elena was caught surprised at the situation unfolding before her.

"How dare you call me that and who gave you the permission to enter my Boutique" she shot back as Dev was smiling internally, he knew how much his presence would have irked Sonakshi

"Oh, Come on Darling. I came here to buy some lovely flowers for my girlfriend and you are behaving rudely with me" he said and turning towards Elena he added "Is this the way you guys treat your customers?"

"Sona, What are you doing?" said Elena but before she could continue Sonakshi said "Elena just a minute" looking towards Dev she said in a mocking tone "Oh, So you have come to buy bouquet for your girlfriend. Which one? The same girl who is pregnant with your child or have you enticed someone else with your charm?"

"Oh so you do believe I am charming haan" Dev replied calmly with a smile as Sonakshi fisted her palms angrily but before she could reply Dev said "So tell me Ms.KNOW IT ALL, What else do you know about me? My Birthday, my family, my shirt size, my pant size, my...." But Sonakshi interrupted him before he could tell anything further.

"Just shut up & don't you dare tell anything more. Just get out of here before I call the cops" yelled Sonakshi as Dev smirked once again

"Oh!! Cops!! I am so scared, Please leave me, Please leave me..." mocked Dev as he added "Ms.KNOW IT ALL, on what basis will you call the cops? Is buying a bouquet crime? He asked her as she lost all her patience and raised her hand to hit him but Dev caught it.

"Not again, Not again Ms. Sonakshi Sharma. Not this time" he said as Sonakshi's expression changed from anger to surprise to fear, he knew her name.

Dev left her hand just as Sonakshi's phone rang, seeing it as a good opportunity to move away from him she picked up the call "Hello, Yes Dad! I will be there before the Boy's family comes. Now please keep the phone" she told her Dad but unknown to the fact that he had heard her side of the conversation and could make out what exactly she was talking about, he smiled as an idea formed in his head.

"Anyways I was not here to argue with her, I just wanted to buy some flowers" said Dev to Elena as he handed over the dollars to Elena but Sonakshi snatched it from him

"We do not want to sell flowers to a person like you" she said and snatched the flowers from him and put the dollars back in his hand while Dev was smiling all the timing.

"All right Darling, Keep these flowers with you as a gift from my side. It will remind you of me" he said as he turned to leave while Sonakshi threw the flowers in the dustbin.

Just before exiting Dev turned and glaring at Sonakshi he said "YOUR GOOD TIME HAS STARTED Ms. SONAKSHI SHARMA. IT HAS DEFINITELY STARTED" as he slammed the door and left while Elena who was quiet all this while asked her about the matter as Sonakshi rattled off all the happenings to her who was sorry at the turn of the events.


The rest of the day passed as Sonakshi left early for her home as instructed by her father. Mr. Ajay Gupta and his parents had come on time to meet her, after the initial talks the Sonakshi & Ajay were sent upstairs to talk alone to each other. They were standing in the balcony knowing about each other when Sonakshi left for some time as she received a call. As Ajay moved around his vision fell on the bench located opposite to the Sharma house but what surprised him was that there was a young man who was intently looking at him, he ignored him first but even after sometime when he saw the man staring at him he could not control himself and went down. Reaching near to the bench he asked him who he was as the man replied



Done,once again a long part. How was it?? Was it Boring/Ok/Good? Was it Yayy or Was it Nayy? Please leave your honest feedback.

Important Note - This part marks the halfway stage of this story, so there will be another 4-5 parts before this one ends, so there will be probably shorter and faster updates. So please keep reading, keep supporting till the end. 

As always, awaiting your votes/thoughts/feedbacks & comments.

And please do vote, makes the writer happy🙂🙂🙂


See you next in the next update. Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.

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