Heart In A Casket O' Silver

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8 months since I've laid
My eyes on you.
What once was sweet,
Now has me in a torment.
You captivated me,
Captured my heart and put it
In a casket o' silver.

In a casket o' silver,
It stays buried somewhere far
Away in soul realm.
I know how to find it, just not
How to find you.
Where'd you go?
You said we reunited after a
440 years.
So why did you leave?
Wasn't it enough to be away &
Now here you are after millennium.
8 months since your name became
A name as precious as time,
Can't get you out of my mind
Even if I tried to.
For your soul won't let go mine.
They've conversations too higher
For us humans.
But I know unfortunately.
My third eye & psychic mind is
Open, connecting me to energies
Even when I don't want to.
Like knowing what you feel,
Feeling it even if I don't want to.
My mind is hazy with clouds o'
My heart is hurt with fragments
Of events that run in my mind.
My body is tired of everything
Including you.
My soul knows how I feel yet
It won't let it go.
Saying there's a higher purpose.
Saying it was meant to happen.
Whether I want it or not.
I've nothing better to get,
I've to accept the gifts, energies get me.
Even if I don't want one &
You're the gift, the one I don't want.

I know its crazy,
All this, all of it.
Mundane minds can't believe it.
Because they don't understand it,
It's above them all,
They can't even comprehend it
Even if they spent 50 years
Understanding it.
I don't have to explain it,
My consciousness is higher than all.
There's no point explaining to
A narrow mind.
All I know is that you've me
Feeling a way I thought I wasn't
Capable of.
Cupid really did a number this time.

Cupid really did a number on me
This time.
Shooting her arrow,
Right into my heart,
Piercing it with thoughts of you.
O' love of you.
It left me breathless &
Into you.
Struck me so hard,
My heart is in a casket o' gold,
Beating a bit faster, everytime
I read the letter of your name.
Time and tide,
Time and tide – high & low,
Don't stop for none.
So why did it stop for me?
Even if It's for a moment.
Why did you stop for me.
Time is limited,
It's on how you use it.
What is it trying to teach me
By sending me someone who
Means time in sanskrit?
Why you?
You told me in January
"The universe has sent me to you,
To remind you that you're on the
Right track".
O yeah?
How did universe know,
That you're what I needed?
Time brought itself to me at a
Time, I needed it.
You leave me dizzy like a
Low BP attack.
You caught my eye &
Since then I haven't slept.
You buried my heart in
A casket o' silver.
My mind in a dreamland.
Far away in some realm &
It has been 8 months.

8 months of having
Affection for you.
8 months since our paths crossed &
I laid my eyes on you.
What once was sweet, is still sweet.
Nonetheless it has me in a
Cyclone o' torment.
Your soul captivated mine,
Stirred her from sleep.
You captivated my eyes,
Brought my attention to yours.
You captured my heart and
Put it in a casket o' silver,
Where it now stays buried.
With roses closing the entrance.
& Daisies raining down;
Lavender surrounding itself in
A circle, around the
Bed of bougainvillea
Where it now stays safe.

-Ridhima Joshi

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