Fourth Action: Vulture VS Wriothesley, Clorinde, Nagant, Tycoon And PunkJack

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It is now Friday morning, and Stella has set out to spend time with her family, while the others engage in their own activities. This leaves Izuku and Wazowski in solitude. At this moment, as Izuku sleeps, he awakens to find his father beside him.

Izuku: Hmph... What the hell do you want?

Hisashi: Well... it seems that Inko and Izumi learned the truth about you being Kamen Rider Tycoon and me being All For One, also your class.

Izuku: Hmph... It's not surprising, sooner or later they will know.

Hisashi: What, no wordy remarks or anything?

Izuku: No, besides... there is nothing I can do because I am here with you.

Hisashi: True...

Izuku: You still are going to keep our deal right?

Hisashi: I won't lay a hand on them as long as you talk with me I'm a keeper of my word.

Izuku: Good if you aren't... You know what your fate will be!

Hisashi: "Smirks" That's my boy for you.

Izuku: So what now?

Hisashi: Nothing, you're already half of what I look like! It's only time when your green eyes and green hair turn to blue eyes and white hair.

Izuku: True but I won't ever turn like you!

Hisashi: We will see about that.

Izuku woke up to see he was alone as he went to the bathroom and did his business. Then he got a phone call from...

Izuku: Uncle Wrio? Aunt Clorinde?

Clorinde: Izuku, Wazowski... We've tracked down Vulture's location! He was trading a large shipment at a warehouse on the outskirts of Paris

Wazowski: We'll be there! Send us the coordinates!

Wriothesley: I'll send you the coordinates. Where are the others?

Izuku: Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet are preparing for the upcoming magic show. Neon, Markov, Ace, and Eula are on their own business. They won't be able to join us in time!

Clorinde: Well's up to us now.

Izuku: We'll be there!

Izuku and Wazowski immediately transformed into their Entry Forms and then headed to the location Wriothesley had sent them before.

(Wriothesley And Clorinde All Gear Up)

Wriothesley: You are here!

PunkJack: What is the situation?

Clorinde: Vulture has been doing some shady business. And beside him selling weapons, he had a small crate with a few holes in it.

Tycoon: Did you check it out using your thermal vision?

Wriothesley: Yes... and you wouldn't like it.

PunkJack: Why?

Clorinde: Inside the crate... is a girl...

Tycoon: ......

PunkJack: ...... 

Clorinde: Izuku? Wazowski?

Tycoon: How many villains are in there?

Wriothesley: Over 30...

Tycoon: Let us loose... "Deadly aura"

Wriothesley: Okay...

Tycoon and PunkJack stealthily entered a dimly lit corner of the abandoned warehouse, their movements measured and cautious as they approached the crate. Tycoon leaned in, placing his ear against the wooden surface, and soon discerned the faint sound of a young girl weeping softly from within. He glanced at PunkJack, and without uttering a single word, they shared a mutual understanding through a subtle nod, recognizing the urgency of the situation. United, they use their powers to create a dense fog that shrouds the vicinity, successfully blurring the sight of the nearby guards.

Guard #1: What happened?!

Guard #2: We have intruders!

Guard #3: But where?!


From within that black smoke, each guard died one by one under a sharp blade and an iron fist filled with killing intent.

Tycoon: "Yells in rage" VULTURE!

From the black smoke just now, a red gaze flared up with a fire of anger and a golden gaze flared up with a flame of hatred. Both Riders flew out of the smoke and kicked Vulture straight in the face.

Vulture: You!?

(Kamen Rider Tycoon Bujin Sword Dark Eyes Version)

Tycoon: Time to die!

(Kamen Rider PunkJack Halloween Form)

(Not my art)

PunkJack: And this time, I will personally send you to hell!

The dense black smoke slowly dissipated, uncovering the lifeless bodies of over 30 guards employed by Vulture for his protection. As Vulture readied himself to take flight with his mechanical wings, two gunshots rang out, severely damaging one of the wings.

Tycoon: Lady Nagant!?

PunkJack: Aunt Clorinde?!

Nagant: You are hard to find!

Tycoon: Talk later, we'll deal with Vulture!

PunkJack and Tycoon swiftly advanced and expelled Vulture from the warehouse. Leaving Wrio, Clorinde, and Nagant inside of the warehouse. Concurrently, numerous mercenaries, whom Vulture had engaged to bolster their ranks, emerged.

Wriothesley: Well then... "Charges his Quirk on the Gauntlets" Let's make this showy!

On the outside now, PunkJack swung his fist and crushed Vulture's mask. Tycoon drew his sword and slashed his mechanical wings.

Vulture: I have my true quirk! Death Vulture!

Vulture ascended and released explosive feathers toward Tycoon and PunkJack. In response, PunkJack executed a flurry of punches to intercept the projectiles, while Tycoon employed his cape to create a defensive barrier for a counteroffensive maneuver. Acknowledging the inadequacy of this defense, Tycoon devised an alternative strategy to address the situation.

Tycoon: "Telepathy" Banjo-san! Lend me your Quirk!

Banjo: "Telepathy" Do it, kiddo!

As Tycoon closes his eyes as then he copies two quirks and then combines those compile into one.

Tycoon: Blade Of Chaos!

Tycoon then launched his twin blades at Vulture and caused the blades to bind his wings. Tycoon then poured fire into the two chains and the fire spread along the chains to the swords and violently burned Vulture's wings. As then charges Full Cowling

Tycoon: 100% Sparta Smash!

He hits the Vulture sending him back as he crashes into some metal beans. As Tycoon sees him

Vulture: What are you going to do now?!

Tycoon: This! 

An orb came from Vulture and he didn't feel his wings again. He then grabs the key.

Tycoon: "Laughing" Dartz! Only two more and you are mine!

Vulture: Let me live!


Bony hands controlled Vulture, forcing him to lie still. Tycoon just gently stood aside and let PunkJack kick him to finish him off.

PunkJack: Finally... Farewell... Father...

They go back to the building as Nagant, Wriothesley, and Clorinde finish with the guards Izuku goes toward the cage and breaks them.

Izuku: Hey kid... don't worry you are safe.

?: Thank you...

Izuku: Hey... what's your name? 

????: Fran...

Izuku: Where are your parents?

Fran: That man killed them!

Izuku: I see "Thought" She...really like us... "Talks" Hey are you hungry?

Fran: "Nods"

Izuku: Let's get McDonald's. Hey Wazowski, it's your turn now.

Wazowski: Fine.

He picked her up as they left and the adult looked at each other.

Wriothesley: He is going to adopt her!

Girls: Definitely!

As they went after them while with Dartz right now, he was super pissed that four of his guards are dead.

Dartz: Dammit All For One! Why did you tell me to kill The Knave knowing her apprentices would come after me?!

Rhino: Let me be the one to go!

Mysterio: No me!

Dartz: Mysterio you will do it!

Mysterio: He will kill you!

Dartz: I know dammit!


A man with mechanical tentacles on his back was trying to approach the Rider group's base with a ruined body.

(Doc Ock, former member of Sinister Six)

Otto: "Pants heavily" Damn it... those shitheads! I have to warn Eula... I don't have much time left...I have to give this to Eula... After all... she is also my niece!

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