Chapter 1

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    "You were the first person I thought of when I got it. It looks ancient. What do you mean you don't mean you don't know what it is. You know everything! Even about Area 51.


    Anyways I'm just going to start my story...

    I looked up at the sky, standing in front of my local library. The loud roar of the crowd of people walking around me echoed in the air. The chirp of average, boring pigeons fluttered around me.

    My feet touched on the warm stone steps that were baked in the sun the entire day. I opened the door and let the cold air rush onto my face. The smell of fresh books crept up my nose.

    My eyes started scanning the room as I stalked the aisles. A small shine appeared in the room. I bent down to grab a book. The book was old and about to fall apart. It wasn't ready to be in the library.

    Some asshole would have probably picked it up and done stupid stuff with it. Like burn it. Do you know how evil that is! They wouldn't even realize what they would do with it.

   So I did the obvious thing to do. I went to check it out. The librarian was surprised to see it too. She said that book didn't belong in the library. So she just gave it to me for free.

  I was so happy. So I brought it home. And called you."
  "Hey, Bro... I don't know what it is. Have you tried reading it yet? What's it called?"
  "No. I haven't tried reading it yet. I called you first thing. The title says Immortui Gramaire. Isn't that two different languages?"
  "Yeah. It's Latin and French... Stands for Undead Grimoire. Sounds cool. Probably some ancient adventure story. You should read it. I'm gonna go. Also. Make sure you're at Thanksgiving. Mom will kill you you if you miss it."
    "Fine, Fine. See you, Imogen."

  "Peace bro. Happy reading!" and with that I heard the line cut dead on me. I sat down and sighed. Honestly, I don't know if I'll even be able to read the damn book. Who names a book in two different languages. It's quite possibly one of the lamest things that I had heard.

  I walked into the kitchen getting prepared for a good read, hopefully. My knuckles cracked together as I pulled out a package of crackers. After about twenty minutes I had my snack preparations done. Cheese and crackers, grapes and a brownie for the good parts.

 I brought out the good recliner, and dimmed the lights to give it the proper ambiance. Sadly, I never reached the point to use the recliner or eat the snacks.

I unlocked the book with the key that was on the side. The book opened up and a glow of pink lit the room. Words fluttered off the pages and swirled around me. A circle, that reminded me of my dads theories on Alchemy, appeared. It gripped me and fed me the knowledge of the book, as if it was desperate to feed. 

My vision flooded black as I awoke in what seemed like a courtroom. Voices were surrounding me. The pounding boom of my nightmares finally led me to open my eyes and listen.

  "THIS IS WHAT WAS BROUGHT TO US! Midas said he would lead us to a worthy candidate, but this one doesn't fit the cut." screamed a man who looked like a bad cosplayer. He was wrapped in linens and his face looked as if he was apart of an ancient burial of dung and pickles. 

"Calm down, Tutankhamen. What do you know about worthy? I seem to recall that you thought this book was a mantelpiece, when it first arrived in your hands." said a pale woman who was wearing clothes way to tight for the human body.

"Does that mean you'll take him, Seraphim?" young toilet guy said. 

"Gladly. It's been years since I've been allowed a vessel." Crazy white chick stated. She then looked at me. "Oh young one. You have much to learn."

That was the last thing I heard before I woke up back in my living room as if nothing had just happened. The only thing that my brain was processing was how badly this light hurt. 


Author: What'd you guys think. Vote, Comment, and Follow. See you next time, Royals!

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