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You know you need to stop the duke from attacking the wolves. He's the most powerful vampire at the ball and, even if you can warn the wolves in time, he'll still try to track them down or release his anger out on the town instead. It's best to take care of him now before he has a chance to rally his drones and vamps to start a war with the werewolves. However, you're not foolish enough to think that a mere human can take on an elder vampire.

You look to Ell, who watches you with some patience, even though time is slipping away as quick as water through open fingers. Your only chance is to enlist the help of another vampire, but you aren't sure Ell will put their life on the line like that for a human they've just met. Of course, you don't sense any harm in asking.

"I need to take care of that vampire, but I need your help to do it," you say, your words slow as you monitor their reaction. Surprisingly, their smile remains strong and confident upon their pale face.

"And you are aware that isn't just any vampire over there."

"I know he's Duke Gagnier."

"Then you know that any vamp will have quite a battle on their hands to take him head on. Which I'm willing to do as he is a pompous ass, but it would certainly be helpful if you could assist in some way to improve our odds. Any special talents I should know about?"

"I can do a little magic."

"Excellent," they say, their smile widening for a second before they pop back into the ballroom for a moment. Before you can ask where they're going, they return to your side with a jack-o-lantern in hand. "I need a tight ward. I can't hit him if the ward's too big. It should cling to me like armor, not bubble around me."

"I think I can do that," you mutter, taking the gourd from them.

"Well, off to it then." Without further delay, they charge forward, startling the wolf enough to have him jump a few feet and turning the duke's face into a raging purple. Neither of them even bother sharing words, there's no attempt for the duke to clarify why this is even happening. Thus is the world of the vamps. In-fighting is so common place, there's no need for explanations.

You, however, don't have time to dwell on it. You need to start rattling off a spell and fast. But first you check your belongings and see if perhaps you can add one more item to your spell, to really improve Ell's chances. You find the silver pin you bought with Ailisa earlier, the waterskin you grabbed from home, and the butter knife you stole from the ballroom. Which one will it be?

- Silver Pin: ch 220

- Water Skin: ch 221

- Butter Knife: ch 222

*** Please note this story is in progress and options may or may not be available at this time. ***

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