Chapter 8 - Eternal Love

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Knuckles pov

It had been a few weeks since Sonic gave birth to Light and yet it was a miracle that nothing bad happened to Sonic during Lights birth..... my eternal love for Sonic grew more as I see him happy with our son.....I never knew how heart warming it really be close to a family of your least until Sonic gave birth to Light.....I had him move in with me after he returned from the hospital with our sweet, so full of life, and so beautiful.... I watched Sonic sitting on the couch feeding our son....I must admit Sonic really is an amazing mother......

Sonics pov

I just finished feeding Light and letting all of the air out (as in getting the baby to burp)....if there is one thing I know during Lights birth is that I really am a good mom....even though I am a boy.....yeah it's a anyway I just put Light our baby down in his crib for a nap.....I looked at him smiling...our baby boy is sleeping like an angel as soon as I walked out of the room quietly I sat back on the couch that's when I saw Knuckles sitting beside me smiling.....he held my hand and said, Sonic can we talk? I was happy and confused at the same time but I ask, what is it Knuckles? He started, you see Sonic these times since I met you have.....always been the best days of my life.....although I have regrets of hurting you....Sonic all I'm saying had made me happy than I ever had and....*we stood up and looked at each other* I couldn't imagine what my life would be without you.....*it was time for the perfect moment I got down on one knee with a ring on my hand*.....and so all I'm gonna ask you is.....Sonic The Hedgehog will you marry me?

Sonics pov

I gasped I can't believe it I...I don't know what to say.....Knuckles.....I burst into tears smiling as I nodded and whispered, oh Knuckles...your so sweet....yes...yes I will marry you....he placed the ring on my finger and then held me tight as the tears pour down on my face.....then we gazed into each other's eyes as we kissed.....

Up next the wedding chapter don't worry you will see more of Baby Light...

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