First Action: Kraven VS Tycoon And Geats

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It was Sunday Night as Izuku was getting ready for his hunt for Kraven after years. He finally is close to finding out where Dartz is and he will get his revenge against him.

Tycoon: Ready!?

(Kamen Rider Tycoon Entry Form)

Buffa: Ready!

(Kamen Rider Buffa Entry Form)

Geats: I'm so ready for this!

(Kamen Rider Geats Entry Form)

Na-Go: Let's go!

(Kamen Rider Na-Go Entry Form)

PunkJack: Time to hunt!

(Kamen Rider PunkJack Entry Form)

Eula: Ace... be careful, OK?

Geats: Hey, don't forget that I am a kitsune.

Stella: But...

Tycoon: Stella, I promise that I will be back in one piece! By the way... "Turns to Markov" How's the thing between you and Furina?!

Buffa: "Blushes" I... we... Shut up!

Na-Go: Boys! 

PunkJack: Ok!

Eula: Good luck, guys!

Riders: Thanks!

Then, all five Kamen Riders approached the garage and activated their motorbikes.

(Boostriker X5)

Once they had decided, the Rider group collectively sped off, driving towards the place they knew the enigmatic individual would most likely be. It was widely speculated that he would be near an area teeming with wildlife, where he could find solace in caring for the many animals in their natural habitat. They unanimously decided to head straight for the local zoo, knowing it was highly likely their target would be found there. As Izuku navigated through the bustling streets, his mind wandered, reflecting on the strange and compelling mystery that surrounded the individual.

Tycoon: "Thought" Mother, this time we won't fail you! We will succeed in finding Dartz and ending him personally.

PunkJack: Bro, how are you feeling right now?!

Tycoon: Good finally we have a lead and I won't let him get away!

Na-Go: Okay what is the plan!?

Geats: Okay this is the plan. Buffa, Na-Go, PunkJack, you deal with any goons that Kraven might have. Me and Tycoon will deal with Kraven personally so you don't interfere alright!?

Trio: Roger!

Tycoon: Good 'cause we are almost there!

Geats adjusted his thermal vision visor, his eyes glowing with the faint hum of the technology. He quickly pinpointed Kraven's location amidst a lavish gathering. The notorious hunter occupied a throne, his regal presence commanding the attention of a boisterous group of followers. Beside him, a majestic tiger calmly observed the scene, it's every muscle seemingly frozen in silent anticipation.

Geats: He is sitting on his throne like the false king that he is.

Na-Go: Let's go!

As they drove towards his direction as they saw them they did a black flip along with retrieving all Boostrikers and landed in front of him as he smirked.

Kraven: Well what do we have here, Geats and Tycoon are back. What an honor!

Tycoon: Kraven, where is Dartz!?

Kraven: What do you want to know?

Geats: You know damn well why!

Kraven: "Smirks" Oh... this is for The Knave huh?! Yeah, she was weak and she deserves that!

As Na-Go, Buffa, and PunkJack knew that he fucked up. Tycoon vanished abruptly, seemingly floating through the air. Moments later, he reappeared in a different section of the park, clutching Kraven in his grasp.

The goons were about to go towards them but other Riders got in front of them as they knew they wouldn't allow them to interfere.

In a chaotic clash,  Tycoon, Geats, and Kraven - hurled themselves at the wall with relentless force. Their bodies collided with the impenetrable surface, sending shockwaves through the air. Kraven swiftly moved, kicking Tycoon backward. However, his cunning adversary did not stay subdued. With lightning speed, Tycoon grabbed Kraven's leg and tossed him into the wall. The impact was devastating as Kraven crashed through the barrier, leaving a trail of debris.

Meanwhile, Geats, his eyes ablaze with determination, dashed towards Tycoon, who had momentarily recovered from the toss. With a devastatingly precise strike, he connected his fist with Tycoon's face, sending a sickening thud through the battlefield.

Kraven: Both of you sure have become more brutal.

Geats+Tycoon: "Insert their buckles and activate them" Henshin!


(Kamen Rider Geats MagnumBoost Form)

(Kamen Rider Tycoon NinjaBoost Form)

Tycoon+Geats: Die!

Geats strategically employs the Magnum Shooter 40X to relentlessly barrage Kraven. Tycoon, who is cloaked in darkness hides away. With surprising stealth, Geats approaches Kraven from behind and delivers a fatal strike. As Kraven lunges forward to reclaim his spear, Geats fires another round of bullets, but Kraven effortlessly deflects them. Enraged, Kraven charges towards Geats, but the cunning Tycoon manages to catch his charge. With a swift move, Geats elbows his foe, shattering the spear. Kraven attempts to retaliate with a devastating high kick, but Tycoon responds with exceptional acrobatics, performing a breathtaking black flip, leaving Kraven momentarily stunned.

Kraven: Dammit!

Tycoon: What's wrong?

Kraven: All of you have become more brutal!

Geats: Now if you don't want to end in hell then tell us... "Grins his voice" Where is Dartz?!

Kraven: The only way for you to know is to get this from the Sinister Six!

Geats: Give it here!

Kraven: You will only get it from my dead cold hands!

Tycoon: That can be arranged!


The Riders ignite their exhaust pipes and propel themselves towards their prey. As they reach their target, they swiftly kick the notorious Kraven out of the way, forcing him outside the exhibit. Their path now intersects with Tycoon, who swiftly retrieves a nearby bench and hurls it towards the group. Tycoon's attack is easily thwarted, however, as the Ninja Dueler comes into play, swiftly slicing through the bench into harmless fragments.

As the trio of Tycoon, Geats, and Kraven race side-by-side, Geats aims his weapon and fires at their target. Kraven, in retaliation, throws knives with deadly accuracy, forcing Tycoon to employ his element-based skills to deflect the barrage. The intense exchange of attacks continues, pushing both sides to their limits.

Eventually, Kraven decides to relinquish control and allow his primal instincts to take over. He seamlessly transitions into his predator mode, embracing his bestial nature.

Kraven: Now you will see me at my best!

Tycoon: Fine then! I'll do the same Full Cowling 65%

As Tycoon activated Full Colwing, a surge of power coursed through him. This time, however, something felt different. The once vibrant color of the technique had been replaced by a somber black and white, bouncing erratically around him.

Adrenaline surged through Tycoon as he swiftly loomed towards Kraven, his black whip crackling in anticipation. With lightning speed, he lashed out, binding Kraven with the unforgiving fabric. The sudden movement caused Kraven to spin wildly, his arms flailing defensively. As he stumbled to the ground, Tycoon capitalized on his vulnerable state.

With a sudden burst of energy, Tycoon mounted Kraven, pinning him to the ground. As Kraven tentatively raised his arm to strike, Tycoon reacted decisively. With a swift movement, he intercepted the punch, catching Kraven's arm in his grip. The force of the punch shattered Kraven's arm, leaving him writhing in pain on the ground.

Kraven: Argh!

In a fierce battle of strength and cunning, Kraven unleashed a vicious headbutt, propelling Tycoon backward. A sinister smirk spread across his face as he poised for the final blow. As he lunged in for the kill, a sudden eruption of gunfire shattered the air. A precise shot from Geats struck Kraven's knee, sending a surge of agony through his body. A deafening scream filled the atmosphere as Kraven writhed in pain, his dreams of dominance shattered.

In a moment without anyone noticing, Tycoon's Quirk automatically activated on its own. Kraven's Quirk was taken away, but because of the injuries on his body, Kraven did not realize that he had lost his Quirk.

As Kraven lay sprawled on the ground, utterly defeated, Tycoon slowly rose to his feet. With a purposeful stride, he approached his fallen enemy and reached out to grasp the key clutched in his pocket. As he retrieved the key, he paused for a moment and cast a lingering glance toward Kraven, who remained motionless on the ground.

Tycoon: We don't need you anymore, we have this!

Kraven: You know that Dartz implanted a camera in one of my eyes like the rest so he can see us. He knows that you are after him.

Tycoon: Oh really?!

Geats stood unwavering, his eyes locked on the towering figure before him. A cold gun, barrel pointed at his temple, protruded from the man's pocket. Their voices hushed in the background as they exchanged words. Tension hung in the air, each heartbeat a deafening drum in the quiet atmosphere.

Geats: Dartz count your days as a number because the children from House Of The Hearth are coming for you and anything that you sent to us... We'll send it back in a fucking bag.

Geats then kills Kraven by putting a bullet in his head as they walk away. They then saw a bench as he remembers one of their first memories with Arlecchino

(Flashback Starts)

We see a 9-year-old Izuku and a 9-year-old Ace as they were just amazed by the zoo as he was happy to be there.

Arlecchino: So kids how do you like the zoo?!

Izuku: It's awesome!

Arlecchino: I'm glad to hear that. My old man before he died always brought me here and it always made me super happy to spend time with him even when he had multiple jobs to work to feed me and my mom.

Ace: He sounds like a good man.

Arlecchino: He was, anyway let's go and have fun, Neon, Markov and Wazowski are waiting for us.

As they all had a great time exploring the zoo, Izuku was captivated by the diverse array of animals. He was particularly struck by the gorillas, whose playful and social behavior reminded him of the Bakugo twins. Throughout the day, they shared an enjoyable meal of burgers, fries, and milkshakes while spending quality time together.

Izuku: Arlec-san... thank you for an amazing day

Arlecchino: Don't worry kid, all of you deserve this and much more.

A radiant smile spread across Izuku's face, marking the first genuine smile he had managed in five long years. Overjoyed and content, he was embracing a newfound sense of happiness and fulfillment in his newly forged life.

(Flashback Ends)

He was taken out of his trance by PunkJack who was worried

PunkJack: You okay?!

Tycoon: Yeah I'm fine... I just remember when Mother took us here for the first time it was the first time I was happy

Buffa: Well... we miss her too...

Geats: Yeah I know so how was your side?

PunkJack: Na-Go turned the tiger into a soft tiger so we didn't have trouble with him.

Tycoon: Should we keep him as a pet for Eri...

Na-Go: You just want him so boys stay away from her.

Tycoon: Yup! 

Geats: Anyways... let's go back to base...

Tycoon: Right

When the Riders departed from the zoo, lots of police officers arrived on the scene. Upon reaching the scene, they discovered the lifeless body of Kravens, with a bullet wound to the center of his forehead. The body was covered in multiple cuts and wounds. A police officer noticed markings left on the wall, revealing the insignia of both Geats and Tycoon. These markings confirmed the Riders' return, presumably in retribution for their mentor, The Knave. As Izuku and everyone arrive at the base, they see Stella sleeping there wearing a shirt of Izuku and Eula wearing a shirt of Ace.

Markov: Now what should we do with the key?

Izuku: We can't do anything until we find the rest of them and we have five more people!

Ace: But the question is who we are going to go after next?

Wazowski: The Vulture! I need to settle our grudge... once... and for all!

Neon: Okay but we have to investigate a bit more!

Izuku: I agree but it's getting late and I'm exhausted we should head to bed.

Ace: Let's go!

Izuku: Right

Markov: What about the girls?

Izuku: I'll call her dad and tell her that she is going to stay with us.

Ace: Eula is running away from home, so she'll be here for a long time.

Neon: Okay

Izuku called Stella's father and he was okay and happy about that.

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