Chapter 1

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Oceanpaw leaped at a black tabby shecat and landed on her back and pinned her down." Ugh, Stoneclan will never get away with this." The black cat meowed. "It's not my problem that your weak." Oceanpaw hissed as she bit down hard on the she cat's Broken leg. The shecat yowled in pain before looking up at the sky in pure terror before falling limp and motionless."OCEANPAW LOOK OUT!" Berrypelt yowled to Oceanpaw." Huh, wha-" She was cut off by a great weight knocking her over and pinning her down." YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH KILLING MY DAUGHTER!" Oceanpaw looked up only to see a muscled brown tom raking his claws across her face. The pain that shot through her head made her hind leg reach up and claw at the warrior's side. He grunted in pain and released her only to raise his paw, getting ready to claw her underbelly. Oceanpaw quickly dodged his attack out of instinct and was able to get up and get ready to attack.

Just as she was about to leap for the brown tom's neck a voice cried "HALFSTAR IS DEAD! WE SURRENDER! WE SUREENDER!" At that moment the Tom raced across the Wingclan clearing only to stare down at a bloody ginger body as yowles of Triumph filled the air and the Stoneclan cats left the clearing." Come on Oceanpaw." Said Oceanpaw's best friend, Berrypaw."I'm coming she replied padding over to her friend. "That was a great battle. We even killed Halfstar! Did you kill anyone?" Berrypaw asked." Yes, I killed a black shecat. I think that was ravenwhisker." Oceankit responded as she licked her bloody black tipped paw."Lucky! I wasn't able to kill anyone but I came really close to killing this white shecat." She responded as they were coming close to their own territory." You two did very well." Meowed a voice behind them. Both apprentices whipped around quickly to come face to face with a battle ragged golden Tom." Hi Goldenclaw." Oceanpaw meowed." I saw you kill Ravenwhisker over there. She is usually stronger then that." Goldenclaw said.

As they went through the Stoney tunnel entrance to the Stoneclan camp Oceanpaw felt tiredness flood over her. The dark night sky was lit by the moon and the stars of silverpelt. Hunger made her stomach roar and growl for food as Oceanpaw padded to the highrock for a clan meeting that their leader, darkstar instructed." We had a successful battle avenging our pride and glory gifted to us by Starclan.When yellowtooth told me about the Wingclan patrol he found on our territory and about their excuse that they apparently were chasing the rabbits that they had found on their territory onto ours on accident I became very very angry. I knew they couldn't get away with this but I spared them that time. But then we found MORE Wingclan patrols on our territory and I wouldn't just let them hunt in our territory without any consequences so I launched the attack. I have to say we were very successful and he also killed many of their cats.I am proud of you all. And because of this I think everyone should be able to get more fresh kill from the pile. We have a lot anyways." Darkstar announced and then he flicked his tail and let everyone go to eat." After we eat we can go see Maplestem to heal our wounds." Berrypaw meowed as she picked up a magpie from the fresh kill pile." Good idea. I have a bite on my shoulder I would like to heal." Oceanpaw meowed picking up a plump fish.

As they sat down and ate Oceanpaw noticed one of her friends, whitepaw looking up at the stars worriedly and sadly.whats up with her? Oceanpaw thought curiously.She was cut from her thoughts when Berrypaw nudged her gently" What are you looking at?" She asked." N-nothing." Oceanpaw responded only to yawn shortly after." I'm tired." She meowed." Me to. Let's go to sleep I'm full anyways." Berrypaw said nudging Oceanpaw to her paws.they padded over to the apprentices den witch was a huge hollow log that Oceanpaw believed could fit the clan.Oceanpaw sat down in her nest next to the wall of the den witch had a hole to look through. As she looked out to the sky she saw giant dark clouds and scented rain. Oceanpaw decided to look back through the battle. She remembered all the times she had killed enemy cats, even though Stoneclan mainly killed in cold blood there was only a feeling of pride and glory in it. When Darkstar had been made leader of Stoneclan long ago he had exiled many that had refused to kill in cold blood. Even elders and kits, he had been making the kits train a little so they could be strong and useful warriors to him.And even though some thought it was wrong Oceanpaw could only feel pride in it and she thought it would never change.

Hey guys I hope you liked the first chapter of my new book. I want to make a full series of books so plz give me some support if you want to see more of this book and tell my what you think of it in the comments. Plz follow me and vote on my story's. and thank you for viewing :3

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