Contract Assassin (Out Now)

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Nicklaus DiMarco is a Contract Assassin. He has been assigned to kill a woman. When he lays eyes on her he knows that he won't be able to go through with the contract.


Here's the prologue of the story.

My name is Niklaus DiMarco I am 30 years old and I am a Contract Assassin. I've been doing this job since I was eighteen. I was hired by a very important family whose names I can't mention as I could be the next one on there list.

I've killed plenty of people for this family and they've been there for me when no one else has. I would probably be dead by now if it wasn't for The Family. I owe them for the great life I've been living until now.

The son of the family I'm protecting walks into the office and he sits across from me. He clears his throat. "Hey, Nik. Dad sent me here with another person for you to get rid of. She's been causing us a few problems." He throws the picture on the table.

A beautiful girl with dark brown/black hair, looks at me and she has a smile on her face. A pen and paper in her hand.

What did she do to The Family?

I look at the son and say. "What's her name?"

He looks at the picture again. He frowns. "Her name is..." He trails off and scratches the back of his head. "...she's ... uh, named after a flower."

I shake my head. "That's really helpful. Do you know where she works?"

He nods. "She's a reporter."

This assignment is going to be tricky.


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