The untold truth

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"If u really want to hear about it,the first thing you'll probably want to know is where was I born and what's my actual name and why did I take up this job?even after knowing my boss is not respect me"Annika said who was stressed out with the constant nagging of her boss for not having a proper surname, blood and lineage. Shivaay Singh Oberoi her boss was I rude arrogant businessman who thought that people without a surname were useless and thought that he was the king of business and that he could buy anything or anyone with his money.One day when you came across a girl without a surname he degraded her all the time. His family did not like his behaviour and kept on asking him to change his attitude and thinking as it will one day take away something precious to him and that day had come when I Annika agree to confess to him why she never used a surname.
Continues by saying that she was born in Delhi and that she also had a beautiful family like shivaay but one day something happened that change your life forever that incident was very Deptford as it took away her family from her. While saying these words a lone tear escaped her eye which she immediately rubbed away as she did not want to fall weak in front of her boss who she felt like killing right then for making her open up all her old wounds. She continues "you know when from small you grow up with ur family who loves u and u love them back ur parents,siblings,uncle,aunt,grandparents etc and they mean the world to you but then something happens and they go very far from u and that something is u it breaks ur heart into millions of pieces and ur family would have gone so far that it would be very hard for you to catch them it hurts a lot " she heaves a sigh her voice had become heavy and as her story was proceeding it was hard for her to compose herself suppressing a sob she continues throughout this shivaays whole attention was on her " I finished my studies and wanted to do my higher education in London so my family agreed and I left first few days I used to miss them a lot but then after that I got so engrossed into my studies that I neglected my family completely whenever they used to call me I used to either cut their calls or pick up and scold them for disturbing me when I am studying and cut the call without leaving atenong to what they wanted to say I did feel bad but then eventually I tried calling them and everything was back to normal or so I thought " Annika was now in tears she was crying and shivaay could not see her like this because the Annika she knew was a self made woman who was always bold and straight forward and was also shocked by the sudden revelations he wanted to know more about by this he didn't mean her past but just her, her likes dislikes etc but then she ended up telling him her past which was really not all sunshine sand daisies like he thought it was but now that she had started he wanted her to spill her heart out in front of him and share her pain with him and only him and the reason for this he did not know himself . Shivaay on seeing Annika in such a state just keeps his hand on her shoulder and patted her back which sort of brought Annika back to reality, she murmured a sorry and continued "I guess that is the reason why God took them away from me and left me here as an orphan I tried to kill my self many a times for treating them badly and not giving them the love and respect they deserve and had to get I....i just *sob* neglected them and now I regret for doing all that I did ". Shivaay was shocked would be an understatement the girl he thought to be strong and independent had gone through so much pain and at that point he remembered all those harsh words he had said to her and all those insults and his behaviour towards her made him regret everything and he looked down due to guilt. After composing herself she continues "My full name is Annika Choudhary and I prefer to not use my surname as it keeps nagging me about my past of how ungrateful I was to my family hence I never use it as it is of no use now as my family is not with me due to my negligence and even after knowing that in this commercialised world a persons surname defines him or her yet I never use it and I also left my house gave away all the money my parents earned to orphanages in my families name so that they could at least have a little peace in thinking their daughter is not bad and the values they had imbedded in me are still their. I seriously don't know why I took up this job as I are an arrogant,rude boss no one would wish to work here except people who want money or those who want power or those who want both and I don't crave for such things but the thing that attracted me towards this job was ur family who reminded me much of my own family so that would probably would be the reason for me to take up this job " she said after this she comes to an end of her story and looks at her boss who had become her friend few days back keeping aside their differences and to tell the truth they enjoyed each other's company and about her outburst it was due to few of her colleagues who were spreading rumours about her falling for their boss being a girl without NKK and him asking her about herself made her think that he wanted to know about her past and then he was her friend so she had to tell him for the trust he showed towards her hence she opened her heart for him and now seeing him looking down she thought he was angry on her for hiding this from him so she slowly keeps her hand on his shoulder and asks him to look at her which he did and when he did she could see many emotions floating in his blue green orbs seeing this she said to him that he was lucky to have a family which will be always with him during his bad and good times and tells him to always respect them and to never give anyone or anything so much importance than his own family cause ur family is the reason for u to smile laugh live and love which no amount of money can buy u so always be with ur family even if they r wrong correct them and get them on the right path saying this she got up to leave but couldn't as someone was holding her hand and that someone was none other than shivaay who pulled her back and hugged her tightly and kept on murmuring sorry in her ears whereas Annika was quite taken aback by his sudden move but yet she hugged him back and said it was okay they stayed in each other's embrace for a while and then broke the hug she looked directly in his eyes whereas he also did the same and he said to her that he does not know what his feelings were towards her but let it be anything but that would not be because of her confession about her surname but entirely on her character and promised her that he would not speak anything about anyone before knowing their true nature Annika smiled after hearing and said to him that he is always with him and will also try to find out her feelings towards him listening to which even shivaay smiled and they promised each other that they will be with each other and help the latter in every way they could and hugged each other .
....................THE END.......................

Hey guys this is poojitha here I am so sorry that I couldn't update my other book as I was busy with studies and had no time at all and also because I did not have any idea of what to do next and I am really sorry and if u guys have any idea then u can pm me and this os was written as a composition by me in my school test I know lame but then the only thing I know is to write stories and debate is not my form so I wrote this please do tell me if u liked my os or not and even negative comments are welcome here and guys please pleaseeeeeeee do vote .

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