Chapter 4

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      Oceanpaw and Berrypaw walked through the forest to Fireclan territory. The moment they stepped one paw into the marshy land Oceanpaw felt like something bad was going to happen because to the fight. She glanced at her clan mates, all of them had blood thirsty looks on them. There eyes focused on the land ahead, there mouths gaping wide to show teeth, it seemed as if nothing had changed from her clan's ways. Finally they got to the Fireclan camp. Oceanpaw sighed before putting on the same bloody look that her clan mates had. She silently prayed to Starclan that everything would go well and that no Fireclan nor Stoneclan cat would die. " ATTACK!" Darkstar yowled as he and Oceanpaw's clan mates ran into the Fireclan camp. Oceanpaw ran with them, she eyed an apprentice from the corner of the camp. Having no choice but to fight she rushed at him. She knew the white apprentice's name from the past gathering. He was one of the newest apprentices in Fireclan or so she was told. His name was jaggedpaw. Jaggedpaw stared at the fight, completely motionless, he would be an easy target especially since he only had one and a half moon of training. She leaped onto him and twisted him around. She pinned the apprentice down and started at him for a simple heartbeat. He was more muscled then Oceanpaw had expected. His eyes blazed with anger as he tried to swipe at her flanks with his paws. Oceanpaw bit down at his ear, Jaggedpaw gave out a high pitched screech as Oceanpaw felt a small bit of bone touch her teeth.he screams like a kit. Oceanpaw tightened her grip on his ear as he tried to shake her off. Eventually Oceanpaw lost her grip on his belly and slipped off of him. Oceanpaw landed on her feet ungracefully.Even though she was off Jaggedpaw she still felt a piece of flesh, fur, and bone in her mouth.

Jaggedpaw screeched again, this time even louder then before. Oceanpaw followed his gaze to his ear where it was completely ripped off and torn. The place where his ear was supposed to be was caked with wet blood that oozed out of the wound. Oceanpaw dropped the thing she was holding and looked at it. She was holding his ear! " Great Starclan!" She yelped. She jumped back quickly from the ear and looked right back at Jaggedpaw. Had her gripe really been that strong?He's such an easy target.Without thinking Oceanpaw leaped at Jaggedpaw, his eyes were filled with horror and fear but then started to fill up with a sudden relief when huge, heavy paws hit Oceanpaw's sides and pinned her down. She looked up and saw a gray Fireclan warrior his eyes filled with hatred." You do NOT kill my apprentice!" He swiped at Oceanpaw's head fiercely, his giant grey paws slammed her nose.She grunted painfully. Oceanpaw raised her paw and sliced her opponent's chin. He grunted as Oceanpaw also raked his flanks fiercely. He tripped on her hind paws and tumbled onto the ground. He scrambled to his paws before Oceanpaw knocked him down again. " Why are you attaching us?" He screeched over the yowls and screams of other cats.Oceanpaw froze.should I tell him? She hesitated. Oceanpaw shot her eyes around the battle field, she was looking to see if Darkstar was watching her.To her relief he was focused on fighting another Fireclan cat." Follow me. To those bushes." She pelted into the bushes and looked over her shoulder to make sure the gray warrior was following. She leaped into the bushes, followed by the other cat." Listen, it's not our fault we are fighting you." Oceanpaw meowed.

" what?" The gray warrior tilted his head.
" Darkstar is making us fight."
" but why?"
" I'm not sure. But he always comes up with an excuse."
" Then why don't you object on fighting? Maybe reason with him."
"That wouldn't work. It's either fight, or exile."
" that's horrible!"
" just please remember it's not our fault."

Silence filled the air for a long moment." My name is Grayscar." The warrior said at last." I'm Oceanpaw." Oceanpaw caught Grayscar's gaze." Maybe we should stay here until the battle ends." Grayscar suggested." No. Darkstar would find  out soon enough. We must go back out there." Grayscar nodded in understanding as he slowly padded out of the bushes.Oceanpaw followed him silently." WE SURRENDER!!!" Oceanpaw looked up at a branch high in a tree on the side of the Fireclan camp. Longstar the leader of Fireclan was standing there, covered in scars and bruises, panting and bleeding, her eyes filled with fear and confusion." We surrender." She said again.Before Longstar could say any more the Stoneclan cats cheered victory.Longstar waved her tail for silence." Darkstar, why have you attacked us?" She shot a cold glare at the Stoneclan leader.Darkstar glared back at her, not daring to challenge the strong yet calm Fireclan leader.
"I want you to give us back the Stoney falls." He was referring to the water fall that the old leader of Stoneclan, Oakstar, had let Fireclan borrow for a while. Even though she had never even seen the old leader she had heard stories of his leadership from the elders when she was just a kit." What! Never in a thousand moons!" Longstar hissed." Oak star let you borrow them. NOT keep them. We COMMAND you to give us back the falls. Or else we will launch another attack but with our strongest warriors. You are lucky no cat From your clan has died in THIS battle." Darkstar glared at Longstar, this time with more hostility." Do you think I will give up such a plentiful piece of territory? Never!" Longstar's tawny colored fur glittered with blood. A gash on her shoulder was bleeding the most." Now LEAVE!" She commanded.Oceanpaw saw Darkstar grumble something under his breath however she wasn't in ear shot to hear what he had said.As they left the blood stained camp the Fireclan warriors hissed and spit at them. And some were even mumbling insults." You pieces of fox dung better not come back." She heard one cat say.As she walked Berrypaw fell in step with Oceanpaw." I saw you tear that apprentice's ear off. That was amazing!" Berrypaw chirped." Well I wasn't able to kill him. So it wasn't anything super special." Oceanpaw whispered." I was about to kill Birdpaw but then that stupid Longstar had to stop me." Berrypaw grumbled.

" Brightpaw! Swipe faster." Thinstripe yelled at his apprentice. Oceanpaw unsheathed her claws to steady herself as Brightpaw swiped at Oceanpaw's legs. Oceanpaw simply leaped up and knocked Brightpaw over." You had to dodge that! It wouldn't have been hard to dodge."Blackstain and Thinstripe thought it would be a good idea for Brightpaw to do fighting training with Oceanpaw." Your the weakest apprentice ever!" Blackstain spat at Brightpaw."When I mentored Bluetree she picked up the simplest moves in about one day! You can't even do a simple swipe attack correctly!" Thinstripe grumbled." If your apprentice can't learn anything then why are we just sitting around? Let's go back to camp." Blackstain hissed. As the two mentors left the training area Oceanpaw and Brightpaw sat there, silent. I'm sorry I went so hard." Oceanpaw helped Brightpaw to her feet." I-It's ok." The dark brown apprentice meowed. Brightpaw began to lick the blood off herself like it was nothing but she still looked sad and weak." Thinstripe and Blackstain were right." She hung her head low as they began to head back to camp." I'm the weakest apprentice ever." Brightpaw trotted with Oceanpaw slowly. Oceanpaw was quiet and felt guilty for making the sweet apprentice look so weak.
         The moment they entered the camp they saw Darkstar on the high rock." Let all cats of Stoneclan join under the high rock for a clan meeting." He yelled. As the cats started to crowd around the rock Oceanpaw saw Tawnykit and her brother Patchkit right next to their mother with their heads held high. They are probably going to be made apprentice's today.Oceanpaw guessed as if the apprentice's den was crowded enough. There. Would be seven apprentices in the den tonight. Oceanpaw, Berrypaw, Brightpaw, Poppypaw, Smokepaw, Thrushpaw, Firepaw, and then Patchkit and Tawnykit were going to join the den." I want.....Starclan to look down at these two kits." He began pointing his nose at the two kits and saying the word Starclan as if it were rotting mouse bile." Today they will be made apprentice's. Patchkit, do you promise to learn the warrior code and obey it and your clan at the cost of your life?" He looked at the blue tom." I- I will." Patchkit meowed exitedly." Then from this day forward until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Patchpaw. Your mentor will be Bluetree." He turned to the blue-gray warrior."Bluetree, you are strong and brave, will you pass your skills to this apprentice?" Bluetree held her head up in pride." I will." Darkstar nodded." Then until he becomes a warrior Patchpaw will be your second apprentice." Bluetree headed over to Patchpaw and touched his        forehead with her nose.Darkstar grabbed the clan's attention again by calling out Tawnykit before the crowd could start to cheer." Tawnykit, will you learn the warrior code and obey it and your clan with the cost of your life?" He turned to the tawny colored kit.

         " I will! I will!" Tawnykit meowed joyfully." Then from now on until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Tawnypaw. Acornfoot will be your mentor." He turned to Arcornfoot whose pelt was shining light brown and tan in the light of the setting sun." Acornfoot, you are very smart and stealthy, please pass your skills to this apprentice." Acornfoot stood up straight as his clan mates looked at him." I-I will." He stuttered." Then from now on until she becomes a warrior Tawnypaw will be your first apprentice." Acornfoot bounded over to Tawnpaw and licked her ear.Then Darkstar flicked his tail signaling that all the cats could cheer." Patchpaw! Tawnypaw! Patchpaw! Tawnypaw! The clan cheered." I'm so proud of you." Oceanpaw heard Violetcloud meow to the to new apprentice's." your father would be proud as well." Hailwisker was their father. But he had died from badger fight only two moons after Patchpaw and Tawnypaw were born.After she ate Oceanpaw followed Berrrypaw and Brightpaw into the apprentice's den. Brightpaw tripped on a pebble and bumped into Berrypaw." Hey! Watch where your going weakpaw." Berrypaw hissed at Brightpaw and then trotted into the den.Brightpaw hung her head low and looked up at the starry sky.Brightpaw then whispered something to herself before padding into the log and taking her spot next to Smokepaw and Poppypaw, who was the oldest apprentice.was she praying to Starclan? Oceanpaw trotted into the den and then layer down in her nest. Even though she wasn't tired she felt a strange urge to sleep. Without saying anything to anyone in the den she curled up and dozed off.

I never know what to put here.........soooooooooooooo how was the chapter? I hope it was good. I want to get a chapter of Silver paws out before my little 4 day vacation ends. I'm not too concerned about The Wild Ones I mean I don't really like that book because the cover is horrible and I'm too lazy to get a new one for it and because it's just a rip off of into the wild. So ya I'm not to excited about updating The Wild Ones because man these REAL book updates tale a long time to finish. I wanted to finish the chapter last Monday but I had to cut that off my goals because my grandparents were coming over. So ya............bye :3

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