Unraveling Raven; Heaven

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(Dark )Imaginary Poem

Tick tock, tick tock
Tick on the clock
Locks opened and birds chimed;
Time unravelled.

Crows cawed and
Argosies shrieked, the sea turned
Somber and I lay there my mind
Gasping, body quivering with only
One thought circling the body
Of my enemies.
Land was a barren woman with
Cracked feet,
The sky a black hole : an analogy of
And I lay there my mind shivering,
Body choking, eyes blurring;
Cataract filling – smoke inhaling.
One thought
Only of thee.

Theo! Theo!
Theodore! Where is thee?
I look and look,
Walk and walk ;
My feet bleeding –
Giving water to the thirsty sea.
Where is thee?

O Theo,
I promised thine – that I shall never
Let thou go.
They thought I was being a benevolent
Godfather to the orphan that is thee.
What those named eyes cant see is
That I want you for myself.
Thou my asset, my golden bird.
Theo where is thee?
I sworn on the fallen angel that I'll
Protect thee, keep thou safe.
What an ironical fate that I was the
One that lost thee!
Heaven be damned!

Theo, O Theo, Theodere!
I know that I'm slipping into an
Oasis O' lunacy,
Making myself haywire crazy yet
I cant see –
The clouds covered the black hole ;
Curtains hiding the death.
And I lay there my mind gasping,
Body shaking as though its an
Inferno of ice.
My mouth, my air leaving;
Wind stealing my pipe, my cigar,
All I see is blood ‐ maroon tint
Pouring out from my mouth
Amplifying the cracked land.
Quenching thirst of what He had in
Mind for me.

Months pass by.
Time waits for none.
Though unravelled it still goes on.
The forces of nature never stop.
You either move or stay long enough
For it to swallow you up,
Making you whole.

Days turn to months,
A caterpillar to butterfly now
Withered, almost on brink of passing,
A whole year is gone and I lay here in
The desert no longer able to move.
Karma: my body in its forming stages:
A skeleton. Skin dusty mud of death ash
My eyes hazy clouded with only one
Not of thee but of what awaits me.

What shall be my virtues?
Are these my morals?
What was I moulded into?
What was my upbringing?
He stomps on my neck, his foot taking
Away the remnants of my air.
'I told thee, told thee to do good,
Bathe yourself in philanthropic waters,
Sip on truth and leave your
Unconventional- harmful desires
They hunger of gaining & taking by
Any means. No caring of the grey,
The old, white, dark has gotten you
Face to me.
Now you see what awaits thee', says
Time whilst stomping his foot on my
Ha! I twist his foot, making him lose
I ain't afraid of thee!
Only of him!
Not of what he might do to me
But of what he's going to give me as I –
As - I - I - I lay here
My mind circling with thoughts of
My enemies .
I - I had long gone on the brink of
Stars & sworn to lead the way I do.
I accept my death.
Damn be the heavens!
Damn be the ravens!
Damn be the boy!
Damn be me!
Damn be my sordid existence
I - my body - my air choking me,
I can no longer see
What awaits me .
Where am I?
Where am I?
What is this?
Who is this?
Who am I?
Who is he?
Th - Th -
T h e o
Damn be me
Damn be the sky.
O' Heavens forgive my mind,
He's a fool.
Set my soul free.
I have learned.
Do not torture me.
I lay there one last time.
Now ashy, a skeleton; a soul long
Only ravens circling my body.
The cloak of death hugging me.
Alas I'm free.
The phantom of thee shall
Never haunt me

-Ridhima Joshi

This is a dark - dramatic poem with
Constant wordplay and exchange of words by twisting them in places one might not think of to create a contrasting effect.
All the front play is done to highlight the anguish of the character. Its more like a play written as a poem.
A play like work in form of a poem.
All work is original and handwritten by me.
This is a divergent work compared to my previous works. Change in style. I'm so proud of this. Content with putting the visualizations of my imagination into concrete form. I'm so happy with this poem, one of my truly best so far.

Fun fact: this poem was written in 20 minutes whilst listening to Perfect Illusion by Lady Gaga.

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