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Lana shivered, the cold air of the haunting night seeping into her sensitive skin.

There's no way what was going on with her was real. It had to be fake. Lana was just a village girl.

She fell onto her bed, glancing towards the mirror. Her small, sharp eyes reflected the difference in her ancestors and her black locks emphasised it.

She had her Mother's looks and her Father's blood ran through her veins. And clearly, they were important. But how?

Her mind yearned for answers so she closed her eyes and when she re-opened them, there was a spark burning bright in them.

A small smirk found it's way onto her full, peach lips and she roughly shoved on her trainers to go outside.

She had decided to wear a baggy hoodie and leggings so that she was comfortable and able to run if needed.

The sleeves of the hoodie were folded over and scrunched up in her hands and she jogged down the stairs and straight out of the door. If there was anything more annoying then not knowing the truth, it was someone stopping her whilst she was trying to find it.

She was instantly met with ice cold wind, practically biting away at her tanned skin. She shivered once again but started her journey into the woods.

To her, this was the most pointless thing in the world. First of all, the person hadn't even given a specific destination, just a general one.

Second of all, it was pretty unsafe for her to go out when there was so many zombies causing havock everywhere.

If this was a horror movie, Lana would be swearing at the screen, yelling at the protagonist to turn back and grab someone to go with.

But this was real life. And Lana, like all those protagonists, seemed to be extremely crazy.

F*ck it, am I right?


Maximus groaned, pain spreading through his knuckles. His eyes were hooded and yawns were escaping his lips but he was determined to get through the big stack of papers on his desk.

Maybe it would've been a good idea to not punch the wall before working for hours on end.

He would work, then he woukd pay his Mother a visit and then he would go to sleep next to his already sleeping mate.

His wolf was on edge, anxious abiut something but Max shrugged it off. Sometimes, it was better to just ignore his wolf.

His slender fingers ached to rest and he put the fountain pen away, shuffling the documents until they too were stored away safely.

As soon as he stood, pins and needles erupted in the length of his leg and he stomped all the way into his Mother's room, just to see something extremely suprising.

The Queen pointed her shaky finger towards something at the other end of the room, her terror evident in the room.

"It's, it's-"


Lana heaved forward, dragging her numb legs with her. If somebody had told her she would be going on a trek in the woods she would've been more prepared.

There goes her fitness, flying out of the non-existent window.

"Seems like you are willing to defy your mate."

The unexpected male voice echoed in the silent area and Lana spun around, her eyes eagerly trying to find the owner of the voice.

A figure in the distance made it's way towards Lana, the person becoming clearer and clearer the closer he got.

Familiar black hair shaped into a quiff occupied the top of his head and small, sharp eyes stared back into Lana's own.

It suddenly became very hard to breathe because stood infront of her was a replica of herself but with more manly features.

She blinked multiple times and even pinched herself but the man did not dissapear. Infact, the smirk that she remembered her Father always doing now lied on this stranger's face.

"Lana, it's great to meet you. I'm Leo, your long lost twin."

She gasped loudly, stumbling backwards in pure shock. How? Her parents never mentioned having another child. There was never anything about anything about him. At all.

"And yes, you are the older one. Exactly 6 minutes after you a baby boy was born from the same Mother. She was given a drug to help her sleep the stress away. During this time, somebody took the baby boy and forged his death. The Mother awoke to only see one child. However, she wasn't bothered because she had no memory of the boy."

Lana struggled to keep up. That is not even possible. The only way you can do that is if you are a-

"A witch took the boy. The boy and girl possessed a special something that without eachother, would not be triggered. The witch didn't know this and took only one, in hopes of having an apprentice and someone to carry on her legacy. The boy was never to be seen again."

Leo laughed, his booming laughter the only sound in the woods apart from Lana's heavy breathing.

"Do not worry, our power is not exactly as cool as anyone thought. No. We just harbour a heck load of intelligence which will be triggered as soon as we touch. We can also contact with something slightly different to mindlink that can not be broken and we can see through eachother's eyes."

A twig poked the side of Lana's body and she rested against it, out of breath.

"Why can't I do that now?"

Leo casually leaned against a different tree. "That's because we've never been in physical contact. And the maid thing? I learnt that off of my mentor so you don't have anything to worry about."

Lana sighed and ran towards the boy, falling into a warm hug that seemed so natural. Brother and sister. Twins.

The parent thing though, what was that?

The mood seemed to darken immediately and Leo let go of Lana.

"That's the problem Lana."

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