Hotel Of Lies

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Words spill out through
My Mouth ,
Like Blood-Drops and

Rivers of toxic black
And Navy-Blue are
Pouring from my
Beautiful Windows -
Eyes and Mouth.

Glass ; Glass falls out of
My Eyes like Shiny Sparkles
Of Diamonds.
Golden Rays Emerge in -
The Veins of my Hands :
Together they form a Rope
Binding the Hate , the Dark -
They hold it in and spill it out
Like dams - little at a time.

My Face Smiles Goofily ,
Unware of the War of
Flowers and Thorns ,
Going On Inside My Head.

I wakeup gasping ,
Air and Energy feels Sucked Off.
I Cry -- a Scream
But no voice , comes out ;
Only Hidden Words of
Trap and Destruction.
My Eyes are Stinging -
Asthough they have been Ironed.
My Eyelashes are Stuck Upwards
Like Branches :
Cascading and Hiding on
My Mind.

They don't make sense

Streams of Hot-Water Run
Down my Canvas ;
They have been Opened
By the Windows , Who
Themselves are
Staring in the Dark that Lays

- R.J.

My Heart Hammers ,
Hitting a 1000 nails per second .
My body feels like - it's been made
Out of Ice : A Frozen Statue.

Flashbacks come and the
Demons stir ,
They Dance and Trap Me
In Circles of their White Eyes.

It's 5 , again.
She's coming towards Me
She has a Sharp Metal in her hand.
My Back is Pressed Onto the
Glossy Red Wall ,
Windows are Shut ,
It's Windy Outside
It's That Day Again.

The Psychopath Hiding in
The Act of a So Called
' Mother '
Comes Around Screaming
And Abusing ,
She pulls my Hair ,
It Breaks

I wakeup gasping for Air
Energy feels Sucked Off
Streams Run-Down
Wetting the Sheets.

I run out Crying and
I bang on the door ,
Call out to him :
"Papa! Papa!
Open! I - ''
The Door Swings Open ,
And My Watery Windowsills
Are Greeted by those Warm
Familiar , Shocked Ones.
I Run inside , And -
Pouring it out :
Dark Waters
I Cry and Cry ,
Till I - No Longer Speak.

My Mouth is
As Dry as a Desert ,
I'm Safe.

I'm Safe in the Arms
And Bubble of My Dad ,
I'll be Okay.
The Streams Stop
Cold goes Away ,
Windows Shut Slowly.
I'm Okay
I'm Neutral
He's Here and I'm Fine.
They'll not return

This is my most emotional and intimate poem that I'm sharing here. It's written from the heart and the experiences are real.
Ps : In My Poems all Stories Change After 1-2 Stanzas.

- Ridhima Joshi

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