Chapter 2

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Some days are bad, while some are good but both are important to make us realise the importance of the good days and things we have.

I reached the school at 7:50 because the damned GPS showed me the wrong way. I mean it showed me the right way but me being me wasn't able to comprehend it and lost my way. I reached school almost 10 minutes late when it was just a 5 minutes distance. Nevermind.
To my surprise I saw that the parking was almost full. I said to myself,"I thought that the school do not start till 8:30." People were standing in groups. Hugging their friends. It was weird. I was new here but in my old school I didn't have much friends. I had friends but they were so so fake. That school was so fake. The teachers and the regimentation all were fake. I'm happy to change my school. I hope I get some real friends here.
The parking lot was almost full. I surfed through it trying to find a place. Almost to the corner a very spacious space was there that too in the shade.  I wondered why have no one parked here.  Strange. Maybe you know like all schools, this school would also have some badboys who maybe rule the school. Rule in the sense that girls would worship them and boys want to be like them.
Oh my God. I am being so cliché and dramatic. I have to decrease the amount of cliché books I read these days. Hehe :).
I was backing my car in that space when another car came. Not just any car but a Porche, that too the latest version. I stared at the car in awe. I loved this car and wanted it, I had even told my parents about the same. But till the time dad tried to purchase it, it was already out of stock.  Like it was a limited version. I was so angry on dad.  Therefore he got me my baby this car. I love my baby a lot but this version of Porche which is in front of me is my dream car. I have always been a daddy's girl. I don't have the best relationship with my mom. She is more or less always busy. And since I'm the older than most my siblings she asks me to be more rationale. She thinks I'm not responsible, when I am.
Actually leave it.
But dad. Dad is like my best friend, of course after my siblings. He taught me how to ride a motorcycle at 13. We used to go on long rides. He also taught me football and how to drive a car. We have a lot of matches of football every month. Pros of having a large family.
I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't observe that the car stopped just foot away from crashing into mine. It might be my dream car but I won't let anything hurt my baby.
I lowered my windshield and shouted at the driver," Are you mad or what? Are you blind or maybe you don't how to drive? Do you know you could have crashed with my car. And maybe also killed me. Who do you think you are? If you don't know how to drive then don't, you will end up killing some one. "
I opened my car door and came and slammed the door shut.
To say I was frustrated and furious would be an understatement.
I was much beyond that.
As I moved out of mine. Two boys came out from the backseat of the cars, each from one side and the third followed suite.
They were simply gorgeous. Such striking features that would make any girl swoon.
The first one had crisp blond hair and black eyes. He was lean and talk around 6'2 and had a proportionate body.
The second one was very similar to him, a bit too tan. Almost the same height and features as the first one. With brown eyes. Very dark brown but he had brown hair. Hehe he could be called browny. I laughed to myself. He had amused yet confusing look on his face maybe be because I was giggling
While the third one was short. Shorter than me he was around 5'7 Healthy not lean. He had gray eyes with freckles on his face. He looked kinda cute. He was full on laughing but why, God knows.
Then came out another from the passenger door. He was almost the same height as me 5'9. Blue electrifying eyes. Lean and had a completely annoyed look on his face.
"Do you even know who we are?" He said.
" Ohh. Who are you, some king or what?" I said.
"Who the hell are you? You are just some idiotic girl and you just want some damn attention." He said.
" Oh God, you are so full of yourself. There may be girls, who worship you, but I'm not one of them. Get it for your non existent brain." I said with a smug look on my face.
Before he could say anything else, the boy sitting in the driver seat came out. Me and this blue eyed boy were having a staring competition, when the boy from the driver seat came and said to this idiotic blue eyed boy, "Leave it Asher." And Asher backed of.
That's when I took notice of him.
He looked much better than every single of them, more or less like their leader.
But friends I swear he was drop dead gorgeous but I hardly knew he would change my life.

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