Author's Note

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I'd like to start by thanking everyone who's supported me since I joined wattpad.( You guys are the best!) I'd then like to thank anyone who took the time to read this book. ( I never thought that people would actually read this book. I mean who would want to read this book out of all the beautiful and wonderful books that exist,but there so happened to be some, so thank you all so,so,so much.) Lastly I'd like to thank everyone and everything that inspired me to write this book.(This book wouldn't be possible without them and those things.) Finally, I'd like to dedicate this book to anyone who ever feels like their losing it and no one seems to see the signs or listen to what they've got to say. To anyone who feels lost in the world and is still discovering who they are. And for those like me who just want their story to be told and not hidden somewhere where, " The Unspoken Words,"lie.Thank you once again I love you all.~Ally M.

1st place winner in the "Writing Contest #1."

Genre Winner in "The Car Awards 2017."

2cnd place winner in "The Storyteller Awards 2017."

3rd place winner in "The Celestial Awards 2017."

Copyright © 2017 by Ally M.

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