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You look into Ell's eyes and you can only find respect and honesty within them. Vampires are masters of deception, but you can't find anything in you that believes they are playing you for a fool. And if they are, then at least you are their fool, one that you hope they will continue to play with long after you escape this ball.

"My great vamp, you would do well to leave," you whisper. "A coven has grown in town and is currently preparing a spell to kill all the vampires within this hall..."

They put a finger to your lips, halting your words. Ell then calls a drone over and instructs him to remove their allies from the ball as quickly and quietly as possible. Then, as if you hadn't just told them that death was upon their heels, they turn back to you and continue to dance, following the beat and rhythm of the song.

"I would not want to see you succumb to the spell after your generosity to me," you continue, hopeful they will act upon your words, "and if it pleases you, I hope you'll take me away from all of this town's drama."

"There is more drama than you can imagine within vampire society," they reply with a playful smirk.

"At least there I can wade through it by your side."

You need not say more. Their sway stops and they bend their head down to steal a kiss from your lips. Their touch is soft, but thirsty and they pull away only out of need to flee than from lack of desire.

With that the song ends and without waiting another second, they take your hand and pull you towards the door. However, you only make it a few steps before a familiar face catches your eye, though it's hard to tell it's your friend Ailisa beneath the large ornate mask that covers the majority of her face.

"Ah, Duke Gagnier," says Ell, giving a slight bow to the vamp who leads Ailisa forward. Upon hearing the vamp's title, you recognize him as the owner and caretaker of the town, which makes him the host of this prestigious party. "I wish I could stay and chat, but I am far too bewitched by one of your fine feeders to dally around here any longer. Perhaps we can have..."

"Bewitched is right," replies the duke with a snarl. "My catch, here, drew my attention to your claim and wasn't I surprised to find a mage with your mask on."

You look over to Ailisa, who cowers behind the duke's massive arm, his grip tight around her wrist as she mouths her apologies. Then you look to Ell, who lets out a dramatic sigh.

"I don't have time for this," they groan, before whipping a dagger from out of their sleeve and charging the duke.

"How dare you bring a weapon here!" The duke, however, does not wait for Ell's apology, instead he lumbers forward with fangs bared and claws sharp. In doing so, he releases Ailisa, who stumbles forward to join your side.

"I'm sorry, Micah!" she cries while massaging her red wrist. "I was lamenting to the duke about how I couldn't find you and when I spotted you, I mentioned you weren't wearing the outfit you picked out because it was such a lovely ensemble... But, I honestly didn't know the robe meant anything! I didn't know it had to do with Ferris's coven."

"We'll talk of it later Ailisa, for now I need to get Ell out of here. Ferris's spell may finish any second!" You don't know what you can do to help as you are no match against a vampire, especially one as old and honored as the duke. However, you can't stand around either, so you race towards the door, where Ell and the duke tussle.

"Wait," mutters your friend, who does her best to follow up behind you, "Ferris is plotting something, I thought he just did little tricks and things..."

"Magic!" you shout, stopping in your tracks as your hands and eyes survey your prospects for a good spell.

"Magic?" whispers Ailisa, who glances over the crowd after your loud declaration. A few vampires watch you and several drones have closed in around the fight, but no vamp is foolish enough to either aid a vampire that has received the scorn of the duke or to assist the duke and risk making him look weaker because of it. So, they stay on the sidelines and the drones remain quiet sentries, unable to act unless commanded to do so.

No one will intervene as you call up a spell to save Ell, but you have to think fast and you have to pick an item to channel the magic through. All you have on hand is the silver pin you bought with Ailisa earlier, the cord of rope around your waist, and the golden horse figurine resting in your pocket. Surely one of them can assist you, but which one?

- Silver Pin: ch 47

- Rope: ch 48

- Horse Figurine: ch 49

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