Flame's Question

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Flame was covered in blood. He was ripping up the body of a two year old Eevee, laughing manically. He had already killed the mother. Her Sylveon torso lay limbless and headless covered in blood. 

Flame's body was covered in scars, given to him by the Eeveelutions and Eevees who tried to take him down. Flame always killed them in the end. No one was a mach for him. No one.

Flame was the most feared Pokemon in Johto. Pretty much, if you looked at him wrong, he'd kill you. Flame threw the mangled Eevee remains into a trash can.

"Piece of crap, that one." He growled to himself as he limped off, paws leaving paw prints of blood from the Eevee and Sylveon. 

When he got to the cave him and Rock, a Shiny Glaceon he met a while ago, were hiding in, he plopped down next to Rock who was ripping the head off a Miltank they were going to eat. 

"Hey," Rock rasped, not looking up. "What's new?" 

"Killed a Sylveon and Eevee." Flame answered casually. "I have to say, I'm a bit unsatified." 

"Oh?" Rock lifted his head. "Why's that?" Like the Shiny Umbreon, Rock was covered in scars from previous fights. His ice- blue eyes glittered coldly. 

"Too easy. You know me. I like the hard stuff." Flame rose to his paws and shook his fur, splattering blood everywhere. 

Rock nodded. "I know."

Flame then looked Rock straight in the eye, a curious glint in his. "Rock, how did you become amazing 'Vee you are today?" 

Rock tilted his head. "Huh?" 

Flame shifted his paws. "I mean, I really admire you. I wanna be just like you. I just wanna know how you got to where you are."

Rock nodded. "Yes, yes, I see. Well, let me tell you a story..." 

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