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3 years ago•The Castle•Third Point of View

Ventus sneered above the fallen Queen, his back to her. "You never listen. You should listen next time Esme, and then I will not be forced to hit you."

A whimper escaped the cracked lips of the defenceless woman. "I-I-"

He turned on the heel of his shoe, glaring at Esme. "Why are you speaking? Where is the cloth gone?"

Esme's eyes widend. She had forgotten she had slipped off the piece of cloth in her mouth. Lowering her neck in submission, she closed her eyes tightly, trying desperately to contain her tears. That would just result in more pain.

A glass cracked from above her and she visibly flinched.

Her mate knelt to face her, dragging a broken piece of glass down her arm. "You are ignorant and your son is exactly like you. Maybe you shouldn't have-"


The King snarled at the voice of the boy. Why he had to keep up this charade of a Father/Son relationship, he did not know.

"Stop whatever you are doing. I will not hesistate to kill you."

The Queen pulled herself from the floor, shaking horribly. "Go away Max, you will be whipped again if you come help me and I do not want that."

Her heart softened at the bandage covering one of his eyes. He could've gone blind because of her mate.

"No Mother, it's time I do something about this."

Ventus' booming laugh had both Mother and Son shivering in fear, chills spreading through their bodies as the maniac continued to find humour in the situation.

"You say this everytime, son. Maybe there is a reason why you haven't done anything yet."

The Queen's nostrils flared at the insult and her hands found a piece of glass, large enough to stab.

"Now get out of this room so I can have some fun with your Mother. Unless you want to be blind..."

He slapped Max, just for effect. "Now go."

Esme met her gaze with her son and subtly nodded towards the door. She too thought he should go.

He sighed, his eyes brimming with tears and left, allowing his Mother to do whatever she had planned.

Ventus smiled a sinster smile when he faced Esme, completely disregarding the fact that she had glass in her left hand.

He ripped the front of her dress, using the claws of his lycan and Esme gulped down the bile waiting to explode everywhere.

Her body responded against her will but her mind was already planning the murder of her mate. Even her lycan was silent.

She turned her face away from the look of lust in her mate's eyes and lifted her left hand. She watched as the glass pierced the place of his heart.

It was like she was floating and watching her body continiously stab Ventus.

The sound of his blood rushing out faster and faster and the look of shock written all over his face caused Esme to smile.

Her hand could not stop. A pair of arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her away, carrying her away from her fallen mate.

She did not care that her face was covered with blood or that her dress was ripped. The only thing with her focus was the bond, fading away as Ventus bled out.


Esme tried to listen to her son, but everything sounded like it was so far away.

Her heart hammered in her chest, creating a haunting rhythm that she happily listened to. She stabbed her mate. She killed him. She killed him.

Max wrapped his arms tighter around her as tears that she did not ask for started to spill.

For the first time in a very long time, Esme cried.


"The act was very believable V, I think she really does think that you are dead."

Ventus walked slowly towards the small house in the clearing, his hand hovering over his heart.

He knew she hated him, but he did not know she would actually stab him. The action increased his fire of anger for Esme and his eyes glowed at the thought of pure revenge.

Ever since she had chosen his brother of her own mate, Ventus had planned out his revenge.

And now, now he was one step ahead of everything.

A small smirk found it's way onto his lips as he entered the home of the mad scientist.

To his right stood his daughter, his illegitimate daughter. Her blonde hair swept in the wind and the scar running down her face was just a reminder of how crazy her Mother was.

Little did she know her Father was ten times worse than her Mother.

Ventus held her hand gently and walked into the house, only one thought in his psycopathic mind.

Two can play at that game Esme.


Esme clutched to the sheets of her bed, memories of the first time she had entered the castle the only thing processing in her mind.

Then they were both happy. It was all her fault he changed and had become ruthless and a murderer. Now, she was suffering the dreaded consequences.

She climbed onto the bed and curled into a ball. Her heart slowed down until it was resting rate and her body shook with uncontrollable tears. She knew though, what she started, she had to finish.

Her Father's fleeting words echoed in the distant.

You are a ball of sunshine. Now go shine infront of everyone. Show them what Esme is made of.

Through her tears, she allowed a bubble of laughter to take their place for a split second.

Her Dad was always the optimist and it was her Dad, who although had passed away, would pull Esme out of this whirlwind of despair with words he used.

And for that, Esme would be forever greatful because what happened that night would always linger in the back of her mind, creating paranoia everywhere she would go.

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