Monday On U.A

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Aizawa: So.. what do you think Nezu wants us this morning?

Midnight: I'm not sure but I want to hear more songs about Midoriya.

Mic: Me too, I want to see what else he has done.

RG: Well I want to know if his music helped him with his depression

AM: I wonder that too...

Aizawa: All Might have you found the problem child bastard of a father?

AM: Just nothing! I don't know where he is or anything about... just like he disappeared from the face of the earth!

Aizawa: Strange, you need good connections to do that.

Mic: Or maybe his real name ain't Midoriya Hisashi... that's just his fake name. He might be a secret agent or something like that. That's why he doesn't want to be found.

As they were about to respond when Nezu arrived at the teacher's lounge.

Nezu: Thank you for coming early in the morning.

Inko: Sir what is the matter?

Nezu: Well... the France Hero Commionser call me and well he has a situation with a problem

Aizawa: What problem

Nezu: It seems that Geats, Tycoon, Na-Go, Buffa, and PunkJack are back

All: What?!

Inko: Sir why are we here?

Nezu: Well it seems that one of the sinister six was killed last night it was Kraven the Hunter and Geats with Tycoon were the ones responsible for it

Mic: Why would they do that?

Nezu: I'm not sure why but it seems that they have a personal vendetta with him for something.

Aizawa: Cut the chase.

Nezu: Midoriya leaving and the assassins appear.

AM: Young Midoriya ain't one of them

Nezu: All Might, him leaving like that without telling anyone about it. It does feel something odd don't you think.

Inko: What prove do you have to accuse my son like that?

Nezu: Well don't you think he is a skillful fighter against a lot of people?

Aizawa: He did held back during the USJ like he wasn't even trying. He even can use sword too. Wait... couldn't be it right?

Nezu: Anyway I'm just letting you know because they want my help to discover the assassins identity and I'm going to help them.

Inko: Like I said my son ain't like that he wants to be a hero and he won't do anything like that

Nezu: Regardless we need to bring him in. Let's go back.

As everyone had departed, Inko felt a deep suspicion arise - she had reason to believe that her son might be among the assassins. She knew that he had harbored dreams of becoming a heroic figure, and the thought of him harming others was utterly foreign to his character.

After this revelation, they returned to the auditorium, where a crowd was eagerly waiting to witness the remainder of Izuku's musical performance. The audience was visibly captivated by his melodious tunes and captivating performance.

Izumi: Hey mom, What did Nezu wanted?

Inko: I'll tell you later sweetie let's head more of your brother's songs okay?

Izumi: Okay.

Nezu: Alright everyone let's continue with the songs of Midoriya.

All: Yes sir.

As he spins the wheel as everyone wanted to go next because they wanted to hear Izuku's music and learn more about him. Since they discovered about his horrible past with his family. They wanted to know in order to help him. As the next person was...

Setsuna: Oh alright my turn

As she went toward the suits, she was looking for a song that she would like until she found one

Setsuna: I choose this one but Midoriya doesn't sing it.

All: Then who?

Setsuna: His girlfriend

Eri: Mommy?

Setsuna: Yes it's called "We Are Family"

As she plays the disc we see Izuku, Stella, Ace, Eula, Neon, Markov, Wazowski, Lyney, Lynette and Freminet

Izuku: Babe I know you can do it! I believe in you.

Stella: You think so?

Izuku: Of course I know you can do it

Stella: Okay... I'll try

Neon: You can do it my sister

Izuku: Yeah

Eula: Come on girl you can do it!

Stella: Okay let's do this.

Music Starts

We are, we are
Not your ordinary fami-mily
But we can all agree that
We are, we are
Close as close can be

As UA saw Izuku meeting Stella, Ace, Eula, Neon, Markov, Wazowski, Lyney, Lynette and Freminet, two older man there as Izuku was a bit scared not until Markov reach his hand and smile at him. Izuku took his arm.

So it don't matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
We got every kind of love
I feel so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking
It don't matter to me cause
We are, we are family

Then they see Izuku playing with them as they see the adults smiling and enjoying time together.

We are are are are (We are)
We are are are are (We are)
We are are are are (We are)
We are, we are family, family, family
We are, we are family

As the next picture is celebrating Izuku's 9th birthday as Izuku was smiling happy, as then it was tella, Ace, Eula, Neon, Markov, Wazowski, Lyney, Lynette and Freminet's birthday too.

So what?
We don't look, we don't act
We don't walk, we don't talk
Like you do
So what?
If we hang just to hang
Ain't no shame
We gon' do what we want to

As they show Izuku and his new family in the campfire having coffee and spending time together and laughing together.

Cause we come from everywhere
Searching for ones to care
Somehow we found it here
We found us a home

It shows Izuku's past with his family, Eula losing her relationship with her family, Ace's parents dead leaving him alone, Neon's mother dead and her father leave her for another woman who is a prositute, Markov's parents dead on the hospital for protect him from the terrorists, Wazowski's mom leave him, Lyney being bullied for being a little feminish. Lynette almost got killed and almost got raped, Freminet being bullied for being a orphange. As they show Arlecchino, Furina, Stella and her family, Focalors, Neuvillette and Wriothesley there with them.

We are, we are
Not your ordinary fami-mily
But we can all agree that
We are, we are
Close as close can be

It shows the five in their middle school uniform and it's the first day.

So it don't matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
We got every kind of love
I feel so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking
It don't matter to me cause
We are, we are family

OK, so the links in our chain makes us strange
But really they make us stronger
And I wouldn't replace not a thing
Mother or father
Cause we,

They show the two older woman scolding the boys as they are bandages up from a fight.

Cause we come from everywhere
Searching for ones to care
Somehow we found it here

We found us a home

As they see Izuku holding hands with Stella on their first date as the others are hiding to spy on them. Another as Markov is getting to meet Focalors and Neuvillette as Izuku is laughing. Another as Ace is sleeping with Eula

We are, we are
Not your ordinary fami-mily
But we can all agree that
We are, we are
Close as close can be

So it don't matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
We got every kind of love
I feel so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking
It don't matter to me cause
We are, we are family

The last is Izuku coming home from school to see a surprise oh his 14th birthday party making him smile.

(We are)
We are, we are family

Music Ends

Izuku: See I told you that you were good

Stella: Thanks, Ikki...

Izuku: You are welcome

Eula: Stella you were awesome

Ace: I'll say

Stella: We are family aren't we

Izuku: The best family in the world

Wazowski: The ultimate one...

Lyney: But that won't be always the case

Markov: You got that right.

Girls: What do you mean

IzukuWe meant our future children

As all the girls blushed at this as the guys just smiled

All: Wow

Eri: And I'm now part of that family

Kota: Do you think I am?

Mandalay: Of course Kota

Eri: You are my brother Kota and we are daddy's kids

Kota: Yeah... you are right

Izumi: Family huh

Shoto: He got a new one instead of us

Touya: The same one that you destroyed

Shoko: Nii-chan!

Touya: I'm telling the truth

Shoto: "Thought" He is right...

Nezu: Alright let's do this and we will listen for two more songs and then we will take a break shall we

All: Hai

As Nezu spun the wheel and everyone wanted to hear another song as they wondered if Izuku's friend made more songs than the next person....

Awase: Cool my turn

He went toward the disc trying to find a cool song, he then saw one that he liked.

Awase: I choose this one.

Itsuka: What is the name of the song Awase?

Awase: The name of the song is "Failure"

Aizawa: Why would he write this song?

Awase: Well let's see what he means...

As he plays the song and they see Izuku coming inside of the studio with Wazowski there.

Wazowski: Yo!

As they see him smoking and they thing that he is a bad boy but what they see Izuku reach for it as they thought that he will put it out but what they saw shocked them all.

Izuku: Oi, give me some!

Wazowski: Take a hit bro!

As Izuku took a hit and he then looked at Wazowski and both fist bump

Wazowski: So... ready? I finish the heat to the lyrics that you made

Izuku: Cool

As Izuku went toward the booth, he took another hit and he looks at Wazowski.

Izuku: Ready.

Then Wazowski hits a button

Music Starts

{Verse 1}

I don't get what I want
I get what I need
Every single day Im heading off to my dream
And I get everything
That I damn well please
I don't give a damn if you all listenin to me
Cuz I run it...
I'm the only one that really want it
I'm the only one thats really on it
I'm just being honest

Guys: Finally a rap song and it's dope

I'm just doing everything I promised
Cuz I want it bad enough that Ima make it as an artist
And I know I'm not the smartest and I know I'm not the largest but I promise you that Ima be the one to work the hardest
Cuz I promise you I'm just getting started
And I promise you that my skills are getting sharper
So ima get charted
Can't be guarded na
I'm the one to get retarded
Get the party started yea
Get the party started yea
So let me get up on it yea

Awase: I think it's about that he won't be a failure

{Verse 2}

Bitch you got me fucked up
I don't know what's up
Pour that shit in my cup
We bout to turn up

Crank this shit up so loud
Sounds like we're sold out
In front of a whole crowd
We lose control now

Y'all take this shit to personally
Everybody got a different version of me
Everybody got to be learning from me
Everybody wanna be working with me

And I feel like there's uncertainty

And urgency to find out what you want to be
But honestly we change our minds constantly
So stop and breathe to find out who you want to be

{blurred whispers}

{Chorus x2}
Failure ain't an option
So I'd be cautious
I hope that your watching
Don't try to stop this

Work until I'm nauseous
Cuz I will not quit
No because I want this
Don't try to stop me now


{Verse 3}
It's too late for you
Not for me
I don't give a fuck if you got a college degree
Did u learn anything really worth anything?
$200 grand later and were not even working
Student loans worth more than what were earning
Best lesson I learned is to keep on searching
Find your true passion and get to working
Better take action or you'll end up serving

That's a fact
So you better clean up your act
So you better grow yourself a sack
And tell the world they can suck on that
Don't come back
Back your bags
Ya take a trip
And don't relax
Ya hit the switch
And just attack
Ya find your niche
And make some racks
Don't hold back

{Verse 4}
Everybody wake up
It's time to break up
With the life you made up
It's time to trade up

Live the life you want now
A life you don't doubt
I could give a fuck how
Just figure it out

Wake up, wake up
Man this life is a blur
Everyone's got an opinion so which one you prefer?

Cuz I'll give you one that's coming from an entrepreneur
Don't give up on your dream if it's what you deserve

{blurred whispers}

{Chorus x2}
Failure ain't an option
So I'd be cautious
I hope that your watching
Don't try to stop this

Work until I'm nauseous
Cuz I will not quit
No because I want this
Don't try to stop me now


Failure ain't an option
So I'd be cautious
I hope that your watching
Don't try to stop this

Work until I'm nauseous
Cuz I will not quit
No because I want this
Don't try to stop me now

Music Ends

Wazowski: That was fucking dope!

Izuku: Yeah it was. Thanks for the help.

WazowskiNo problem, want to do another one?

Izuku: Yeah I need it after what happened?

Wazowski: We should

???/??: Izuku! Wazowski!

Both: Oh oh...

Izumi: Does he do drugs?

Kaminari: Maybe that's the only way for him to cope with his trauma.

Aizawa: For the first time I agree with you Kaminari. I should make him see Houndog to talk about his addiction

Nezu: Yeah

Inko: But there was a woman's voice in the background.

Midnight: I don't know but they seem to know the two of them and they are afraid of them.

Nezu: "Write something down" Alright then let's go we have 1 more and we are done and we will have a break

All: Hai

As he spins the wheel, we see them watching the wheel spin wondering who is going next. And the next person was Todoroki Touya

Touya: Sweet let's see what my little brother has in store for us.

Natsuo: Choose a song that is badass big bro.

Touya: I will.

As he went toward the disc trying to find a good one as he found one that he smirked.

Touya: "Smirks" I choose this one the name of the song is called "Centuries"

Kirishima: Play it

Touya: Okay

As he plays the song we see Izuku at the top of a building. He looks up at the sky as he sheds a tear which alow of people to wonder what happened. As he began to play the song

Music Starts

Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
Is all it will take
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
(Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah)
Remember me for centuries

Mummified my teenage dreams
No, it's nothing wrong with me
The kids are all wrong
The stories are off
Heavy metal broke my heart

Come on, come on and let me in
The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints
And this is supposed to match
The darkness that you felt
I never meant for you to fix yourself

Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
Is all it will take
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
(Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah)
Remember me for centuries

And I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name
'Cause I was only born inside my dreams
Until you die for me, as long as there's a light
My shadow's over you 'cause I am the opposite of amnesia
And you're a cherry blossom
You're about to bloom
You look so pretty, but you're gone so soon

Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries

And just one mistake
Is all it will take
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
(Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah)
Remember me for centuries

We've been here forever
And here's the frozen proof
I could scream forever
We are the poisoned youth

Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold

But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
Is all it will take
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
(Hey yeah, oh hey)
We'll go down in history (hey yeah)
Remember me for centuries

Music Ends

Izuku: Mother... we miss you so much

AM: Wait, what did he mean by that?!

Aizawa: Maybe his adoptive mom died

All: What!?

Jiro: But how?

Nezu: We might not know but we will find you

Ochako: "Crying" Why do bad things always happen to good people? Midoriya he didn't ask for this why is fate so cruel!?

As the girls murmured comforting words to Ochako, Inko realized a sudden pang of regret. Memories of countless times she had seen Izuku in floods of tears, yet had turned a blind eye, flooded her mind. A wave of guilt washed over her as she realized how harshly she had treated him in her ignorance.

Izumi: Mom you okay?

Inko: Yeah sweetie I'm okay...

Ochako: "Crying" Of course you don't even care about the woman that saved your own son from trying to commit suicide! Aizawa-sensei we need a true answer why did you leave them here in UA!? They aren't even hero material!

Aizawa: I did want to expel them but we need to consider Problem Child... he is the one who has suffered the most and we need him to see what can we do to...

Ashido: But sir Midori is a good guy and he won't say anything he will beg you to keep them here.

Aizawa: I know but I decided by helping Problem Child we need to accept and not question his decisions.

Jiro: But at least sent them to 1B!

Kendo: We will take them no problem

TetsuTetsu: True

Nezu: We will talk about this when Midoriya comes back now let's take a break shall we

Monoma: Wait... there is something after the music...

They all paid attention to the video and saw Izuku quickly wipe away his tears and turn around. Behind him now are Ace, Neon, Markov, Wazowski, Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet.

Izuku: So... your answers?

Lynette: Are you kidding us?

Freminet: We're gonna fucking kill him!

Lyney: They're right. Mother is the one who gave us hope when we were desperate the most...

Ace: Even though I know... the will she left behind was not to take revenge... But this time, we have to go against her words.

Markov: She protected us... while those damn French heroes were doing nothing!

Neon: She raised us...

Wazowski: And I won't mind having my hands stained with his blood!

Izuku: "Brings out his left arm and others do the same" Because we are...

All: The Children from House Of The Hearth! 

Video Ends

Nezu: "Thought" What does he mean by revenge?! "Talks" We will talk about this when Midoriya comes back now let's take a break shall we

All: Hai

During lunch, we see everyone eating casually. Inko and Izumi are lost in thought, specifically reflecting on Izuku. He recently lost the woman who raised him, and the concept of family has become particularly meaningful to him. They are determined to learn more about Arlecchino and support him in dealing with his grief.

However, what they are unaware of is Izuku's perilous intentions. In secret, he has made a harrowing decision. He and his squad have resolved to exact revenge on those responsible for their mother's death. Any individual who stands in their path will be mercilessly eliminated by Izuku and his teammates.

Meanwhile, Eri was happy as she had a mommy and she couldn't wait to meet her.

Nejire: Why are you excited?

Eri: Nee-chan I'm super happy that I am going to meet my mommy

Mirio: Yeah

Yaoyorozu: She is beautiful

Kirishima: I agree Midoriya does have a taste.

Kaminari: So he is into red hair girls and ass girls?

During the revelation that Kaminari shared about Izuku's preferences, girls who held a crush on him realized he had a particular type in mind. The whispers that followed revealed the secret thoughts of the girls, each longing whispered a unique melody reflecting their hearts' desires.

Shinso: That's a big wrong.

Kaminari: What do you mean?

Shinso: You idiot! Midoriya the other day, he and I were talking and I asked him his preferences in women he said he didn't care about the physical traits he likes a girl for her caring, strong, intelligent nature. Judging by the way he interacts with his girlfriend she is the one that repairs and shows him true love when the "Points to his past" destroy that. If any girl had done the same thing they would have been with him.

As the girls saw this they knew that Shinso saw them being sad about this and he wanted to cheer them.

Girls: "Thought" Thank You Shinso

Reiko: "Thought" That's my baby.

As Inko witnessed Izuku's words, a realization struck her. He was absolutely right. Izuku had fallen deeply in love with Stella, and she had been the one to unlock his heart, which had previously been shrouded in darkness. Her love had filled his life with warmth and purpose.

Inko: I can't be mad at his girlfriend I should thank her

AM: I told you, honey, Young Vermillion she is the one who made Young Midoriya believe in love again. You can't blame her for him being happy with them. You should thank them because if it wasn't for them Young Midoriya would have been a villain or worse dead. We don't want that.

Inko: No but I am more worried about Arlecchino, there is nothing about the woman.

AM: I contact a private investigator to learn more about her, he will send me information whenever he has it

Inko: Okay thank you, darling.

Nezu: Alright everyone let's go back.

As they went back to the auditorium they all sat down as Eri was thinking about something

Mirio: Eri what are you thinking?

Eri: I am planning a mommy and daughter day with my new mommy.

Mirio: And who is going to pay for that?

Eri: Daddy of course.

Mirio: I see "Thought" Midoriya, you get ready to run!

Nezu: The wheel is spinning.

As everyone was eager to see who the next person was as the wheel stop and the arrow chose.

Aoyama: My time to shine.

As he went toward the disc as he was trying to find a good one until he chose one.

Aoyama: I choose this song

Kirishima: What is the name is the song?

Aoyama: Well Izuku doesn't sing this song but one of his friends Lyney. The name of the song is called "Roll Up".

As he plays the song we see Izuku outside of the recording booth as he is drinking some water. As he looks to see Lyney there.

Lyney: I'm Ready

Izuku: Hit it, my brother!

Music Starts

I roll up
I roll up
I roll up
Shawty I roll up
I roll up,
I roll up

Its your anniversary isn't it
And your man ain't acting right
So you packin' your Damier luggage up
Callin' my cell phone, tryin' catch a flight
You know one thing straight,
I'll be there girl whenever you call me
When you at home that's your man,
Soon as you land you say that's all me
'Cause shit ain't all G with him no more, you ain't entertained
Since I meet you a couple months ago you ain't been the same
Not sayin' I'm the richest man alive but I'm in the game
As long as you keep it one hundred Imma spend this change

Whenever you need me
Whenever want me,
You know you can call me, I'll be there shortly
Don't care what your friends say, 'cause they don't know me
I can be your best friend, and you be my homie
I ain't gon' flex, I'm not gon' front
You know if I ball, then we all gon' stunt
Send her my way, she ain't gotta hold up
Whenever you call baby I roll up, I roll up, I roll up
Whenever you call baby I roll up, I roll up, I roll up
Whenever you call baby I roll up

I try to stay out your business
But on the real you're so obvious
And if you keep fitting me in your plans and fuckin' up,
Your mans gonna catch onto us
That white sand surrounding us
He be handcuffing, he should work for them officers
If you rolling I got a spot
Where I can put you on this medical,
And send you home doctored up
You wanna ride with me 'cause you say that he boring
Wake up you rollin' weed, cooking eggs in the morning
Ain't scared to spend this money I'll make more of it

First you was in the sky now you say you in orbit

Whenever you need me
Whenever want me,
You know you can call me, I'll be there shortly
Don't care what your friends say, 'cause they don't know me
I can be your best friend, and you be my homie
I ain't gon' flex, I'm not gon' front
You know if I ball, then we all gon' stunt
Send her my way, she ain't gotta hold up
Whenever you call baby I roll up, I roll up, I roll up
Whenever you call baby I roll up, I roll up, I roll up
Whenever you call baby I roll up

No matter where I am
No matter where you are
I'll be there when its over baby
'Cause I was there from the start
No matter if I'm near
Don't matter if your far
All you do is pick the phone up lady
And I'll be there when you call

Whenever you need me
Whenever want me,
You know you can call me, I'll be there shortly
Don't care what your friends say, 'cause they don't know me
I can be your best friend, and you be my homie
I ain't gon' flex, I'm not gon' front
You know if I ball, then we all gon' stunt
Send her my way, she ain't gotta hold up
Whenever you call baby I roll up

Whenever you need me
Whenever want me,
You know you can call me, I'll be there shortly
Don't care what your friends say, 'cause they don't know me
I can be your best friend, and you be my homie
I ain't gon' flex, I'm not gon' front
You know if I ball, then we all gon' stunt
Send her my way, she ain't gotta hold up
Whenever you call baby I roll up, I roll up, I roll up
Whenever you call baby I roll up, I roll up, I roll up
Whenever you call baby I roll up

I roll up, I roll up
Whenever you call baby I roll up

Music Ends

Lyney: What do you think?

Izuku: That was dope bro


Kirishima: Those two sure are good friends

Kaminari: I think they see each other as brothers more Kirishima

Kirishima: Super manly

Kaminari: Maybe he, along with others are the ones that show Izuku what a true brother should be

The guys nodded about this. Katsumi and Shoko exchanged glances, their eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and regret. They understood that their actions had irreparably damaged their friendship with Izuku. The weight of their guilt was heavy upon them.

The bond they once shared had been shattered by their actions. Their laughter, once infectious, now felt hollow. The memories of their shared adventures, their whispered secrets, and the countless times they had stood together now felt like a distant memory. The realization of the damage they had caused hung thick in the air like a suffocating fog.

Nezu: Alright four more songs and we will be done for the day so...

He spins the wheel as it spins around for a while until it chooses.

Fukidashi: it's my turn

He went toward the suitcases as he was trying to find a song until he found one he liked.

Fukidashi: I chose this song it's called "Sun Flower" and Midoriya and his friend Ace sing it.

As he plays the song we see Izuku and Freminet inside the booths as they both take a hit of their blunt and let it out.

Stella: I really don't like you smoking that Ikki.

Izuku: Me neither babe but this helps me with my PTSD

Stella: I thought my kisses did that.

Izuku: they do but if I kiss you a lot we will pass out from not breathing

StellaI really want to bitch slap your ex sister

Neon+Eula: Me too

Ace: You can... when you meet them in the future.

Izuku: Let's begin

Music Starts


Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy (ooh)
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh (ooh)

Ayy, ayy
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh

Needless to say, I keep in check
She was a bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah)
Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck)
Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck)

Needless to say, I'm keepin' in check
She was a bad-bad, nevertheless
Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck
Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck

Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip
Screamin' at my face, baby, don't trip
Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt
Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt

Some things you just can't refuse
She wanna ride me like a cruise
And I'm not tryna lose

Then you're left in the dust
Unless I stuck by ya
You're a sunflower
I think your love would be too much
Or you'll be left in the dust
Unless I stuck by ya
You're the sunflower
You're the sunflower

As Izuku's turn to sing, he looks at Stella

Every time I'm leavin' on you
You don't make it easy, no, no
Wish I could be there for you
Give me a reason to, oh, oh

Every time I'm walkin' out
I can hear you tellin' me to turn around
Fightin' for my trust and you won't back down
Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh

I know you're scared of the unknown (-known)
You don't wanna be alone (alone)
I know I always come and go (and go)
But it's out of my control

And you'll be left in the dust
Unless I stuck by ya
You're the sunflower
I think your love would be too much
Or you'll be left in the dust
Unless I stuck by ya
You're the sunflower
You're the sunflower


Music Ends

Stella: That was awesome

Eula: I'll say

Izuku: Now we should go we don't want Uncle Wrio and Uncle Neu to be mad

Ace: Yeah

Izumi: What does he mean by Uncle Wrio and Uncle Neu?

Aizawa: I think since he needed a father figure. Maybe their Mother, Arlecchino ask her friends to be their legal guardians.

Nezu: Alright let's listen to more music.

As Nezu spun the wheel everyone wanted to go next as the next person was.

13: I guess it's my turn

As she went toward the songs trying to find a song she found one

13: I chose this song but Midoriya ain't singing but his girlfriend

Eri: Mommy yay

As she plays the song we can see Stella looking at Izuku as they both smile at each other.

Stella: So tomorrow?

Izuku: Yeah I'll go back... "Grabs her chin" Look, don't worry I promise you that I will be okay and I won't let my past shackle me to the past and I'll be fine because all I need

Stella: I have a song for you

Izuku: Sure

Stella: Here it goes

Music Starts

I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you, it's hard to survive

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side

'Cause every time we touch
I feel this static
And every time we kiss
I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
Want you in my life

Stella touches his cheek and she smiles as she runs her hands through his air making them both smile.

Your arms are my castle
Your heart is my sky
They wipe away tears that I cry
The good and the bad times
We've been through them all
You make me rise when I fall

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I can fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side

'Cause every time we touch
I feel this static
And every time we kiss
I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
Want you in my life

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side

Music Ends

Izuku: That was beautiful

Stella: Thanks

Izuku: I love you

Stella: I love you too

Ragdoll: I'll say that she is good

Mirko: I'll say

Mandalay: When you got here

Ryukyu: We've been here for a while to watch some dramas... but we haven't said anything.

Kota: Mo... I mean she has a beautiful voice

Mandalay: "Thought" He was going to say mom.

Eri: I hope mommy and daddy come soon I hope they have a lullaby for me.

Nezu: Alright one more song and we are done for they day

All: Hai

As he spins the wheel everyone is excited to see who is the next person to choose as those in the harem want to know if Izuku made a song about them. As the wheel stops and chooses.

Katsumi: My turn I hope there is a song about me

As she went towards the case trying to find a song about her as she look each one until she found one that believed that it was hers.

Katsumi: I chose this one it's called Marry Me

A profound silence hung in the air as the audience watched the videao. As the music swelled, Ace, lurking in the secret room. He sat in his chair, something placed upon his desk. Curiosity sparked in their eyes as they realized it was a box. With cautious hands, Ace opened the box, revealing a gleaming ring, its brilliance unwavering.

Everyone was shocked at how beautiful the ring was.

Ace: Dad even through this is the ring that you proposed to your wife and you and her had a son, a.k.a me but now both of you are gone...leaving me with this ring. I remember when I was going to decline it because it was precious for you but you told me that I'm your son and you want me to continue the tradition of making sure my son proposes to the love of his life with the ring I don't think Eula would like that. But oh well...

Music Starts

Uhh-uhh-uhh, ohh-yeah, hmmm
A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you
Wake up every morning with you in my bed
That's precisely what I plan to do

And you know one of these days, when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush
But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough

I'll say, will you marry me?
I swear that I will mean it
I'll say, will you marry me?

Singing, uh-oh-oh, uh-oh-oh
Uh-oh-oh, oh-yeah

How many girls in the world can make me feel like this?
Baby, I don't ever plan to find out

The more I look, the more I find the reasons why
You're the love of my life

You know one of these days, when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush
But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough

I'll say, will you marry me?
I swear that I will mean it
I'll say, will you marry me?
And if I lost everything
In my heart, it means nothing
'Cause I have you, girl, I have you
To get right down on bended knee
Nothing else would ever be better, better

The day when I

I'll say, will you marry me?
I swear that I will mean it
I'll say, will you marry me?
I'll say, will you marry me? (the day I get on my knees)
I swear that I will mean it

I'll say, will you marry me? (and what you do me, baby?)
Got me singing (uh-ooh, uh-ooh)
Got me singing (uh-ooh, uh-ooh)
Would you marry me, baby? (uh-ooh, uh-ooh, uh-ooh)

A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you
Wake up every morning with you in my bed
That's precisely what I plan to do

Music Ends

Ace: I swear that I will protect my new family and I won't let anyone in love die again. I promise you that.

He put the ring back in its box and put it back in the secret compartment as he left

All: wow

Inko: That ring was beautiful

Nezu: I think that's it for the day I don't want all of you to be to stimulated

Midnight: But the last song

Nezu: Maybe tomorrow

All: Fine

We Are Family - Keke Palmer

Failure - Neffex

Centuries - Fall Out Boy

Roll Up - Wiz Khalifa

Sunflower - Post Malone & Swae Lee

Every Time We Touch - Cascada

Marry Me - Jason Derulo

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