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"Go on ahead Ailisa, I need to run to the restroom first." You steal a glance down the hall to where Ferris and the others are casting the ritual that could kill Kinley, before returning your gaze to Ailisa who is looking just as anxiously at the packed ballroom.

"Of course, Micah, but don't take too long." She casts another glance into the party. "There's already so many masks in there," she says with a whine.

Before you can wish her well, she dashes into the ballroom, leaving you alone in the hallway. Without hesitation you sprint forward and snatch the scarf from off the floor. You then race back to the lounge door and with bated breath, reach for the handle. Except you can't seem to grab the doorknob. Your hand can't even get within several centimeters of the door, no matter how hard you thrust forward.

A ward.

Of course they cast a ward on the door. Even if they hadn't been spooked by Ailisa's presence, it only made good sense to put up a barrier while trying to cast the spell. Which is probably why you can hear them chanting with reckless abandon from your spot out in the hallway.

Unfortunately, you don't know what the spell is so you have no idea how far along they are or how much time is left. All you know is that you need to get into that room and you need to stop the ritual before it is too late.

You take a step back, wondering if perhaps you can bang on the walls to get their attention. You inspect them and find that only the immediate area around the door is guarded. So you raise your hand and make a fist, ready to pound and pound on the wall until they come out.

You stop short though. You worry that trying to call out to them may just press them forward. If you had been in there with them and you heard someone shouting outside, banging on the wall, you'd try your best to move the ritual along and finish before someone barges in.

Yes, you're certain that forcing your way in is your only option. You need to cut the spell off at the quick if you have any hope of actually stopping Ferris and the others. And to do that you are going to need to defeat the ward on the door. Whoever put that up there, though, certainly must know more magic than you. You aren't sure how you're supposed to contend with it. You also know that the longer you stand there thinking about it, the sooner Kinley meets an unfortunate end. You're simply going to have to do your best with what little magical knowledge you have.

One thing you do know is that a spell is stronger when it is channeled through an object. You look around you and then you check your bag. You have the silver pin on your robe, the ornate cord wrapped around your waist, and the handkerchief Ailisa gave you. Certainly one of them could be used to destroy the ward...right?

What will you use?

- Silver Pin: ch 23

- Ornate Cord: ch 24

- Fancy Handkerchief: ch 25

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