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With your decision made, you remove the pin and hold it before you with stern determination contorting your face.

"I could have killed you with this silver pin, but I didn't. I didn't because I want to be with you, not the rebels."

They stand there looking at you, their lips twisted in a sort of bored frown.

"I'll grant you that the silver in the pin would cause a good deal of pain, it would get nowhere near killing me. Good to know where your mind is at though."

All the tension in your body slackens as you pull your arm back in with the meager pin sitting upon the palm of your hand. You sigh and bite the inside of your cheek as you fight back the disappointment and regret coursing through you.

"Well, you tried and frankly, you've done better than most would in your shoes." They turn from you and look to the door back to the hall. "You are amusing though, that I will grant you. Whether you are a rebel or not, I can't frankly say, but I have no desire to see your flame extinguished with the rest of them tonight. No one knows you were going to allow them entry except me. So, feel free to return to the ball and find yourself another vamp, I won't cause you any trouble."

They don't look back at you as they says this. Instead, they give a small wave of their hand as if to say goodbye and then heads back for the hall.

You, however, continue to stand there in the safety of the jack-o-lantern's glow. Ell is gone and so are your chances for finding life eternal with them. You do trust their word though. Inside you, you know they won't tell anyone else about your part in Ferris's rebellion. So, you may have a chance at finding another vamp. However, knowing that Ferris and the others will be getting slaughtered next door, doesn't put you in the right state of mind to find someone else on the dance floor.

So, with a shuddering breath and wet eyes, you step out of your weakening ward and head down the steps to where the carriages await the lucky couples heading out tonight. You slip past the elegant coaches and fine-bred stallions. You round the corner of the hall and find your way back on to the street, where the lights and music of the ball still bathes the somber dirt road and old, weathered buildings.

There's always next year, you tell yourself, even if that next year will be empty and miserable with the death of Ferris and his coven weighing down upon your shoulders.


You've found one of the unsuccessful endings for this branch of the story... Why not go back and find the right inspiration to convince Ell?

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