Imagine (1)

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Damon Salvatore

I had a deal with Damon. I made it last night at the bar. If I am going to stay in Mystic Falls I can't disturb Elena nor Stefan for a Mikaelson cause. Which would usually be the average sacrifices or ripper joint. Here's the thing, Klaus already did both of those things. He was unsuccessful in both. Not very often does he fail at projects like those, but there is something different about the Salvatores. Damon specifically.

"Speaking of the devil," I smiled as Damon stood at the doorway.

"May I come inside, dearie?" He asked.

"It's not like I own this house, love."

"I know. It's in four-closure. It's still nice to ask,"

 "Damon Salvatore being nice to me? A Mikaelson." I scoffed.

"You're not like the other Mikaelsons. Why is that?"

"Let's just say I had a change in heart that the other Mikaelsons aren't capable of. What are you here for, darling."

"I came to ask you on a date. You know. The thing that boys and girls do when they like each other," He mocked with hand gestures.

I turned to him and smiled.

"I don't know. A Mikaelson with a Salvatore. Sounds like a bloody suicide trip for you." I laughed.

"Oh come on. You at least owe me a chance,"

"No. I owe it to you to leave Elena and Stefan alone,"

Damon surrendered and began to walk out the door. Then I interrupted him.

"Wait," I said. "It would be nice to have a break from the devastating reality of my siblings."

He smiled.

"Well, what about the Mikaelson ball?" He suggested.

"Oh now you're asking for it. Fine. But if you get yourself in a bloody mess with my siblings, I'm out."


Niklaus Mikaelson

"There's something about him," I said as I sat on Elena's bed. Caroline, Bonnie and Elena looked at me like I was stupid.

"You've got to be kidding me," Caroline said.

"Yeah he's like a freaky demon type thing. You can't possibly like him," Bonnie added.

"Alright, alright. I don't like him."

"We have to be clear who our enemies are," Elena said.

"Yeah I know," I looked down.

"Well, let's go over our plan for tonight. At the ball," said Bonnie.

"Right," I sighed. "Our plan to destroy Klaus."

Everyone rolled their eyes at me.

"Ok, look! Elena, you're in love with Stefan! Who I must say, is no different. Caroline, you have a freaky werewolf boyfriend. Why are you so against me being with Klaus."

"Are you really comparing Klaus to Stefan?" Elena defended.

"Yes I am! You know what? He was a ripper. He invented the term ripper."

"She's right." Bonnie said. "But Klaus is over 1000 years old and he's a hybrid. You're a human and he's our enemy. Let's keep that clear."

I reluctantly nodded.

"So, our plan?" Caroline broke the silence.


It was time to go home. The ball was tomorrow. Elena and Caroline are the only ones invited as of now. Elena was invited by Elijah and Caroline was invited by Kol. I haven't seen Klaus invite anyone yet. Bonnie is suppose to be our secret weapon. Caroline and Bonnie walked out the front door to go home, but before I stepped out of the house, Elena grabbed my arm for my attention then let go.

"Please, keep away from Klaus." She said. "I love you. You are a sister to me. I can trust you with everything, but if I have to lock you up, I will. I don't want you to get hurt." 

She smiled. I gave her a weak smiled and went home. I got in my pajamas and started to head to bed. But then my doorbell rang. I went to the door and  opened it. No one was there, but then I looked down. There was a big black box with white ribbon tied around it.

I skeptically took it inside and put it on my bed. 

I can't possibly open it. It may be from Klaus.

You know what? I'll open it.

I carefully untied the ribbon and slowly lifted the lid of the box. Inside was a letter and a dress. I opened the letter.

It read:

You're invited!

The Mikaelsons invite you to a welcoming family ball tomorrow night at 8 pm.

Dress nice.

At the bottom, Klaus wrote a side note.

Save me a dance.

Love, Klaus.

I secretly smiled and put the letter aside. Inside the box was a beautiful beige dress. I quickly tried it on. I knew one thing for sure, that I was going to the ball. 

Elijah Mikaelson

I ran through the woods. Running away from my problems. When I reached the river, I walked into the ankle deep water then fell to my knees. I felt tears streaming down my face.

"What can I do? Why does everyone want to hurt me," I was trying to reach God. I knew he had to be out there. "Show me a sign!" I hit the water again and again. "Please," I pleaded as more tears rolled down my cheeks. "I need help."

"Hello, love." Elijah appeared from behind.

I stood up and wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"Elijah," I said still looking off in the distance.

I could hear him taking his shoes off and stepping inside the water.

"Aren't you ruining your suit pants or whatever?" I said, still looking away from him.

"What are you doing out here? Alone?" He stopped walking and was looking off into the distance just like I was.

"I'm just . . . looking for help."

"I don't think you'll find it out here."

"You say that like you know," I sighed and looked down.

He took his hand and lifted my eyes to meet his. "I am over 1000 years old, love. I do know."

"Who can help me then?" I asked with the tears fighting their way back.

"I can help you."

I nodded as he pulled me into a hug.

"You should go home. You'll be safe there. I can walk you back."

"Ok." I agreed.


After walking for awhile, we finally showed up at my house. He stopped me on the sidewalk before I entered the porch.

"I have given you something. The box on the porch. I suggest you go." He smiled and speeded off.

I walked up to my house and grabbed the box. I went inside and shut the door. I put the box on my bed and changed into my pajamas before I opened it. Inside was a letter and a dress.

The letter was an invitation to the Mikaelson ball. On the back was a note written by Elijah.

I hope you can go, darling.
Your compassion is a gift,
Treasure it like I do.

Fondly, Elijah

The dress was absolutely beautiful. I am definitely wearing this dress to that ball. There's something about him.

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